I have a confession to make…..I don’t really know my way around Google Analytics. I check my uniques and visitors each month and that is about it. I don’t delve too deep into the pages but as part of my study with BSchool I wanted to see what my top blog posts were and so I looked at the past 12 months and what do you think it was? My kitchen? The kids? Recipes?
Wait for it……drum roll………….Is a thermomix worth it? Yes that’s right, number 1 blog post for the past 12 months is whether a thermomix is worth it or not? Clearly a question on a lot of people’s minds and google searches.
And 2nd? A subject close to my heart…………………….knitting for newborns. I have my 19 week scan next week and despite the nerves and hoping that everything is ok with this pregnancy I am really looking forward to finding out whether I need to crack out the pink or blue wool yet.
And 3rd? Pottery Barn comes to australia!
When it comes to top categories on the blog for the last year. Well renovation comes up top and after 2 kitchens I get that. Will I do another kitchen? I’ve been asked a few times and actually I don’t think it will be in the life of this blog. A new kitchen is going to be a long long time down the road.
baking was up next……….I do love to bake…..except when I’m pregnant and exhausted. Then I don’t feel like baking which is why there have been no cake recipes lately. But if you want to bake me a cake then that is another matter. I could eat cake all day long this pregnancy.
and third category you have been reading? Family. Awwwwwww. Something close to my heart.
Now if you’re a blogger then get on to Google Analytics and by selecting the date range and then on the left hand side select Behaviour and then overview and you can see your top posts and pages for the selected time period. Another cool thing if you run a website or blog is to check out peek user testing. This was hilarious! The site will review your blog and see how user friendly it is, did the reader get what they expected, would they come back again
I love reading your blog news before I go to school each day. And Yes, a thermomix is totally worth it!
cheers, Trish
it sure is isn’t it! thermomix owners already know the answer:)
Hmm, I think I came here following the trail of a recipe for something. And I would also have searched for the Thermomix, to discover what on earth this device was. Then I read old posts on faith, knitting, the kids – it’s a nice composite of daily life that you write out for us to share and comment on. Cheers to you, and enjoy the baby knitting.
Well I for one am not surprised it is the fact you own a Thermomix that brings people to your blog. Searching for Thermomix recipes is how I stumbled on your blog not long after Emerson came into your life.
I love my daily catchup on here and your facebook page. It felt a bit strange at first peaking in on someone else’s life but now you are just part of my family.
Love your work.
and I’m so glad you found me that way Lesley:)
thank you
I think I discovered your blog from EB days way back when Kiera was born. I came across it when I search for banana bread and Japan too! These days I especially love to catch up in Elodies news as my son is also on a different abilities journey and I can see that sparkle in her eye xxx Bron
awwww love hearing that:)
thank youxx
As a Thermomix consultant and fellow blogger I am not surprised that post was your favourite. It is a great one. It addresses some questions that many people might wonder when they see a demo or have friends raving about their Thermie.
There are so many wonderful Thermomix resources out their and your blog is definitely one of them Corrie. Well done!
Hope you are feeling better soon.
awww thank you! love that chicken recipe you put up on your blog, will have to make it soon:) I still think of you as the hair bow lady:)
I did the peek user testing. It was pretty good! I think a Thermomix is TOTALLY worth it!!
it was wasn’t it! something I never even knew existed! And yes glad to see my thermomix owners out there agree with me:)
Have loved reading your blog for some time now, your love for family and passion for creativity shines through, I sneak a few minutes here and there to catch up on favourite blogs.
awww thank you:) I love hearing that:)
I do the same with my google analytics too. My most popular post is Help, My hot water tap won’t turn off. Obviously a lot of people head to google if they have a plumbing emergency. I did the peek test as you suggested and it gave me a really good insight about how a new user finds my blog. The positives suprised me. And there are things that I need to work on – just minor things to help readers navigate my site. Thanks so much Corrie for sharing the link.
In relation to your blog… I check in once or twice a week because that is all I’m doing these days since being pregnant as well. And I’m so glad to hear you’re not baking… because I’ve hardly done any myself because of the exhaustion. I hope you continue to feel well in your pregnancy. x
As I’ve just started blogging again recently, I don’t really check on my Google Analytics much as I’m sure the statistics is a little sad looking 😛
I love reading blogs where the author do a bit of craft (such as knitting), have kids, etc. so that I can feel like as if we’re all going through the same journeys in life.
Hi Corrie,
I’d never heard of Thermomix before reading your blog… I think it would be a fun addition to my kitchen, but they don’t seem to be available in the States.
Hi Corrie, I had never heard of a Thermomix until I started reading your blog too. I haven’t seen them here in NZ or know anyone who has one. I would love to try one though. Great for growing/busy families. Have a great weekend! Elaina xo
Hello there, I’ve never look at Behaviour – Overview so must have a peak. But I did do Peek… some good comments eg that it looks as i’s for parents of very young children… which really is not the case as mine are all at school now… however, it didn’t appeal much to the reader, Anerican and with no kids – it wouldn’t!!
I have just come across your lovely blog today and have immediately added you to my reading list!
Love your style and content, it’s refreshing for the eyes and the mind
I am also kind of a retro Mummy as I own and run a vintage clothing business as well as doing all those motherly duties.
I look forward to reading more!
Emma (My Vintage, UK) x