I thought it would be fun to have a couple of Christmas giveaways this week. Tonight over on my facebook page I’ll be launching my soda stream giveaway where one lucky reader will have a new soda stream couriered to their door before Christmas. And today on the blog let’s do some fabric goodness.
6 charm square packs from Moda, make 6 pram or lap quilts or go all out and make one mother of a big quilt. Charm squares are so great because you get an entire fabric range in the one pack. You just join them all up to make a quilt top or get fancy and use them to make pinwheels, applique or smaller projects.
Just leave a comment telling me why you need to win this giveaway and I’ll pick a winner this Sunday night (15th December).
Giveaway is open to readers wherever they live in the world and please make sure that you leave a valid email address when you leave your comment on my site. Full terms of my giveaways can be found here.
Ohhhhhhhh! Lovely,
I made a simple quilt for a school project with kids I teach art to and I have a big piece of left over wadding or batting (not down with all the terminology) that I’m keen to make into a gorgeous quilt for the couch. These squares would be perfect!
I am so not a sewer but my Mum is. I have been meaning for years to get her to to teach me (as I’m sure one day I will come to regret it if I don’t). Winning some material would be great motivation to get me to start a project with her
Love Love Love Moda! Love Love Love charm packs! Those solids would come in handy for a HST quilt in my mind, but the scrumptious or Gypsy Girl would be equally as welcome in my ‘stash’!
Great give away, thanks for the chance to win!
Ooooh beautiful prints..I want !I want!! I want!!
Every tired mummy needs to make herself an adorable quilt to nap with. I’d definitely give them a good home!
I am not a sewer but my friend is and she is due to have her second baby in early January, money is extremely tight for them as her husband has found it very hard to find work, not much extra money for her to sew, this material would be such a blessing for her as she could make a cute quilt for her new little bubby.
I was involved in a large charity donation appeal last year and ‘sacrificed’ all my good patchwork fabrics after using up my cheaper fabric, to get my personal goal of sewing contributions completed. My fabric box is bare bare bare
And I want to get started early for this year’s appeal.
I love fabric and I have many friends who are having babies but also it is something that my nana and I enjoy together as she brought me up from birth, it is something we enjoy together.
My brother is getting married next April and I would love to make them a quilt as a wedding gift! Thanks!
I love Moda fabrics….these ones are especially gorgeous! These would come in handy when I teach my girls to quilt! Thanks xx
I would love to win these, I would make my daughter a lovely quilt for christmas, moneys a bit tight this year.
I love charm packs and can not get enough of them! I have two little girls and love to make quilts for them! Pick me!
These are just so gorgeous and precious Corrie, I love them, I would use them to make a quilt for a deployed Aussie Hero, this would be a very special gift.. Thank you for your wonderful generosity for a chance to win..
Hi Corrie, I’d be so blessed to win this pack as an extra gift for my beautiful mum!!! She loves moda fabric!!! It would make her christmas having this beautiful fabric to create with!! And mean we could have more quality mumma/daughter time creating together. Wishing you an amazing christmas Corrie with your beautiful little family
I think I’d make a set of lap quilts to put away for birthdays during the year! Many of my friends are turning 40, so they would be perfect!
oooooo – talk about some yummy fabric!!!!!
I have been so hell bent on buying presents for my kids, hubby and families that I have forgotten to buy something to put under the tree for me. This lot of yumminess would be total heaven in a package. Hmmm, wonder if my family would let me then sew on Christmas day! LOL
I NEED to win this as I’m having withdrawals from being on a fabric ban since we found out we’re having twins. This gorgeous prize would definitely ease some of those crazy urges to buy more fabric
It’s the school fair early next year and I’d love to be able to make some more beautilful things to add onto the craft stall – some cot/pram throws from that gorgeous fabric would be perfect!!
Hi Corrie,
I would love to win because I am getting a sewing machine for xmas from Santa and would love something to sew on it xx
My daughter is moving into a big girl bed in the new year and I would love to make her a quilt in some beautiful girlie colours.
I really need to win this to make a quilt for my niece for her big bed that she will move into when her new baby sister arrives. If there is any left I’ll make one for the baby too!
I am fairly new to quilting and just getting slightly addicted after making a beautiful dolls blanket for one of my daughters. Would love a challenge if a bigger quilt and these fabrics would be perfect to get me started.
The word “need” is tricky. I do want them. So pretty, like candy. All my quilts are given away. I am working on an affirmation quilt for a family needing a little extra love right now. These would be a nice addition. Thank you for your generosity.
I would love to win this as I love Moda fabric! It’s so crisp and feminine. Thanks for the opportunity and Merry Christmas.
I was lucky enough to win a small quilt a few months ago in a Raffle and have had it draped over my lounge. Recently my son and d-in-law had their first bub and since the quilt was mainly pink I decided to give it to them. Fortunately they were delighted. Now I miss my quilt
I sew a little, and these fabrics look wonderful and I would welcome the challenge of replacing my quilt. Best wishes to all for Christmas.
I would love to make another lap quilt for our lounge so that all the kid fleets have something to snuggle under (*read: to stop the arguments over the one lap quilt currently available!)
I am fairly new to patchwork, I love this fabric.
Would love to make a quilt for my granddaughter.
I keep making quilts for others and I want to make one for myself. These fabrics would be perfect
I would love to be able to make a quilt for my daughters teacher as she is in preps with her first year. Her teacher has been wonderful with her and i would really love to say thank you
Whilst I don’t need them per se, they are all beautiful fabrics and who can go past that? Seriously though i do needto get my sewing groove back so this might just kick start it again…..
Have a great day.
Gorgeous fabrics – and I have been lusting after many of them!! I would love to win them as I would like to make my daughter a quilt (she keeps asking for one!) I’m new to quilt making, just finished my first one a few weeks ago for a little girl turning one – and they are addictive, I am desperate to start the next one! Thanks for the opportunity to enter this great giveaway xx
Would love to win this as haven’t touched my poor sewing machine since last Christmas & would love a new project for these Christmas holidays. Hubby will also be having time off so ill finally get a chance to sit down kid-free.
Need to win, I like how you phrase that! For me, fabric is definitely a need, not a want. I have a little girl who loves to see the things I make for her, she strokes my work and exclaims ‘wow!’…I’d love to make her some more treasures. Not to mention the little sibling jellybean in my belly – they can’t be left out either
oohh these are pretty ! they would make some gorgeous lap quilts for the littlies in hospital, something to take home with them,
Thankyou Corrie, what a lovely giveaway.
Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous family
I have been meaning to get started on a quilt for my little miss’s big girl bed and winning this prize would be just the motivation I need. Stunning fabrics!!
I just LOVE moda! I’m teaching my daughter to quilt and she would love these (better than being limited by mom’s scraps!). Thanks so much…
Well, I just found out someone close to me is expecting and these would be perfect for a baby quilt and maybe a tote for all her baby supplies. Beautiful colors!
What can I say except I’m hopelessly addicted to fabric. Those packs are so bright and cheery. Thanks for the chance!
My sister is pregnant and I just NEED to sew
Those fabrics are gorgeous.
Well my very girly second daughter has been wanting patiently for her own 1st birthday quilt and she’s about to turn 4! Her older sister has one already. Oops. I keep having babies and put it off.
Hi Corri, you have inspired me so much with your knitting, sewing, crochet etc to the point that I have bought a sewing machine and I am learning to make simple but yet beautiful things for my girls. I have even started making and selling hair accesories for kids ( something I would have never dreamt of doing before). I am even learning to crochet flowers to include them in my clips. I became obsessed with sewing and creating things. After 7 years of “only” taking care of my family I am finally doing something for myslef and I am enjoying it so much. Thanks to you Corrie I have a first in my life hobby:) my dream is learning to make quilts, I know I will do it one day. There is a lot of newly found passion and perseverance in me:) even if you don’t choose me I would love to thank you again for what you have inspired me to!!!
