There is a bit of background to this giveaway. I was chatting last year to one of my sweet blogging friends and we were discussing how cool it would be to give away a Kitchen Aid on our own blogs. It seemed like something that was so far off and such an expensive thing to do. But earlier in the year I said to retro daddy ‘I’m going to do it’. I’ve had such a huge year – not just on this blog but life in general. It’s been huge and it’s fun to do something huge just before Christmas!
And I wanted to say thank you! To everyone who pops by here, who leave a comment, who read everyday, who pop over to my facebook page, who email me, who tell their friends, who are old time readers or might be my newest fans. Thank you. I wouldn’t have this blog and the success that I’ve had if it wasn’t for you. So why not giveaway something that I love so much. My Kitchen Aid.
There are so many things to love about a Kitchen Aid. Mine is so special because I came in the door with newborn twins to discover it all wrapped up on the kitchen counter with a big bow on it. We were living in this teeny tiny little rented townhouse with a tiny little kitchen but I gave that Kitchen Aid pride of place. Retro daddy teased me for taking such good care of it but I loved it. And I still do. Our kitchen at the old house wasn’t even finished yet but that Kitchen Aid was the first thing I put in the new kitchen. Didn’t matter that there was no electricity in the room yet!
And there is a shiny red Kitchen Aid sitting in my house all ready to go to your house. I bought it myself and it comes with an extra beater blande (fancy! I dont have one but it scrapes the bowl as it beats!) and a Kitchen Aid cookbook too. And if the number of entries just goes crazy then I’m giving away a second Kitchen Aid. Yes. A second one will be up for grabs if the entries go crazy so that you still have a good chance of winning. You can thank retro daddy for that because he thought I was giving away two. How generous of him.
The fine print! You must be an Australian resident, 18 or over, you may only enter once, you must enter using the form below and you must have a valid email address entered. You can read the full terms for this giveaway here. This is a random draw which will be conducted on Monday 17th December after 5pm. NSW Permit Number LTPS/12/10896. Oh and your entry won’t come up as a comment, you’ll get a message thanking you! If you want to leave a comment just do that below but fill in the form to enter. I’m trying something new and easier for picking a winner.
What an awesome and generous thing for you and Retro Daddy to do!!
Thankyou so much Corrie for the opportunity to enter this wonderful competition.Got my fingers (and toes) crossed!!!
All entered! I’m very interested to see how many entries you get, you are doing so well with your blog. It’s going to be huge. Best competition ever!
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of these fantastic machines. Merry Christmas!!!!
It has been a huge year! I want to thank you again for sharing your beautiful family via the blog, I’ve grown to love your blog more and more over the years, it’s almost feels like ‘catching up with a girlfriend’ over a cuppa when I come to read you. The new wordpress format is stunning too… I hope the new year brings you and the family much health and happiness, lots more sewing and plenty of love and laughter. You are pure Joy Mrs Sebire!
Amazing giveaway! Merry Christmas to your gorgeous family.
So generous of you!
Merry Christmas to you, Retro Daddy and your beautiful children xo
Oh Corrie and Retro Daddy. I’d just like to express a very big thank you for your incredible generosity and for allowing us the opportunity to enter the draw to win a dream appliance like this. And my favorite colour too
A huge congratulations on the continuing success of your blog and wishing you and your beautiful family a very Merry Christmas!
A truly generous gesture! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to enter.
Thanks for the chance to win something so amazing! Love!!
What an awesome gesture by you both!!
Merry Christmas xxxx
I am a daily reader and always go over to FB so I don’t miss anything. I’ve used so many tips and recipes from you I’ve lost count. Quinoa was an unknown quantity until your recipes! This is a wonderful giveaway. Thankyou to both Retromummy and Retrodaddy!
So wonderful and kind of you and your hubby.
Thanks for the chance to try and win this wonderful prize. What a wonderful and generous thing you’re doing.
Entered. Stoked. In awe of your’s and Retro Daddy’s generosity. Bless you. xxx
What a wonderful and generous thing to do!
I am so excited!! Thanks so much for the chance to win. Merry Christmas!!
Thanks retro mummy and daddy!!!
Thank you
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How generous! Thanks for the chance.
Wonderful opportunity to own a gorgeous appliance.
Great competition Corrie…. Thank you. Hoping 2013 is as successful for you as 2012.
All entered. How exciting I’ve always wanted a kitchen aide
Unfortunately a little out of my price range.
Fingers crossed.
Bless you Corrie for such a fab giveaway … Someone is getting a nice Christmas surprise. All entered, thank you for the chance!
