Well today I turn 36! I like the sound of 36! And I had to work on my birthday…..but totally my choice. I’m so glad I did. I had a lovely day. Met my regular customers and lots of new ones. Got to chat to lots of lovely ladies, share my love of fabric and empty some baskets! We definitely came back with less fabric.
Thank you to everyone who came along. I don’t have the fanciest market stall but I always do so well thanks to the lovely people who stop by! And a special thank you to Amy for helping me out, Natalie for the lovely little present (I love it!) and Wendy for the sweet birthday card! How lovely are people to me!
I’ve had a great birthday with an iphone case from the little people, some lovely new clothes from Trenery and Country Road from retro daddy and we made an offer on the Brady bunch since we’ve exchanged contracts on our house. Fingers are crossed we get it as I KNOW it will be the best house for us. I still have birthday cake, thai dinner and yum cha tomorrow to look forward to. A great birthday weekend surrounded by the people I love!
Happy Birthday Corrie!
Enjoy your celebrations and very best wishes for a special year ahead.
Congrats on the birthday, market and the houses…sounds like a great weekend so far. x
Happy Birthday Corrie! Sounds like you had a great day! Love the look of all that fabric! So much prettiness! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
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Happy Birthday Corrie. So glad you had a lovely day. Good luck on the Brady Bunch house.
Happy birthday! Glad you were loved well by all those around you.
happy birthday you. I went back and looked at the brady house pix. some of that furniture they have is amazing. If they don’t want it, you could make big $$ in the ‘retro’ market. good luck with the houses.
Happy Birthday. I am a knew follower of yours & I must say just adore your blog. I’m pretty sure it was you I saw on TV this week, great story.x
Happy Birthday Corrie and may you have the best year xxx chris
Happy Birthday Corrie. I am so pleased the market went well.
Great to hear you have sold and I hope you are successful with the other house. It does look like a great family home.
Do remember to take care of yourself and your little bundle.
wouldn’t it be nice if you were all settled into the new house by the time baby arrives.
Happy Birthday Corrie! I love your blog and read it all the time
I wish I lived in Sydney, with all that gorgeous fabric you had at the markets, I would have been in fabric heaven. Glad to hear it was a great day for you!
Happy Birthday Corrie. 36 is a wonderful age. Enjoy. And, they truly get better every year forward!
Good luck with the Brady Bunch House. I hope you get it
Happy birthday. Those are really lovely patterns you’ve got on display!
Happy Birthday Corrie! Glad you had a wonderful day…continue to enjoy it!
Love all that gorgeousness of fabric 😉
Wow. you know your having a little boy, you have exchanged contracts on your house, made an offer on another, been on TV, worked and a borthday. You are one very busy mum. Happy Birthday xx
I’m sad I didnt get to come to your last market. I remember way back when I first met you in Canberra and you sold me some fabric (little babushka dolls) and told me how to make a skirt.
I’ve come along way now in my sewing, and I think I owe a lot of that to you. Thanks.
Happy, happy birthday to you!
It really sounds like you’ve had a great day, and that’s what counts. I turned 34 five days ago and worked, too, but had also a fantastic birthday.
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your weekend
Happy Birthday beautiful Corrie. I do love all the positivity and loveliness in this birthday post xo
Oh Yay Happy Birthday!!!
I was wondering if you had put in an offer yet! lol Goodluck!
Happy Birthday! And all my best for a wonderful year!
Sounds like a great weekend… hope you get your house!
PARABÈNS Tudo de melhor para você.Fiquei encantada com as fotos lindas,ano que vem serão 5 rodeando a mesa,na casa nova.Estou ansiosa…rostinho do bebe e casa nova ABENÇOADOS SEJAM TODOS VOCÊS.
Happy birthday! What a great way for a craft lover to spend her birthday!!
Just wondering what the name is of the grey charm square with the bunting print? It’s lovely!!
Always a pleasure helping you out Corrie!
Glad you had a great birthday even though you were working. Good luck with the offer on the house, I hope they accept it!
Amy xx