My first thought after reading this post was ‘don’t think I’ll enter, I have no motivation to sew lately’, then I decided that was a very good reason to enter, because those beautiful fabrics might just help me find the time and motivation I need to get back into it. Now that I have 3 beautiful little ladies (3, 2 and 8 weeks old) to sew for!
I would love to win these so I could make my little girl a beautiful quilt. When she falls asleep in the car I would find a shady spot with a drive through coffee and quilt – sneaky mummy time for me.
What a gorgeous lot of fabric – I would love to make my first quilt for my new neice. It’s so lovely to create something gorgeous for new babies and this would be perfect
I would love to win and make a quilt as you have inspired me!
I had my first markets on the weekend and only sold 1 item…. I need cheering up and fabric is just the way to do it!
I make quilts and give them to Quilts of Compassion to take wherever they are needed. I also try to keep 2 bed quilts and 4 lap quilts and 2 baby quilts for local needs, fire, domestic violence issues, etc…. thanks
I’m on a fabric purchase diet. I’m jobless and would love to win these beauties! My fabric-purchasing abstinence is killing me!
I’ve been making quilts to send to Africa and PNG for those in need. It would be lovely to have some more charm squares in the stash to make the preparation a bit quicker. I love Moda and charm squares are something you can never have too many of. Such a lovely thought and opportunity at this time of the year.
I am not a quilter but I would love to try and make a quilt.
I have so many crafty plans, but don’t know where to start, this would certainly send me in the right direction!
To christen my brand new sewing machine by creating some gorgeousness!
These charm squares would provide the inspiration for me to make the 2 baby quilts I have promised for babies next year, the first one due in January ! This year has been such a bad year ( and will be worse in the days to come) for us that I cant wait for next year to arrive.
Oooh lovely giveaway!!! I would love these! With 3 boys and a hubbie and everything in our house so MALE I could use these to make something pretty
My 3 year old doesn’t have a quilt made by me this would be great to solve that little problem ;). Great giveaway Corrie
OMG I soooooo NEED to start sewing! I desperately need a new tablecloth, or three, and would love to do a patchwork one.
Lovely, lovely, lovely Corrie
I was just rifling through my fabric stash this morning, and while it may SEEM there’s a lot..there are definitely big gaps, I’d hardly have something decent to make a small quilt with, I need to stock up on charm packs like this! I don’t have any of these collections, and would love to add them to my sewing room shelves. My 2013 new years resolution was to make a cot quilt for my best friend who had her first baby this year, and I want to continue in 2014, on to bigger and better things, well maybe not bigger, I like lap/cot sizes but now I’ve tackled a few I really want to improve and master free motion quilting. Yours are so lovely and inspirational!
I need these charm squares to make quilts for my local NICU. These would make some really cute quilts. Thanks for the chance to win.
Moda fabric. How fabulous. My cushions in the living room really need replacing. A fabric facelift in those bright colours would be perfect.
Moda fabric is delicious. Do I need, no, do i covet, oh yes I do. After I have admired it and stroked it, I would use this fabric to make a pennant banner for my niece.
I would love to win a Moda charm fabric pack…it’s just the motivation I need to dust off the cobwebs on the sewing machine and whip up a fabulous quilt as a gift for my beautiful grandma.
My new year’s resolution is to get back into some sewing. What a beautiful prize to win!
I just love these Moda charm packs. I have many projects, table runners, mini quilts for my sick mum.
I would absolutely love to win these fabrics. They are such lovely combinations. I have FOUR friends (including one sister-in-law) having babies in February / March and would use these fabrics to make special quilts for each one. I’m new to quilting and my stash isn’t big enough to handle that many quilts all at once (even if they are just cot sized).
I hope I will this fabric. I love Moda charm packs. Perfect when I am teaching someone who is a learning to quilt. I offer free lessons to anyone who wants to learn to sew.
I desperately need a kick to get back into my craft! This would be perfect to just get out the machine and start sew sew sewing! It has been so long since I have finished anything and I’m starting to feel I’ll never get back into it.I love the Moda ranges.
I would love this givaway as my washing machine had to be replaced two weeks ago! This may be the only gift I receive this christmas ( as well as the gift of clean clothes
I never win…. but I love to try. Charm squares are a great way to try out a fabric line.
Ohh I am such a sucker for gorgeous material and had never heard of Moda until I read your blog. You have inspired me to make my first ever quilt for my baby girl and this would be a great start.
Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy holiday season. :-))
I have my second baby due in February and would love to win this pack and start learning how to quilt, and make something for the new baby! My mum is an excellent quilter so I have a teacher all lined up!
I just need to win because I’d be eternally grateful. It’s Christmas time. Let’s spread some cheer!
What beautiful material Corrie! I would love to win this one as it will be for me! I love to sew for my girls but I have been sewing so many baby quilts for all of my family and friends that are having babies so far this year from june I have made 7 quilts and I still have 3 more to make! I would love to use some of this fabric for my own daughter though and make her a single size quilt for her 2nd birthday next year when she will move to a single bed! thanks for the chance Corrie!
These are adorable fabrics – I really need to make another quilt to replace my couch quilt that my son gnawed holes in by watching TV and chewing on it! Needless to say, I was a VERY grumpy mummy when I discovered this. And no, he was not a teething baby but a naughty 7 year old at the time!
I NEED to win this giveaway because I have put myself on a spending freeze when it comes to buying new fabric, but I have been dying for some of these materials like Sunnyside and Scrumptious… Omg, scrumptious is right! So winning a giveaway is like a loophole in the “I will not buy any new fabrics until 2014” rule… Not to mention all of the excellent patterns popping up lately using Charm packs!
Thank you for the giveaway! I hope I win!
What a wonderful giveaway
I have 4 daughters who love to sew, my youngest two Issabella & Mackenzie (8&7yrs) are getting a joint sewing machine of their very own for Christmas and I would love to help them make a quilt each as a special project. Thankyou again and best wishes to your family this holiday season x
Wow they are gorgeous prints!
I would love the chance to win them as my Nanna died recently and the girls and I are going to make a quilt for my mum to bless her. These would be perfect!
Charm squares have been at the top of my wish list for so long now. They have always been a luxury that I have never been able to afford. I would love to win this to make my youngest a quilt for her big girl bed. My girls love seeing things that ‘mummy made’ and a quilt has been top of the ‘to make’ list forever.
My fingers are crossed x
My last quilt I made was just before my son passed away, the beautiful gelato colours thanks to Heather Baileys collection has seen my gorgeous quilt go to a little newborn girl. It was hard to part with and have the need to replace it. These beautiful prints would be perfect to fill me up again and add some sunshine to my day
I’d love to make a bunch of placemats… each charm pack makes 6 and I’d love to share with my family!!! Thanks for the chance… I know that our dinner table would look grand with some new and pretty placemats!!!
I have friends who lost their baby at 38 weeks earlier this year – a beautiful girl Amelie, stillborn. They are pregnant again with another little girl and due in Feb/Mar. It would be such a joy to make them a quilt for their precious baby with this gorgeous fabric!! Thanks so much for sharing this generous giveaway!!
I am in love with Moda Sunnyside! I would love to make a quilt to snuggle under with my new baby boy and of course something special for my two year old daughter.
What a gorgeous stash of fabric! Not sure if they were mine I could give them away 😉 I would definitely make a rag quilt with some of this, just sooo pretty!
Perfect way to spread a little more cheer and make some little quilts for gifts….. would definitely brighten up the Ronald McDonald House in Canberra. I’ve been hoping to make them a few fun and colourful “warm hugs”! These fabrics are perfect!
