simple cinnamon tea cake

When it comes to making cakes in this house the easier the better. I only get out to the shops once or twice a week so like to eat my way through the pantry. This cake doesn’t require anything fancy and was a favourite of mine to make when I was in high school. I used to bake cookies or a cake on a weekend and the love of baking started there. But I have to admit I wasn’t good at cleaning up. I’m sorry to my mum now because my kids are the same.

You won’t need anything fancy for this. Just butter, flour, eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla and cinnamon

Oh and a cute helper doesn’t go astray. I love that from wednesday to friday I spend the school day with my 2 little buddies and this girl makes the best kitchen helper ever!

I hope you enjoy this cake, we left a sliver for retro daddy and it made a delicious after school snack for the little ones. It’s light and buttery and just perfect.

4.9 from 12 reviews
simple cinnamon tea cake
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Recipe type: Baking
Serves: 8
What you'll need
  • 125g butter, softened
  • ¾ cup or 160g raw or caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup/150g SR flour
  • 75g/1/4 cup milk
  • vanilla essence or extract
  • extra sugar for sprinkling
  • cinnamon
  1. Place raw sugar in TM bowl and process for 10 seconds on speed 9. Or just use caster sugar in the recipe.
  2. Add butter and process for 20 seconds speed 4.
  3. Add in eggs, flour, milk and vanilla and process for 1 minute on speed 5. Scrape down the bowl once in between.
  4. **Pour mixture into a lined cake tin (not a big one, say 20cm or so) and sprinkle with a tablespoon or two of sugar then a good dusting of cinnamon.
  5. Bake in a 180C/350F oven for about 30 minutes until the centre is cooked. Watch the top doesn't burn. My oven is very old so I need to turn the cake half way to make sure it's cooked all over.
  6. Remove cake from tin and place on a cooling rack. Or slice while hot which is how I like my cake.
  7. And enjoy.
  8. This one is best eaten on the same day but heh that is never a problem in this house. And if it's a problem in yours let me hire out a few of my kids or retro daddy to finish off yours.
  9. If you don't have a thermomix then just chuck all of the ingredients (except for the extra sugar and the cinnamon) in your mixer or a bowl and combine really well for a minute or two until it's light and creamy and follow from **.



  1. This does look like a goodie. I like easy. Anything with too many ingredients scares me right off. xo

  2. Looks yummy – don’t suppose you’ve ever made it dairy/egg free?!

  3. Oooh I bet this smells like cinnamon donuts when it’s been freshly baked! I may not have a Thermomix (insert sad face) but ill be definitely making this cake, albeit the old-fashioned way! Anything that smells like cinnamon donuts is a huge draw factor in my books! Once I was past the 18wks of sickness in both my pregnancies, the smell of cinnamon meant I had to consume many a Danish, cake or donut!

    • oh I have a thing for hot cinnamon donuts when pregnant! must be hot and I eat 3 in about a minute while pregnant! so naughty but so good, I hear you!

    • I hear you both! Throughout my second trimester I’d be busted walking into the office with a cup of coffee in one hand a bag of fresh donuts in the other…

      This recipe looks AMAZING corrie! Can’t wait to have the smell of cinnamon wafting around the house!

      • that is so funny! I can just imagine it! but when you’re pregnant it’s totally fine…or when you have kids too! kids love cinnamon donuts so you have an excuse

  4. Oh yum! How nice with a cup of coffee or tea!

  5. It’s a windy cold day in Perth (we dont get that many of those) so I have told the BF that I will bake this for us. No thermomix here, just a $20 stick mixer but I bake so rarely and it will do. Love the pics of Elodie, she is sure growing up!

    • We’re in Perth too with the very wet and wintry weather and I currently have it in the oven for afternoon tea. I’ve adapted it to make it dairy and egg free so hopefully it turns out. The batter certainly tasted good.

    • hope it was a success! I once got my fingers stuck in one of those hand held mixers which is what I had for ages before a thermomix!

  6. Do you think it would freeze? I’m in a school term with many occasions that will require me to “bring a plate” – and for a change there is some space in our freezer and I’m trying to plan ahead! Do you have any suggestions for cakes and slices that would fit this category? Go on, do a blog post on this very subject, please!! That cake looks delicious, of course!!

    • yes I think so! usually cakes and muffins can be frozen if they are uniced! brownies too. let me have a think of some of my good ones. A good lemon sponge would be great frozen and then you could defrost it and sprinkle some icing sugar over the top to freshen it up

      • Thanks Corrie! I will get baking this week. I’ve been doing a run on the choc chip biscuits but it would be better to have a few things in the freezer that just need defrosting and a “freshen-up”! Cinnamon tea cake is a good start!

  7. Oooh I love cinnamon cakes. I might try it with some grated apple. I love the simplicity of this as I love to bake but I always don’t bake if it looks like too much effort or time is required. This one looks like a winner. Emerson has grown up so much, he is too cute!

  8. Might make this now – I suspect only about a teaspoon of vanilla?

  9. One of my faves too Corrie! Just popped it in the oven for an after school treat on this wintry day in Perth. Thanks!

  10. Oh the memories of coming home from school and smelling home baked tea cake in the kitchen. Buttery moist, yummy. Might have to try it on my little girl for afternoon tea and to go with mummy’s coffee!

    • oh yes, I love the excitement when my kids come home to some baking! and I get afternoon tea too so it’s win win


    • Oh you were lucky, we lived in the bush and only had a combustion stove to cook on, so in summer in the sweltering heat my mum never cooked much. In fact I don’t remember mum ever baking a cake..but I am one to break tradition and have baked so much over the years

  11. Yowzer! I just made this as I am at home with my two evil children who are apparently too sick to go to school – it is delish and even my non-sweet eating boy inhaled his piece. I am not a mummy who bakes and cooks and this was the best recipe – tipped it all in the bowl, stirred, chucked it in the oven and hey presto – happiness!

