Well first of all I have to say thank you! Wow your comments just blew me away. Thank you. I really am fine and keeping busy and grateful for everything I do have. Thank youxxxx
yesterday afternoon I grabbed a bit of time for some sewing in my new craft room! I even made retro daddy stand next to me and admire all the fabric…….and instead of saying I cant believe how much you have/you really are a hoarder/I can’t believe I’m married to you/how much do you think you’ve spent on fabric. He gave me a side hug and said it was looking really good. Nice. I married a good man because ‘accepting your wife’s craft addiction’ was not one of our wedding vows.
As I was finding a home for everything (please note that I’m still waiting for a 2nd unit so some cubes have a ‘keeping it real’ look about them), I got to find some of my favourite fabrics and thought I’d share a few. These are generally the ones I’m a bit precious about. First up is a bit of Liberty fabric. This stuff does not come cheap but is just beautiful. I like to use it for cute hair clips
Now an all time favourite fabric that I am extremely protective of is this dear ‘little red riding hood’ fabric by Cosmo Fabrics from about 2008 when I was pregnant with the twins. I don’t have much of it left (maybe about 30cm) but it’s so cute and I might put a bit into some little quilts for the girls.
and you can’t go past some cute eskimo kids which I also find hard to use. I need to get a bit less precious about these fabrics
another oldie (well 2008ish) but a goodie is this russian doll fabric. This is great for little purses, tissue holders and small things. I really love this one and have it in red too.
and I’ve got a bit of cath kidston in there which I picked up on eBay from someone’s destash. I often tell people to look on eBay especially if you’re looking for something that might be no longer available or a bit harder to find. And make sure you include international in your search as often it might be in the US.
The other place is etsy where you have a good chance of finding something too. Just put in the fabric name or a few keywords to describe it and see how you go. Whenever anyone asks me for a fabric I no longer sell that is all I do or google it but eBay and etsy are your best bet. Not that I’d want to help anyone’s fabric addiction or anything.
This is a new one to the stash and just gorgeous from the Simple Life by Tasha Noel for Riley Blake.You can find the range here and the lovely lady has offered 15% off to my readers by entering Retro Mummy 15 in the checkout until 8th March! Go crazy.
Lol. My husband stands there, gives me side hugs and says “thank goodness you don’t have as much fabric as Corrie.” He feels for J.
I’m killing myself laughing at you Julie! And you did see when we it was totally out of control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing like looking at gorgeous fabric to make you feel better. It always lifts my mood. Although, sometimes it gives me a headache because my mind goes crazy thinking about all the things I would like to make.
Hope this sad time passes quickly.
Loved this post Corrie, I’m totally a fellow fabric-lover, I’m wondering if any of my 6 or so readers want to see my favourite fabrics!? Probably not, but I might just have to share one day anyway!!!
Shell I read your blog and would love to see some of your favourite fabrics. Have you used any of the Japenese fabrics you won from the lovely Corrie yet?
I love this! I’m moving soon and spending a bit of time dreaming of how I’ll store/display my fabrics. I love to be able to look at them, not just rummage through a cupboard/box to find them
But how do you keep your kids away from the lower shelves when they’re in there with you? I only have one little man who is just crawling and he puts anything and everything in his mouth. Everything in the house is slowly moving upwards as I try to move it out of his reach!
Love the last one! I really can’t go past bunting. Ever. :). And retro daddy really is the sweetest. He is a keeper.
I am totally jealous of your stash Corrie. Looking at your favourite fabrics I can think of so many things I could make with those beautiful pieces, but I can understand being precious about the special items in your stash.
Gorgeous! I’d like a single unit in my walk in wardrobe for all my wool. I can’t believe only bought 3 sock balls at Morris and Sons but had already spent a fortune at Myers etc and was thinking about my sash at home!
