getting to school on time

I was asked to write a blog post on getting to school on time for the Catholic Weekly and here it is. I do want to point out that not everything goes to plan and the week that this was published my eldest took my car keys to school and texted me at 8.20am just as I was heading out the door. I couldn’t find the spare key but thankfully my van was open and I could swap over car seats and we still managed to get to school on time. She had netball tryouts early in the morning and had gone to the van to get her sports jacket and then tucked those car keys into her pocket and gone on her merry way. It was funny (afterwards) and she wasn’t in trouble!


I hope you enjoy the article and if I missed anything let me know. Everyone is very settled in their new life down here and I’ve been making more friends and keeping busy. People ask if I like living down here and I say yes and then they remind me I haven’t done a winter yet….so let’s see. I have started knitting for winter but just need to knit faster.



  1. Jane ferguson says:

    Fabulous post. Loved your advice.

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