It’s no secret that I love to bake and I love my cookbooks. I do have my favourite books and they are the ones that have foolproof recipes that always work and always get eaten. Oh and that don’t require lots of fancy ingredients (that aren’t in my pantry when I want to bake).
Growing up we always had Margaret Fulton cooking books in our home. And over the years I’ve loved that she’s a little scottish lady just like my grandma.
The latest cookbook from Margaret Fulton is gorgeous and beautifully styled and photographed. It has a great range of classics to more modern recipes for cakes, scones, biscuits, pastry and more. Sometimes you just want the perfect scone recipe and other times you want to go all out and make choux pastry and something to impress. You’ll have the opportunity with this book as it’s got something for everyone.
What I love is that the start of each section has a hints and tips section. This is so helpful especially when you’re trying something new like pastry or aren’t sure of something. We all know that you can follow a recipe to the letter and then end up with a flop or you didn’t put it on the right oven shelf. The hints and tips will be great for the kids and less adventurous and those wanting a perfect finished product.
I received a copy of this lovely book myself and have 2 signed copies of the book to giveaway. All you need to do is tell me why you want to win a copy for yourself (or maybe someone else)………….
this is not a sponsored post, I received a copy of the book , giveaway is open to australian residents, one entry per person, terms of my giveaways here, entries close on Mother’s Day 10 May 2015.
I adore baking, my mother who passed away when I was 17 taught me to love it and share so many traditions and memories. Now some 20 years later I continue to bake with my son and family making memories and continuing traditions
The first cook book I used was the Margaret Fulton Encyclopedia. My Mum also had one of Margaret’s cookbooks that she used when I was young.I would love some classic baking recipes to use for my family and friends
I too live cookbooks. But need some new inspiration. Need a new repertoire
I would love this for my daughter.
I love baking but I don’t think I have any of Margaret’s cookbooks! For shame. Would love to give the recipes a go
I’ve always treasured her recipes as they are well tested and easily followed. She is a lady that I have admired throughout my life as I have watched her encourage generations to still cook food for themselves, rather than always purchasing processed products. I would love a copy of her book to use with my grandchildren.
congratulations Marilyn you have won a copy
Would love to win one for my daughter who has left home (Tasmania) to live and study in Melbourne. She is discovering the joys of cooking and a good Margaret Fulton basic cookbook would be an ideal.
i love her cookbooks. I am slowly making my way through her slow cooker recipe book and the dishes are delicious. I would love to cook some of her desserts.
I would like to win this for my 89 year old daughter – she has caught the baking bug from me and there could be no better first proper cookbook for her than Margaret Fulton!!!
That is my 9 year old!!
Oh beautiful, look at that photo of Margaret. I love pawing through cook books and this one looks fabulous. I’d love some useful hints and tips from such an accomplished cook
I am learning to do more baking as I am mainly a savoury cooking and I would love to bake some of these well know recipes with my baking friend
Margaret Fulton is just the best, I would absolutely treasure a signed copy – that’s if my mum doesn’t accident “borrow” it off of me!
After several years recuperating on the lounge after multiple surgeries, keen to get back into baking and cooking now I can stand and move around the kitchen again. yummy, comfort food for the coming winter months. thanks Corrie.
I would Love to win a couple please. I would love to cook just like my grandmother use too and this book would she help. Thanks
i love Margaret Foulton’s recipes! It’s so nostalgic for me because my mum taught me to bake using her Margaret Foulton’s recipe book. She still has her book and I recently found my own copy at a book sale which I’m sharing with my children. To have all her baking recipes, rather than a few amongst her other meal recipes in the book I have now, would be amazing.
Margaret Fulton is my hero. I learnt to cook from my Mum and her Margaret Fulton cookbook, which I still have. I use her cookbooks most of all, her recipes are always easy, foolproof, and most of all spectacular. She is an amazing cook but most importantly, she is an amazing woman and role model and I really admire her.
I have a nearly 40 year old copy of a Margaret Fulton cookbook that is well used and much loved. The only problem is that I have to convert every recipe from pints, pounds and ounces to grams and litres.
I would love a new version of a Margaret cookbook her recipes are awesome.
And I would like to win because I would love to add this to my collection and wow my family and friends with more of Margaret’s recipes.
I love cooking with my three young daughters and this beautiful book would be treasured in our house. It’ so nice spending quality time in the kitchen, something that I miss doing with my Mum
I’d love to win a copy so I can bake for my baby girl, and then gift her the cookbook when she moves out of home.
My 12 year old daughter told me today she wants to learn to cook just like me! What a perfect book to start her cookbook collection, just like me!
I have a serious cookbook addiction, I just love them. Maybe Margaret Fulton could actually manage to get me making an edible pastry. I have tried using an old recipe of my Nan’s that I found but I am obviously doing something wrong…..I need help.
