Nothing says dream weekend more than a trip to Ikea on a Saturday morning with half of Sydney. It’s just not that fun. So retro daddy decided he’d get the rest of my birthday present (a 2nd expedit unit) on Friday night and put it up on Saturday morning. It was all going to plan until he opened the last box of the unit on Saturday morning to discover 2 broken shelves. Broken almost right through to the other side. Sooooo annoying.
So back to Ikea he went, waited for them to find another box, did a few things and came home 3 hours later with one new box of expedit shelves to finish the unit (it comes as 4 boxes). I then got stuck into it finding homes for my wool and knitting and craft books.
I got a few baskets to pop into the cubes and hide things in and they don’t come cheap at $25 each so retro daddy (always the accountant) started me off with 5 and I can pick some up later. They are great actually and I’ll get some more for other supplies.
The wool won’t be too safe displayed like this although it looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! But I’ll have to protect it in some tubs and plastic but will get onto that. Until then I can just admire it all.
And it’s nice to have all of my craft books in the one room as I’ve never been able to fit them all in one place. These are my baby and kids knitting books and I’m creating seperate shelves for sewing, quilting, japanese craft books, other knitting books, crochet and a general craft shelf. It’s like a library and craft room all rolled into one. But it is so nice to have a room all to myself
And the way I see it is I don’t drink (a couple of champagnes a year), I don’t smoke, I’m not a shoe, gadget or handbag person…..I’m a craft person and I use everything. So if I’m happy and retro daddy is happy then everyone is happy!
And before you tell me that it’s so neat and tidy and you can’t even get into your craft room or find anything….here is the keepin’ it real photo! There is still stash in the garage and upstairs kitchen that has to be sorted and a home found for it all. But we’re getting there
and yes……retro daddy is adding the wall brackets today so cheeky monkeys can’t climb up on these units. Elodie already worked out she can climb into one of the lower units and these are super heavy. So don’t worry,we’re onto it!
Looks great Corrie! Your one lucky mumma
My dream is to one day have enough space for these expedit shelves as my current craft room is my walk in wardrobe LOL Xx
I bought the Skubb series storage 3 for $29.99. They are a polyester material, but would be okay for light products like your wool. They fit perfectly into the Expedit units. Loving your updates on your house and craft room.
I bought a glass doored cupboard from them when I moved here just on two years ago. One door was smashed and the replacement took ages. I ended up with a complimentary gift card for the hassle. Target also stocks those cane baskets and from memory, they are cheaper. Not sure, don’t quote me on that. LOL.
It’s looking fantastic Corrie!
I know they are not the same, but we have some baskets from KMart that I am pretty sure are the same size and they are $14 or $15 each.
It’s looking great! I love the “Keeping it Real” photo too
Looks great. If you start your craft room off in order then it has chances throughout the year of getting back to that. So much easier than having bits and pieces around the house and having to move the machine everytime you want to eat as a family. Cherrie
Wow! It’s really looking great. Well done to Retro Daddy on his handy work! xo
Your craft room looks great! Those floors are to die for
Looking fabulous Corrie! Well done. It’s a room that you won’t want to leave…a happy room!
I had to smile at ‘I don’t drink, don’t smoke…’ because that’s me too! If I have a little left over from the budget each fortnight then I don’t but stuff I buy craft stuff!
Your craft room is looking beautiful! I’m loving seeing how you make over your home
Oh your very own craft store at home Corrie. I love the way the yarn looks too but yes you can never keep it out like that. I have mine in plastic tubs too so no moths get to it. I was looking at your knitting books and it was like looking at my knitting bookshelf, all the same titles! I cant wait to see it all finished.
Congrats on the Expedits, retromummy and retrodaddy. Makes me want to get some decent tubs for my wool. I was looking for needles in my cupboard today and came across a silverfish. I think they might be the culprits for the breaks in my yarns, I have never seen moths?
It looks great, I have a few of those shelves and they are excellent in my sewing room. I can see one of my little slug labels peeking out!
Corrie, The “keep it real” photo gives me heart to keep going on my craft room too. It has been a while now but it is about half way there. Just when it is looking good something is added from somewhere else and that equals mess again.
Looking good. Just make sure you leave space for a quilting frame 😉
I love it! It’s looking great! I hope I will have a room like that one day!
I’ve been looking for some baskets to put in some shelves of my own and haven’t had much luck- I was wondering if you could share where you found yours?
Hi Corrie,
I love the expedition shelves too, they are just so classic looking and useful for all sort of stuff:)
I have been wanting to ask you about your serger which I noticed on your previous craft room post. I am thinking of getting a serger, but always wonder how much more convenient it is compared to a sewing machine ( which I already had Brother Inovis 30). Do you find it an indispensible tool, and how often do you use it as compared to your sewing machine? I am eyeing the Baby Lock Imagine serger.
Hi Corrie, I just love looking at pics of craft rooms! Yours will be so great as you have a lot of room to sort everything out and it is looking fantastic already.
I wanted to ask you about overlockers as I have always wanted one and Aldi have some on sale this week for just $199. I just use the zig zag on my sewing machine to finish off seams–do you think an ovelocker is worth the extra money and space it takes up?
Hi Corrie – looks great. I went to Ikea on Friday and bought the exact same unit for my new sewing room!!! They look so nice with everything on the shelves, as you say, nice to be able to have your craft books in one place for easy reference. Love your floorboards too.
I bought some canvas boxes which have lids attached from Kmart 2 in a pack for $8.99. They have a little plastic window on the front so that you can put a tag in there as to what the contents are. They only have black but that will do me for now. Target have canvas boxes but without the lids, various colour, I think about $10 for 2. They both fit perfectly on this Expedit units.
I’d be interested in overlocker advice too.
Looks amazing, enjoy!!! I recently pinned a wool display like yours & had the same thoughts about protecting (from children & dust!!!) but it looks so good!
Ohhh, jealous! Right now, I’m dreaming of a 4×2 Expedit/desk combo for my sewing… just have to convince my “accountant” too 😉 And yes, one day when I have a sewing room, it’ll have a bigger Expedit like this!
Wow – luck you! We have a big house but no room for anything like a crafting room. Maybe one day…
A lady has a blog called stitches and seams. She made fabric covered boxes using the packaging from the shelves.
Forgot to say the boxes Debbie made fore the ikea shelves are in her tutorial section on her stitches and seams blog.