yes, there has been craft

You’d be forgiven for thinking there was no craft on this blog any more. I’ve just had another crazy busy week here with work due left right and centre and a sick bub added to the mix. It’s been hard to find the time to squeeze a bit of craft in but a couple of rows of knitting helps me feel calm. I make the time to squeeze it in. I can’t remember the last time I got on the cross trainer or went for a walk but I can tell you when I’ve done a bit of knitting.

I’ve also been finishing my floppy doll for my doll making class…..everything in the doll is natural right down to the 100% cotton for the stitching. And I quite like all the stitching – even if I was totally last minute and sewing up the doll a few hours before class started.

We make 2 dolls during the course, the first is a floppy doll. I hadn’t even sewn on the face or put on the hair and elodie was already grabbing the dolly from me. It’s a good sign because thankfully she’ll overlook any flaws in the doll. At the moment I’m just adding hair – a process that takes a while. Especially when you’re a chatterbox like me.

And my dolly needs a few more strands at the front to avoid the ‘I just gave myself a lopsided fringe’ look that she’s currently sporting.  And she looks a bit like a boy except for the pink. But it’s my first doll and I’m learning. It’s all about learning right now. And the next time I look at a sweet waldorf doll I will have a much better understanding of how much work went into it!


  1. That’s a gorgeous doll :)

    Crafting with a baby around is a totally new skill, it seems. The biggest challenge for me is being able to put the craft down, remember what I was doing, then pick it back up again :)

  2. The hair looks amazing on her, can’t wait to see her finished.

  3. Looks beautiful Corrie! Can’t wait to see the finished product.

    I think everyone’s craft time goes in phases. Some days are hugely productive and others … are productive in other ways (like everyone dressed and out the door!)

  4. She looks lovely. Don’t you just love that knitting can be squeezed in just a little bit a a time around kids & it does give a dose of calm, I know I do. And as more of a sewer, it wasn’t til I tried knitting again with babies that I realised what an easy craft it was to do around little ones.

  5. It’s a beautiful little doll and let’s face it, must kids at some stage will cut dolly’s fridge or their own that way – so I would leave it and make it a talking point.

  6. Gorgeous dolly. Such a great thing when you know someone wants it.

  7. I’ve been making some dolls too and it doesn’t matter how they look… My daughter was grabbing at it before I had the chance to actually stuff it! She actually prefers it to her beautiful Korimco dolls. She’s requested that I make clothes next for her new dolls and her Barbies and Ken!

    Sophie xo

  8. She’s gorgeous.

  9. Susan Leach says:

    The doll looks great. Well done

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