Who wouldn’t love a copy of Margaret Fulton cook book. That tart on the front cover looks divine
Margaret Fulton is part of Australian history. We Aussies are short on history but the personalities who feature are generous, bold and iconic. I would dearly love a book signed by Margaret Fulton!
I love baking for my family and have been trying some of the older recipes in my collection. This weekend it was weetbix slice. I would love this book for the classic recipes as well as the newer, more modern recipes.
I grew up in Germany and moved to Australia to live with my Australian boyfriend (now husband) in 2009. I know a lot of European recipes but I’m still a newbie when it comes to cooking and baking the Aussie way. I need all the help I can get and would love to own this book by Margaret Foulton.
Thanks for the chance to win this book Corrie. I hope you had a great weekend.
I love cookbooks and I especially love Margaret Fulton. I would like to win this not for myself, but for my daughter who has moved out and bought her first home. We both love to bake. Thank you for this opportunity
I’ve always respected and admired Margaret Fulton but never owned one of her cookbooks. I’d love to own this one and try some classic baking recipes!! Even if only my hubby and I can eat them (my son is allergic to dairy, eggs, tree nuts and peanuts which means he’d likely be unable to eat the foods from most of these recipes).
I would love to own a copy of this book, your review indicates that it will help me to make something that actually tastes good!
I would love to gift this to a special friend who is pregnant with her sixth baby and thru just found out there other daughters cancer has come back after years being cancer free. She’s a busy lady but this would be a great treat to get in the Mail.
Because I always need help in the kitchen and I keep running out of ideas!
I’ve also loved baking since I was a little girl. There is nothing quite like taking something home baked; people seem to go crazy over it. In a day and age where convenience and pre-packaged is the name of the game, home baked is so enjoyable. I’d love to win a copy to keep the art of baking from scratch alive and to continue to bless others through little slices of heaven
Oooo ahhhhh I love to bake and really want to pass on these life skills to my boys.
They have some personal struggles and we have recently decided to homeschool them. Part of their learning will be all sorts of life skills. What a fabulous edition to their text books would this cook book be!
There’s nobody like Margaret Fulton; she’s the absolute baking queen. The last gift I bought my nana before she passed away was a Margaret Fulton cookbook. I’d love a copy of her book to learn some new tricks and to be able to pass it down to my daughter when she’s old enough to bake.
congratulations you have won a copy of the book
I never baked much until I married my husband. His mother is an amazing cook and baker and she has been teaching me everything she knows.
I think this book would certainly add to my knowledge base.
I learnt to cook from Mum’s Margaret Fulton’s cookbook, then when I married Mum gave me my own copy which I still use and love. An updated version would be wonderful to use and love.
i would love to win a copy to get back to cooking homemade food ( from scratch with my little boy) I think this skill is being lost and should be re introduced to our youngsters. Thank you.
Oh Corrie I can’t imagine a better Mother’s Day gift than a Margret Fulton Cook book- to be able to make delicious food for my family. My mum has always cooked her recipes and to me they just feel like home. Would love to create that nostalgic memory for my own little ones. I cook a couple of dishes from memory as we eat it often and there is something truly lovely of evoking your childhood and sharing in such a way.
I would love this book. The only cookbooks I’ve bought recently have been all about healthy meals, green smoothies and salads. I’m sure my husband and children would appreciate adding some baking to the mix!
Oh what a gorgeous cookbook! I’d love to win it simply because I love to bake!
I would love to win this book to share with my daughter, who has just discovered a love of baking…this would be perfect!
Margaret Fulton has a special place in my life. I have one of her books from the late 60’s early 70’s that my late MIL gave to me when my relationship with her son got serious before she knew I could cook. Fast forward a few years and a trip to Leura and hubby gave me a surprise by buying me her Christmas cook book. A year or so later I was an exhibitor at an ACP function and I met her, her daughter Susan, Susan’s daughter and her son (so 4 generations of Fultons!) as they coo’d over my stock and bought a few products. I would LOVE to win a copy of this book as the classics are always a winner in my book. Tradition all the way!
I would love to expand my repertoire. I’m sick of giving my kids’ packaged food and would love to get into making more fresh items.
how beautiful! I’d love to win a copy of this book. I’ve always enjoyed cooking and am now beginning to share the love with my 3yo daughter. We’d love some new classics to work on together. X
My Mum loves to bake and this book will work wonders as a subtle hint that I want her to bake some more!
I love to bake as it helps me relax, is a great thing to do with my daughter and of course there is the delicious end product. With the winter coming there is nothing I would like to do more than hideaway in the warm and make my way through Margaret Fulton’s new book of yummy treats. That lemon tart on the front of the book is just calling out to me! My whole family of taste testers will thank you for the giveaway
I love cookbooks and enjoy cooking and have found a renewed love of baking with my four year old daughter who always want to “bake something yummy mummy”.
