Brought to you by BIG W
Congratulations to Jeanette, Belinda, Rosie, Melita, Natalie and Tash who won the competition. Prizes have just been sent out. Thank you everyone for entering!
I often say that there is never a dull moment in our house. And you probably say the same about your own family life. Someone will be going through a great stage or becoming more independent while the sweetest member of the family might be teething or going through a stage of independence or you can’t get to the shops with your little runner who doesn’t want to sit in the pram. You name the stage – well for the under 9’s – and I’ve been there. Pooplosions, teething, toilet training, tantrums right through to door slamming, tears over nothing and cutting their own hair with scissors and acting like they hadn’t.
And the great news is that things are always changing and just when you think you can’t handle another day of crying – oh look the tooth has broken through and you get your happy baby back. And the other great thing is that you learn to laugh at things. That’s my strategy when things get too much, just look for the positive things in life. Like when I put the baby down on a quilt and he just kept rolling and taking the quilt with him. Like all the time. Within a day or two he’s worked out how to roll from one side of the room to the other and taking everything in his path. My toilet breaks are fast so I can duck back to see where he has ended up.
Just smile, laugh and worry about the bigger things that you have to worry about.
It’s the BIG W Baby Sale which is usually my favourite time to stock up on baby and toddler clothes as the weather is getting cooler and we always need new jammies, new winter tops and jackets, someone usually needs some jeans and winter shoes too. And this was the weather on the day I decided we’d take some photos. Definitely getting cooler.
my tips for dressing babies
For the littlest member of our family it’s jumpsuits and leggings all the way. Bonds wondersuits, stretchy tees and leggings are wonderful and you can never have too many jumpsuits. I always buy the next size up when I’m shopping and keep them on hand because babies grow so quickly. Tops with hoods are great to keep little heads warm without needing to remember hats.
When buying baby clothes, look for comfort, stretchy waistbands, press studs on necklines for ease of getting over little baby heads and as sweet as innocent as all white is once you’ve started solids and rusk sticks you’ll want the darker colours. Trust me on that one. Also buy lots of baby socks because you’ll lose them everywhere and you can never have too many bibs either. $10 for the Dymples hoodie – super warm and snuggly and stylish at the same time and $22 for the BONDS jeans.
I love BIG W for singlets, jumpsuits, getting new baby bottles, teething rings, nappies and more. And you’ll also find the bigger items like cots, prams and carseats too. Now the Lamaze toys are just the best with bright colours, crinkly bits and little mirrors and sounds. I picked up two for $12 each on sale (usually $20 each ) and they are so popular in our house. Grass is also popular as you can see.
The inch worm is hilarious as it squeaks and plays some music and it was like my little guy was wrestling a crocodile! Too much fun.
my tips for dressing toddlers
Ahhh toddlers. This is when the fun really begins. It’s their way or the highway. Independence, learning to say no, getting the huffies and then being sweet as pie the next minute. My top tip for winter dressing is layer upon layer upon layer. A long sleeved t-shirt with a short sleeved t-shirt over the top and some jeans and then a vest or jacket can be taken with you. It’s great for when you leave the house and it’s chilly and for mornings at preschool, playgroup, the park or a weekend outing. When you get too warm you can strip a layer off. Toddlers are often discovering how to remove their clothes and are known to strip down to a nappy and run around the house. We have one or two of those. $10 for this cute Dymples fleece jumper.
These cargo pants are sure to be a favourite of mine as they are lined in a warm fabric and since we leave the house early in the morning they will keep my little guy warm while looking smart too.
my tips for dressing preschoolers
Dresses with leggings are a great option for girly girls and anything Frozen is a winner in our house. We are out of nappies so dresses and skirts have been wonderful through toilet training and make it super easy to make it to the toilet in time without needing someone to unbutton jeans or trousers.Always try to remember this on preschool /childcare days. This Frozen dress comes in at $29 and hasn’t been out of a little one’s sight since it arrived at our house. Don’t miss out on this one. It’s already been through the wash a few times.
If you’re not a fan of licensed clothes then keep it for the pjs, undies, t-shirts, bags and lunchboxes. I almost lose my little guy in the bag area at preschool because of the toy story, cars and spiderman bags or lunch boxes that he spies
5 looks I’m loving in the BIG W Baby Sale
So now we’ve got 2 sets of frozen jammies and 1 frozen dress which means one little 4 year old is sorted for winter. These flannelette pjs will make the sweetest gift for a little Frozen fan and keep them warm too. $22 for the set.
You can’t beat the classics like stripey tops and denim. $15 for the top and $20 for the jeans (the jeans are called skinnies but super cute on my chubby).
$16 for the printed tee and $13 for the leggings.
Just $12 for these fun bodysuits in your favourite character. I can’t tell you how excited our 2 year old was to find the buzz lightyear one and how determined he was to put it on (even though it was a size 00)
I remember when I had my first baby girl and started meeting people who were deliberately not dressing their girls in pink and I was like WHAT??? WHY???? I can’t help it. I love pink. I have branched off into navy and other colours but I’ll always love pink. I couldn’t resist these pink foil polka dot leggings with a co-ordinating top. This will be a great outfit for preschool and playgroup days and is girly, fun, comfy and warm. $16 for the sweat top and $9 for the leggings, both from the Emerson range at BIG W and I think this might be my favourite outfit for preschool this year.