Hi corrie. Beautiful fabric! I love a challenge. Maybe I could use these to make a quilt for my twinnies before Christmas… Make that 2 quilts!
I had never heard of Moda before reading your blog so I would love to win this giveaway.
Very beautiful fabrics. I would LOVE these to make a little quilt for my brand new baby niece (and my first every niece) and also because I have the worst luck and never seem to win anything
Hi Corrie,
I have never quilted before….until about 5 weeks ago. What happened 5 weeks ago? A friend was telling me about layer cakes, so I jumped on google and looked up “Layer Cake Quilts”. Low and behold up popped a link to “retro mummy”! I literally read your blog all evening and well into the night. Then!! I came across the part where you said you quilt them yourself, another several hours watching YouTube clips of how to free-motion quilt I was ready to go. Since then I have delved into the exciting, enthralling, amazing, creative world of quilting. I have 4 children including a 3 month old baby so the baby scored first with a floor mat, then came mr 5 yr old with a bed quilt made out of “jungle bungle” layer cake. And yes, I free-motion quilted it myself! (yes, i watched your tutorial and only noticed sniffing because you mentioned it! Haha)I couldn’t believe I had made it. I am now secretly doing one for Mr 8 yr old for christmas, and wondering if I’m going to have time to do something for Miss 11yr old. I have learnt over the past 5 weeks that me cutting out my own squares ends in disaster! Which is why I love precuts! Merry Christmas to you and your family and thank you for your inspiring blog. It is what inspired me!
Divine, divine, divine!!!! I’d love this fabric To make a quilt for my baby girl, who I’m currently 27 weeks with. After 3 boys (and 2 more lost) she is long awaited!! I’m also launching an online business (just lil ole me and a sewing machine) in the new year and plan to advertise with you wen I get going! Thanks xx
I don’t have any recent release charm packs at the moment. They are just gorgeous. You can never have too much fabric
I can’t think of any reason other than they are so pretty and I would love to sew a quilt with them! Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I would love to win these so I could give them to my amazing Mum. The past few years she has been looking after her Mother who passed away this year and now she is finally trying to make some time to do something for her. She has started making quilts for charity with some other wonderful ladies. Money is always a bit scarce and I know she would appreciate these fabrics so much x
I need these charm packs because they are my favorite pre-cut and are the first thing I choose when need to make something quick. I’m really wanting to make a disappearing 4 patch. Wouldn’t that be lovely with these gorgeous charm packs?
I would love to win these to make my very first quilt.
The fabrics are beautiful and with my email address, I guess you can see I love to quilt. I’m retiring at the end of the year; so, I’ll have the time to do as I please! I don’t think that I am eligible because I’m in the states. That’s ok; I sure do love your blog!
I would love to win this bundle of goodness! I see two Bonnie and Camille collections–some of my favorite designers! I recently made a quilt for my goddaughter with their fabrics. Now, I just picked up a magazine with a pillow pattern with hearts and Love on it. I was planning to make it to go with the quilt, but need more of their fabrics. These charms would be perfect!
Since becoming a pensioner the purse strings are a lot tighter and I would just love these as material is getting rather expensive! I have been quickly working my way through my stash but am getting heartily sick of what I have, these are just beautiful! I have fabric envy, lol.
Oooo! What a selection of amazing, yummy fabric goodness! I would love to win these to make a big quilt for my children’s playroom. I have a few friends having babies in the new year. I’m sure there would be some left over for some delicious little pram quits! These would be a wonderful gift to Mummy under the tree. Just a perfect treat for some school holiday crafting. Thank you for all your giveaways…you are always so generous xxx
I wish I had a charitable reason for wanting to win these charm packs but I don’t. I honestly just LOVE Moda fabrics and in particular Bonnie and Camille. Being that there are two of their lines in your prize pack I’m hyperventilating with the excitement of just being in with a chance of winning such gorgeousness!!!!! Thanks for the chance Corrie!
Well what can i say I just love charm packs and you can never have enough
NEED has nothing to do with it! so my SIL Jane says…I want want want! I have recently been diagnosed with Terminal Breast Cancer and I will be making as many baby quilts as possible so all little babies born to those I cherish will feel my love even if I am unable to hold them myself. Thanks Corrie for this opportunity. Merry Christmas to you and your gorgeous family xxx
I adore charm packs! So fun and so easy!
I wish I had a great reason to put here, but I don’t. I just love to make things, it is what I do when I’m not working and the kids are asleep. It is my relaxation time, which I’m going to need after the crazy lead up to Christmas. I’d love to use my free time to make a quilt in those fabrics, which I’m sure my daughter would love. Merry Christmas to your family, even if I haven’t commented before, I’ve enjoyed following your blog this year.
My husband bought me a beginners quilting book for my birthday a couple of months back, and if want to use it to make a quilt for my daughter….but the “need” part comes into it when choosing fabrics, I’m so scared of getting it wrong and it just not looking right. This gorgeous collection would remove that dilemma!
What an awesome giveaway, I want to make quilts for my nieces and nephews!
I watched a you tube exercise on the five minute block and would love to have a go at making a quilt for Paddy so whe we are out in the car he can snuggle up and be happy he loves to wrap things around him. This would especially be ideal for the winter months and also for those cold days he would be able to snuggle up on the couch and watch his favourite DVDs
I love charm packs and I wish I had a great reason to use them! I think they would look great in my stash until I found a use for them! haha
I’d love to win so I can use it to teach my teenage daughter to quilt. She has been begging me to teach her to quilt for months now and it was decided we’d do it over the Christmas school holidays. Happy Christmas to your family!
I’ve never ever used a charm pack!! Those colour combos look amazing, and with two gorgeous nieces and my son’s first Christmas coming up, I would love to start! Happy Christmas to you and your family 😉
With a house full of boys, this mum doesn’t get much of a chance to buy girlie fabrics!! These would make for a nice change to create something lovely and feminine!!!
What a wonderful day it would be,
if by chance you should choose me
to relieve you of some stash
I would promise to make a quilt in a flash…
Sorry for the terribly poem lol, but the fabrics are gorgeous and I can just picture a new quilt for one or two of the little girls in my life. Merry Christmas!!
I would love to make a quilt for each of my girls. I’m a keen sewer of clothes but a bit scared of tackling quilts in case I muck it up and waste all of that beautiful fabric. One day I will jump right in!
Love love love these fabrics. Would love to make baby quilts with these fabrics. Beautiful fabrics.
I absolutely LOVE Moda! This would really make my holidays merrier!. Thank you for the giveaway. slozano5 at earthlink dot net. I live in the United States, so getting some squishies from another country would make me feel like a queen! Merry Christmas to you!
The fabrics are beautiful and I would try some patchwork piecing and then make a clutch and handbag (2 things I have not tried before) for mum and mother in law for mothers day next year.
I have just moved to the Yukon and I would like to win these so that I’ll have some yummy fabric to play with during the long, loooonng, looooonnngggg winter nights.
I tried to make a quilt when I was a teenager, which was a few years ago, it wasn’t very inspiring though. That fabric makes me SUPER excited to make a quilt for my two girls, if it would stretch that far. I would love it. It looks like it would be easier with those pre cut packs than me trying to cut it all out. What beautiful fabrics!
My mum has been making beautiful quilts for years and giving many of them away as precious gifts! I have decided over the summer holidays to go to her house one evening a week (while kids are in bed and husband is playing Xbox!) and get her to teach me how to make beautiful quilts too. It’ll be a chance to learn but also to spend time with her and finish some conversations we haven’t finished in the business of daily life with little ones! These fabrics would be a wonderful way to start!