    • I know so easy! sounds like my finn, doesn’t do sweet stuff but will sometimes devour cake or something and surprise me!

      so glad it was a success for you

    • Lol they will never want to go back to school if you bake cakes for them ☺

  12. Natalie says:

    This sounds lovely, perfect for these chilly afternoons :)

  13. Enjoying it right now, thank you retro mummy. I have a question about the cinnamon: do you add some to the mixture (I did, for good measure…) or just in the topping with the sugar?

  14. I used to make something like this for morning tea when we had a bush property. It always worked in fuel stove and was gone in minutes. I remember mine had a knob of butter rubbed over the top of the hot cake and then sugar and cinnamon on top. Not enough to make it gooey but enough to give the butter flavour to the mix of sugar and cinnamon. I’m sorry, but margarine does not have the same effect.

  15. Like the recipe! Fast and easy

  16. Thanks for the recipe Corrie, I made it for afternoon tea today. It was so easy and quick to make and was delicious. Look foreward to morning tea tomorrow for another piece. I’m making another one to send over for the grandchildren tomorrow. (4 teenagers) It will be gone in 5 mins there.

    • it is so easy! I just know that I’ll make it when friends pop over as it’s so easy!
      oh and nothing will last long with teenagers, I’m sure of that

  17. yummy- thank you, a perfect antidote to painting

  18. So fluffy and light! I made the plain one yesterday and today I swaped 30g of the flour with 30g of cocoa! The fluffiest yummiest chocolate cake… So yummy it is already all gone!

    I’ll be using this as a base recipe for many other variations thank you!

  19. Made it today super moist and yummy thanks corrie!

  20. This was amazing. I made it with gluten free flour (for me) and was the best cake I have had in six years since being diagnosed with coeliacs diseease. Thank you. I am making it for my MIL on Sunday morning.

  21. Hi,
    My daughter & I baked this tea cake.
    BEAUTIFUL!! I love cinnamon!
    Thanks heaps for sharing your simple & delicious recipe.

  22. Thank you Retro Mummy for sharing this recipe. I am going to make it this weekend.

  23. rinaldibullfamily says:

    I make this now several times a month BBQ events now it’s summer or just a thank you for friends or play date food everyone loves it I always double the recipie too

  24. My husband and I are finishing up a house sitting job in Belize and are down to our last few ingredients. It being Sunday today I wanted to make a little something sweet for coffee in the afternoon. Your recipe is perfect for what I have left to work with. :) Thank you!

  25. My husband and our 2 yr old daughter made this cake tonight ABSOLUTE WINNER! Loved every mouthful. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Very nice and light ate it straight from the oven yummo

  27. Just made this and it is absolutely delicious. Whole family loved it and I am fighting them off to keep some for tomorrow! Sometimes the simple things are the best!

  28. So delicious! Finally, after trying many different recipes, I have found a keeper! So light & fluffy!!

  29. This is a new favourite with my kids – and me! I made it with gluten free flour for my coeliacs and it was super delicious.

  30. Hi, I have been making this recipe for several months now and just love it to death! I recently took one of the cakes into work and everyone loved it and wanted the recipe – but they don’t have thermomix’s. Can anyone please let me know a non-thermomix version of the recipe please? Thank you

  31. Made two of these this afternoon w my daughter – the batter was a hit, but the cakes were in the oven for closer to an hour before knife came out clean and at least one of them (have only tested one so far) still not properly cooked inside (outside looks much the same as yr pic).

    Followed recipe to letter; oven thermometre clocked 180; used 20cm round tin – any suggestions where we may have gone astray?

    • Did you bake the 2 cakes at the same time, if you did then it changes the cooking time and you need to add extra cooking time. One option is to cook them one after the other otherwise you need to add extra time for the 2 cakes to cook compared to one cake:) Also all ovens are different, I’ve had ovens that tend to be quite hot and cook cakes quickly and others can be slow.

      • And one more tip, the cake cooks differently depending on position in the oven. For best results put the cake in the centre of the oven. If you are doing 2 cakes at once then you’ll want to rotate the cakes half way through the cooking because the one underneath will take longer to cook. I don’t know if you have any Australian Women’s Weekly books but their cakes book are so amazing for the tips they provide on perfect cakes and baking them – oven temperatures, centre position in the oven etc. Hope that helps:)

  32. Made the hazelnut chocolate brioche overnight and cooked this morning. Didn’t check my oven temperature properly and slightly burnt it! Needed a quick recipe as a backup and it’s in the oven now for taking out to lunch in a bit over an hour. I always loved tea cake and I’m sure this will be my saviour.

  33. Best. Teacake ???

  34. I don’t usually leave reviews but really felt I needed to for this delightful cake. This has been my go to tea cake recipe for about the last two years and it has never failed me. Light, fluffy and delicious.

  35. Alexandra says:

    Absolutely no fail! so delicious everytime – love your work Retro Mummy!

  36. We have a goose, so can you use one goose egg rather than using 2 chook eggs?

  37. alexandra says:

    never fail!! so so yummy and the whole family ADORES it. make it with gf flour and still great. Have been using your recipes for years now, Retro Mummy – keep up the great work :)


  1. […] This recipe was adapted from Retro Mummy WordPress Recipe Plugin by EasyRecipe 3.2.2708 It was an easy recipe to make and quick to throw […]

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