Smart outfits for little and big boys and great if you have a special event coming up this year or for church and birthday parties. We have 2 weddings to take our little guy to this year and I just know he’s going to the look the cutest in this set. Peter Morrissey for BIG W, $18 for the chambray shirt and bow tie set and $22 for the pants and braces bringing the outfit in at $40 and for a special occasion I think that’s a pretty good deal.
Because I love shopping and dressing my little ones, I thought it would be fun if I picked out a few outfits for your little one! All you need to do is pick one of your kids – or two (perhaps your best behaved or your hardest to dress or maybe the one who gets all the hand me downs!). Tell me their sizes and what they like (or you like them) to wear! Check out the BIG W Baby sale catalogue here to drop me some hints and I’ll create 5 prize packs for $50 each which will be mailed out to you. I know I’m going to have fun with this one! If you trust me!!!!!!
entries close 17th February 2015, one entry per person, full terms of my giveaways can be found here
And thanks to BIG W for sending out the lovely clothes…..and also thanks to the makers of the lollypops and smarties which were the only way I was going to grab some photos and co-operation
I just love this competition. My 3 year old would love the minion shirt. He is also loving Thomas, diggers/trucks/machinery and anything Spider-Man at the moment. I love all the outfits you put together for your boys.
Big W are fabulous for kids clothing, love it. My size 4 3.5yr old is very princess-y (a surprise after a classic “tomboy” who looks exactly like Scout from the To Kill a Mockingbird movie!) she’s just started classical ballet classes and loves anything pretty to wear and put in her hair. Her favourites are anything from the Peter Morrissey girls range; gold skirts and sparkly tops? She says thank you very much!
My third daughter lives in hand me downs and I would love her to have a new good outfit – the Peter Morrissey stuff is just gorgeous – she would be a size 2 this winter!!!
I have a 2.5 year old daughter with way to many clothes, but am due any day with our son. I’m loving the Bonds line for boys at the moment, especially the zip wondersuits! They’re fabulous!
Would I be able to enter if I gave you my sisters address in Aussie and she could forward to me if I won? I’m in New Zealand, and have been loving reading your blog for years
I have a 3 year old who is obsessed with Frozen, however she can’t wear licensed clothes at preschool so pjs, undies etc would work well
she’s coming into size 4. She also keeps telling me that she wants a “turn around dress” (that you can spin in)
I had my two boys then my girl so she wears a LOT of pink!! She’s now 3 1/2 and loves dresses and skirts, especially ones she can twirl in!
What a fun giveaway! I have a almost 4 year old boy obsessed with everything character covered ( including frozen
). He’s size 4 in tops and he can do size 4 bottoms if they are adjustable as he has a teeny stomach and butt!! It’s almost his birthday and he would love some new clothes – Spider-Man, cars, planes, superheroes , monsters, toy story
anything is loved!!
My grandson Jordan would love any of the Dymples range. He is starting to roll around and getting ready to crawl so the Sweaters, trackies and cargo pants would be perfect, teamed with the applique tees.
I have just has a little boy – 3 weeks old , and after having 2 girls that are really
Girly ( think pink, pink and more pink and dresses and frills and skirts ) I have no idea what’s fashionable for the new little man in my life. Plus the outfit changes – oh my ! He wets through every outfit – yes every outfit ! ( and yes I have pointed ‘it’ down ). Tried every brand of newborn nappy and he just has really tiny skinny legs so they don’t catch everything ! So we could really so with some clothes ! Thanks for the opportunity xx
My 2 (and a bit) year old is currently wearing the same size as his 4 year old brother and doesn’t seem to get any new clothes
he is a messy kid so anything darker is always good for him! He looks gorgeous in denim shorts and loves stripy shirts. Also, with his speech delay, it would be good to have some nice shirts with pictures on them that we can talk about.
Thanks for offering this great giveaway!
size 000 unisex for me as baby 5 due in April and after a huge gap I have nothing for my little jellybean to wear, absolutely love Bigw for its great value and quality especially when you have to stretch the pennies, thanks for such a great opportunity xx
There’s so much I want for miss 22 months (size 2) at Big W at the moment!
I also love that there’s not much purple for a change!!
There’s so much I want for miss 22 months (size 2) at Big W at the moment!
I also love that there’s not much purple for a change!!
I love the harem pants, the jeans, all the bonds range- especially the floral track pants, the peter morissey range-I love so much of Big W’s current range I couldn’t pick a favourite!
Sorry for the add on, for some reason only half my comment published
I’m blessed to be a mother of 2 boys who are close in age, so we get a lot of use out of our clothes. However my boys can be quite rough on their clothes, so not everything makes it as a hand me down! Currently they are in size 4’s & 5’s.