Out of my four daughters, I’ve only got around to making one of them a quilt so far… (I’m still learning!) These would be beautiful made into some little quilts for the rest of them!
I need to win this giveaway as I haven’t touched my machine since before September and need some inspiration to get back at it. Thanks for the opportunity to win. My girls would love something out of these pretty fabrics.
Beautiful. I am teaching myself to sew at the moment and I am dying to try a quilt. My grandmother made me a quilt when I was 10 and it’s one of my most treasured possessions. Unfortunately I didn’t learn to quilt from grandma when I had the chance.
I would love to win this! I need to make a blanket for my daughter’s new room and this would be perfect! Thank you for the chance!
What a fantastic giveaway. I would love to win. I usually use second hand material etc and more so lately as my work hours have halved. To have this would be awesome, I would be able to make a quilt for the charity I support – if you look at my blog you will see that this year I have made 7 quilts for an orphanage in Kenya. Thanks for the opportunity and keep up the good work with your awesome blog
Hi Corrie,
I’ve had “making a quilt” on my to do list forever! I’ve just not been brave enough, or known where to begin. Perhaps some charm packs are the answer for me. I could make a quilt for my mum who lives interstate, then she will have something personal made by me…. it would be like a “hug” from her daughter.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Do I really need them, no, do I want them yeah sure do. Since moving to Melbourne I have joined the North of the Yarra Quilt (NOTYQ) guild, they do community quilts and the sure would look pretty made into some simple quilts
I honestly can’t find a reason as to why I wouldn’t want them….Simply scrumptious.
I need to win because I’m finally taking the plunge and have booked myself into quilting classes in the new year before my bub is born. I need a stash! Thanks!
They are beautiful. I need them to make up some quilts for my older two to make up for the one I have made my youngest out of charm squares and iron on patches:) Thanks for the chance.
After months of travelling with our three kids we finally made it home to the Netherlands. We lived in Australia for 7 years and I got into the swing of quilting there. Would love to start up again once I have found my sewing machine in one off the many boxes that need unpacking…..
I’d love to make a quilt with them, it would only be my second one and i’m sure it would look beautiful!!
Thanks for the chance to win and thanks for a wonderful blog to read!
Don’t know how you can give them away, but I would love a chance to win.
I’m just returning to sewing in the last couple of months. I sewed many outfits for my girls throughout their lives including graduation dresses and their own quilts when they were abt 5.
This year sees me with my first grandchildren and I would love to make them their own quilts too.
The fabric would be a great start
Thank you for the chance to win such beautiful fabric
I have to win fabric now as my husband has banned me from buying anymore – he thinks I don’t need it ! But what would he know LOL
This looks beautiful..
I love your generosity in doing this giveaway
I’m also a little but addicted to sewing! I love to make clothes for my children but I also love the endless creativity that quilting provides. I’m still learning but I do love it!
I would love to win this to give to my sister. Whenever I need something sewn she will always help me out, like the last minute costume she sewed when I realised my daughter needed to be a convict for her excursion that was only a couple of days away.She also made me a lovely little quilt to snuggle on the lounge with while she sat up waiting to hear I was out of surgery safely last year. She has four little girls so doesn’t often have any spare cash for gorgeous fabric like this.
This fabric would be the kick in the pants I need to start on the quilt for my soon to be born niece !
I’m supposed to make my little girl a quilt and these fabrics would certainly look divine in her room!
Hi Corrie, I “need” to win this so I can continue to compete in the one who dies with the most fabric wins competition!
Would love to make a gorgeous cot quilt for my baby girl. Love the sweet mods designs and I’m sure she will too!
I neeeeeeeed to win this because I just used a Scrumptious charm pack to make teachers gifts and fell hopelessly in love with it. And let’s face it, with 5 boys under 7 (twin mums fist bump Corrie!) I’m in dire need of some lush florals in my life!
I have just recently gotten back into sewing (partially through reading your blog) and I have not seen those fabric packs before, but I can see that they are just gorgeous. So when I get me new sewing machine for christmas, I can get stuck onto something lovely
(I killed my old sewing machine again – well, maybe not killed, but put out of action and its too expensive to fix – again!)
You always have such beautiful taste in your charm pack patterns! I’d love to win to make a gorgeous quilt for a new baby I know that’s about to arrive in time for Christmas!
I would dearly love to win these for my mum. She had just retired from work and I can just imagine the joy that these would bring to her as she imagines what she can make from them!!!
I need/want/would love to win this fabric to make a fab quilt for my daughter’s birthday (turning 14 in a minute!)
We were just admiring the Keiki collection at a sewing friend’s house yesterday – a definite sign I feel 😉 and the selection of fabrics you have there will definitely make a big double sided gorgeous quilt for her. I think I will turn the squares to diamonds for a bit of fun.
Thanks Corrie for continuing to inspire and entertain us and for such a generous giveaway. Mel x
I would love to win this pack. I need to dust off my sewing machine and get back into it. What better way than with some yummy scrummy fabrics! I love Moda!
I would love to win as I have a dear friend having her 5th baby after 8 years of thinking she won’t have anymore. I would love to make her baby a pram blanket. (As she has given away all her baby stuff and had to start again)
We went christmas shopping over the weekend with three kids and a grumpy hubby intow. When I casually mentioned can we please stop at a fabric store before we head home, so I can get some chrissie sewing done, I think I saw the dust rise where the sighs hit the ground from the rest of the family! needless to say we never got there. I think I need to win this, so that at least i can get SOME christmas sewing done.
I would make a quilt for myself to celebrate graduating University with my teacher degree at the age of 47
Oh pretty please I would LOVE some new fabric to play with!! Please!!
My best friend as a big family just like yours. And I made all the kids a quilt for there fourth birthday. That is the age that kids go to school in the Netherlands. But there is still one little girls who is waiting for her quilt. When I win this give away these fabrics would make a wonderfull quilt for little Liselotte.
Oh so pretty I would love to make a quilt next year when my youngest is at school and I will have time for a lovely project like this. I haven’t made a quilt since I did patchwork in clubs at school and that was the late 80s. Thanks and have a beautiful week.
Hi Corrie
I’d love to win the charm squares as my grand-daughter turned 10 last October and we gave her a sewing machine for her birthday. During the school holidays we will be learning to sew a small quilt, new jammies and anything else she’d like to learn. She has wanted a machine for so long that had fancy stitches, so at 10 my sweet little GD will be sewing her little heart out and I’m sure we’ll all get something special in the new year. Thanks for opportunity!
I would love to make a pretty quilt just for me over the Christmas break – no holidays at the beach for me!
I have just had baby #4 – a girl after 3 boys, and a big surprise. The charm packs look fab for a quilt for her, and to final bring some girliness into my house – we are crying out for it.
I need to win this fabric as it’s calling MY name. Can’t you hear it?? I’d make a quilt (like yours, with the uncut squares), then have a go at quilting it myself (as I did a quilting course 6 months ago). It’d be called ‘Blissfully Beautiful’ quilt
Ok so I don’t really need to win at all, but I am a mum of four boys and this year my sewing has involved Batman, Ninja Turtles, Superman, well you get the point. Am pregnant with our fifth, won’t find out what it is until it comes out but if it is another boy (which would be awesome) still quite fancy something in my house that is girly and I will get to keep it for myself! Finished my first quilt this year (granted it was started 9 years ago!!) but still love the idea of quilts all over my house, though I may have to make slightly faster progress lol.
Lovely! Just what I need to actually start a quilt!
Your blog has inspired me to try my hand at quilting and this would be a great way to get started! I watched your free motion clip and it looks so easy! I have four children and I would love to make them a quilt each, but perhaps I’ll start with the cot size first…
I have tried so hard to think of a good reason why I deserve it but I can’t. It is purely an “I want” moment for me as they are just so gorgeous!
