a spot of sewing

Yes there has been some sewing. First up I’ve been doing some re-covering of cushions for the library. I said yes to the job and then almost had a heart attack when I actually saw some of the cushions and realised they were couch cushions. I was thinking easy job  then realised I might need zippers and side panels and put the job off until the end of the holidays. And then I turned to my old friend, Pinterest, and found this fabulous tutorial. It is so easy and straightforward and if you want removeable covers just work how how you want to close them. I did velcro and was really happy with them. Here are most of the cushions as we took them in 2 trips. The chevron fabric is from Spotlight and hoping you might know where the owl fabric came from as that was given to me by the library.

OK so with all of those cushions off my to do list I could do a quick quilt top for some charity quilts I want to make this year. I’m hoping to organise a day in march for us to get together and make baby and kids quilts for charity. I used almost 2 charm square packs of Moxi a new range into my store here which I had been hanging out for and definitely my favourite colour palette.

this is straight off the machine and hopefully won’t sit on the back of my sewing chair for the next few months waiting for me to quilt it.

and that sewing has all taken place with breaks for snacks, nappy changes, a baby waking up, overlocker rethreading and more. But it’s great to be at the machine. Hope you’ve enjoyed some craft time while the kids have been off school too……..or maybe you’re looking forward to them all going back and getting a bit more time to yourself. I know that’s been in short supply around here.


  1. Love the colours in the quilt tops Corrie! Those Library cushions are fantastic, such bright colours to inspire the kids. Well done!

  2. That owl fabric is too cute!

  3. Hi Corrie,
    Happy Australia Day!
    I bought that Owl fabric a couple of years ago from Spotlight to make book bags & pencil cases. Not sure if they still stock it but its great, so durable.
    You always amaze me with how much you achieve with such a busy life. Take care x

  4. Yes I got that owl fabric over four years ago at Spotlight. I love it so cute and it lasts forever as so thick. Have not seen it since…..

  5. These are all looking fantastic! That owl fabric is so cute and I am sure those cushions will be well appreciated.

    My nana once showed me the simplest cushion cover ever, with your two backing panels overlapping by a third or more (if that makes sense?), eliminating the need for fastenings. It works great on long and flat cushions that are on chairs, but less so for throw pillows. I’m not sure if she saw a pattern for it somewhere or whether she was inspired by the way the pillowcases in sheet sets work, but it’s been a long favourite of mine for simple cushion covers that are washable and wear well.

    Can’t wait to see the finished quilt!

  6. Hi Corrie,

    I bought the owl fabric a few weeks ago at spotlight but it was a different colour way, it was pink and light green purple etc. super cute!

  7. We recognise the owl fabric too – furnishing fabric from Spotlight (like others have commented!). We used it on the flaps of some messenger bags a couple of years ago. Your cushions are fabulous – what a lucky library! Love your quilt top as well. I usually ‘save up’ a few quilt tops and then baste and quilt them at the same time; I find my FMQ mojo and take over the dining table while the kids are at school!

  8. Absolutely love the owl fabric I’ve contacted spotlight HQ & it’s a current line with more stock being ordered. They have a number of stores with some in stock around Australia for home shopping the description code is Hibou unc, red, 150 or Hibou unc, pink/sage, 150 for alternative colour. Currently 30% off at $9.09 p/m

    Hope that helps anyone else loving it and thanks so much for the inspiration Retromummy:)

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