This winter they really need some new flannelette pyjamas, long sleeved shirts & hoodies. We looked in Big W last week to get an idea of what is out for this coming winter and they particularly liked the Lightning McQueen hoodies and long sleeved shirts. As far as pyjamas go, anything that has cars, trucks or anything remotely boyish is always a winner.
My 20 week old boy Morgan is in size 00 but getting close to size 0. Unfortunately not many hand-me-downs from big brother work for us as he was born with clubfoot so we need clothing that is long sleeved but no legs to accommodate if he goes back into a plaster or is wearing a knee ankle foot orthotic at night or footless and fully opening to ease putting on and off if he is wearing boots and bar. Bonds bamboo socks work well in his orthotic boots too. I’m loving dressing him in shorts/pants and t-shirts during the day when he is out of his kafo/boots though. Once these practicalities are taken into account anything would be great as the designs for boys at BigW are super cute & funky.
I have a 3 year old daughter who is in size 4, she loves anything Minnie mouse and dresses or skirts she can twirl in. My son is 4 months old and size 0, he looks spunky in checkered shirts and bonds new release clothes.
My 5 year old (size 5) who loves singing FROZEN and is celebrating her 6th birthday next month!!!!! Thanks for a chance.
I love Big W, but unfortunately our nearest one is 5 hours away! My little Maisie is 8 weeks old, size 000-00 and would love anything that could be just hers and not a hand me down from her big sister. She looks quite precious in pink 😉 I think she will be my little girlie girl, whereas her sister has always been Daddy’s little farm girl.
What a fantastic competition. We have 2 beautiful boys. Our 10 month old son is using hand me downs from our 2 year old son although not for much longer as they are now in the same size clothes! Hehe One is small for his age and the other is right where he should be for his age!
A new Church outfit for the cooler months would be would be wonderful!
Slowly coming up to the cooler months we would love boys clothes in a size 2 be it cute long sleeve t-shirts, jackets, jumpers, long pants and leggings etc. We don’t have a particular brand we like over another although Bonds, Mambo, Dymples ranges of clothes are great at Big W.
Thanks so much for considering us.
Our third child is our first boy, and he just turned one. We didn’t know what we were having with any of our babies so he has pretty much lived in hand me downs, although now he is in Size 1 clothes we are all out of neutral hand me downs! I would love some cute, practical little boy outfits that will keep him warm during the school run, and wash well after he has played in the sand, as he loves to have a good roll around in there!
What a great comp! I love dressing my kids, but am happy to hand over the reigns just this once since yours always look so lovely! I have two girls. My youngest was born the same day as Lawson (she’s a size zero) and my eldest turned three yesterday (shes a size four). They both need some comfy, cozy bonds stuff for winter. It wears and washes so well!!
I would love any of the Peter Morissey branded clothing for my girls, Milla 2 (size 3) and Lyla 2.5 months (size 00,0)
I love the gorgeous options!
I have 3 kiddies.. 2 girls age 9 and 2. My 2yr old is a size 2-3 and loves bright tshirts, bikepants and dresses. My lil man is 3m old and 00, I love him wearing character clothes and tops with collars because they make him look so handsome. He is usually seen in a growsuit
My second bub scored a heap of hand-me-downs when she was born, so some size 00 would be amazing! I love the cute pants and hoodie sets, plus the gorgeous bonds zippys! Love big W!!
I love navy, grey and white – it’s a great combo for girls and boys. The master is about to turn 5, and my lady baby turned 1 this week (gasp). I love the Peter morrisey and Emerson ranges for the kids and you can never go wrong with bonds.
Hi retro mummy,
Great comp!
We also have couple of weddings this winter. I love the pants and braces outfit you put together! My little boys are 4 months old and 2 years old. They love their hand-me-downs but new clothes always look so smart! Thanks
Girl size 8 into anything stylish and grown up, boy size 7, anything batman or Spider-Man, boy size 6 anything Peppa pig or Spider-Man, girl size 2, frozen fanatic! Girl size 00 anything girly
Oh what a great giveaway, I love Big W kids clothes and we get you to shop for us! Your kids are always beautifully dressed.
I choose my little man for this, size 3. He is constantly playing second fiddle to his older sisters in the clothing department. Relatives find girls so much more interesting to buy clothes for.
He will happily wear anything, he often sports pink hand me downs at bedtime. However, he loves real boys clothes and has a love of a top that has something interesting for him to look at on the front.
Thanks Corrie
My 20 week old ID twin boys are finally starting to outgrow their 000’s so I’m looking for some 00 stuff coming into the cooler weather!
I love all the character stuff that way the boys can be matching, but not actually matching, same with bonds, its so nice to be able to buy almost the same outfit in two different shades of Blue! My 2yo, 3yo and 7yo all love Big W stuff too, I take them there for their birthdays normally to pick a few items, its all so lovely and bright and well priced.
I have 4 girls and although when I had my first I wasn’t a huge fan of pink I now am! Lots of pink in this house!
It is my youngest (5 weeks) who needs the clothes at the moment as she is growing so quickly! She is currently going into size 000.
She looks gorgeous in pale colours more than bolder colours. I love Bond baby clothes as they are great quality and comfy for bubs.
