Last Wednesday I was going in to hospital for my 6th c/section, I knew it would probably be my last but my OB was still joking before we went in that we’d be back for baby number 8. Well the thing about having a baby is that you never know how the birth is going to go. I thought I had it all down pat with another c/section. I knew what to expect, I’ve never had any problems, this pregnancy had been very straight forward and I was really looking forward to the new hospital where I could have the baby with me in recovery. Things didn’t go to plan and there will be no more babies but I have the most beautiful baby girl in our family now and I’m so grateful that things worked out in the end.
We had agreed on a c/section date at 38 weeks, because of his schedule the actual date made Lottie 37 weeks and 5 days. I’d had a few last minute nerves about the new hospital and new OB. We wanted to be closer to home and our previous OB who has delivered 6 of my babies has seen his fees go up each time and the out of pocket management fee was close to $7k and I knew that we really did need to find someone else. A lot of the catholic mums I know had been telling me about their OB over the past few years. He was closer to home and more affordable and with 7 c/sections to the one lady I knew I’d be in safe hands for another c/section. I booked in with him and from the first time I met him I was glad he was my new OB. He was very warm and friendly and when I had a big bleed early on he had me come in that day for an ultrasound to check everything was ok. He is experienced, a Christian and sees a range of patients ranging from first time mums to some of the bigger families I know. And he never keeps you waiting, he always kept his appointment times!
So the big day finally arrived. We had to be at the hospital at 12. We left the kids at home with my mother in law and my dad and a babysitter was coming in later that night to help with dinner, bath and bed. She also turned out to be an amazing hair braider so the girls also had their hair done in the best braids they’ve ever had.
Just as we were parking the car at the hospital hubby let me know that he hadn’t had time to grab something for lunch so we sat down in the hospital cafe and I watched him eat a very nice toasted sandwich while I continued my fast before the big operation. I was busy texting friends that I couldn’t believe we were hours away from meeting our baby. We filled in all the paperwork and went up to maternity. By this stage I was so excited and emotional that if I started talking I was fighting back the tears. It really was a dream come true to be having another little baby and a baby girl made it even more special. All the waiting during the pregnancy and in a few hours I’d have a little baby.
The midwife came in and told me how things would happen but we did joke that I could tell her as I knew the drill. I had my shower, got into my gown and lay in the bed while hubby was on his phone watching french rugby. When the wardsman came to wheel me down we asked should hubby come down, he said no. Little did we know he was supposed to say yes and that we’d end up calling maternity and mobile phones trying to get him down to the operating theatres! Anyway I met the anaesthetist, I told him I really wanted a spinal block as I preferred how I felt afterwards compared to the epidural. He agreed, he said well since this is your last c/section we’ll make it your best ever (he came back to joke about that later). Then his nurse came to get things ready and by this stage I said do you know if anyone is getting my husband because he’s still sitting up in the room. He tried calling maternity, then hubby’s phone, then my phone but hubby didn’t want to answer it. In the end they got onto someone in maternity who ran him downstairs as I was being wheeled in. It’s pretty funny and I knew they wouldn’t start without him!
The spinal went in fine, I know that’s the worst part just receiving the local in my back and my OB was holding me while they did it. The next bit goes so quickly, they were doing quite a bit of pushing and pulling so I was taking deep breaths and then before I know it this beautiful baby girl was pulled out. Lottie Evelyn Mary. We chose her name because we finally agreed on something that sounded pretty, was a little bit different and went nicely with the other names. Evelyn is after my mum’s name and Mary after St Mary of the Cross McKillop who I prayed to and left my intention at her relic when it was visiting the parishes in our diocese. I went to her relic twice in a week praying for my intention and then I found out I was pregnant just a few weeks later. And then she was born on the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians the patron saint of Australia so I knew that she needed Mary in her name.
She wasn’t really crying but she was perfectly pink and chubby. I thought I’d cry but I was just so shocked she came out so quickly and was hoping she’d start crying. She didn’t really cry until she was being cleaned up. Her apgar scores were 9 and she was perfect in every way. While they were cleaning her up and cutting the cord I heard my OB say we’re going to be a while, he said to the anaesthetist we’re going to need to put her under. This is where I started to panic. I could tell his voice was serious and I’ve never been put to sleep before after a c/section. I can tell in the photos that I’m so happy to be meeting the baby but I also know that I’m about to go to sleep and I have no idea what the outcome of the surgery will be or why they need to put me under. The anaesthetist was on the phone as he was going to be longer with me than planned and I was starting to feel my legs tingle and I was freaking out. I said um I can start to feel things in my feet. The OB called the anaesthetist and told him to put me under now and he couldn’t work until I was under.
