When it comes to my Christmas baking and making, I am a creature of habit. Rum balls, rocky road, fruit mince pies, fruit cakes and maybe a new recipe or two. This year I want to try quite a few new recipes since I have my Thermomix and should be able to get through a few more. First up I had to try Coconut Snowballs from the current issue of Super Food Ideas.
Coconut Snowballs
If you have a thermomix then place your biscuits in the bowl (whole) and process for 10-15 seconds on speed 7 or 8 until you have fine breadcrumbs. Add in coconut, cherries, vanilla and milk and process for 10 seconds on speed 3. Remove from bowl. ** With damp hands roll a tablespoonful of mixture into a small ball and place on lined baking tray or container. Repeat with the rest of the mixture and then freeze for about an hour. Now melt your chocolate for 2 1/2 -3 minutes on medium in the microwave (stirring a few times in between) then dip each ball on a fork into the chocolate, wait till any excess chocolate drips off and then place on lined baking tray again. Sprinkle with the extra coconut straight away (you really need to do this straight away because the chocolate sets pretty quickly) and then repeat with the rest of your snowballs.
If you don’t have a thermomix just crush your biscuits until they become fine breadcrumbs, add in remaining ingredients and finely chop your cherries before you add them in to the mixture. Follow instructions from **.
Ta da you have coconut snowballs. You should get about 28-30 snowballs from this recipe it just depends on how big your balls are. Sorry I couldn’t help myself. And I’m very happy to report that these were very popular at church morning tea! Retro daddy even went so far as to tell me they were better than my rum balls! I’m more of a rum ball person myself!
Ha ha ha! These look delish – thanks!
double yum
le xox
Looking good! Anything with white chocolate is good!! Will try these for sure
They do look very tempting, but must admit I’m a rumball girl too! Would make a nice gift though
Need to make something for next weeks church bake sale. Nice to have something a bit different. What would the Marie biscuits equate to – shortbread or something else.
Still have lots of snow in NS Canada – got a big storm on Wednesday… No beach for us Christmas day.
Divine Corrie! Love all the Christmas style sweets that pop up around now. This one looks delicious… love rumballs and white Christmas, so this looks like something kind of in between. Thanks for sharing :o) xo