What a great competition! We have two little girls close in age, our youngest gets most of her big sisters hand me downs so I’d love the opportunity to freshen up her winter clothing options. (Size 1 please) thank you
Size 000 for my little boy to be born in a few weeks (I’m told by the doctors he’s on track to be a very big bubba!). Something from the peter morrissey collection for his Aunty’s wedding in May would be tremendous. Have nothing good enough for him to wear! Those character suits are also super cute!
Our youngest daughter is turning 1 on March the 6th…..It would be lovely to have you piece together a cute outfit or two for her birthday. I love dressing her up in cute, pretty things – you can never have too many ruffles, sparkles or bows! Any color or style. Her size is around 0-1
My daughter, size 2, is the hand me down Princess. The joy I guess of older female cousins. My son’s the lucky one with no older boys in the family!
I love dressing her in girly dresses, pale blue looks amazing on her. Not into bright, bold and brash stand out pieces. The Peter Morrissey Baby Sequin Dress and Headband Set is exactly her little look (minus the headband, can’t stand them, nor can she). When she’s in pants and a top, this is definitely her look Peter Morrissey Baby 2-Piece Sequin Set…..but I am a little reluctant with sequins these days, since a sequined top from K-Mart scratched one whole side of her face from every day wear and turning her head from side to side. Wasn’t happy Jan!
I’m about to have my very first baby. We’ve been trying not to buy too many clothes, but at the same time want to have good practical things for when our little person arrives. We don’t know whether we’re having a boy or a girl, so there’s a little challenge for your shopping skills!
we love the bonds wondersuits from the Big W catalogue, and think that any thing with easy zips will be good for Hubby who’s a bit nervous about handling a new born.
My 3year old daughter is rather tall, so it’s hard to find dresses to fit her that are long enough. She’s not into pink or princesses or frozen (hallelujah!) but she loves tutu skirts and fairy dresses. She’d be happy if I could find her a shirt with dinosaurs on it!
Lovely tips you shared Corrie. You always choose gorgeous clothes for your children. My eldest boy is nearly 3 and is just up to size 3 clothing now. He doesn’t have much at all ready for winter ahead, so it would be wonderful for him to get some nice cargo pants, jumpers or vests. I like the layered clothing suggestion – that seems very helpful, especially since he seems to get hot so quickly from running around!
I am a foster mum. my current little one just turned one. I noticed tonight his third hand pjs are getting a bit worn out and he needs new ones. I try and buy unisex clothes as I never know if I will get a boy or girl in care. I love Bonds leggings and tops. Bonds track pants are so warm in winter. He has several in size 00 but really needs a bigger size. He wears size 1 tops, but O bottoms. I call this little man my laughing baby. he has the best laugh and a head of incredible curls. He is so cute! We love him to bits and will be so sad when he eventually leaves.
My 7 year old girl (size 7) loves Frozen so anything and everything Frozen is a must. My 4 year old boy (size 3-4) is my comfort boy. Easy to wear, easy to pull on /off and if it has a Ninja Turtle on it you are laughing. Thanks for the chance to win.
I’m loving all of the new winter gear at Big W this year! Miss 4 loves everything Frozen (let’s face it, who doesn’t?) and I’m loving the little baby boy sets for Master 2. Nothing better then a new pair of jammies at winter
I’ve been searching everywhere for some funky leggings for a nearly 1 year old boy. ive exhausted the three different styles they have at our local target
I would love for my little girl who wear something colourful and cotton based!
Wow, what a great prize. I’ve got one size 5 boy. We love plain block colours and patterns. Dislike all licensed clothing and products
he is a bit of a surfer/ skater kind of dude. I love the formal outfit you picked out- would be perfect for a upcoming wedding.
Would love to enter for miss 17months, she is girly but loves messy and rough play. So comfy but pretty?? Is that possible ?
What an awesome prize! I have a little boy in size 4s who would love some new clothes! We like stylish clothes, but he also needs to be able to comfortably move and play in them. I also have a newbie on the way in May (of which we don’t know the gender). Thanks for the opportunity!
I have 4 kids (12,8 boys and girls2 and 5 months). I want to toilet train my little girl, sick of buying nappies and she is ready. Some size 2 cute frozen underwear may just be the thing to help along toilet training. I can always do with some bond suits for my 5 month old especially coming into winter
My 3.5yo little man is into anything with diggers, trucks and trains on it, and if it’s a concrete truck then it is the best! (My husband works at a concrete plant lol!). He’s also got a thing for long sleeves, and lots of pockets on shorts.
My nearly-2yo daughter has discovered skirts…and the prettier, frillier and swirlier (is that even a word?) that they are, then the better!
And as for my 3 month old daughter, well, anything looks cute on her 😉
Hi Corrie
I would choose pj’s for my little 3 year old as his little hand me down jammies are getting rather worn.
Thanks for the chance xx
Miss Kitty is currently in 0000 and at nearly 4 months old I am amazed at how much my sweet premie has grown. We dress her in any colour but pink because we feel it is too traditional and our favourite colour to see her in is yellow.
Such an awesome giveaway!
