school is out for the year!

Yes we have officially finished at our two schools and our homeschool too. We survived the year. And what a year it’s been. We had one in year 5, one in kindy and my twins who left school to be homeschooled for year 2.

Homeschooling………..not for the faint hearted but so worthwhile. If I’ve learnt anything (and I hope other people will be reassured) it’s that we can take control of our children’s education and provide them with a proper and meaningful education. I think people feel that they have no option. If they have a child who is unhappy at school then they either have to stay where they are and suffer for it or they need to find a new school. Children who struggle or aren’t challenged or have friendship issues. We let them suffer when really we could be teaching them at home and there are so many options. You can sign up to a distance education provider who will provide all materials or you can purchase a curriculum and then buy the books or you can make your own using a mixture of books that your children might be using at school and use a range of texts and resources. And the opportunities to socialise….well there are so many. In fact we didn’t have time to go to local meet ups during the week because we were so busy anyway. Next year will be different but you will be so surprised to find out how many homeschoolers are near you.

I’ve definitely learned that we can be flexible and if any of my children need to come home for school then they can. I don’t think I’m ready to take on the responsibility of teaching all of my children and I have some that just love school, but it’s definitely given me the confidence to do it and keep doing it.

Next year I have one boy going back to school which he would like to do. A spot has opened up at our parish school and he would like to try that. His sister would like to stay home. I have one little boy starting preschool 3 days a week and he is so excited about that (his little brother won’t know what to do with himself with his ‘twin’ gone). One girl goes into year 1 and we are so excited to see how much progress she makes after a year of amazing progress that has left everyone stunned at just how far she has come. We now talk in sentences and after years and years of speech that didn’t seem to be going anywhere we have a very talkative and determined girl. Look at her with her precious teacher and teacher’s aide. Such dedicated and devoted people who love each and every child so much. It was so hard to say goodbye to them and just when I thought I had cried enough with the school year finishing……I opened a card in her bag and there was a dvd of all of the photos of their year to music. Photos were broken down into each term. I needed a tissue to get through that one!

And my big girl will have her last year of primary school. She loves everything about school and has represented her school in debating and choir and is everyone’s friend. We are so proud of her and she’s in her school musical next year, taking up rhythmic gymnastics and returning to swimming again and just needs to work on her maths! Pretty funny since she’s the daughter of 2 accountants. Oh and if she could keep her room clean too. That would be great.

And that’s our year. It’s been such a great one and not what I expected since homeschooling wasn’t on the cards but I’m so happy with how it’s gone and I’m so excited for the year ahead. I hope you’ve all had a great year and that you are getting a well deserved rest! Well after the Christmas rush anyway. I’ve already cut out a whole quilt as my holiday quilting project and have a kina for a 1 year old on the go as well.

And if you ever have any questions about homeschooling please email me. Always happy to answer them.


  1. Wow haven’t your kids grown so much. E looks so much like a younger K ! Fantastic to hear that they are all doing so well

  2. So glad you had a great school year for each of your children! You have done an amazing job starting a home-schooling journey along with others at school. Gaining the confidence to know you can do it and benefit your children at different stages is very rewarding indeed.

  3. Have to say Corrie, I am a little disappointed with your Santa photo… Not one child crying… It can’t be real! LOL… A really lovely post and glad to hear you have completed another successful school year. I really enjoy your posts so when you find a free moment please let us know what you are up to. Merry Christmas.

  4. Wow what a beautiful family (& Santa photo!) Merry Christmas Corrie! Thank you for continuing to share. You have such a generous heart.

  5. Your children are growing up so fast. I know the joy you must feel with Miss E success. Our second child had so many difficulties before starting school. Our main goal was for him to progress through the years with the same group of friends and to teach him basic reading and maths skills. He has just finished grade 8 and was awarded the bronze academic for his year level. Elodie will be able to achieve so much, as she has a great set of parents who will support her through her schooling years.

  6. What a gorgeous Christmas photo, they have all grown so much.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family xx

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