our kitchen renovation – day 11

More painting on day 11. The painters still have another day to finish the room off but it’s looking amazing. These french doors are now white on the inside and it makes such a difference.

once wooden doors now white

and a quick before shot to show how it used to look

looking in
and even in the late afternoon the colours look perfect! I couldn’t be more in love with the colour scheme either. Totally hamptons and what I was going for.
day 11
So day 11 ran smoothly until the floor company decided at 3pm on a friday afternoon to let me know that I would need to pay another $2k on top of the original quote in prep work for the floors. To be done Monday. I just about had a heart attack as I knew there would be some extra work where the old ensuite was but not for $2k. I stewed over it for a while and got my builder involved and 2 hours later we reached an agreement for $1k and if I want the floor guy to do the things that he wants but that the builder thinks are unnecessary I will pay per hour. But my builder has told me he will pop in and do those jobs for me. I’ve learnt that a good builder you trust is probably the most important component of a good renovation. I’m still cranky at the floor company who were going to get almost $20k from us to do all of the downstairs flooring. Needless to say I will be finding another floor company to do the rest of my house. 


  1. I dont blame you for going somewhere else for the rest of the job. These people can really put a damper on things, but you are such a positive person I’m sure you won’t let them ruin the enjoyment of your renos. Once they are finished they can be put out of your life permanently. Your builder seems a great guy so following his advice seems to be the way. Am enjoying following the progress and cant wait to see the finished product.

  2. Goodness that is a lot of money to be asking just for some extra work. Glad you stuck to your guns and your builder is very helpful. Very exciting stuff though. Can’t wait to see the finished kitchen!

  3. There is always someone to muck up a good thing! Good for you trusting your contractor to get the job done! I would still be steaming if it happened to me…you are good! Try to have a peaceful and restful weekend…you will need to be clear minded when the floor people…finally arrive! Hugs

  4. Oh Corrie, now it’s really getting exciting! Well done on standing your ground, my friend. J x

  5. Wow, it is looking really good! Looks like it would be a great spot to have a kitchen with the pool right there! Oh, and good job on the negotiations!

  6. It’s the thing that scares me about reno’s or extensions… the hidden or ADDED costs :o/
    Well done on bargaining the price down, as if you don’t have enough expense.
    It’s looking lovely too… love those french doors :o) xo

  7. Wow, looks fantastic, i don’t visit for a few days & kapow, you’ve made huge progress. You just need so much space with a large family, you’ll enjoy that amazing new area, love Posie

  8. I am really enjoying reading about your renovations! Even the paint drying :-)

    Hmm, strange that the company didn’t quote properly for the job in the first place. But the best thing to do is vote with your feet – and when they’ve done what they need to, tell them they’ve lost your business.

    I have a kitchen door question – are you getting vinyl wrap, painted MDF or painted wood?

  9. Wow, it’s looking great! The paint job really makes such a difference. Love the French doors. We had a living room/kitchen reno a few years ago and recently finished some landscaping. The numerous surprise ‘issues’ and extra costs along the way nearly killed me but it all worked out in the end. You forget how painful it was at the time (promise).

  10. It’s looking so lovely! I can’t to see it all finished! xx

  11. I agree a good builder is a very important asset. Make sure you keep them onside so they can help with any futher hickups.
    I hope that its smooth sailing for you from now on.
    Ill look forward to more progress updates.

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