Ooohhhh, I can definitely usr this to make a lovely quilt! Just what I need to get started.
I need luck, good luck to win the lottery!
I would use this packs to finish my cross stitch works or to make a quilt …
Mmm! Why do I ‘need’ these charm packs? Well… I admit it, I must confess, I am addicted to fabric! Not just any fabric, beautiful, quilting fabric. I must have it! I confess that when I see charm packs, especially ones of the gorgeous variety you have above, something overcomes me and it’s far too powerful to resist!
Because no one ever buys me what I really want for Christmas. Fabric!
I bought my very 1st sewing machine a couple of months ago and it’s sat in the corner as I’ve been too scared almost to sit down and get to grips with how it works. Only last night I finally sat down and after 2 hours and a bit of cursing I finally managed to sew a square out of one of my sons old T-shirts. I’m now desperate to make something and have no idea what to make, some quilting squares may be the inspiration I need
Oh my goodness, what gorgeous fabric! I would make a patchwork skirt for my little miss and also some kind of quilt… I’ve never made either, but I reckon it’s time to give it a shot! Fingers crossed
Hello, i would love to win and make a nice quilt for one of my daughers.
Thank you for your blog, i appreciate all what you share to us. Sophie
Such lovely charm squares!! I’m pretty new to patchwork & quilting & haven’t used any charm squares yet. I like the idea of getting a sampling of the range & would definitely make good use of these
I really really would love to win some of this fabric. I have started collecting pieces of fabric to start my very first quilt which I would like to make for my only daughter and these pieces of fabric would go beautifully with it.
I really really would love to win some of this fabric. I have started collecting pieces of fabric to start my very first quilt which I would like to make for my only daughter and these pieces of fabric would go beautifully with it.
I would love to win because after making a few quilts for friends’ babies my stash needs restocking, especially as I have to make a baby quilt for the one I’m currently cooking.
ooh! I need this giveaway because I bought a teeny tiny 2′ square bundle of “scrumptious” the other day and it is just not enough!!!! I love the easiness of pre-cuts!
Forget my entry, have just seen megsy has five boys so she trumps me lol.
I’ve got an eight month old grand daughter living in Australia and I really need to do a quilt for her! this would be gorgeous and ideal. Please pick me.!!!!
Would love theses to make a quilt for myself to snuggle under on those cold nights on the couch watching movies with my husband (bub tucked in bed hopefully!)
I’m new to sewing for myself (formally had my grandmother do it for me)
I’d love to make a quilt for my daughters with her help (and perhaps for my 3 boys in the future). It might spark an interest in her sewing as well
oooh…love the colours so much. I would love to win because we have just moved interstate and bought a new home and I am in desperate need to make over one of the bedrooms. A quilt would be perfect. These colours are gorgeous.
There are so many worthy ‘needs’ in the comments. I would love to make my daughter a quilt as she is moving into a flat with her b/f, she feels the cold and this would be a wonderful way to keep her warm in the winter months. Thank you Corrie, you are very gracious in your giveaways.
Oohhhhhhhhhh i would love these to make a girly quilt for my daughter.
Love love love these fabrics. They are just gorgeous! I could make something pretty spesh from those. Xxx
Wow? What would I make? A new beach bag for summer.
Oh they are just what I was looking this morning,Im planning a quilt for my bestest Aunty,shes been there for my Mum when I couldnt,shes on the other side of Aussie and it s hard to been so far away,she endured hardship for a lot of her life and I want to give her something that retains the thoughts of appreciation with hand made love of a 30s style quilt
Would love to make something for my girl with these – what a nice giveaway! Maybe she’d like a little blanket, as well as one for her doll.
My bestie has asked me to teach her to sew and I said a charm pack would be a perfect start, her budget is tight so she hasn’t been able to buy anything yet……damn kids need things first!! Anyway this would be perfect to teach her to quilt and great for us to do together – thanks xxx
I need this pack to finish off my collection of charm squares so I can make a queen sized crochet cushion blanket. I want to make the fabric scrappy looking, so mix and match all different collections and then I want to use a purple and grey cotton thread to crochet all the squares together.
Thanks for the chance to add to my collection.
I made a list last year of all the things I want to do before I turn 40…make a quilt was one of them. If I won this it would be my inspiration and motivation to finally get started
my darling friend far away is very sick and needs a quilt. the fabrics look like the right mix of fun and fancy to deliver her hugs from me til I can go see her. thanks for sharing C. and merry christmas xx
I would love to win them, because they are beautiful, and my daugther would love a quilt made of them:-) Thanks for the chance!
We are having a present and purchase-free Christmas. These divine packs would be a lovely surprise gift and purchase to make mini quilts for a number of friends who are soon to be new mums!
What a lovely giveaway! I prefere small projects – lovely things to decorate my sweet home. And this fabrics would be perfect in my designs
Wish you merry christmas!!!
I would love to win so I can make my daughter a new bed quilt (Grandma beat me to the post twice!!) and because I just love those beautiful fabrics
I’d love to win because there is no Christmas gifting tradition in my family (no idea why) and I’d be happy to have some charms!:)
I think these beautiful fabrics would inspire me to dive in and make my first quilt!
Oh – love these! I am due to make a new quilt, so I’d love to win.
These beautiful charm packs would make lovely quilts for my nieces who live interstate from me. They could cuddle into them and feel my “love”. Thanks for the chance to win Corrie
I recently finished a sampler quilt that i made at classes and finished in my own time, took over a year, but I am so proud of the finished product. I now need a new project and those colours look perfect to make a large quilt. We are hoping to do a tree change and a new quilt will be perfect in our new home to be.
Very pretty fabrics and a very popular giveaway by the looks of things.
Hi Corrie, I wasn’t sure whether to comment or not due to the fact that I never win anything! But just on the off chance I thought I’d at least leave a comment because those fabrics are beautiful! I finished my first ever quilt today, which I started making for my son before he was born – he’s 20months old now (I had planned on having it ready for him for his first days but he came a bit earlier than expected! And then being a new mum was more tiring than I expected!). Anyway I have some friends who are due next year and I thought it would be nice to at least try and make them something (a quilt for the pram or cradle?) Those fabrics would be stunning, it would take less time with pre-cut charm squares and would probably be neater than my first effort too, so I might actually be able to give them something before their babies are toddlers!
Lovely fabrics! Of course I’d love to win and make a huge quilt! Thanks for a great giveaway!
I think if I were to win these I would need to pull an all nighter and make my girls a special quilt just in time for Christmas. I’ve been dying to get my hands on some Bonnie & Camille
I’m a newbie quilter and I would love to win these beautiful Moda charm squares and finally have a “stash” of gorgeous fabric to choose a pram quilt for my little bumblebee baby:)
Thanks for such a generous giveaway. I would love to use these charms to make baby girl quilts for some special friends of mine here in Indonesia.
Oh, I would really like to win this awsome fabrics, because I only have time to sew in the chrismas holidays and this would be a very very good goodie for me. I would sew a quilt only for me. It would be my time, my quilt and my wonderful christmas present. Can I have it, please? Thank you for the chance and thank you for the chance to dream of it.
Such gorgeous summery colors! I haven’t sewn anything for such a long time, these charm packs would be the perfect excuse to start a
I would love the charm packs because I my friends baby is due in 10 days and I haven’t started a quilt for the baby. This would make it quick and easy.
I had been looking at making a charm square quilt as I have rediscovered sewing since having a baby earlier this year. Your blog has given me some inspiration! I would love to win some squares and test out my quilting skills.
