Well I’m enjoying another day of school holidays here. Turns out I’m not good with dates and missed the announcement that today was a pupil free day. Thankfully I checked on the school website late last night and didn’t get everyone up and keira off to school. Phew. But we’ve had a great break from routine and I’m informed that it’s just 10 weeks till the next school holidays so that is something to look forward to.
Here we are trying to take a power walk yesterday – retro daddy was recovering from his weekend in melbourne so I had to take everyone with me instead of a nice run on my own. So he’s promised I can get that run in tonight! I could write a whole blog post on how hard it is to exercise when you have so many little people. I’ve even tried exercise dvd’s but they freak elodie out and she cries and howls at me feet if I try to move to them.
Now on my mega baking weekend I made my melt & mix banana bread in the Thermomix for the first time. It was a piece of cake. Ha ha. I know, I’m so funny. If you want the original recipe just go here. Here is the recipe for your Thermomix. It’s lovely and light and super easy to make.
What you’ll need
2 large bananas, roughly chopped
125g butter, cubed
1Tbsp vanilla essence/extract
2 Tbsp milk
2 eggs
1 cup caster sugar
1 1/2 cups plain flour (you can use SR flour and just leave out the baking powder)
2 tsp baking powder
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Place butter into TM bowl and melt by processing for 2 minutes on 100 degrees and speed 2. Add in banana and process for 10 seconds on speed 4 to mash it all up. Add in vanilla, milk, eggs and sugar and process for 20 seconds on speed 4. Scrape down sides of bowl once inbetween mixing. Now add in sifted flour and baking powder and process for 15 seconds until combined. You don’t want to overdo it but you do want everything combined. Scrape down sides of bowl once inbetween too as flour tends to rise up the sides when you first add it in. Pour into a lined loaf tin and bake for about 40 minutes in a 180 degrees oven.
When a skewer comes out clean your cake is done. Remove the cake from the tin by lifting it out by the paper and leave on cooling rack. If you love your banana bread warm just use a long serrated knife to slice it! We love this recipe and it never fails me but now that I’ve done it in the Thermomix there is no turning back now.
Corrie I love your comment on the exercise DVD’s. My 3.5 year old hates it when I dance around. I think we would have the same reaction as Elodie (such a pretty name) in this house.
Hi Corrie,
I will make this tonight. Have you thought about a post on converting recipes to work in the Thermomix as I would love to know how to do it.
Do you think the thermomix is worht it? Was it horrendously priced?
I really really want a TM – my fingers and toes are crossed for my hubby to get a bonus – the green light has been given for a TM as long as it comes through!! Keep up these wonderful recipes please Corrie – I will have the hugest bakeoff if I get one courtesy of you! (I hope they all adapt to gluten free versions!). Thank you.
Hey I hear you Corrie! I only have one child and find it hard to exercise! I used to run on my trusty treadmill at home with my daughter running on the spot beside me doing her ‘kekercise’ until that trusty treadmill just stopped one day and refused to budge anymore! SO now I have a treadmill that won’t move taking up space in my house… It’s a useful coat hanger for now
I try my vey best to make it to the gym and that’s as far as I’ll comment on my ‘attemps’…
I had a giggle about the workout dvd’s and Elodie! Does she like Hi-5 or the Wiggles? You could put that on and have a dance off! I promise you’ll be sweating by the end of your session!
Sophie xo
Thankyou so much for posting a Thermi Banana Bread recipe! I have 6 squishy bananas sitting here in my fruit bowl attracting fruit flies by the scores. Bananas aren’t terribly loved in our house and go from being liked by 2 children to them then hating them for the next few months. They usually choose to dislike them just after I buy quite a few of them … hence the squishy bananas
Do you think I could add some frozen raspberries to the recipe?
I found your blog searching for Thermomix recipes, I’m going to have to give this one a go, it looks fantastic.
Looks like a huge winner, yum, love Posie
How would you do it the ‘traditional’ way? I don’t think I can convince my husband that I need a thermomix!
I have 4 littlies, and getting out is a real challenge! Big kids are happy on their bikes and scooters and the little one in a pram. But I think it takes about 30 minutes just to get everyone ready and out the door!!!
I love it when you bake Corrie! We love banana bread too. I’ve got two pretty black nanas waiting for me to turn them into this loaf. Yum. Thanks.
p.s I’ve got a scrapbook software giveaway on my blog!!!
Looks delicious Corrie. Tell me about not getting any exercise done with little ones around. I find it near impossible to get my exercising in, with only two children to contend with. Can’t imagine how hard it is with five! xo
Came searching for thermo recipes, and this is the first I found…it is also the thing that the kids are looking forward to most – banana bread / cake. So, this will be one of the first things I will make…looks so easy that even I could do it
Thanks for the recipe Corrie. Just made it with my kids and it’s in the oven right now. Making it in the Thermo makes it even easier for the kids to help. They love pressing the buttons. xoxo
I would love to read a blog from you on how to fit in exercise with young children!
Just made this today and was yummo! Thanks for the recipe
Made this today Corrie and it turned out beautifully. So delicious hot from the oven!
Thanks for posting. My 10yo and I love banana bread and made mini versions of these for afternoon tea and his lunchbox. Yum!!
Popped a pic on my Facebook Page here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=495402357164383&set=a.473536426017643.99255.472481616123124&type=1&theater
I’m going to make this for our camping weekend away! Sounds so easy and delicious!
Best Banana Bread Ever!! I have been trying to find a good banana loaf for a very long time!! Now I have found it! I will definitely be writing this one in my recipe book.
Such a great recipe, have made it at least 5 times in the thermomix and every time it has come out perfect!
Fantastic recipe. Thanks! Nice and light. It worked beautifully
WOW!! What an amazing Banana Bread recipe!
I have only bought my Thermomix two days ago. I made your recipe this morning and it is by far the best I’ve ever made and tasted before!!
Thank you, super happy!
I love this recipe and have made it many times for an afternoon tea when freinds are popping in, so easy and delicious
Just found your recipe when looking for a way to use up some ripe bananas with my new thermomix… so far I have made hot cross buns and poached eggs both from the EDC.. I LOVE this recipe. So light in colour and flavour and no burnt butter/oil taste that I often seem to get with other recipes… Thank you so much for a simple and delicious recipe
Love your blog…. love your recipes…. and love my Thermomix which I have had for three years and use every day!
I made this banana loaf an hour ago in the Thermomix and have already eaten two slices of it!!
It turned out beautifully, however, for my taste, I might reduce the sugar content just a little.
It cooked perfectly in the 40 minutes you suggested and I used an electric oven at 180 degrees Regular heat. Thank you very much for the recipe.