My little miss is 8 months old and has one older brother and all older boy cousins so she is forever wearing hand-me-downs with trucks, cars or dinosaurs on them! I would love some new clothes for her for winter (she would be a size 1-2).
I love all Bonds clothing as it is amazing quality and goes with everything. And I am also loving the Peter Morissey range as something different and super stylish.
Amazing competition! My one year old girl would love the pink bunny t shirt! We are very big into Bonds – such a fantastic brand!
I have 18 month old twin boys, size 2. They really need some warm pjs for winter. They both love cars, trucks, planes…fire engines and Thomas are the best! Some pants with comfy waist to fit over their pot bellies would be good too
I love this idea! Thanks for the chance, Corrie! My son is a size 3 (which makes me sad because a lot of the super duper cute clothes go up to a size 2). He just loves anything with wheels so I really like the Emerson Junior print tees with motorbikes. The Emerson Junior track pants also look really comfortable. I know he would also love the Cars character fashion tee
My baby girl turns 2 in a couple of weeks
where did that time go….. A surprise package would be perfect for her birthday she wears size 2, we love Big W harem pants (pg4) we had both styles last autumn sadly they don’t fit now or anything polka dot or Minnie Mouse is a huge winner.
Thank you
Hi Corrie, thanks for this fun competition! I would love being you and picking out outfits for the 5 winners! My girls (size 8 and size 3) live in leggings all year round under their dresses/skirts. They would love some warm full length pretty/girly coloured leggings for the winter season.
My little miss would love anything Frozen or Minnie Mouse related in a size 4
what an awesome giveaway 
For my little girl who is 6 month I love flowery/ polkadot tops or pants. Little jackets or checked dresses with boots or closed shoes. We also love singlets and socks.
For my two sons one 2 uears years and other 4. They love superhero clothing and shirts with diggers or cars. Cargo pants as well as trackies. Jumpers that are fleece or ribbed. Anything disney cars or thomas related.
Great comp! My little guy has been wearing hand-me-downs from his brother and cousins so some new clothes would be really cool. He is most comfortable in cotton and natural fibres. I love simple styles without slogans and words.
My baby girl is about to move up to size 1… sob, she’s leaving the naughts! I’d love it if you could find some cute outfits for her. She is a bit of a mischief maker and I like to see her get into trouble with the cute skirts with leggings, oh & I adore stripes on kiddies, stripes are the best!
My 3 granddaughters, Lily almost 7 Violet 4 in April and their cousin Charlotte 3 all love Frozen, the pj’s look wonderful.
Lily my very grown up little girl likes skirts and nice tops, Violet and Charlotte anything pink.
My just turned 5yo son loves all things superheroes, minions, toy story, disney basically. My 2yo daughter wears hand me downs from her cousin (and I pass down my son’s clothes to their other cousin) so she doesn’t have anything in her fave character Minnie mouse. But anything pink she will love really! Thanks for the opportunity to enter. Great comp x.
My littlest man Oliver is in dire need of some new threads! He’s turning 3 in a little over a week and has 2 older brothers – who he cops a lot of hand me downs from – and a baby sister. He’s never that impressed with the hand-me-downs, funny little man he is. Insists that shirt belongs to his brother and then refuses wear it. He is a massive Dusty the CropHopper fan, as you can see from his singlet. This photo is from this morning, making a pumpkin cake for his great grandmothers 89th birthday today
What a great idea for a giveaway!
We were actually just walking through Big W the other day and looking at all the winter clothes starting to come onto the shelves. I decided to wait before buying something because we have so many clothes from my brothers kids.
Unfortunately it looks like almost all of them are summer clothes, and the ones that are winter are all a bit small (size 1, when he needs size 2).
I think the Dymples Denim Jacket looks adorable, and would love to see him in that outfit.
Hope I win 😀
Oh my miss 5 (a size 6) has a very eclectic taste in fashion shall we say :0 I do so enjoy letting her choose outfits and we often marvel at her own little unique style and flair that she brings to the table.
Ooh I love big w, unfortunetly live in a small town that doesn’t have one!
I would have to pick my baby boy, size 000, after 3 girls my poor lil man does not so far have a very extensive wardrobe hahha
I have a 6 month old daughter (one week younger than your Lawson!) and I love her in pink! I am a fan of anything with a snap crotch rather than a tee, I hate when her little belly is exposed and I don’t like seeing her nappy…mind you this doesn’t bother me at all on other kids just my own! Thanks for the chance
We have a new little girl due in 4 weeks
Anything pink and girly x
I’ve got two girls, aged 4 and 2 and twice a year I go put on bulk layby about this time for the coming season. Daycare clothes, jeans, tshirts, jumpers,jackets and going out clothes and I just get 2 of everything (one in each girls size) but as it ends up my little girl still gets the hand me downs too (with the exception of daycare clothes) so my oldest always seems short on clothes!
My eldest is also a huge Frozen fan and would love love love those flanette jammies. PJ’s are our ‘go to’ prize from the Easter Bunny with her allergies to Dairy, eggs and nut too.
My gorgeous niece Sienna who’s a size 3 and loves everything Sofia the First or Dora themed! Anything comfortable means she will stay in it!