I would love to win this. With three sons and my husband in the house I have been hoping to make a floral quilt, that’s just for me, for quite some time. However I just can’t justify spending that much on myself. It would be wonderful to win this as the kids are going to Grandma’s in January and I would actually have time to make it.
I have made quilts for both my older girls, but I don’t have any suitable fabric to make a quilt for my newest daughter. I would love these charm squares to make a quilt for the littlest member of our family.
Hi Corie if i was lucky enough to win this awesome prize i would make some blankets of love,for the little babies that dont make it,to help comfort the families.xx
I need to win because I love precuts! And these look delicious! 😉
I absolutely love charm squares. My Sister in Law is due to have a baby shortly and would love to use some of these delicious bright colours in a sweet baby boy quilt (for Christmas if I sew quickly!) – or a single bed quilt (for his first birthday next year if I cant get it finished!)
Why? I’m moving to tassie – and my fabric is in storage till the end of jan…. Having serious fabric withdrawals … Would love to have some projects to play with over Xmas ( can borrow a machine 😉 )
Hi Corrie,
I buy a lot of beautiful fabrics for my market stall but I don’t keep any of them for myself because it is a business expense. My personal stash is really pretty pathetic. January is my month off work and I get to sew just for me.
The Moda Gypsy and Moda Scrumptious are calling out to me, you must be able to hear them
I would love to win these. I did my first charm square project as a gift for my niece this year and loved how the fabrics all just went together so beautifully. I would love to make something similar for my daughter using Happy go Lucky or Scrumptious. I would love to win charm packs so I could use them for me. I make dolls to send to orphanages and 3rd world countries and so I seem to keep eating into my small stash of fabric for that. Charm squares are to small for dolls so I could actually keep and use them for something for me or a gift for a friend instead.
Thank you for sharing such beautiful fabrics – they really are very inspiring.
My daughter would love me to make her something with such pretty fabric. Or I could make something for the new baby my niece is expecting in April. Or I could make something for the foster child my friend is expecting in the new year. So many possibility.r
Thank you for the giveaway! I don’t really *need* to win this giveaway, but I would like it very much. I’m still a newbie sewer when it comes to quilting and I’ve love to have such gorgeous fabric to sew with. I think I’d go for the “mother of a big quilt” project and make one for my Mum. She’s a bit of a retro mummy and lives in a very retro house and those fabrics would absolutely be her cup of tea.
Hello, my name is Tania and I’m a fabriholic….that’s why I need these gorgeous pieces. ♥
I would love to win this for my mum. She has just started quilting and making baby blankets, I believe. It would be fun to have another in the family that makes a type of blanket, I crochet, my sister knits blankets, and my mum quilting, would be a wonderful variety of addition in our crafty family.
I absolutely have to have these fabrics-I have not yet delved into the world of patchwork but I think this will be the beginning. I have found atesselation pattern that would bee perfect
I need to win these so I can finish making quilts for my great grandchildren Thanks for sharing this great giveaway-these precuts would help me out a lot.
I would give them to my daughter who has just started to show some interest in sewing (at 15). Best to strike while the iron is hot!
I’d love to make a quilt for my brother and his wife expecting their first baby! My first neice or nephew due any day now!!! So excited if I could make a special present for the new baby!!! Thanks love your blog and fb posts! Inspirational with your posts! Happy Christmas!
Stunning quilts. I’d make baby quilts ready for boy or girl instead of rushing to do one when I know the sex of the baby! Thank you for the opportunity.
I agree that charm packs are just perfect – I love getting all the range in one little pack and if I want to make something bigger I can just buy a bit more of one of my favourite fabrics in the same line. I would love these to help me with my plans to pick up the quilting again in 2014! It’s been a quiet few months in my craft room… You have great taste – these are all some of my favourite Moda lines! I esp love Happy go Lucky and Scrumptious – love all bonnie & camille really! Thank you for sharing these.
What a nice giveaway! It would be perfect for me who hates to cut out for quilting!
Charms are the best! Thank you for your generous giveaway! I would love to win these actually for my college daughter – she is finishing up finals right now and wants to make some gifts for some friends and family! The charm packs would be perfect for her to get going on. Thank you!
I’d love to win, i need to make a quilt in a hurry for a friend who was having investigations, she thought she was seriously ill…….now she has discovered that the ‘illness’ is an almost full term pregnancy OMG.. nobody spotted it until she had an ultrasound. To say that the family is in shock is putting it mildly, I think she deserves a fabric hug.
The fabrics you’ve chosen are just gorgeous!
I’d love to win these fabulous charm packs because I’ve just finished up a whole heap of fabrics making two baby blankets for dear friends who’ve just had precious new arrivals… And I’ve just found out I’m expecting my first baby myself, so not only am I incredibly excited but I also can’t wait to finally get sewing some beautiful projects and nursery goodies for my own little winter baby due in June next year!
Fingers crossed!!
Lovely choice of charm packs Corrie, they would make many lovely little quilts for charities that my sewing group teacher is apart of. Especially for the little ones in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Nepean Hospital. Thank you for the chance
Why would I love to win? I lost my home and everything in it in the bush fires that swept through Winmalee recently including my gorgeous fabric stash and my beloved Brother sewing machine. A little collection of fabric would be the perfect incentive for me to head out and find a new machine and start up sewing again. A lovely way to distract me from the chaos at the moment. Thank you.
I love the fabric and I’ve just finished a quilt . So I have to think what to do next! This will be a good start!
What beautiful fabric. Have been making bibs and burp blankets for my little girl, would love to make my first quilt for her with these beautiful fabrics!
They are gorgeous colours and would love to use these to make my very first quilt!!!
Not sure I should admit I “need” to win this
I love charm packs I quess I could say I am addicted to them, but then I am addicted to all fabric! Thanks for the giveaway.
Such pretty fabrics. I would make a throw just for me. Thanks
I would really like to start to teach my 5 1/2 yr old how to sew this coming year – she’s been begging to be at the sewing table with me since she could talk!! I just know she would LOVE the fabrics in these charms!! … I’d also like to make her a simple throw quilt to go on her bed year-round, and these are some of my favourite fabric collections
… Thanks for the giveaway Corrie!! … And Happy Christmas to you and yours!! x
I think I would like to just sit and look at them for a while – they are so lovely. And then no doubt my 9 year old daughter would try and claim at least one or two for her next project!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Michelle g
Just because I never won anything
In Spain is almost impossible to get some designer fabric and the postal costs are huge, so giveaways are my chance to get some.
Hi Corrie, what a lovely giveaway! I have been looking online for a Gypsy Girl charm pack and there just isn’t any available. So I would love to receive the pack you have. I have been hand piecing 1″ hexagons and a charm pack cut in quarters yields lots of hexagons, it has become my evening thing to sit and make a little pile of hexagons and stitch them together. Thankyou for such a generous offer.
Those charm packs are gorgeous, and what a delight they would bring to me and others….a double blessing. I am on a special diet (low oxalate) and have to deny myself fabric………but I can have all the “Scrumptious” fabric I want! I was blessed with my first granddaughter this year….so one quilt for her…my sweet Ashley. Then I have another grandbaby due in 2014….that is two. Hmmmm….that would leave some fabric for charity as well as other babies to come. They say this is the season for giving……..but isn’t that year round? Merry Christmas Corrie to you and your precious family. Kristy….. soardkgatfusedotnet
Simply I would love the squares as I need something new and exciting and challenging to do.
Oh my! Scrumptious AND Gypsy Girl! I just want to have those beauties in my hands to caress!!
I don’t *need* to win, but I do make a lot of baby quilts for gifts – and charm packs always make beautiful ones!
I have never worked with pre-cuts before. I would love to do that. I always take the time to cut things myself. How quick and easy would that be??
I want the give away for my newborn child!! I want to do something preatty for my little girl!!
