Would you look at that face! This little guy was climbing all over me in my craft room and into everything as I was trying to open a few parcels and take some photographs for a blog post coming up. He is still such an easy going little guy and is currently in his ‘exploring’ phase which means he pulls everything out leaving a path of destruction. Yesterday it involved 2 big jigsaw boxes and I had to pack them up faster than he could put pieces in his mouth.
Writing this blog keeps me very busy and I’ve developed a great little routine for writing and keeping on top of things. Well ‘trying’ to keep on top of things. I have a bad habit for leaving some emails to come back to them and then totally forgetting!!!! But I’m working on it. During the day I check emails and keep my Facebook page up to date. And I do most of that with my iPhone. And I take all of my photos while the light is good. Recipes are generally done on weekends when I can get a bit of peace and quiet. I mean IF I can get a bit of peace and quiet. I usually have a helper or three in the kitchen with me
I avoid using my laptop too much so I can be playing or outside and I also avoid switching my laptop on until after the morning school run. Chances are if I do turn it on then we’ll be late to school. If I really have to write something during the day or have something unexpected come up or need to take a phone call then I like to find our biggest Lego tub and tip it out on the rug. Everyone goes ohhhhhh and ahhhhhh and there is some quiet time right there. Works a treat.
Most of my work for this blog is done at night time. Blog posts and uploading of photos is done once everyone is asleep. It works so well because I can just think when everything is quiet and I’m not rushing around thinking what I have to do and when I have to leave for school pick up. And my drink of choice for night time is either coffee or peppermint tea. No wine. I think that is pretty key to being able to work at night. And to tell you the truth there are nights when I’d rather just switch off the computer and knit and I’ve been doing that a bit lately. I highly recommend it.
What’s your secret for working from home?
First thing in the morning while I eat breakfast I check emails so I know if anything unexpected has come through that I need to schedule for. Working sticks to during nap time which thankfully Eva still sleeps about 3.5 hours each day so I can get housework done and then a couple hours of work. Anything left over, or those days when she thinks naps are for losers it’s once everyone is tucked in bed. Most nights I will be working once hubby and the kids are in bed well into the night depending if I have a big project on. It’s certainly a fit it in when I can but now we also have a Nanny Tuesdays when I can lock myself in the office for 3 hours straight which is fabulous. But I do love being able to work in my pyjamas!
Glad you did this post. I had an interview this week which is for a job working from home. The guy asked me what my plan was to stay motivated and keep on task. Though I’ll be doing most of the work during the daytime when the kids are at school, I’m sure there will be days when I’m working at night time also. The no wine part will be a killer! But you’re right, once you have a few wines all motivation and focus are out the window. And I fall asleep!
I am trying to get into my blog routine and keep some mojo myself. I try to do it after school run when i have only one child around, or later but it tends to be in the day. Evenings are for working on the craft I blog about! Not sure if it works yet but it is what I am doing! Cannot blog as much as you do either – you are a blogging machine
We dont do any technology in the mornings, its the only way we can get all 5 kids ready in the morning and out the door before 8 am! I do most of my blogging at night as well, and all my photography during the day on my big camera and any snippets of the day with my iphone. I’ll check into Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest all from my phone during the day and unless the kids are all out of the house, refrain from getting on the MAC during the day
He is just adorable. You do an amazing job. x
I set some Posts for the next day or save them in drafts for a few days ahead if we are going to be busy or it is school holidays etc.Makes like far easier.I love Blogging and I am still only 6 months into it,so learning what works and what does not.Blogging anytime in the morning on a week day is a no go.And after some time with the hubby at night I settle down and do some writing of posts and sorting pictures.Weekends I use my phone a lot as we are on the go a lot,or I’m in and out of the house via washing and playing in the yard.I check my email daily,but reply to the ones that require my ”attention” only at night.I always let them know I have taken note of their email,then reply again later.It’s not easy juggling blogging/family,but its something I am more then willing to keep working on
Emerson is so handsome.Can not believe he will be 1 soon!
I now have no aspiration to write a blog. That no wine rule!