I asked is everything ok? Am I going to be ok? I was really panicking inside because this has never happened before. I’ve always been told at this point that everything is looking great and you’re fine for another c/section. My OB was so serious and said yes you will be fine, your bladder is stuck to your uterus and we need to separate them and we’re going to put you to sleep so we can do it. I said bye to my hubby and told him to look after the baby. I had a single moment (probably overly dramatic) where I thought what if something really bad happens and I lose my bladder or have long term damage or don’t make it. Next thing I know I’m being wheeled into recovery and they are waking me up. I woke up so quickly and was fine. Talking to the nurses and relieved it was over. I told the nurse what a shock it was. I really did just feel in disbelief that things hadn’t gone to plan.
Some time had gone by and I didn’t realise how late it was. Lottie had been born at 3.02, I was wheeled into recovery after 5pm and back to my room at 6pm. It was dark outside. When I got to the room my hubby was there with Lottie and my dad too. We’d arranged for him to come in that night but didn’t realise how late I’d be. They didn’t know how things had gone so it was so good to be back and talk about everything that happened. I was also worried about feeding Lottie. She hadn’t been fed at all and I like to have a little feed as soon as I’m back in the room. Thankfully all went well and is still going well with feeding.
Later that night my OB came in to talk about what happened. My bladder was well and truly stuck from one end to the other and he said he was sorry that they had to put me to sleep and operate. He also said now I know we talked about more babies but you really can’t be getting pregnant anymore. I would risk the placenta getting stuck next time to the uterus and bladder and I wouldn’t be so lucky with my bladder coming out unharmed next time. I told him that I knew when it was all happening that would definitely be my last and I can’t risk my own health when I have my family to look after. It’s hard to hear those words because there is something nice over the years about the surprise of pregnancies.I am so grateful to have been able to have the big family I really hoped I could.
I joked to my OB that the catholic mums need to talk up his skills more as he did a little tidying up and removed the skin between my laparoscopy scar that I had after my ectopic pregnancy and my c/section scar so I had a bit of bruising above and below the new scar but now only have 1 scar and hopefully no overhang which I used to have. The anaesthetist came in a few days later and talked through everything he did and joked we did say we’d make it your best ever.
I had a wonderful stay in the new hospital (the SAN). All of the staff were so wonderful, I had such experienced midwives caring for me and the midwife who cared for me the first night (which is always the worst when you’re stuck in bed with a catheter) popped in later during my stay when she was working in a different ward to say hi and check in on me. The paediatrician visited me most mornings and the food was lovely and fresh. There is something nice about having all of your hot meals delivered to you when you’re usually the one responsible for feeding the troops. Everyone who visited commented on how new the hospital was and how lovely the staff were and I really had a better than expected stay. I also loved that each room has a baby bath in there so you can bath the baby in the room whenever you feel like it. I’m used to having to bath the baby in the same place where they sleep and I just loved being able to give her baths in the room and the kids could help out too.
Now I’m home and am much more at peace with everything that happened. It took a few days to process everything and it wasn’t the easy straightforward birth I was hoping for and my excitement in that hour that Lottie arrived was definitely dampened by the operation after but I have the most beautiful baby to care for and she’s a little dream. She’s so easy going and placid and looks like so many of my other babies. And to have a girl is just the most wonderful little treat for this lover of pink and girly.
Recovery is a little tougher than my previous c/sections and I feel more tender this time and can’t do as much as I’d usually do so I’m taking it slower than usual and have been lucky to have hubby home helping with the driving, lunches and routine. The kids are so in love with little Lottie and we’ve never had so much excitement about a baby before. Every morning and night they need to know where she is and how she’s doing and want to hold her. She’s popular!
Thank you so much for all of your beautiful messages and comments over the past week. I really didn’t think I’d be lucky enough to squeeze another baby into our family so it’s just the most wonderful time to be caring for her and I am just loving it.
Gorgeous little girl! I can tell from your description that your OB was the same wonderful man who delivered my twins, I still feel incredibly blessed to have had him deliver my boys 2.5 years later.
Oh thank you for your birth story. Love them too. Women are such super heros. I only have 4 but love reading your blog. Life sounds busy but great. Just wish I could sound as organised as you. I was an avid reader of your blog a few years back as I’m a sewing enthusiast but for some reason life got a bit crazy with a sick child and I have just rediscovered you. Best of wishes for your beautiful family!
Congrats on her safe (but eventful) arrival. She is definitely a sweetie.
