One of the reasons that I fell in love with our new house was that I knew that my style would fit in here perfectly. And I know that some people move into houses and get stuck straight into the renovating. But we are not those people. The reality is we have always moved into houses before or after we’ve had a baby – or the twins- and the kitty is always empty after we’ve paid for everything. This time around (let’s not forget that this the 4th property we’ve bought) is no exception.
But retro daddy’s bonus is coming soon and I’ve asked to have some set aside to do the floors downstairs and get stuck into the painting. I think we were kidding ourselves getting someone to paint the house as the cost will just be too much with over 400sqm of house to paint. But that’s ok, retro daddy loooooves to paint…….ok maybe he doesn’t but he does love to save money.
But I know I want the same colours as we had at our last house. Dulux Vanilla Quake (half strength) on the walls with Vivid White for all trims. It’s a very classic look and looks lovely with both wooden and white furniture. Now in our last house we put Blackbutt floating floors down but initially I had wanted to go darker.
At first I was thinking of just ripping up the carpet and keeping the original floors in our new house but I’d like something with a bit of insulation underneath as this house is freezing in winter. So then I remembered how much retro daddy liked the dark bamboo and how much I’m loving the whole dark floorboards, grey walls, white trim and white kitchen look.
These floors are bamboo and stunning. I found it on pinterest and the original source is here. If you follow me on pinterest here then you’ll know I go crazy on my dream renovation board! And so for the first time since we moved into the house I’m going to start getting quotes and start planning to do a few things. And that is exciting. Unless your name is retro daddy……….
I LOVE your inspiration kitchen. I’ve sent it straight to my husband. Let’s see how that works out…
I am looking forward to following your renovation journey :o)
I love the oven and fridge you have now – they look to be in great shape.
Hahaha, your last sentence made me laugh
Good luck with the renos, can’t wait to see pics after it’s all done
Sounds awesome, I had a friend that did a working bee amongst friends and family, they all went to one house and did work to each others houses. Great idea if everyone works and shows up.
Can’t wait to see it all!
If you want to use your original floor boards, why dont you insulate the under side I.e. the crawl space under the house. It is quite common here in NZ. We use poly panels that just slide in between the floor joists.
We have white walls and dark floors and I love the combination.
We are also just at the very beginning phases of what will hopefully be a kitchen renovation and a back deck extension.
I have spent three years in this kitchen…
I seriously don’t know if I can make it through another month cooking in there!
We have just had dark bamboo laid and it looks lovely – it will show some dusty footprints, water spots etc but perhaps thats common to all wooden floors? We got a slightly distressed looking flooring put in so I’m not getting too upset if it gets marks and dents – after all, you gotta expect that in a house with kids! Good luck with the renos – you are a brave lady to crack a paint tin with five kids around
I love thw ehit eon dark combination! I dream of a new kitchen all too often! But alas, not on the cards just yet…
Have fun dreaming Corrie and continue sharing so that we can all dream along with you!
Good luck with the project.
haha retro daddy sounds like all the daddy’s when it’s renovating time. I know you will have it beautiful.
I know whatever you do it will look gorgeous and classic
Oooh I love this part. Planning a renovation is the best bit! We have just updated our house a little and put down a dark bamboo floor. With our white walls it looks fantastic. We are so happy with it xx
Oooh I love this part. Planning a renovation is the best bit! We have just updated our house a little and put down a dark bamboo floor. With our white walls it looks fantastic. We are so happy with it xx
We are about to start a massive extension and renovation. I am getting a new kitchen!! Plus master with ensuite and rumpus and guest room with ensuite.
I LOVE the ebony bamboo floor, that is what I have picked out for our new flooring.
I still have to decide on a kitchen design and am finding that really difficult because I want it to be perfect (for me and family) of course.
Wow, how exciting Corrie. This is all right up my ally too, as we’re just about to get a new kitchen & backyard makeover. Can’t wait! Looking forward to seeing the progress of your reno’s. You have such beautiful taste xo
This is going to be exciting (for us too reading about it!) I have bamboo flooring, started with living areas and loved it so much that I did bedrooms. I did find that it dented easily when something dropped on it, and if you have termites (white ants) in your neck of the woods, speak to the bamboo supplier, or a pest control company. Termites got in and started eating my bamboo, contrary to what I was told, that bamboo was resistant. Oh and another tip: the semi-gloss is easier to maintain than the full gloss, but you may have already found that in your previous renos.
Nice home, I love your floor.
check this out
I love the kitchen I am also a huge fan of Martha Stewart and would love a kitchen like hers. Webuiltour home over 16yearsago and you know if I knew then what I know now I certainly would have done it differently. We lack cupboard space and I would love an island so that I can bake without being restricted sigh one day! I love reading your blogs