Well there isn’t much of anything going on around here. We thought our big guy had a case of croup but it turned out to be whooping cough which totally surprised us. So he’s on antibiotics, everyone else has been swabbed and is home while we wait for results. And the thing is that they are well and home all week. Full of energy, running around, making a mess and wanting food. All the time. It’s a bit crazy. I did knit one sock last week before the sickness hit. Pattern is a 2 needle sock pattern by debbie bliss which you can find in a few of her books under different names and is so easy and fun.
I let my fellow class parent know that I’m home with the kids and she offered to bring over dinner and I said no we’re good and she said too late and totally spoilt us. And she’s so organised with dates on her food and what’s in there. I usually pop a note in but never write on the packaging but I like the system and need to get organised I think.
Anyway so I’m trying to catch up on the housework, get the kids helping out with chores, trying to get them to read books instead of watch movies, feeding them, keeping them happy and entertained and trying to grab a bit of knitting time. I did have a productive weekend with a few pencil rolls. And I was asked for the pattern. I use the pattern from this book and I put a few more details in this post from earlier in the year.
Instead of 24 pencils I use a 12 pencil pack and make the length of my fabric pieces 13 inches rather than the 24 3/4 that the pattern calls for. It’s a super easy pattern once you’ve made one or two and I find cutting all the pieces first and then sewing in a big session is a great way to whip them up. I make a little drawstring bag big enough for a colouring book and the pencil roll and it really makes a sweet birthday present.
Anyway I’ve just cast on a granny’s favourite in cream (newborn size) to start a stash of newborn knits for all the babies that are going to be born soon. And hopefully will get a minute to myself to get some knitting done. Here is what a granny’s favourite looks like, just perfectly sweet for a newborn. I’ve knit it twice before here and here and love it. You can find the pattern on ravelry here.
Hope everyone else tests negative. We have just gone through that worry here. My niece was suspected of having whooping cough. My daughter had been at my sisters place & I was really worried she may have brought it home. With my heart & lung problems whooping cough would be scarily dangerous, luckily last night my sister let me know it wasn’t whooping cough just a virus. Very thankful.
What a lovely friend you have there! Hope your little one is feeling better soon.
Oh, quarantine is the worst! I hope everyone’s tests come back clean. Do you do Granny’s Favourite for boys or just girls? I’m thinking I might have done enough knitting for my own gender unknown baby, but would like to start stashing as well (and keep my knitting addiction satisfied). I’m looking for some good gender neutral patterns, I’ve done a couple of puerperiums but would like something else as well if you can suggest!
Oh wow! Action packed week at your house Corrie, hope the swabs come back clean. So good to see someone blessing you and the family, it’s often hard for givers to receive help so good to see someone giving to the giver this time round.
Hello Corrie, my daughter had negative results back yesterday – whew. She’s gone to school today but what a rocky start to term for us and for you too. Hope you get a chance to have a nice cuppa in the day today. It’s all we can ask for some days!
That knitted goodness looks so cozy!
Oh Corrie, what an unfortunate thing to happen. I’m sorry to hear your big boy is unwell…and hoping that it doesn’t spread to the others, especially the babies!?
I think you’re amazing and it is hard enough doing the day to day stuff, but I can imagine you have been totally thrown out this week with your normal routine. That is lovely of the class parent to provide all those yummy things… what a great friend. Fingers crossed everyone is back on track asap
Hopefully your routine vaccinations will protect the rest of you at least. I had whooping cough a few years ago, and it was THE WORST. And if you haven’t had a booster yet (should have been offered because you have kids), go get one! The LAST thing you need with so much on your plate is to get that.