Now you all know I love Pioneer Woman.…….or should I say y’all know. In fact I receive questions from readers asking for my recommendation on which of her books to buy. And now we can add a third book to the mix that I have been absolutely hanging out for. Pioneer Woman Cooks – A Year of Holidays. There has been a bit of delivery man stalking going on around here in the morning. This book is good. Really good. And big. So big with 140 recipes all beautifully categorised into holidays and special days of the year.
And of course with Christmas around the corner there was no better time to have this book arrive at my house. One of my favourite times to get into the kitchen. And eat.
And the Christmas section has a whole section devoted to Christmas Delights so you can make lots of goodies for your family and friends like cookies, gingerbread and more. I’ve already decided that these scrolls are a definite before Christmas and the challenge to make them gluten free as well for elodie and myself.
Now I know that cookbooks aren’t everyone’s cup of tea and you might say well I can get the recipes from her blog. But for me the book is about reading it, the little photos and stories that go with the recipes and I just love to pull out a pile of cookbooks and sit on the couch and read them when I get a bit of time to myself.
And one of the reasons that I just love PW books are because of the step by step pictures. Makes everything so easy when you’re doing it at home.
and we love her books because the food is hearty family food. Retro daddy loves anything I make from PW’s books and they are something a bit more special than what I usually cook on a weeknight. Anyone who has made her cinnamon rolls will attest to that. Or the chicken pot pie from scratch might take you half a day but man it is the best chicken pie you’ll ever eat.
I picked up my copy from Amazon as I needed to get my hands on it as soon as it was available and it really is a winner. I think it might just be my favourite and I’m looking forward to sitting down tonight and picking out what I’m going to make first.
Oh and I found this great little video on youtube just in case you needed further proof that it’s a good book………I was thinking fans will want to put on it on your Christmas list but then you’re somehow going to want to open it before Christmas for all the baking. Anyway, you work that out but PW fans and new to PW readers will love this one.
I have this one and her first one on my Christmas Wish List which I have a sneeking suspicion that hubby has fulfilled for me this year
I got her second book last year for Mothers Day and have been longing for her first book since then. Hubby didn’t comply last Xmas but when I heard the Holiday book was coming out I started a little mind refreshing of sorts lol. He has since been keeping me away from the Ebay emails and in fact from our Ebay account altogether so I suspect I may have a lovely surprise under the Xmas tree this year 
mind refreshing!!!! hilarious! really hope you get it and it is win win, hubby gets good cooking and you get a lovely book! It really is my favourite and I’m itching to get stuck into it this week
I have to get my hands on this book! I’m making her Mac and Cheese for dinner tonight. I love her, she makes me want to go live on a farm in Oklahoma.
YES!!!!!!!!!! you are not the only one! love her mac n cheese too! you will love the book
This book looks gorgeous! Let me know how the gluten free scrolls go, because I’ve a whole gluten free family here and I used to love scrolls. Apple and caramel sound divine!!
yes! I haven’t been too adventurous with bread or scrolls gluten free but happy to try!
Oh yes! I got one of her previous book on your recommendation, and indeed we have some winning recipes from her. I wouldn’t say all hers are winners here, and have to admit some of the recipes are so calories laden that I really do wonder if anybody dares to eat! Haha!
But indeed, the fact that she has step by step photos of her recipes makes things so much easier! One of the most eye pleasing cookbooks!
P/s I also bought the CWA classics cookbook based on your advice:). Oh, I love that!
oh yes! don’t buy her books if you’re going on a diet! should have put that up there in the review shouldn’t I, Min:)
They are heavy on the butter, oil and cheese but man they are good!!! special treat food
so glad you love them and especially the CWA, knew you would and nothing too fancy which probably helps when you live o/s
I just realised that I don’t have any Pioneer Woman cookbooks?! I’ll have to do something about that quick smart because I am a cookbook fiend.
Blogs are great but usually the recipes are not extensively tested or proof read and edited by recipe writers. I find that I have a much higher success rate with cookbooks than blog recipes. I also just love printed pages and pretty food pictures. Yum!
Have you thought of making a retromummy blog cookbook? I’d buy that!
oh you do need to do that!!!!! her books are the best and even try a few recipes from her blog
I agree with you on the testing and amazon is so great with reviews because people come and mention if a book is particularly bad. I was surprised when I recently did a recipe and the mixing times were so off it wasn’t funny
one day on the book, one day! when I don’t have babies in the house
Thanks for the review. I know you have written about her before and I am very tempted………..gluten free though……..and I’m hopeless and converting (converting to TM or GF!)
oh thermomix conversions are easy! I find baking to GF is kind of easy but still need to try bread and scrolls!!!!
she writes good books and if you love meat and hearty food then you’d love it