Such pretty fabrics. I’d like to win because i just got the craving of patchwork lately. In Germany it’s hard to get decent patchwork fabrics.
I want to win these because I need more fabric!!
I need to win thiscos all my spare money is going on hubby’s root canal, gear for a scout jamboree and Christmas. This would me for me;) Thanks for the chance.
Would love to win these bunches of gorgeous fabrics. Spending Christmas 6 hours south with parents and my mum and I are planning on sewing for days on end. Nobody else is aware of that yet
(and NZ Scout Jamboree here we come too!)
What a great way to get started on learning how to sew quilts in the holidays! My sister was going to teach me……and this fabric is perfect!
wow my 11 yr old is getting a sewing machine for Christmas how nice it would be to receive these lovely fabrics! just lovely what a great giveaway.
I do think these lovelies would help me find my mojo which disappeared a while ago.
Beautiful designs and “Scrumptious” REALLY is well named.
Beautiful fabrics. I don’t technically ‘need’ them since I’m already running about like a mad thing before Christmas .. But boy they are awesome and I’m thinking if I won then I might just make a quilt before Christmas!!
I have hardly sewn anything this year with heaps of health issues – this would give me the mojo to get back into it during my holidays! they are gorgeous
Hi! I’d love to make my first bunting and these fabrics look fabulous. Thanks!
yes please!
I have been looking for some nice charm packs, and never can decide. these are perfect!
Ooh, love! I like to make a baby quilt for each new baby at church and we are currently in a baby boom so lots and lots to make, these would be perfect! Thanks for the opportunity.
I have two gorgeous little nieces these fabrics would make some stunning little built for there cots or even a single bed quilt this gorgeous fabric deserves to be Seen ever day
I just need to win this I just love scrumptious and all the others and would make a quilt for one of my grandchildren. Not sure though whether it would be for this Christmas (or next
I just love those prints and with a 10 week old baby I don’t have the time to do all the cutting. Charm packs are perfect for when little one takes her naps and mummy wants to be crafty. And you can never have too many quilts.
I would love to win these beautiful fabrics! I really want to make my daughter a quilt but can’t afford to buy anything nice
thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
Oooh I would love this. I want to make a quilt but don’t know where to start. I’ve moved from Australia to Slovakia (husbands job) and there’s no quilt shops here and they don’t sell much cotton either. Thanks for the chance Corrie.
Perfect, a win would be partly donation, I can see a few love hope quilts in that mix – holiday seasons, perfect time to whip up a few for the stash of charity quilts next year.
Because I just need more fabric………… Ha ha ho ho. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I would love to finally have the perfect fabrics to make a lap quilt! Thanks Corrie.
It would be great to make a gift for Chritstmas – I seem to have run out of time. Thanks for the giveaway.
I make mug rugs to sell to raise money for food for the animal shelter. It’s a kill shelter and the more food I can deliver, the longer they can keep the dogs and cats alive and maybe (oh glorious day!!!) adopted. Thanks so much for the chance to win some very needed fabric.
Why do I need to win this? Well, I came to visit your blog today looking for some energy and inspiration to get creating!! Weather I found that inspiration in my kitchen, in my thermomix, or at my sewing machine! I just feel a bit exhausted from all the pressures of family, work and December busy-ness, and want to get some energetic creative joy back! I cannot be the only one? I really do love this time of year, but it can be very exhausting for a Mum… My week ahead: 2x school presentation evenings, 1x preschool concert, 1 x circus performance concert, 1x night duty nursing, 2x ‘parent helper’ for school swimming lessons, a mountain of camping washing, and unpack the campervan from the weekend away… oh, and plenty of Christmas shopping! *activating excited eyebrows*
I belong to a small friendhip quilting group and we decided that in 2014 we would liek tomake some quilts to donate. Thses would make a great start for us.
I belong to a small friendhip quilting group and we decided that in 2014 we would like to make some quilts to donate. These would make a great start for us.
Oh they are beautiful. I have only just begun on my quilting journey and I am still learning but I would simply adore winning these. I could picture an absolutely gorgeous quilt coming together from those which would be headed for my own bed! You are a gem for hosting a giveaway when all of us mums are running around like little Energizer bunnies at this time of year. Winning a giveaway is just the cure for our tiredness
Thank you!!
I would love to use these charms to make a friend of mine a quilt as she has just had surgery – thanks for the chance to win!
First, love your blog. I would give these charms a good home!
very lovely charm packs…you can do so many things with them … cushions, a lap quilt … I would share with my friends as well … we could have a sewing together…thanks for being so generous …hugs LindaB
Hi Corrie
First of all, thank you for your generosity.
I am not sure if I “need” the fabric but I want and would love to win the giveaway. I would make a couple of quilts with it if I win.
Thank you again.
These are such nice designs for my girls room and to start a with for a first time quilter to put together a quilt to get her hooked on, advise my be needed as to how to finish it off.
I need to win this as I have a serious fabric addiction!!
Those are lovely!
I would need these to make my daughter a quilt. I fear she is falling behind in quilts to her brother!
Hi Corrie, I don’t know how you do hat you do and raise those gorgeous kids at the same time. What a great job you do in all of your various roles. I am crafty buy so in awe of your many projects, and they get finished too. I would love to win this pack as I had just reprinted my 15 year olds room and we have been struggling to find a bed spread to go with it and I showed her these fabrics and woohoo she likes them, and so do I and they go with her new room. Oh how I would love to win and stitch these square up over the school holidays!
Hmmm, I could give you the big sob story about building the new house blowing the budget – the stand alone power batteries being broken by excavator (another 10K thanks) or the same excavator driver crushing the vegetable garden I spent 4 weeks building. (see I told you corrie NO ONE would read a blog about this mess)
Or I could just say I would give up chocolate to do something other than muck about in mud with this house trying to resurrect garden beds and fruit trees, to sit quietly at my sewing machine and make a brand new quilt to adorn a bed (my daughters I think) in this brand new house (once it is finished you know some time next century)
Oh I would love to win these to make a little quilt for my daughter and a matching one for her baby doll. Thanks Corrie!
In the middle of a kitchen remodel and you know what a pain that is! Haven’t been able to sew in weeks and these little packs of fabrics would keep me from killing my husband until it is done. Only kidding. A little.
I just bought myself a shiny new sewing machine for Xmas and these pre cut squares would make a divine quilt for my little girl, Evie!
Hey Corrie please pick me! I’m new to quilting but my mum is a seriously clever quilter. you’ve inspired me to make a quilt for my Nanna who is 92, and maybe next, one for my mum, and two girls! I sew lots of other things and have a fabric addiction, would love to add these to my collection. thanks Corrie!! R
I would love to win because firstly these fabrics look gorgeous and secondly I would love to teach my 12 year old daughter to sew over the long school holidays coming up. thanks for the chance.
I would love to make a quilt and if I won this gorgeous charm pack then I’m half way there to get the quilt made!!
I would love to make a quilt each for my our two girls, aged two and five who have both been diagnosed as coeliac in the past few months. They are having lots of naps while recovering so gorgeous new quilts would be perfect for them. And, I’d love to dust off my sewing machine! I’m enjoying your G f recipes too.
I am trying to give my handmade gift business a boost to increase awareness and sales and this beautiful material would allow me to do that.
Corrie no revolutionary comment here just that I do lots of quilt works and would love to win some fabric we moved house a few months ago which gave me the opportunity to have some ‘give aways’ myself so a restock would be wonderful.
I would love to win these to make a start on a little quilt for a little princess!
