rainy day quilting

It’s a long weekend here and it’s another day of rain. Perfect excuse to stay home and unpack more boxes and get ready for baby. Except that I decided it was also perfect to start a little quilt for the new baby. Something that could over his capsule or pram as it is going to be very cold when he is born.

Rainy Day Quilting

I took one pack of Half Moon Modern charm squares and decided to do some half square triangles (HST) for the first time. I remember seeing that you could match up 2 charm squares, draw a line down the middle, sew on either side of your line and then using your rotary cutter you cut along the line and voila you have created 2 blocks. So easy. I found this very simple youtube example of how I did it!
And my 1/4 inch foot has a perfect guide which lined up with my pencil line making sewing a breeze. I really loved making these and think I could do a bigger quilt in no time too.
Making Baby's First Quilt

I plan to bake some cookies today (for energy of course) and then hope to get this quilt top finished today and sandwiched and take photos to help me  finish my How to make a Charm Square quilt tutorial….before I have this baby. I promise.


  1. Well done with the quilt Corrie, the weather is perfect for sewing and baking. Enjoy the weekend.

  2. I love making quilts with charm squares too – never thought to do half square triangles with them though – that’ll be another one to add to my “to-do” list!!

  3. It looks so lovely Corrie. I don’t know how you fit in all this sewing!

  4. It’s looking beautiful Corrie xxx

  5. I have a hst addiction. That will be a beautiful quilt for you new little fellow! xx

  6. It will look smashing!

  7. Are you going to use wool or cotton batting? The wool/poly is lovely and will be so warm. My youngest was born 2yrs ago (today actually) and I used flannel wraps to cover over her as well as a cotton blanket. I wasn’t quilting back then! I originally also used the flannel for wraps but she didn’t like them because there was no give (I do the arms-up wrapping method which made my kids really settled). I found that a jersey wrap was best and she was much happier and slept more settled.

  8. Love it and thanks for sharing the video. I haven’t tried quilting yet and have 4 charm packs in the fab stash cupboard that I am yet to do something with. This tute will be very handy.

  9. I love this Corrie! I have a layer cake of this fabric and did not know what to do with it but love the pattern /colour match you have done :)

  10. I love half square triangles. I made a whole heap of half square triangles ages ago but only recently pulled them out and started piecing them together. I am almost done and keep wondering why I put it off for so long!

    Which is always the way with WIP’s isn’t it?!

  11. Looks like this will be a great top Corrie!!! Looking forward to seeing how you decide to finish it!! Enjoy your week!!

  12. great to share this, it looks so easy – i would have painstakingly cut out the triangles…love your fabric mix.

  13. Looking forward to seeing the finished product…I have never created a quilt before and this is inspiring me!

  14. I always love your fabric choices – so happy and bright.

  15. Oh wow! That is lovely, so going to give this a try one day soon x

  16. That quilt is going to look sensational Corrie, I love the patterns. The weather was shocking today and it did leave open the perfect opportunity for indoor crafting and cooking… even though I didn’t manage to do either unfortunately.
    Can’t wait to see the finished quilt xo

  17. It will be a gorgeous new quilt for your new baby boy, Corrie. My mother in law had 11 children and made new things for each baby. I so admire you, especially when I hear a lot of SAH Mums with 1 or 2 children say “I dont have the time to sew/bake/cook”!

  18. thank you Corrie – you have inspired me to try the triangles for my next quilt. I’ve just finished the top of my first full size (well single bed…) quilt – need the next tutorial I think!
    Are you heading to the craft fair this week?

  19. It looks amazing. Love the colors.

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