Wow! Corrie cannot believe your offer, thank you, of course I would love to win, great Christmas gift, again WOW!!! Thank you for this opportunity, A Kitchen Aid, wow!!!
Love this, I have started a $2 coins in a 600ml coke bottle fund (supposedly nearly $1000 fits) and it is for my kitchen aid. Imagine, if I won I could use that money to buy some accessaries straight away – icecream bowl, meat grinder, sausage filler, oh the list just goes on and on! Fingers crossed and thank you soooo much for your generosity!
I so have my fingers crossed for this! I think I would actually cry if I won lol. I’m so sad hahaha! Good luck to everyone – anyone who wins would probably cry lol
That is a gorgeous, lovely thing to do.
And red does go faster!
What a wonderful Christmas gift for a lucky mum. Thanks Retro mummy and Retro daddy. Merry Christmas!
What a generous giveaway!
oohh, I understand now ! I hope my entry was submitted, I didn’t look for a confirmation, I was on my phone! I was looking for a comment!
Thank you for a great opportunity!
What a truly generous spirit you have. Best wishes for a fabulous Christmas.
How amazing are you guys? Your own money!!
I hope it goes to someone that loves it as much as you love yours – oh, and if that person just happens to be me, then i’ll be very grateful indeed 😉
You are so amazing Corrie, that’s the best giveaway ever! Such a lovely, generous gesture from you and Retro Daddy

I’ve been reading your blog for about two years now and I don’t always comment but I read it every day. It’s part of my morning routine, haha. I love your blog, you’re such an amazing mumma, raising your 5 little ones and getting through every day chaos with no dishwasher (!!!). For that alone, you deserve an award. I don’t have a dishwasher either but I only have two little ones and it still takes me so much time! Keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get a brand-new, fully-equipped kitchen soon
Thank you for such a generous giveaway Retro Mummy.
Bless your generous hearts
and thanks for the chance.
Merry Christmas to you all xo
Such a generous giveaway from a fantastic blog, thanks retro mummy and daddy!
Congratulations to the lucky winner!
All done! Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family
Thank you for the chance to win, you’re one generous soul Mrs Retromummy!
So generous! Thanks for the opportunity x
Happiness is a red Kitchen Aid! Thanks again Corrie for the great reads and recipies during the year, and your generosity x
What a wonderful idea. Blessings on you and your family.
What a great giveaway. Thank you corrie and retro daddy. Love the blog and can not wait to see how many other people enter.
Thank you so much Corrie and Retro Daddy for this fabulous giveaway. This is my dream come true, I will be dreaming about this until the draw (positive vibes). Thank you once again for the opportunity…
Awesome giveaway! What a lovely way to give back & at a wonderful time of year! All the best to everyone entering!
An amazingly generous giveaway from Retro Mummy and family. Can you imagine the baking to be done on one of those babies?!
Good luck to everyone entering!!
I would be so excited to win!! Thanks for the chance!
Thank you both for the chance to win. Its a privilege to read your blog and share your life through your blog! so I feel like we should be thanking you. Good luck everyone but I’m really hoping one of those has my name on it!
What an amazing and generous prize!
Thank you Corrie and Retro Daddy for the lovely give away. I want to wish you and your family a lovely Christmas and I hope that the weather and temperature is good to you in Sydney. We are praying for lovely cool weather here in Brisbane haha.
Thanks for the chance to win. What a great giveaway!
Thank you so much for the chance to win something so wonderful!!
Oh noooo – for some reason it won’t let me enter…It comes up with an error message saying it is for one entry only – but I promise I haven’t already entered!!
Oh my goodness! I came for the Kitchen Aid, but I’m staying for the awesome blog!
Just echoing everyone elses comments about how generous you guys are for giving a kitchen aid away. You just blew my mind.
What a lovely thing to do Corrie. Thank you for the love and honesty that you bring to your blog – it really makes my day to read your words.
I think everyone will be happy win or not because we have all witnessed the spirit of giving first hand. I don’t just mean the kitchen aid but the sharing of your daily life with all. Who would have thought googling a thermomix recipe a few weeks ago would have meant finding you and such a wonderful blog. Big hugs to the Retro Family.
I kind of felt bad entering as it’s been so long since I’ve left an actual comment, though I do read regularly, then I thought, IT’S A KITCHENAID !!! so I entered 😀 You are so generous Corrie, I have wanted a kitchenaid for so long, it would be amazing to be the winner! Thank you, and I hope you and your beautiful family have a very Merry Christmas! xx
Thank you so much. I love following your posts. Have a wonderful blessed Christmas. Xxoo
You two are so generous! Thankyou for the opportunity to win. You are def going to make someone very happy this Christmas. xx
thankf for the oppurtunity…and big congrats to the winner
What a fantastic prize! So fantastic, this would be a great Christmas present for someone to win!