Sadly, we are waiting for the worst news as my Dear Grandad suffers and fades away in the ICU after a fall. It would be lovely to make my Mum a quilt that might bring a smile and some Christmas spirit. Thank you for the chance as always x
“Need”? Do we truly ‘need’ a reason for more fabric
But if I have to give one….The colour combos would make some gorgeous homewares to practice my machine quilting on!
Hi Corrine
Would love to take the prize out to Warren in early January when I visit my daughter who has lived there all year as a pre school teacher . She has a hardly used machine . It would be lovely to quilt together in the air conditioning !!!!!!! Merry Christmas .pam
That shoulda say Corrie!!!!!! I hate preemptive text !!!!!
I would love to make my first quilt for cancer sufferers and would use the charm pack if I won. Appreciate the chance Corrie to help others, and check your blog out daily.
I would love to win these charm packs as they include at least 3 of my favourite fabric ranges and I still have more Christmas presents to make….
WOW that would be a nice Christmas activity. Those fabrics are amazing I love Moda.
I love to take time in the holidays to do something crafty, it is good for the soul.
It is all the more enjoyble when you can take it at a slower pace.
Thanks for the opportunity, and Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family.
As an avid reader of your blog & Facebook pages, you have given me confidence & a “can do” attitude. Now, if I had those Moda Charm packs, I can make my first quilt.
Winning these charm pack means a change of luck in lucky draws and the likes of it….and I will be on my way to lottery wins!!!!! Hahahahaha…..
I’d love to give them to my 6 year old for Christmas as she is desperate to learn how to sew.
My husband and I bought our first house earlier this year and I’m struggling to find pretty things to make it our home. High on my list is to make a pretty quilt for our spare room. Thanks for the chance to win, so lovely of you!
Well as a fellow serial volunteer at school, as you are, I have put my hand up to run the school fair (K-12 school). While quietly pooping my pants I have some reluctant craft stall parents. Would love to use to fabric to make some simple projects to motivate them!
It is a very unlikely 21 degrees here in Texas. I’m think I’m going to need another quilt.
hi from the UK!!
i am quite new to quilting and absolutely LOVE these charm packs. the colours are great and they would really make a lovely quilt for the many babies arriving in the family!!
thanks for the opportunity!!
My brother and sister in law will have twins in March and I think both babies need a baby quilt… so I could use them to make two happy baby quilts.
Hy, I would like to win ,because I’ve never quilt…I”d like to begin,….I love your blog, and your photo!!!Pleaseeeeee …(sorry for my bad english..i read your blog to improve it..:):):):
Oooooooooooo!! I’d love to win some fabric. I have promised myself some time to indulge in my favourite pass time over the holidays, it’s been too long since I made a quilt & having some gorgeous new fabric to create with would be extra special. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
I have been inspired by lovely sister-in-law (she’s pretty much my big sister!) who made me a gorgeous quilt in my favourite colours (purple, aqua and lime green for my birthday.
I got my sewing machine nearly 2 years ago and despite best intentions have not used it much. I’ve wanted to have a go at making a quilt for a few years now and haven’t really known where to start.
This weekend we are visiting my brother and sister-in-law, so I’m taking my sewing machine. She’s going to teach me a few things and we’ll make a few Christmas presents.
I need to win this quilt because your post the other day convinced me to make quilts for my daughter’s for Christmas. They will be my first quilts!
Lovely fabrics which I need as I am on a self imposed fabric buying hyatis, but you can never have enough fabric right
Earlier in the year a friend introduced me to your blog as she was learning to sew. Having young children myself I was inspired by your blog to learn ‘how to be useful’ as I put it! My mum is teaching me how to knit and crochet, and my lovely husband is buying me my very first sewing machine for my birthday in a couple of weeks!!! I would love to have some beautiful fabrics to make a quilt for my mum as a thank you gift xx
******~Ode to a Mother in Waiting~****************
While patiently waiting for bub number 2
I’ve got to find something for my idle hands to do.
Each little square, a hope and a dream.
The weeks will pass quickly with each even seam.
A blanket, or quilt to stitch on my machine……
These charm pack squares will welcome my new little bean.
Wow! Lovely giveaways! Hope to win so that a quilt can be made for my god-daughter.
Thank you for the chance.
Jennifer C (Malaysia)
Such beautiful fabric. I would love to learn how to quilt with lovely fabric. I’d love to make a quilt for my daughter for when she transitions into the cot.
ooohhh LOVE the 2 on the bottom row-middle and right! They would make a gorgeous quilt for either of my 2 girls-who both need one! I feel bad- my 8 month old is still using a hand me down (but gorgeous handmade) quilt that was her sisters and I’d love her to have one of her own
What gorgeous prints! I’d love to win this and try my hand at sewing a quilt.
I’m just learning how to quilt and those packs look like a lovely way to start!
Gorgeous fabrics… now why would I like to win? mmmmm well they would look good in my stash plus I am sure I would find a use for them with my children producing grandies now xxx
Corrie, I love patchwork and I’m looking for a project that I can do the quilting on my machine “all by myself” – setting myself a challenge I am indeed!!!
I’m teaching my teen daughter how to quilt and these squares would be great
These colors would be perfect for another quilt for my granddaughter! Thanks and happy holidays!
i have a confession…i’m a fabricaholic,and id love to win the fabric. He who has the most fabric wins [ dont they ?]
Thanks for a chance to enter this great gieaway
I need to make my beautiful friend a quilt for her baby boy who arrives in Feb. This would be a wonderful start on that.
Oh I love charm squares. My almost 5 year old twin girls have just moved from their very squishy toddler beds to full sized beds – bunks no less. They had quilts on their toddler beds made from my favourite charm square pattern over on the moda bakeshop http://www.modabakeshop.com/2010/10/charming-stars-quilt.html which I made without the sashing. They’ve been asking for new quilts and I’d love to keep up the tradition and make them single bed quilts out of charm squares with the same pattern.
I would love this! I have been earning my sewing P plates this year with lots of little sewing projects for the kids. I have been wanting to try quilting but have been a little hesitant. This would be the push I need to dive right in and get started!
I would love to win these beautiful fabrics! Even in the craziness of this time of the year I am still planning all the gifts I want to make… surely there is still time!!
Hi Corrie,
Your lovely blog has inspired me to make a quilt. I had never made one before and have just finished my first quilt, a very simple layer cake quilt like you made with the scrumptious fabric. I am now hooked and can’t wait to make another. I would love all this beautiful fabric to get my next project underway! I have two nieces and I am going to give my first quilt to one of them for Christmas so I better even it up and make another for my other niece! Have I still got time before Christmas I wonder?!?!
Fingers crossed I win this lovely fabric. Thanks for the giveaway x
Wonderful fabrics!
I would make them a blanket to cradle my little granddaughter.
Lovely fabric- thanks. I’ve been itching to do a quilt for my daughter. Might make the transition to a big bed easier!
Hey Corrie, I bought my first charm square pack from you which became my first made quilt, 3 years ago. I think it’s time I give charms another go and would be delighted if you supplied them again. Thanks for chance to win and many happy returns xxx
I love these, I could make a quilt with it – a big one and I might have to go pinwheels because they are my favourites!
I would love to win that beautiful fabric. As a mother of eight someone is always in need of a beautiful quilt.
Oh Corrie, I’d love to win this pack as I am looking forward to having some quiet time behind the sewing machine this summer holidays. Life has been fairly hectic around here lately with dad being so sick and with no school runs, lunches or homework, I might just get some sewing done!
Ooh, lovely fabric! I recently made a quilt for my eldest daughter, and I’ve got the fabric ready for one fr my middle daughter…but the baby? These charm packs would be great!
Wow. Lovely. I could totally make my little girls something sweet with these!
Now all my four children have finished school for the year. I feel I will need a bit of quite time at night so this would be great to win so I can sew and reclaim my head for the next morning