19 weeks and doing well

I think there is probably a misconception that the more babies you have the easier it gets. In some ways it’s easier and you know what to expect but if there is one thing that never changes for me or gets easier it is the worry. The nerves. The things that can go wrong. And when things have gone wrong in the past it turns you into a nervous wreck. I’m still not enjoying this pregnancy as much as I probably should because I just worry so much. And I’ve always been that way….whether it’s been my first or the twins or my 6th. But we are so over the moon to be having another baby as I really didn’t think it was going to happen.

Yesterday was my 19 week scan and I was a bundle of nerves. I couldn’t think of anything else and was praying and trying to be positive about it all. I try not to pray to make things happen but rather that I know it’s in your hands God so I’m leaving it up to you and then I say but please make sure everything is ok with our baby. The scan went so well and it always amazes me the difference from a 12 week scan to that 19 week scan where you see everything about the baby…including whether it’s a boy or girl.

And yes  we found out what we are having. I have to. I know some people love to and some people would never find out. For me I need to know to get those needles working overtime and to start getting ready for the baby. Now my dad and grandma betty sit in the don’t want to know camp….that was a bit tricky with my mum as she liked to know and would keep it a secret – well I hope she did:)   But this time I’ve been asked not to put it out there on the net and just keep it to family and I’m respecting that. As big as my mouth is and as excited as I am to share the news this is our baby not just mine so I’m sticking to that. And I might need to keep a few projects off ravelry or do a few neutral projects to keep the secret.

p.s I would love to show you more photos but turns out one of the little ones has taken the pictures to school today for news…………………..without telling me!!!!!



  1. So happy the scan all went well. That’s so cute the kids took the pics to share your family’s news. I too am a pregnancy worrier, I think once you experience something different than the ‘norm’ it opens your eyes somewhat. Sending you positive vibes. Bron

    • Congratulations! you’ll have to post B&W photos of all your knitting projects :-)

    • Congratulations I’m glad all is ok. I agree with Bron, I know with my first pregnancy I was so young and naive that I never really knew all the things that could go wrong. Then I had my second baby and wham! you realise that so much can and does go wrong and because you’ve had something go wrong suddenly all those other people who had never really talked about their problems now feel it’s okay to talk about it, so you realise you are not alone – which is a good thing. With number 3 I was terrified till I had the ultrasound and all the tests done, and even then, till I held him in my arms I wasn’t convinced everything was good. He turned 21 yesterday so all is good and will be for you too.

  2. Maria do carmo says:

    Vai dar tudo certo como sempre,vc tem família linda e saudável.Deus te abençoe!bj nas crianças!

  3. Oh congratulations, I didn’t realise you were having another baby!! We must be due around the same time, the due date for my third little on is August 26.
    x Tamsyn

  4. Aargh! I’m in suspenders! Am I shopping for red things I guess? Hehe -I do respect the decision, glad it all went well! xx

  5. Hi Corrie, glad all went well and we’ll all get a surprise in a while! Perhaps not the friends of the child who took the pictures. Had you talked about a baby brother or sister to the children? It may be all over the school now!

    I’m not making light of your nerves in any way. However, back when my sons were born, a scan was definitely not a routine thing at all, let alone more than one in a pregnancy. Being referred for a scan was a cause for worry as it meant there was strong cause for concern that something was wrong. Times change!

    • haha we’re just not putting it out there on the internet so I’m sure the class and the teacher will know – and don’t you think the kindergarten teacher knows everything:) :) I think she would

      yes scans are amazing now, when I had the twins I had so many but thankfully just a few with each of my pregnancies!

  6. So glad everything went well with the scan. Kindergarten teachers do know everything and sometimes probably don’t want to know what they are told LOL. I think if kindy teachers would write a book it would be a best seller. Even when I was doing reading and helping out with classes in my daughters infants and primary school there would always be one child that had to tell you something.

  7. I can really identify with your feelings. I like knowing the gender also, it makes planning so much easier. I’m not planning another pregnancy, which kind of makes me relieved that I don’t have to deal with the worry that everything will go OK. I loved being pregnant though, but it’s such a relief when the baby is safely in your arms.

  8. Oh, I know exactly how you feel! I’m 16 weeks now and after two miscarriages it is so stressful, Everyday you count your blessings that there is still a bub growing! Just take one day at a time and remember : it’s all in God’s hands xx

  9. Bec Gardner says:

    The gender secret! It is getting harder the further along I get! My mum was desperate to know but my dad and sisters don’t so I have to be very careful what I leave laying around my house! Not to mention filtering my work lunch time craft projects!

  10. So pleased everything is looking good! I know what you mean about being nervous. I’ve been nervous each time as well (maybe even more so each time!) xx

  11. Beautiful! I am so pleased that all is well. So no blog posts on what you’ll be knitting for this little one then? Unless it is a unisex colour? I am always amazed at how quickly other people’s pregancies seem to go. So fast when it’s not actually you!!

  12. Congratulations Corrie! I had my little number 4 just one week ago and I am enjoying him so much and am just completely in love. My older kids are just loving it all, too. I really wish I could slow down this newborn stage as by number three and four you are just so aware of how fleeting it is!!! This little one will be our last making two boys and two girls for us. I understand about the worrying and did my share this time around, but as you said prayed constantly and tried to leave in the Lord’s hands and allow myself to enjoy it as well. So happy for you that all went well with your scan. This little one is very blessed to be joining your big, beautiful family. Much love xxx

  13. Awww look at your lovely round belly!

    Well I am looking forward to seeing all those new baby knits, and of course the darling new member of your family, whenever you decide to share them :)

  14. Roksalanna says:

    Glad that your ultrasound went well and now you know baby’s gender you can enjoy all the more as a family the excitement of planning for bubba’s arrival. xo

  15. What ever it is enjoy and have fun preparing!!

  16. So Pleased to hear your scan went well…looking forward to seeing no: 6 hmmm maybe a Boy!
    Take Care xx

  17. That’s great Corrie, good news. I love that 19 weeks time, when you could almost still not look regnant but the baby is wiggling about and you can feel it, a lively secret baby. I was terribly worried about my twins, we were so lucky that both of them turned out to be healthy and well – still grateful!

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