This recipe totally takes me back to cake stalls, birthday parties in primary school and the 80’s. I found this recipe in one of my Australian Woman’s Weekly cookbooks that was published in 1982 and it’s delicious. Except I had to reduce the butter. The recipe called for 185g but you can totally cut this down to 125g and still have a fabulous slice.
Someone asked recently how have I been losing weight while still baking. You might have noticed I took a bit of a mini break from baking but the great thing about having 50 million people in the family. Everyone eats everything up. And often I make something in the afternoon and if retro daddy is working late I’ll go to the tupperware container the next day and it’s all gone!!!! This did not last half a day.
- 1 cup flour (plain or SR, I've used both!)
- 1 cup brown sugar
- ½ cup coconut
- 2Tbsp cocoa
- 125g butter
- 1 tsp vanilla
- Icing ingredients
- 1 cup icing sugar
- 2 Tbsp cocoa
- 30g melted butter
- 2 Tbsp hot water
- Melt butter in Thermomix by placing cubes of butter in bowl and melting for 2½ minutes, 70 degrees on speed 2.
- Add in flour, coconut, sugar, 2Tbsp cocoa and vanilla and process 20 -30 seconds on speed 3
- **Tip out and press into lamington tin. If you're not using a silicone tin then line your tin so you can just lift out the slice
- Bake in 180 degrees oven for about 20 minutes. The centre may still appear still soft but the slice will harden up and you don't want to burn your edges.
- Grab a small bowl and combine icing ingredients and whisk together well.
- Spread over cooled slice, sprinkle with some extra coconut and slice and serve.
- I couldn't wait to ice and eat mine so I had warm slice with icing. It was perfect but you'll get a neater slice and presentation if you can leave it. I couldn't.
- If you don't have a Thermomix just combine all of the base ingredients, mix well and follow from **.
Oh my goodness Corrie, I haven’t had this in years, it is seriously making me drool all over the keyboard!! Must make this one soon x
Yum we made this as kids. But mum would put some lemon juice in the icing -so good x
Same here on all counts! My fave slice from my childhood
We make this one a lot for lunchbox treats. Donna hay has a very similar recipe. Just wondering if there should be cocoa included in the ingredients list for the biscuit base. Thanks for sharing!
thanks, 2Tbsp cocoa:)
I totally have all these ingredients sitting in my cupboard. Something to bake for Mother’s Group on weds I think
This was something my mum made all the time when I was a kid, and it’s something I make now for my kids and husband. seriously yummy!
My mum also made this and I do from time to time. We add some crushed up cornflakes as well for some texture and it doesn’t alter the flavour.
My husband loves this slice. A childhood favourite for him. Thanks for sharing.
We used to make this all the time when I was a teen. So easy to make and yep didn’t last too long in our house either!
Oh how totally delicious Corrie and it definitely reminds me of the old cake stalls as a kid, Yum!! Made me laugh about the goodies all disappearing quickly, my Mama has always said it kept her a skinny mini for years too… after my 6 brothers and I + my Dad, had our fill, there was never much of anything left over, haha! xo
I’m having serious childhood flashbacks! Yay I’m making this in the morning! Thanks Corrie!
So nostalgic. I recognise this recipe. Mum used to make this for us and passed the recipe on when we left home.
You’ve inspired me to bake today!
I had everything to make this in the cupboard so it’s in the oven now. Yum!!
Thanks Corrie. x
YESSSS!! Total flash back to primary school days, this is awesome and I have all the ingredients!
*happy dance*
Hi there
You have “Cocoa” in the method for the base but it is not listed in the ingredient list for the base only the icing? Just wondering if I was supposed to put Cocoa in the base
Thank you
2Tbsp cocoa in the base! thanks for letting me know:)
Hi. Kids will love this. It’s in the oven now… But wonder whether I should have added two tblsp cocoa to base. Or whether half is in base and half is in icing! I chucked a couple of tblsp cocoa in the icing too….
I added 2T cocoa to base and also put 2T in icing. This slice was really easy to make and was delicious! Making a third batch this afternoon. Just watch your cooking time – I was using fan-forced oven so reduced temp and time. 5 stars!
Looks absolutely delicious! I would so love to try some. I am sure it tastes fantastic.
Hi Corrie
How much cocoa do you add to the slice mixture? I know it says 2 tablespoons for the icing but not sure for the slice. I am a L-Plater in the baking department so forgive me if this is a silly question!
hi there
2Tbsp in the base and 2 in the icing
thanks, I’ve fixed the icing
Thanks retromummy A friend emailed this recipe to my work address and since I am
on holidays could not access it. I goggled the recipe and woolah! So just wanted to express my gratitude!
This really is an old favourite from my childhood and I make it for my children, I add 2 cups of cornflakes just for some added crunch.
This was my fav go to recipe as a teenager if I had to take a plate somewhere. Now I’m gf I have altered the recipe and it’s still a winner!! Love it!
Super excited you posted the recipe!!! It’s my favourite slice
I am not one that likes cookies but this is amazing! I used to make it as a kid. Yummy!!!
All time gold recipe, had no icing sugar so banged half a cup of chocolate chips in it. Come out like fudge brownie. Thanks retro mumma
Just wondering about the brown sugar. Should this be just normal brown sugar or the firmly packed type?
Hope you can help.
Thanks for sharing the recipe.
Hi there
Not sure what I’m doing wrong. It was like I used 2 times too much butter? Quite crispy and butter pooling on bottom of slice?