Baking for me is synonymous with the “you’re home” feeling… leave the rainy day outside, have a cup of coffee or cocoa and cosy up to a slice of something yummy. Would love to win a copy of this to discover some new favourites to offer my husband and munchkins.
I wasn’t going to enter but after seeing the photo of Strawberries on a biscuit base I have to have it! Plus Margaret Fulton is an Aussie icon of cooking and every Australian home should have at least one of her books – ours doesn’t – always borrowing/printing from the Library.
Pick me! I want to win because I never win anything and unlike everyday meals baking is relaxing and a chance to escape my chaotic stressful life.
I don’t like cooking as such but I do love to bake. I’m always buying cookbooks and recipe magazines but not much of the food appeals to me. I always turn to the back for the baking and cake recipes. This book by Margaret Fulton looks terrific just my cup of tea. I try not to buy too many baking books as I am getting quite rotund from the cakes but I would love to have a copy of her book.
I just love cookbooks, and baking is where I go to destress. The kitchen is my favourite place in my home, a real haven, and this book, would be well used and an inspiration.
I too love collecting (and using) cookbooks. I truly enjoy creating and baking for my family and friends and think its such a special thing and something that isn’t done enough these days (in my humble opinion). To me Margaret Fulton is not only a very inspirational woman but a fantastic cook and I realise I do not have a cookbook of hers as yet. Thanks for the opportunity to win one to add to my collection and to enjoy some classic and delicious recipes with my loved ones.
I don’t bake a lot in summer because of the heat but now that winter is here….bring it on!
Margaret Fulton is one of my 5 dream dinner guests (although I would be PETRIFIED of serving her any food in the fear of total failure and would probably spasm into crazy fan mode too!). I have many of her books (both her titled work and those at the AWWW) and have read her biography. It is incredible the impact she has had and how she has changed the landscape of Australian cooking. Now not meaning to sound totally fan girl but love her cook books and would love to win this!
I would love to own this amazing lady’s cookbook. Love watching her on the cooking shows on t.v. and she is an inspiration to any budding chef/cook and I think it’s lovely that her granddaughter looks to be following in her footsteps.
I always stick to my old boring favourite recipes and I buy premixed cake boxes so I really need this at home so I can bake fresh cakes for my family.
I’m also having a Giveaway on my site so please also visit AllThingsMum!
I would love to win a copy to give to my 12 year old for her birthday. She loves cooking and this would be a great classic to add. Plus then I could borrow it!!
A daughter of a cwa lady – i tend yo have a fully stocked pantry ready for cooking. i love cooking good family recipes. Whilst im not a fan of the daily grind cooking. I love cooking feasts for special dinners. Id love this book to expand my daily go to recipes – making it more enjoyable everyday. X
I have my grandmas copy of Margaret Fultons cook book and crockpot cook book and they are well loved in this household. It also always makes me think of time in the kitchen with both my mum and grandma as they both regularly used these books. I would love a copy of her new book I’m sure it will be just as wonderful!
Margaret is my mother’s cooking icon and she would adore this for Mother’s Day, goodness knows she deserves it.
I would love to win the book very selfishly for myself. My first ever cook book was a Margaret Fulton’s and I still use many of the recipes in that book today, many, many years later. In fact the first meal I ever cooked my husband was from that same book and we have been married almost forty years!
The first cookbook I bought with money given to me as a wedding gift was by Margaret Fulton and it’s still going strong 39 years later. I would so like to win a copy of this new book as it would remind me of my Scottish mum teaching me to bake as a wee girl. My mum died several years ago and when I bake it brings back many happy memories.
I would LOVE to win a Margaret Fulton cookbook! Not being Australian it would be great to have such an amazing woman’s cookbook of Margaret’s to add to my NZ collection!! She is definitely a lady of great inspiration!
Be nice to upgrade my bible, which is the Margaret Fulton cookbook from the 1970’s. Mum gave it to me, her copy, when I moved out of home and I refer to it constantly.
Margaret Fulton is the best cook on the face of this earth, and I intend to make all her recipes because they’re never fail and never fail to please. Hearty and delicious, unlike the arty fart cooks and chefs of the day who put a bit of nothing on a plate and think it’s fantastic, when it’s not.
ooooh – I’d love to win! I’ve still got my mum’s bright yellow 1970s Margaret Fulton cookbook and I still use it!
The first cookbook I ever used was a Margaret Fulton one at my Nanna’s place. My little girl loves helping me bake, I’d love to teach her the classics with one of these cookbooks
I’d love to win this because my in-laws are moving in with us for 4 months while their house is worked on and I want to show them I can actually cook!
Hi Retro Mummy
I also love Margaret Fulton’s Cookbooks so of course would love the opportunity of receiving her latest cookbook signed!