I have my eye on the exact Peter Morrissey outfit you posted in a size 0 for my baby boy to wear to his auntie and uncles wedding in May
I love Big W’s kid’s clothes, although I’m struggling to adjust to the move from the baby section to the younger boys’ section! I have a nearly 3 year old and think he’s too young to be wearing skulls etc! Big W does a much better job than other places of making kids’ clothes appropriate for kids
Thanks for the fun giveaway (and for sharing such cute photos of your gorgeous tribe!).
Eldest granddaughter is made keen on anything FROZEN…and i dont mean the lickable type! Size 5 would give her some growing room too!
my kids are size 4 and 5 and I love them to wear shorts and shirts simple but cute
I have four kids 3 boys and the youngest is a girl. My girl is wearing hamidowns from Her brothers but I love to dress he in pink and flowery feminine clothes she is size 2. My youngest boy lives in handmi downs from his eldest brothers he is size 5, he likes to dress in preppy in button up shirts and dress pants /shorts kinda punk skater preppy.
We are taking my 2 year old daughter on a trip to Canberra and it is going to be freezing, I’d love to rug her up with a warm jacket and other winter warmers, like good jammies, she is size 2.
I have a nine month old boy who would love to win a $50 prize pack. He is a size 0. Likes soft fabrics, bonds in blues greens or neutral colours!
My 12 week old is a size 00 already, the little guy has long legs so looks fab in a wonder suit or onesie and leggins. Tonight was a little chilly and we dressed him in a bonds hoodie for the first time… Ultra cute!
My little man is 4 months old and will be in 0s very soon, growing up so quickly. I love to dress him in cute boy leggings, delicious chubby jeans and funky button tops. He’d also love a warm jumper or winter jacket.
My almost 4 year old son who’s a size 4 is currently obsessed with the Octonauts and anything to do with superheroes. Anything to make him feel special now his little sister has come along, he’s feeling a bit left out.
His little sister is only a few weeks old and is in size 000. She’s our rainbow baby and I’m so excited to have a little girl and would love to dress her in anything girly and pink.
My 3.5 year old( size 5) has dicovered the superhero world, how happy he would be waking up to face his day as Spiderman with a matching dressing gown for warmth, all heros feel the cold! Little miss muffet, size 0, would surely be as cute and snuggly in a sesame street outfit or miinie mouse!
After having a girl I found it difficult to dress boys..I’m a huge fan of funky prints for boys especially arrows and triangles for casual cool & the peter morrisey for the bring it on smart cool. My little man will be turning 1 in June and I can’t wait to dress him up more so he’ll be able to show them off
Thanks for the great post. As a new mum it can be a bit overwhelming figuring out what is practical and temperature appropriate for my baby to wear. Your assistance with some quality Big W cooler weather outfits for him would be awesome.
I’m so very ready for my little guy to move out of his 0000 newborn neutral gear and into some colourful duds for dudes.
It would be great to have my 4yo boy get some great big w clothes (size 5 bottom size 6 tops). He doesn’t get hand me downs, as his older brothers are 14 and 11, but they will get used by his twin brothers after him the next winter.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Excellent article! I have a little Princess who is a size 5 and would live in Frozen dresses if we let her. My size 2 toddler is also a Frozen fan but keen on Peppa Pig gear too.
I have an almost 14 month old girl. She has heaps of size 1 clothing but not bigger sizes. We are definitely a pink house hold love the pink
but not wanting to have a lot of licensed clothes while she is so young. There is a lot of lovely clothes etc at big w just a few days ago I bought her a cat hat there and am eyeing off some Peter Morrisy which I might layby as am financially not doing well and she is in need of dresses to go to Church etc…
I would love to be considered for your competition for our newborn due on the 20th of April. I have come to reallise that I really have no idea what I am doing as I have a wardrobe full of tops and no leggings or pants! I’m assuming that we will go straight into 000 as hubby is 6foot6 and we don’t know the sex. Thank you so much for yor help!
There is such less clothing options for boys these days, my size 2, 2 year old is always in boring t-shirts and shorts! I’d like to see something other than skulls and motorbikes!
My daughter is size1 i shop at big w all the time for her clothes and toys, she absolutely loves frozen & how cute are those Bonds Wondersuits
Thanks for the competition! I’d love to get some winter clothes for both my two. My new little man is 3 months old and will probably be in size 00 in winter. I think he would look so cute in the bonds stripy shirts as well as the printed pants. I also looove that lion fleecy jumper! My little girl is coming into size 2 and I love the range of printed leggings and tops – fun to play in!
Mason would absolutely love the denim hoodie jacket and the pants that are with it in the catalogue!!! He is also in need some around the house trackies like the grey star ones and black/white ones as well as long sleeve tops. And what baby doesn’t love the soft feel of Bonds on their bottom!! Mason recently purchased the baseball jacket and can’t wait for the weather to cool in Brisbane so he can wear it! Mason will be 00 when that happens. Check out my little fatty! Love him to pieces <3
My little girl is a little chubba at 3 months old. She was given so many beautiful 000 clothes I’m still squeezing her in so they get worn but she’s a 00 now and prob an 0 by winter. I love all the bonds stuff at big w so comfy and cute!
