tomorrow will be 9 days left in the apartment and cabin fever has well and truly set in. I’m not used to living in such a small space and it’s really getting to me. Retro daddy went back to work today so that meant my second pair of hands and my internet access also went back to work too. How embarrassing to have the guy at the front desk have to come out and help me reverse into a tight spot because once I go out my nice easy drive right in carpark gets taken and I’m left with a tight spot with walls on either side.
I took these pictures on the weekend when we out for some lunch. I thought I’d be eating out more but the reality is that the moment the kids know we are leaving the apartment they all jump around like crazies and carry on like that until we get back here again. It’s exhausting but thankfully this week we have swimming lessons everyday which are exhausting the kids and filling up our day. Plus I have shopping. Any excuse and I’m over at the shops. I think retro daddy will be glad when we’re settled in and I’m not so close to retail opportunities.
So I’m really counting the days and might just start counting the hours if it gets worse………………………..having a home will feel so good!
Hang in there Corrie! You will be in your new home in no time with your beautiful family. xx
Oh dear, maybe pretend this is an apartment holiday…swimming each day and call in takeaway, pretend it is room service. And of course help to park is valet parking!
I can only imagine how difficult it is to be living like that Corrie. Apartment living is definitely not designed for large families. It’s so hard when you don’t have your creature comforts at hand. But 9 days left, you’re almost there… there’s a light at the end of the tunnel! xo
Corrie, try to just live in the moment. Stop counting the days away – each day is a gift.
There is no shame in asking for help with parking. Ask for help as often as you need/want it.
Can you employ a nanny/play helper to give you a hand with the children?
Are there parklands nearby? Might be an opportunity to let the kids run free.
When all else fails eat chocolate.
I like Dian’s answer – chocolate…
Big cars are not meant for small spaces – we all need help at times – it makes the person who gives you the help feel good.
See if you can arrange a playdate at a friend’s house or maybe a picnic at the park.
Is there a museum with a kids section or IKEA with a ball room (my salvation with kids your age).
Is there a friend who can watch the kids so you can go out and have a tea or nap…
Take care Corrie,
This too will pass. And you are right it you can easily get a little too much of each other.
É isso mesmo peça ajuda sempre.Aqui no Brasil nos ajudamos mais,Hoje passei o meu dia lavando cobertores e edredons para minhas vizinhas,não interessa se é na máquina,tem que ser posto e retirado do varal.As vezes fico com filhos de minhas vizinhas até para elas irem a uma piscina com tranquilidade.Mas já está perto para casa grande e confortável,terá trabalho,mas será com calma.Você sabe que está grávida???Bençãos para vocês.
I’d be the same in a carpark like that,,,,put walls on either side of me and thats it I’m done lol, just can’t do it!
Hang in there, I think you are doing great!!
I’m sorry but I’m still laughing at the visual of all the kids jumping around like crazies!!! I totally understand what you mean though : ) Is there a park nearby for you at least with a playground?? Perhaps you can drag them all there of an afternoon and let them be crazy there!!! Not long to go now!!! You can do it!!!! x
I wouldn’t be able to do the tight parking space either. Remember on The Block, how they give them the tiny cars, and the parking garages that are about a foot on each side wider? How do they get out of the car (I am a big girl, this would be a problem)? How about if they have a bigger car? I can imagine how nuts you are going, having 4 little kids myself….not long now.
Each day is one day closer to your new home
Hang in there and try and imagine you are in some exotic, beach resort with palm trees swaying!!! Its hard work now that Retrodaddy is back to work and you are in a small living environment with kids that can go a bit frantic but hopefully they will run themselves silly in their new backyard very soon. x