Happy Baking xxx
I’ve never bought a Margaret Fulton cookbook so would be very interested to have one and read her recipes. I know she is a legend cook so I’m sure she has some legend recipes.
I am not a great savoury cook; however I adore baking sweet treats. Friands and brownies would be up there with my favourites. I often freeze them and pull them out when a friend pops over. Being a (chiche) Gen Y baby, I have never owned a cookbook but use the internet as a source for my baking recipes. I would love a copy of this beautiful book so that I can crinkle the pages with use ,and smuge cake mixture over it like my mother’s well-loved cookbooks from when I was a child!
I have always loved and used Margaret Fultons cookbooks. I buy new cookbooks but always find myself going back to my old favourites.
I would love to win a copy for my sister. She loves cooking and baking and always creates amazing meals for us to share as a family!
Wow, looks like a lovely book. I love deserts and thank you for the chance to win.
I love all the older style recipe books, they remind me of my Grandmother who I got my love of baking from and died at age 99years & 9months! I would share the book with my mum and continue the traditions which mean so much to me. Happy Mothers Day to you Corrie!
I love baking; we have a cake or cookies every day for our coffee break. I would love to try new recipes.
I’m learning how to bake for my friends and family but also to help my husband with some baked goods at his cafe so this book would be a great help to me! I haven’t got any of Margaret Fulton’s cookbooks but I do have both Louise Fulton Keats cook books which have great recipes for my kids. I’m sure this one will be used quite a lot in my kitchen!
I would love to win this book for my daughter Bridget who is 11. Long story – About eigth months ago I baked a tea cake one night after dinner. My husband replied “I’m wondering how much you love me because tea cake is my FAVOURITE and you rarely bake it and now I only get a small piece”. Packed it in the lunchbox for the children’s morning tea. Bridget comes home with hands on hips exclaiming “I’m SICK and TIRED of tea cake and if you ever put it in my lunch box again I’m going to lose it” After picking myself off the floor shocked from the outburst, I explained my predicament with Dad loving it and her hating it and suggested that she could take over the responsibility of baked goods in the lunch box – her reply “Bring it on”. Since then she’s had a go at baking every Sunday. Some a huge success, others definitely a learning experience. This would truly kick her along with practical recipes.
I love all the classic recipes that are in the Margaret Fulton books because they are simple and easy to follow. Also its always a treat when the plate gets emptied into bellies.
Oh i would love to win one of these books, as i have her previous well used books and just love how easy her recipes are to follow and they always turn out beautifully! thank you!
I’d love to win this book for my mum, because I’m being selfish, I know, but I’d love her to make all of the recipes for me!
I thought adding a bottle of wine to a recipe was smart, until I spilt said bottle of red wine over my mothers cookbook collection!
Oooh … I have only learnt to cook in the last few years and I am busy making up for lost time – what a waste of all those years! We’ve almost saved enough to put in our new dream kitchen and this would be perfect way to christen it !! Thanks for the chance
btw, should I go gas or electric oven …??
My mum has a red Margaret Fulton book. I use to sit down as a child and pick out special dishes we would try together. This one looks even better with lovely coloured pictures. Somehow pictures helps me cook better. Margaret’s recipes always seem to work.
Margaret is the Grand Dame of cooking and I would love to add her new book to my collection. Those scones look divine!!
I do not own any Margaret Fulton books but I love baking. Ordinary ingredients from my pantry are what I enjoy working with. The pictures you showed are the kind of inspiration that works for me.
To be honest, much as I love my Mum, she’s a terrible cook. I love to bake for friends and I’ve taught myself some recipes, but I’d love to learn from a true master like Margaret. This is my first Mother’s Day as a Mum, and I’m determined that my son will be able to learn good home-cooking from me one day – this would be a perfect way to start!
I have to redeem my baking creditability with the family after excitedly putting my spin on Grandma’s apple pie. While it looked divine, the fist bite then occurred along with some disgusted facial reactions… I put salt in instead of sugar!
I’d love to win a copy of Margaret’s book, as I don’t own many cookbooks. This would be a lovely addition to a hopefully growing collection of books!
My young girls and I bake every Sunday, I would dearly love a copy of Margaret’s book to give to my girls, they would treasure every recipe and photo in the book and together we can learn more about the art of baking. Thanks Corrie. Happy Mother’s Day xo
The first “proper” cookbook I received from my Mum over 20 years ago, was by Margaret! You can never go wrong with her recipes, I’d love a copy to use when I cook with my daughter.
I think I must have one of her first cookbooks, it is now in tatters as I used it so much in my early days of learning to cook and still use it now but not quite as much. Would be nice to win this one and see how much the recipes have changed over the years. Have a great Mother’s Day, enjoy
At the age of 60 I am finally beginning to take an interest in cooking which I have pretty much hated…. I would LOVE to win a copy of this cookbook to learn from the Mistress , Margaret Fulton!