First baby gets all the photos, their own album and everything documented. Then the second baby comes along and standards start to slip, then the third (although we did 2 for 1 when we had our twins) and then by the 4th you realise you better start taking lots of baby photos so our little elodie has plenty of photos. Then the 5th sneaks up on you…….poor little guy was lucky to get a photo of his first Christmas it was such a busy day and that brings us to the 6th.
I realised almost all of the photos of him are stored on my phone.
Poor little man. He deserves a bit better than that. We do love him so much.
So I grabbed my camera and took a few photos after his dinner….bit of food still on him and dribble too. Well he is the 6th. No time for an outfit change or to notice those things BEFORE I took the photos. Plus this is real life at 5.30pm on a Thursday night with a 7 month old baby and 5 other kids running around too.
People have asked who he looks like and I’m proud to say there is more of me and my family this time around! Yay for that…oh and his daddy’s blue eyes. He’s a good little boy, always smiling (ok and he also frowns but not much of a crier), loves people, loves his big brothers and sisters, loves food (all of it, hasn’t been anything he doesn’t like), moves fast and has already put lego in his mouth.
I took these photos on a proper camera (not my iPhone), my Olympus EM-5 with a 25mm lens….still my favourite.
Where have those seven months gone?! Only seems almost like yesterday that you were posting the first pictures of him. He’s gorgeous and will definitely be melting a few hearts as he gets older
He is just gorgeous. Back in the day of cameras with film I would get it processed & immediately put photos in the album. Now my photos are in lots of random folders on the computer & none have made it into the album in years ! I will add it to my to do list
thats one adorable baby- and very photogenic- no pics are a disservice to the world:))))
Lovely photos Corrie. My poor first baby only has one photo book and I never even got around to filling in a baby book for her. I also need to print out some photos and put them up on the walls, pretty much all her photos are on the computer or my phone. In fact I think her photo book has the only printed photos of her in it.
Just gorgeous Corrie. And he is not a poor 6th baby, he is a lucky 6th baby that has all those brothers and sisters that love him and shower him with affection
Make sure you get all of your photos off your phone, and off your computer too, onto a portable hard drive which you can hide in the house. We were hit pretty hard by a robbery years ago but thankfully, no one wanted to steal photo albums back then. Bit of a different story today.
Yes – multiple albums of #1 and by number 3 I can hardly tell them apart unless there is a sibling in the picture. The worst thing that my youngest Laura ever read was on birth order – that the oldest gets everything and the youngest has fewer grey cells. As far as I can tell, the youngest is the most adaptable – easiest going and is appreciative of any attention. Best years with her were once the two oldest left home and she was the only one with me. Finally had her to myself.
You have a talent with the camera Corrie! He’s adorable – I can’t believe that he is 7 months old already!!
What a cutie!! I know what you mean, I have thousands of pictures of my younger ones on my phone but seem to only pull out the good camera for special occasions.
I love his blue eyes
What a handsome little man with those gorgeous blue eyes. It is nice to see some photos of him. How big does Emerson look now that Lawson has grown up a bit?
Corrie he’s just adorable! I must admit I take more photos now that I have my phone, and even though it’s just a phone you will still have those memories later on. Remember the days when the expensive cameras took a worse picture than the happy snaps we use our phones for? Such a long time ago now. I love my big camera but I also love having the phone always nearby and ready to go. Whenever I upgrade the phone these days, I always choose based on the best camera so that I never miss a moment… and I’m a pretty tragic snaparazzi when it comes to my own kids haha!
He is so cute. I think I see a bit of Tillie in him. And what gorgeous blue eyes.
He is adorable. It is funny with our fourth, we had stages where we had lots of photos and then none for periods of time. With our fifth (2) we have lots of photos but mostly on our phones. Fantastic photos. I have the same camera and love it.
Poor bubba…he looks very hard done by
Nice to finally meet him. Ha ha it is a shame but we all do it.
Lawson is absolutely adorable, Corrie. I love his beautiful eyes similar to his big sister’s blue eyes? I was so nervous when my third and fourth sons brought their future wives home that they would eventually ask me for baby albums. My first two children had very elaborate albums, of course, but then I became so busy married to an Army Officer, who was often away, that I never put together albums for my last two! I still feel guilty and promise myself to create photo books but now have five grandchildren with two more on the way and even though we are now retired still cannot find enough time. You are amazing with six little ones to do everything you do!
He’s adorable! And yes 1st thing I thought, he does look more “you” than the others..bless! It’s funny I have 5 kids & my number 4 has dark brown hair & the others are all blonde / fair.. xx