Thank you for the opportunity to enter this wonderful competition . Merry Christmas to all.
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter!! Thanks for brightening my day often with your beautiful blog posts and snippets of life with your gorgeous clan. May you have a Merry and very blessed Christmas! xoxo
This is such an amazing Christmas giveaway – then again, this is such an amazing blog (that I am so addicted to). It seems funny to open up your blog each day to read all about you, and find so much joy in your family when we have never met in person. Shari from
Merry Christmas Corrie to you and yours!
Oh man I’m just too excited about this one. Woo who and thank you!
so exciting!! thanks for being so generous
So incredibly generous of you … Thankyou for the chance to win one of these amazing baking/cooking aids!! Its been on my list of dream items for so long, but unfortunately it has been knocked back down the list more times than I’d wish to count due to other *needs* needing to be filled first.
Oh no! I live in The Netherlands. BUMMER! Great give-away and lovely story behind it. Hope the winner gives it a special home.
Thank you for being so generous . You brighten my day with your posts.
Thank you Corrie for such an amazing giveaway! I am soo excited about even the possibility! I also have a very small kitchen. I only really have the microwave and kettle on it as there is just no room but I have already told hubby where my kitchen aid would go!!! Willing to put the kettle away if need be.
Yay, what a fabulous prize. Thanks so much for thinking of all of us!!!!
Thanks you both for such an awesome giveaway!! I am a regular follower and love you r
tips, recipes, style and most of all – you enthusiam and generosity!!
WOW – what a generous giveaway. You are amazing Corrie with what you achieve. Good luck to all who enter.
An awesome and generous give away. Best of luck everyone. I’m sure t will go to a beautiful recipient.
Wishing you and your family all the best for Christmas and thank you for the chance to win such a fabulous prize! !
A great promotion… thank you kindly for the opportunity to enter…
My dream prize! I’d love it to match my red retro appliances. Thanks for a great blog and giveaway! Xo
Thanks for being so generous. Thanks for letting us into your lives. Thanks for letting us enter.
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway. I have read your blog for three years now, I look forward to it each day & your fb page updates too….
You are a generous Christian lady & family and you are showing the true meaning of Christmas by giving. I wish more people in this world were like you…
From my family to yours merry Christmas, take some time out for you and your family this Christmas. x
Thank you Corrie! How wonderful and generous!
Wow Corrie, that is such an amazing and generous thing to do. Wishing your family a Happy Christmas, and thank you! WOW!!! Fingers crossed!! x
Wow – totally awesome giveaway !!!!
WOW! Worth upping sticks & moving to Auz. for!
What an amazing and generous giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to enter
Wishing you and your gorgeous family a wonderful Christmas.
I think it’s great that your giving, giving always comes back 10 fold in good Karma. Best of xmas wishes to you.
Thank you for a chance at owning one!
How wonderfully generous! I’ve always wanted one of these (but can’t quite justify it).
My ultimate kitchen fantasy is a Kitchen Aid in the red sheen,
I am obssessed with the idea of owning this wonderful machine.
I have a few reasons for wanting one of these babies…. 1. I am obsessed with baking, and I have blown out two little hand held mixers this year. 2. I love to entertain and this machine will make my work so much easier. 3. It will start me on a whole new journey of food exploration. 4. Its been on my Christmas wish list for four years, however having four children thier needs come before mine.. and 5. Becasue this beauty is sleek, sexy and strong
Just what a woman needs in her kitchen 
Wow! Jolly decent of you and the Mr.!
Congratulations on all you’ve achieved this year! I had my second child about a month after Emerson was born and have found looking after just two children tricky enough – I’m in complete awe of how you undertake life with 5 children!
I wish you and the fam peace and fun over the holiday season!
Wonderful giveaway.
I know I can’t enter from New Zealand but just wanted to say what a cute story and great giveaway, your blog has become a must-read for me this year! Merry Christmas
wow Thank you so much Corrie, you are so wonderfully generous. How beautiful of you xx
Hi Corrie, I always remember the story of you coming home with twins to your new kitchenaid! As I didn’t get one when I had my twins, I’ll enter your giveaway instead! Wishing you and your family a peaceful, relaxing and joyous Christmas!
