Power of Moms Sydney retreat giveaway

I first found out about Power of Moms when I started reading the gorgeous blog, 71 toes. A few of you told me that I had to start reading 71 toes since I love large family blogs so much. And I did. And it quickly became one of my favourites. And I discovered Power of Moms along the way and wished that they would come down to Australia. And then I heard rumours. And then it was true. They were coming. So I booked myself as soon as tickets went on sale.
Power of Moms is a retreat for mums (well we’re aussies here so we’re mums!). Some time out for yourself (don’t I need some of that), to learn how to strengthen your family and get together with lots of other like minded mums and learn from them over the weekend.  Now I’m sure that everyone goes for a different reason. Me? Well I’m a full time mummy and plan to be for life. And I want to get organised. I feel like I went from 1 to 4 children in no time and have no household organisation at all. I’d like to start a few more family traditions, be a better mummy, teach my children about money and that they can’t have everything they see (I give in way too easily to my little ones to keep the peace) and of course I would like a little time out for myself. I think of it like personal development for this mummy.
The Sydney retreat is being run from Friday 16th March to Saturday 17th March in Glenhaven (north – west Sydney). On Friday the sessions will run from 1pm – 6pm and be followed by dinner and on Saturday the sessions will run from 9am – 5pm and include small group discussions. I like that I can go home after each day and you have the choice of attending Friday or Saturday or both. I’m doing both! The lot! Everything!
And I’m so very excited to be giving away a free pass to attend either Friday or Saturday of the retreat to one of my lucky readers. Woo hoo! All you need to do is spread the word by sharing a link to the retreat on your blog, facebook or twitter page and leave a comment here telling me that you’ve done it. Too easy. The link is here. And if you’re already going then let me know too. I know about 2 people attending so wouldn’t it be nice to know a few familiar faces before we go. And if you don’t win then be sure to buy a ticket. I know it’s going to be a great weekend.
Now you can find more information on the retreat here (including the schedule) and there is also a Gold Coast retreat too (9th + 10th March) if that’s a little closer to home.  Naomi of seven cherubs will be giving away a pass to attend one day of the Gold Coast retreat so keep an eye out on her blog next week.
And let the countdown begin………………………..I’m so excited.


  1. Hi

    I have posted this to my facebook page I would love to attend this – I am full time single mum to my 4 wonderful children and this will help me get back on track but is not something I could afford to go to with my budget

    Kelly Boulton

  2. I would very much love to go. This year is the year of getting our home organised, so would be just want I need. I have spread the word via my FB page & blog :) Mel

  3. I’ve already booked my tickets. I can’t wait, it’s going to be a wonderful event! Good luck to your readers!

  4. Oh Corrie. As you know, I would dearly love to attend. It sounds brilliant but spending time with two of my favourite blog friends would be the icing on the cake. Please count me in! J x

  5. Have just RTed Naomi’s link to this post. J x

  6. I have posted to my FB page. I would love to go to this, but when we looked into it realised we just can’t afford it right now. This would be amazing!

  7. I’ve just posted this link on FB, too. J x

  8. Corrie, I’ve just added it to my blog sidebar as well. One question, though – when does the competition end? Thanks, Gorgeous. J x

  9. Argh! Too late for me as I have already bought my tickets. Looking forward to it.

  10. I’ve posted this to my facebook profile. This would be an amazing opportunity. With six children of my own, I’m sure there are alot of tips from other Mums that I could use. Never too old to learn :)

  11. Oh I’d love to go but right about that time I’ll be becoming a Mum for the first time. How ironic! (Not counting the other 9 months he has been inside me. 😉

  12. Hi
    This retreat sounds GREAT!! I am the mother of 3 boys and a little female time and time with other mothers sounds fantastic. I definitely need some inspiring ideas. I have emailed the website link to all my female/mother friends as I don’t have a blog, and not on Facebook or twitter. Karina

  13. I have posted this to facebook. This retreat looks fantastic – every mother can do with a little time out to learn about parenting and be better at what we love to do. Thanks for the opportunity to enter :)

  14. Thank you for sharing this, I have shared it via twitter, I know so many mums (me included) who will love to see there is something like this retreat out there.

  15. Oh my goodness, I would love to go. I have just posted this to my facebook account.

  16. I’ve posted this to facebook – it looks like a wonderful weekend! I’m a new mum and would love to go to something like this! I think our society has changed so much from the way mothers learnt and were supported in the past. This retreat sounds like it would fill some of the gaps for me and help me to more confidently embrace the beautiful role of motherhood :o)

  17. This sounds great, would love to go. Have tweeted about it.

  18. Nice blog and very good article….

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  19. Oh Corrie, I would love to win a pass and I would definitely make my way to Sydney if I was lucky enough to win! I initially started following Shawni’s blog as her daughter Lucy has the same degenerative eye condition as my hubby. But now I love reading her blog for all the beautiful photography and inspiration she offers daily. I read the POM conference info months ago and would love to go! I hope today is going better for you than yesterday! P.S. I have shared the link on FB… Thanks, Cath x

  20. Your blog is very good!!

    Look at this!! Is very helpful be okay.

    Click I have already come

  21. Hi there, Corrie, not sure if you have drawn this, but I would love to win a ticket. Have posted it on my Facebook account. Thanks, Stacey

  22. Pick me!! Ha, I’ve posted on FB. The retreat looks great!!

  23. I’ve posted this on my facebook page and would love so much to come to this and would fly in just for the chance to be there. I have two beautiful baby boys and really think this weekend would be life changing.

  24. Yo Yo Retro Mummy. I am new to the technological age and have just managed to post the Power of Moms info to my very new facebook page (with the help of my good friend). Power of Moms sounds brilliant, just what an old gal like me needs to juggle the busy life of a mum and get me back on track.

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