I am about to have baby girl number three and all she will have is hand me downs so anything for a newborn girl would be amazing!
I would love size 1s for my little girl who lives in her cousins hand me downs!!! She’s not fussy – would love any new clothes!
My little 6 month old daughter(size00) desperately needs some singlet onsies in White and assorted colours for the cooler months. I am pretty sure Dymples have a range as well as bonds.
Wooly beanies perfect for the childcare run first thing in the morning.
We are also fans of headbands and zip wonder suits.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Not so much me, but a friend of mine is having a baby boy, I’m sure she would love the cute character outfits, or the little gentleman’s ensemble. (:
I have a four-month-old daughter who has been super lucky to inherit all my nieces hand-me-downs. I would love to buy some new things for her this winter but I don’t feel like I can justify it with the second hand stuff is still sitting there! But if it was a prize……!!!!
My gorgeous man is 4 months old and started life in neutrals but due to his big blue eyes (which seem to get more striking every day!) he mostly dons blue hues now. He’s just about to come out of a Pavlik harness (went into it at 7 weeks) so I’m really excited about FINALLY dressing him in jeans and trackies and onesies and all the other cute outfits that don’t fit over the harness.
What a fun gift! My beautiful baby girl is nearly 4 months old (my first bubba!) and it’s going to be a very cold autum/winter in sunny Ballarat
I would love her to be dressed by you in some cute long sleeve tees and leggings! Cardigans and jumpers are cute too! She is just growing so quickly though and is already in a size 00! Prob be in an 0 before long 
Having twins has required double the volume of clothes & I found myself buying lots of gender neutral items so they could share. They will be 1 in March & moving into size 1 for winter – I would love my daughter to have a deliciously girly outfit with tights whilst my beautiful boy looks so squeezable in a pair of jeans & a hoodie.
I’m a first time mummy of a 1 year old boy and after growing up in an all girl family, I’m learning how to dress a boy! My son is growing so quickly and is in a size 1, I’m a fan of the Peter Morrissey range for dressy clothes and my son loves anything with trucks on it!
My 16 month little boy is in size 2 at the moment though as we live in a cold climate larger sizes never go astray as layering is mandatory 6 months of the year. Blues and greens really bring out the colour of his eyes. He is in desperate need of winter pjs and long sleeved shirts. Actually I’ll need to get him some pants and love those fabric lined cargo, denim or corduroy long pants too. I really want to get him some overalls, they just look adorable! Thanks
My 6 month old is off to Melbourne for the first time in winter (00-0) to meet our extended family. I love to dress her in anything bonds, pink and pretty.
We discovered yesterday that we are having a baby boy! After 2 girls I literally have nothing for a boy so maybe you could help me – otherwise he will be wearing frilly knickers everywhere and I’m not sure hubby would approve LOL
awwwww congratulations! how exciting!!!!! I love when you find out:)
My 5 month year old would love the peter morresy hat!!! So friggin cute!! Love love love the stock!!
I’ve just come across your blog and been poring over your stories! Thanks for the tips on dressing baby and toddler. My little one is 6months old so great timing.
I love Big W’s items and think a fun prize pack could include on of their new jackets and leggings and also a Lamaze toy – they are so fun!
I love this competition! I would choose my son Isaac who is 5 years old (he wears size 5) and has just started school this year. He has always loved clothes, so much so that at his 2nd birthday party he put on every item of clothing he was given as a gift over the top of his outfit! Being one of our middle kids (he’s the 2nd of 4), and having a Mum with no fashion sense (I struggle putting an outfit together for myself let alone the kids!), he ends up wearing hand me downs or purchases I find on the clearance rack. He is such a handsome little guy I would just love to see him in an outfit from Peter Morrissey’s Big W range, although I am sure he would be most excited by the Superhero character clothes! Your children are always dressed beautifully, thanks for sharing some of your tips! And for keeping things real- I’m glad I am not the only one who uses lollies to get a good photo!
I love reading your blogs and I love everything from big w. Had to make an emergency shop there after my son was born and he was too big for all the clothes I already had for him. Hes now 12 weeks old and into 0 for winter. I love all the bonds clothes and the character suits especially the tigger stuff. Good luck everyone
Hi! I have three children. My eldest Corey (7)is at school so will spend most of the time in uniform. I will however, need to stock up on winter outfits for my daughter Ruby (3) who has started Kindy and my youngest Flynn (10mths) who is crawling everywhere! Ruby is very feminine and I struggle to get her to wear shorts! She loves the colour purple and is very decisive with regard to her outfits (much unlike the rest of her family…lol). Flynn is crawling everywhere and I am not yet sure which style suits him most, he is much fairer than his siblings, who have beautiful olive complexions like their father.
Oooops! I forgot their sizes. Ruby is wearing size 3, although I sometimes buy size 4 and adjust the waist. Flynn is wearing size O at the moment, but will perhaps need size 1 for winter. Thank you and good luck with your competition.