Thank you for sharing so much with us Corrie. That is an amazing story! I’m so happy for you that everything turned out ok. I’m sorry to hear about the trauma post birth. I had 2 traumatic births and one pretty ok one. Bless you.
She’s beautiful, congratulations. I can feel the love! Babies are life’s greatest blessing.
Congratulations Corrie!! Lottie is just beautiful. I’m sorry everything didn’t go to plan but so relieved to hear your fine!!
Bringing home a new baby is so exciting, especially in a big family where there is so much love.
Take care!!
Congratulations! Lottie is so beautiful x
Oh, Corrie, she is so divine!! I cannot resist newborn babies…especially baby girls (having 5 of my own already!!)
That must have been a scary experience for you and I am so glad to hear that it all turned out well.
When I had my 5th daughter they took a very long time to deliver the placenta and they were being quite cautious and that is probably the first time that I really thought about the enormity of what could happen and thinking of what the family would do if anything were to happen to me etc…
I am glad all is going well at home…being at home with bub is the best!!
You sure make cute babies!
Thanks for sharing your story Corrie. You must have one very busy family now and appreciate you taking the time to share your experience. Good luck with it all. Lottie Evelyn Mary is simply divine.
She’s absolutely adorable. Thankyou for writing your birth story; what a traumatic turn of events but so glad you and baby are fine.
Thank you for sharing this story, Corrie. I’m so glad you were in safe hands and enjoyed a very well deserved rest after Lottie’s birth. She really is divine! Take care of yourself (hard, I know, but little steps!) x
What a precious new little ‘pink’ life! I’m so pleased you had such a skilled OB and have come out of your surgery in good health. You and your hubby are just so blessed! I know you will enjoy your family Corrie with all your heart… and friends. …..what life is all about!
Biggest of hugs to you Corrie..bittersweet but truly beautiful..Lottie at last..heart of my heart..seems so fitting must have read it somewhere or heard in an old movie..So many emotions..
Lottie is beautiful Corrie. Glad to hear that everything turned out in the end even though there will be no more babies. One day you can enjoy all the grandkids. Get lots of rest.
Congratulations from sunny KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, and thank you for sharing Corrie. Little Lottie is perfect. Hope you continue to recover well. I have three girls and often wonder what it would be like to have a big family of children. Take care x
Thanks for sharing your story Corrie, I am glad all is well and you are recovering at home. Lovely Lottie, sweet little one, enjoy this special time xx
I know I’ve said congratulations already, but little Lottie really is gorgeous! I love reading about how your other kids have embraced her and welcomed her to the family – that is such a blessing.
I’m also glad that you’re healing well after a traumatic start. I can imagine how frightening that would have been – your OB sounds great!
Keep enjoying those baby cuddles x
I loved reading Lottie’s story. I’m so glad your Ok .I had my 3 babies at the San and I think the last one is here because I wanted to be looked after again by the lovely staff ! Take care of yourself and enjoy getting to know your new precious bubba.
Big congrats Corrie, she’s so beautiful!
What a gorgeous little baby girl!! Congrats Corrie and family! She is so beautiful and such a wonderful blessing! I love her name as well. All your children have great names! I’m sure it is difficult to know that she must be your last, but I suppose there had to be a last a some point.
Really so happy for you and you lovely family. Praise God you both are healthy and well. Sending you all love. Xx
Congratulations Corrie, she’s adorable! I’m so sorry to read about your traumatic affair. Thankfully prayers were answered and everything worked out ok. I hope you recover quickly so that you can fully enjoy your new “normal”
Thanks so much for sharing Lottie’s birth, Corrie. It must have been a very worrying time with the added surgery and I am very happy that all went well. Lottie will be such a blessing to your beautiful family and I know you will be creating more beautiful memories for your family.
Congratulation!! Lottie is just gorgeous. Love the last photo, pretty blanket!!!
It’s so lovely that you and Lottie are both well and safe after the stressful time you had after her birth. I’m sure she will be adored by all her siblings being the youngest one! I hope things continue to go smoothly for you and your family and I will enjoy all your blog updates when you have time!! Congratulations to you all! xxx
Lottie is absolutely adorable. I’m so glad you are both well. Thank you for sharing your story Corrie. xx
Comgratulations, you make such cuties. Can i ask how being pregnant at 41 was?? I am 40 now, have 4 bio children and 6 step children (all 10 fulltime) but would love one (or two hehe) with my new hubby.
a bit more tired this time around but that’s all really, my varicose veins got worse and I needed to wear control socks but that’s all really! go for it!