Gorgeous all the way and I do like Liberty too considering it’s my daughters name
Your favourites are so lovely and the Liberty prints are divine. The Simple Life by Tasha Noel is one of my favourites it’s such a sweet collection. I sometimes catch my hubby looking at my shelves full of containers full of fabric and wonder what he is really thinking. He just smiles and moves on. Love him to bits for his acceptance
Oh Etsy one of my favourite places to find out of print fabric and some bargins. I recently bought some Echino Fall fabric I’d been longing for at only $15 a yard! Did you know Tasha Noel’s next line features Little Red Riding Hood? Not that I’m encouraging you to buy more fabric or anything 😉
Oh dear… Went to look at that bunting fabric and got two jelly rolls of something else. Whoops….
Corrie, how do you manage your time so well?! I only have two children, a preschooler and a baby, and yet I always feel like my house is a mess, and I’m forever doing the things I HAVE to do, never having time for those I want to do {such as crafting…}. You must be so organised!!
Corrie, simply stunning fabrics!! Very much a time waster when you sit and ‘touch and feel’ your fabrics, I love spending time going through my fabric stash dreaming up projects for them. I have some I cannot bear to use that last piece!! not sure if its just in case I will never find anything else like it, or if its a case of She who dies with the most fabric Wins! And Cath Kidston fabrics, drool….. I was surprised with a Cath Kidston bag and sewing basket this year for my birthday. I would love some Sis Bloom fabric, though will probably hoard it for fear of a sewing disaster.
I have a huge yarn stash but I don’t have a fabric stash, This post makes me think I really need one!
I notice you have neatly organized your fabric by colour. When I broke my wrist this past August – both soccer and sewing were out. Frustration plus. I calmed myself by reorganizing and stacking all my fabrics in various colours and arrangements. When I get frazzled, the first place I turn is my quilt stuff – it soothes me. And my husband is very understanding… Plus I just purged over 20 years of quilt magazines and have given them to my local guild! Four stuffed bags. Too good to recycle but not needed by me.
Hahaha, you make me laugh, loved this post Corrie. Fabric IS addictive isn’t it?? And I wish someone had told me that before I got so heavily involved with it, haha. I now get the same rush out of finding some gorgeous fabrics… or fabrics that I have run out of and then find again… as I do when I go on a shopping spree for clothing/accessories/shoes/perfumes etc… For me, it’s fabric and buttons, cannot get enough.
Such a lovely thing RetroDaddy said too. I had a similar moment with my hubby recently, when he walked in on me sorting out my fabric stash on our bed. The look on his face was pretty funny, he had no idea how much I had… but he does now 😉 He’s just happy I’m happy and very supportive of any ventures I undertake. Gotta love the hubby’s.
Your craft room looks sensational, well done xo
Hahahaha love this post Corrie! Your fabric looks so lovely in the cubes. Doesn’t it make you just want to sew and sew and sew!!!! My dear husband happened to notice that my stash is now in several tubs (remember I’ve only been quilting for a year) and he looked at me and said “when you did all that fabric?” Ummmmmmm, oh you know, I replied, here and there!! I can’t help myself, if I know a favourite line is discontinued I become frantic on eBay and Etsy looking to stock up!!! Such an addiction, if only I had the time to use it all!
Beautiful fabrics, I’m not a fabric collector as unfortunately I’m not crafty enough to make anything with them. I do love fabric though! The red riding hood fabric is my all time fave – it’s in my daughters quilt that my girlfriend made, I love it!
Corrie, you are such a bad influence! I read your post, obediently clicked here and the next thing I knew I had ordered $60 worth of fabric and trim from Fabric 2 Go!Can’t wait for my delivery…
I do love Liberty!! Visited the Liberty shop in London 2 years ago and loved it. I also worked in fabric shops for 14 years here in Brisbane, so my stash had overtaken so many rooms that we built a sewing room in my backyard (we live on acreage). Now I am set!!
Oh dear! Woops, I just spent $110 at fabric2go as well!!
I’m blaming corrie. She made me!! Lol
I’ve got the deep shelving unit from Ikea with glass doors and it’s getting pretty full!
Now I have more fabric on the way! Yippee!