What a cute idea for a competition!
My little man is 6.5 months old and just moved into 00 and I was only just going through his wardrobe of hand me downs yesterday to see what I had to stock up with for winter with a shopping trip to Big W for Winter size 0.
The striped top and tights look is super cute!
My cutie girl is 9 months old, and wears a size zero.
She looks up to her 3 year old sister – she really is her hero.
However she’s always dressed in her sister’s old clothes and gear
It would be nice to give her something new as the winter time draws near.
I’d love some Bonds wonder suits if I’m lucky enough to be a winner
Or some Dymples coveralls or anything cosy – that would make us all grinners!
when my 2 year old has got too tall for his Emerson tracksuit pants or long trousers I cut them above the knees and make shorts for backyard play.
My almost one year old daughter is in size 1’s and most of her clothes are pink, or purple. I wasn’t a fan of pink till I had a daughter! Also, it stops people from saying ‘aw, ain’t he cute!’. Even though she’s my first, I was given clothes and bought some from op shops. We don’t have any hoodies like you’ve mentioned, nor any flanalette jammies. Those frozen ones are adorable!
My little my is 9 months old. I love him wearing the bonds range. Stretchy, well fitting and super cute.
Hello, I have 2 kids, 1 year old boy size 2 going into 2 and a 2 year old girl size nearing a size 4 (Their father is just shy of 7ft, understandably they take after him) My not so little guy is a little rough houser and such a boys boy! I love all the smart looking little boys clothes, so adorable!! & my gorgeous girl is a real princess loving all the ‘pretty twirling dresses (I have the best of both worlds) 😀 … such a fun competition for you. X
We would love a prize pack for the kids. I have a lovely 1 year old girl in size 12-18months/18-24 months for growth or winter stuff. Definatley girly and we love Minnie Mouse! My son is 4 and wearing size 4/5 clothes loves Mickey Mouse and Disney and super Heros of course but love dressing him in dapper clothes too.
My 3.5 yr old son who is in size 4 is one little munchkin who likes to play monsters all day and get dirty. Some days, I need to change him 4 times in a day. Phew, that’s lot of hard work. With winters coming, I would love some jumpers and jackets for him to have enough clothes for his monster play.
I have a 3yr old size 3 who will be attending two weddings with us soon. Wanting something that wont make him hot yet still wedding appropriate. Thanks
My little one is between size one and 2 but I’m going for size 2 since they grow too quickly. I’m a fan of big w children clothing too and would love more peter morrisey items- and anything with fun colours! Love dressing Asher up in functional and colourful clothing rather than just blue all the time.
My youngest grandchild is 6 in 2 weeks, love s character clothes, but I have a nephew who has just had a baby girl, 1 month old now, so she would be size 00, she has a bigger sister size 2. They would look good in anything pink. Another young friend has a gorgeous little boy, nearly 1years old. He looks gorgeous in everything. He has a great smile.
We love ‘Big Dub-Dub’ in our house too! Especially the Dymple singlets in pastels, so pretty. Little Miss Eleanor would love the long sleeved pink bunny top for Easter Mass with her cousins, I also love the floral tee and skort set, black and white spotty Dymples long sleeved top, and you can’t go past any Bonds leggings and bodysuits! And shoes! Looks like Big Dub-Dub has some great pre-walkers for our Imelda 😉
I’m due to have my first bub in about 6 weeks. The gender is a surprise and I’ve been waiting patiently…though now I am dying to find out. This is all new to me! Any help past 0000 would be amazing!!
I’m due with a boy in less than 7 weeks. Completely confused with what and how much I need to buy for my little one as he’s our first. Would definitely love the hamper to help with examples of essentials I would need in the parenthood department. Thanks
My almost 3 year old son and I just love Big W. We go there all the time, since we have one 5 minutes down the road. I love the Peter Morrisey range there!!
Oh I’m loving the mystery of this! Well my size 6 wearing son loves to wear all things ‘smart’ when he’s hanging out with daddy – I’m talking waistcoats, braces, tucked in shirts – the lot! Saw page 15 in the catalogue and instantly thought my little boys going to dig this!
I am sitting here at 11.15pm on the night this competition closes. Why up so late you ask? Well I am on the count down for my next and last baby and I am too nervous to sleep.
Miss One has been asleep for hours as she has had a long day harrassing me.. I mean helping me in the kitchen. So I should be asleep too…
Her little brother will be here in under two days as he has been given his eviction notice.
I love BIG W clothes to the point where I just avoid going to the section there as I Always end up buying one or two little cute things. And how could you not for that price!
Miss One is a size 0 as she is super small for her age. We were excited about the close age gap between her and the next bub (less then 14 months) as I thought and hoped that would mean I could just grab her clothes out (the few sizes she had actually grown out of) and start over…only to discover the next one is a boy. Which is a blessing. But OH SO MANY Clothes are needed. I don’t know how you do it with your five.
My eldest son is 10 and never gets hand-me-downs like the others as he’s the eldest boy in the family. He is quite a young 10 year old and still into superheroes, skylanders etc. He’s happy with any clothes that he’s given.