my VW bus, Caltex Vortex and a retro commercial!

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How can I say no a sponsored post when it’s about the petrol I use in my car. And how can I say no when it’s a chance to tell you how much I love my new car. It’s been over 6 months since I’ve been driving my VW Multivan and I’m still loving it and still commenting on how much I love it. I know a few of you with large families have asked for a review on it and really I wouldn’t advice you to get anything else as we are loving it so much. Even when we go away for a long weekend, holiday or a market we have so much room left in after suitcases and children.
the bus
And one of the things I do love about the Multivan is that it’s run on diesel. One full tank of diesel in the Multivan means I could drive from Sydney to the Gold Coast or Sydney to Melbourne on one tank. No stopping. But of course with my lot we’d have to stop 10 times just to keep them happy. But it means I don’t have to fill up each week and that is efficient in itself as I can go up to 3 weeks without filling up. And I’ve just learnt that you get more mileage from a tank of Diesel full stop so there you go, I learnt something new today!
love the colour
Now that we have the multivan on lease we use a fuel card to Caltex and use Vortex Premium. I always go to the same Caltex petrol station and have for many years because their prices are the best and they are a small friendly station. But I must admit that I’ve never paid attention to what makes the diesel better. I leave that to retro daddy.
I’ll never forget leaving the car dealership with the car – the salesman also drives a multivan and put the fear of ‘a higher power’ into me – ‘never, ever, ever put petrol instead of diesel into your car and turn on the engine’. If you make a mistake and put petrol into your car then you need to empty it, rinse it out and then put diesel in or call the NRMA. Or in my case just call retro daddy quick and be a damsel in distress. So moral of the story don’t put the wrong fuel in your car.
Ok so what have I learned about Vortex Premium – it’s better for your car because it cleans as you drive and because it removes deposits from your engine your car drives faster and longer per tank.  And then over time your car will drive better. That has to keep everyone happy. Oh and I love this – apparently it doesn’t smell as strong as regular diesel so even when you’re filling up at the station it’s not as smelly. That must be for the girls. Don’t you think!  You (or your husband if he does the car stuff) can find out more about Caltex Vortex Premium here. But I can’t write a post on Caltex without sharing this gem with you.
This is an honest to goodness ad from the olden days……………..enjoy. They don’t make them like they used to!


  1. Just gotta love that ad. Fair dinkum!

  2. That’s awesome!

  3. Oh my! She could take someone’s eye out with those…eyelashes. Love it.

  4. Oh yay, a fellow family of 4 boys at school is getting one (she’s waiting for the black, for the full kidnapper looking car). Our next car will be with the farm, so diesel all the way. We still have the same car from when we got married almost 15 years ago (Toyoto 4WD’s never die) & bought an 8 seater as we planned a big family, slowly filled up the car but now, there isn’t enough leg room.
    I used to work in the oil industry & our mining manager put ULP in a diesel, der, he was a mechanical engineer, double der, he started the car, triple der!!
    Love Posie

  5. That mistake of putting the wrong kind of gas happened to me years ago. And it was a costly exercise.

  6. LOL – better watch out for the fry pan. Those boobs are probably way more flammable ! I can only imagine how painful that corsetting must of been !!

  7. Corrie I would just like to know one thing . . . . do you wear such snazzy outfits when going to fill your VW Multivan up at your local Caltex?? I should certainly hope so!!! Love the ad! Love your car too, I would love a multivan that’s actually fitted out like a camper in the back!! Ahhhh I dream : )

  8. My god. Who is that woman? Those boobs would poke your eye out. I do love the service station attendant’s beautiful accent. If you were served fuel by someone speaking like that these days they’d seem very out of place.

  9. They sure don’t make them like they used too. There’s now laws against that sort of abuse/cruelty. That woman is so not anatomically correct. That waist! she can hardly open her mouth when she talks, She just seems to be talking out of her upper left lip! She’s probably too scared she might gasp for a breath and bust the belt! Good Grief!!!

  10. I’ve been waiting for a post on your mini van 😛 It looks sexy!

  11. OK Corrie – where did you snag that commercial. You weren’t even born yet! But I was…

  12. We have 5 kids Corrie and we have a VW multivan thing we have ever bought I think we’ve had it for 3 months now…I drive my CX9 during the day for quick trips but we take the van if we go anywhere with my husband…I LOVE IT…the children love it…turning all the seats around so the kids can giggle togeher during trips has been the best thing..
    Ours is black with extra extra dark tinted windows, my older nieces say i look like a drug dealer or a kid napper in it :-)..

    So glad you love yours too…
    from kelly

  13. What a great ad! I think I want her bra 😉

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