I can’t believe your giving away 1 let alone possibly 2 Kitchen Aids. It has been on my deeply desired wish list for years and I am holding out for a real one. Hubby offered to get me a cheeper stand mixer but I know once I have one I won’t get the one I really want – A KitchenAid. So I continue to cross my fingers that my old opshop hand mixer that I got when I was at Uni will last till we can afford (or win) a KitchenAid.
Thank you and Mr very much for having such an amazing give away.
Thank you for the chance to enter this competition, very generous and thoughtful of you both. I have often looked at this KitchenAid and hoped that hubby would see the want in my eyes.. but nope it has not worked as yet.. Necessity to me is just some thing that is wanted and not needed in his mind.. tens drills on the other hand.. !!
thank you again and all the best to every one.
Have a great holiday to all of you and your families x
How terribly exciting!! Thank you for the opportunity and for your generosity. Christmas blessings x
What a generous giveaway! Props to you and your hubby 😀
OMG I have just made it:) I would LOVE to win !!!!!!
All entered! So exciting! Very generous of you!xx
How fabulously generous of you both.Wishing your family a Merry Christmas
Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing prize. Merry Christmas to you and the Retro family x
Such an awesome prize.. Merry Christmas!
You & Retro Daddy are certainly Santa’s hard working elves this year!! Hope the whole Retro Family enjoy a safe, happy & healthy Christmas :-))
Corrie & Retrodaddy, how extremely generous of you both to do this. Thank you!!
This is very kind of you … what a great gift … thank you !!
Thank you!
Oh what generous hearts you both have, thank-you for the opportunity to win such a brilliant prize! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!
The perfect colour for a Christmas giveaway! FIngers crossed
thanks for the opportunity… Have wanted one of these for so long… my fingers & toes are crossed… Merry Christmas to you
to win this for my wife would be amazing, she would FINALLY stop nagging me about how desperate she is to own one!
What a dream prize, thank you so much Retro Mummy & Retro Daddy for the chance to win a Kitchen Aid………I hope you both, everyone else & all your families have a very Merry Christmas & a safe & Happy New Year……………………….oops nearly forgot GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!
Fantastic. Thanks. I have entered.
Red is my favourite colour,
Merry Christmas to you!
Thanks!! You are sure to make someone christmas AMAZING!
For some reason it wont let me enter this fantastic competition.
It keeps saying that you are only allowed to enter this competition once, but I havent entered at all yet:(
Good luck to everyone who has entered though.
Very generous of you, what a great giveaway! I have been wanting one of these for ages.
I came across your blog through other bloggers posting you were doing this (hugo&elsa and meetmeatmikes) it looks great, will definitely stick around.
Unfortunately it won’t let me enter either, it says only one entry but I haven’t entered yet.
Thanks for the opportunity – what a lovely Christmas gift for one of your followers
Thank you so much for giving us the the chance to win such a wonderful product.
Merry christmass to you Retro Mummy. U rock. A big thank you for letting to be apart of. May God bless you.
Such a super duper, fabulously generous thing to do!
Fabulous, generous giveaway! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Wow! That is a gorgeous, shiny red Christmas gift! Thank you so much for sharing not only this wonderful appliance, but more importantly, all the ups and downs of your family life throughout the year. You really do keep it real, and I enjoy reading your perspective on things, which is sometimes quite different to mine, so broadens my outlook. I hope you and your beautiful family enjoy the festive season.
Hugs, Kelly
Thankyou Corrie for this wonderful giveaway, it is very generous of you and I would love a red one sitting on my kitchen bench! Merry Christmas to you and your family x
All entered!! This is an amazing giveaway!!
A sensational prize to help in celebrations this festive season and for years to come!
What an awesome Giveaway!! Thank you so much for the chance. A very Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous family
Thankyou for the opportunity to enter! I enjoy reading about your life!
This is such an amazing giveaway and so generous of you. You are going to make someone’s Christmas extra special
I thought I entered , but it seems to have disappeared
There is something about the colour red, appliances, red leather lounges so many things come in red
Thank you for such a fabulous opportunity
Oh how exciting! My daughter starts school next year and would love to include homemade goodies in her lunch! Thanks for the opportunity – Jacinta B
What a beautiful giveaway, the perfect Christmas present!! Thank you for you wonderful blog. Merry Christmas to you and your family:)
What a lovely kitchen you have! Great prize, thanks for the chance to perhaps own one
What a fabulous and kind giveaway. I have had my heart set on a kitchen aid for at least 5 years now but every time I have gone to get one, I have had some unexpected bill come up. Have my fingers crossed and good luck to everyone.