a happy mother’s day

Last night as I was trying to get the little ones to sleep I was thinking about all the nice things I could write about Mother’s Day to make this post deep and meaningful. Then someone kicked me in the leg and a little while later someone rolled over on my hair and I couldn’t move without yanking my hair out. Now it would have been nice to be downstairs with my knitting and a peppermint tea but that’s being a mother…..putting the needs of your little ones first and that wonderful job of trying to get everyone to sleep for the night. Every night. And sometimes we have the sweetest moments just before they go to sleep or watching them sleep. That’s always nice.

From the moment you are pregnant you realise the demands of a baby and as soon as your precious baby comes home you realise how much work is involved. But it’s always worth it. I laugh when I think back to the reality of having my first baby. Trying to eat dinner while nursing a baby or rocking them in the bouncer. The house looking a mess. Trying to get anything done with a baby that won’t sleep. Realising that babies don’t feed and sleep to a schedule and feeling like you are sitting in the same spot on your lounge feeding your baby around the clock. Watching the sun come up and realising you have had no more than 30 minutes sleep that night. And just when I thought I was ready to add a second baby to the mix we discovered we were having twins and nothing can prepare you for newborn twins either.  But the great news is that it gets better and there is lots of love in return.

I wouldn’t swap motherhood for anything. It is more than I expected but it is better than I expected. I never could have imagined that I would be having a family of 8 or that I would love it this much. Children truly are a blessing in our life and I am glad for the road we have travelled to get here. Life at the moment is wonderful and worth the hard work just to get through the day.

So a happy mother’s day to all the mums, mums to be, grandmas and nanas out there. I miss having my own mum in my life so much but am always grateful for the life she gave me and the example that she set. I am blessed to have my grandma and nana still in my life and the wonderful great grandparents that they are as well as my wonderful mother in law. She has 20 grandchildren and soon to be 21 and will drop everything to come and be with us when our new baby arrives. Mother’s day isn’t just a day for cards, flowers and chocolate but a day of gratitude and reflection……………..and perhaps a little rest too.


  1. anne seery says:

    Wishing you a blessed Mother’s Day Corrie xxxxx

  2. And a happy mother’s day to you too Corrie. xx

  3. Oh, you are really happy Mother!

  4. I became my 11 year old daughters mum when she was 6 months old. I was told in my teens that because of my health problems a pregnancy would prove life threatening for me. The best bit of mother’s day for me was that as she handed me the present she had chosen at the school mother’s day stall I had the joy of seeing this gorgeous little girl smile at me & say happy mother’s day Mum. I also had a phone call from a 16 year old young man who spent many years with us ringing to say happy mother’s day too…….I feel hugely blessed :)

    • awwwwww hearing your story always makes me appreciate my own family but also grateful that you have children and love in yoursxxxxxx

  5. Was blessed today to have texts, phone calls, visits and gifts from all over Australia from the children little and adults who call me Mum – by birth and otherwise. Also blessed by your reminder Corrie, that in the midst of the hard work and sometimes sheer exhaustion with having 5 children at home – it is always worth it! Thank you, and have a beautiful evening

  6. I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day Corrie. A beautiful post. :)

  7. Beautiful picture!

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