I’ll just have to continue to read yours…..
haha Lesley:) well you don’t have to blog EVERY night:)
Hey Corrie – Love your blog and read it religiously, it’s my daily pick-me-up! Love your routine and some top tips there for staying motivated and managing it all, especially as I plan to work from home one day when my own little ones come along
Just wondering how do you and Retro Daddy make time for the two of you amidst the busyness of life? It’s something I sometimes find hard to do just being a working girl so keen to hear if you have tips for keeping the romance alive, whilst managing a pretty hectic life of babies, your own business and blogging…xx
Corrie I know hundreds have said this to you before, but I don’t know how you manage to fit so much into one day! You must be the most efficient lady ever!
I recently started my own business and do a fair bit of the admin work from home, and a write a little blog too, I struggle SO much with being disciplined about managing my time though! I am ok if i have a deadline and then i will get it done, but its the not so urgent stuff that gets left behind! It’s like before I know it I’m on facebook or reading another blog:)
I know it’s just a case of getting into good habits-but wow it’s not easy! And I’m actually worried about the day that we do have children-not sure how I will manage that!
I love your blog, keep up the gorgeous posts!
Lulu x
I find it inspiring to read what others do. I have 5 kids and blog, but only manage once a week right now (sometimes 2). But I edit the Sydney Homebirth magazine, run a Steiner Playgroup and craft business on the side too. This year I have begun to think of school hours as my ‘work’ time, so I do all the essentials during the day (and housework), then I can be there for the kids in the afternoon/evening. Now and then I just take a day and socialise or relax…. I write at night or during the day when I only have the baby at home. I’m getting really good at just writing straight away as soon as I get the time. I would love much more time… hopfully as the kids get older! My husband and I recently discussed whether we should suspend all these ‘extra’ activities (he is a musician on the side) as we are a bit tired and stressed…. but these things inspire us and give us purpose, so it is worth it. We had our kids before careers so I think we are both hoping that we are planting seeds for future careers…..
Emerson is SO cute, what a little dreamboat. I think you’re fabulous blogging, facebooking and keeping it all up to date so well. You have a great formula going there Corrie xo
I update FB, and do some emails in the mornings. Most of my writing is done from 1-3 in the afternoon, when all 4 of my kids are down for a quiet time. I am trying to stay off the computer in the evenings. I need to spend the time with my family, and put effort into reading. Which I love.
Oh, what a gorgeous little guy. He is obviously one happy and contented baby. congratulations on running such an awesome show!!
LOVE that big roll of batting and the cutie rolling around on it!
Sadly, I only seem to be blogging once a month these days as I’m so busy with my other (paying) business which also requires plenty of social media, sales and admin attention.
What I’d RATHER be doing is writing solely for Bumparella, working on my novel, devouring glossy house magazines and knitting cute beanies for the kids for winter! Happily, I’m in the process of making that happen as we’ve put our business on the market and are hoping to sell within the next few months. Then I can write, devour and knit away to my heart’s content. Well that’s the plan anyway
I tend to write early in the morning or at night after the children are in bed, although I must admit that on the weekends when I allow myself a wine, the words tend to flow a little more fluidly!
Oh Corrie, I do envy those evenings when the children would all be asleep early. My big hairy teenagers are awake longer than me, and they do need some attention at night as they get pretty ignored until the twins are in bed. (Well, less so when my FIFO hubby is here.)
I used to work at night a lot but rarely do now… mind you, all the children are at school so I do have school hours, well some of them!
Here’s to Lego and peppermint tea!
You are one of the first mummy bloggers I started following and I am constantly amazed by how you do it! I’ve been wanting to start writing/blogging for a while now and only have one bub to take care of and even that’s crazy. But this post was definitely helpful, and I just want to say thanks for always being so encouraging and positive. x
Hi Corrie your advice is wonderful and helpful there is just sooooo much to learn about blogging. Althought my kids are grown up except for one 19 yr Los at home I am working full time at a rather stressful job to see the last two through Uni. My web site and my blog keep me sane and I can’t wait till I can ‘retire’ from the day job to devote my time to my passion. I to find my only time is late evening to have some peace to think but on the days when I am just toooooo tired I try to get up early when my husband goes to the pool and put in some time then. My thanks for all your great tips, you are an inspiration!