I’ve said it before but life is sometimes tough here at retro mummy. Like when I HAVE to go to Westfield for an afternoon with my stylist Donny Galella and one of my lovely readers, Julie. Shopping is one of my absolute favourite things to do so retro daddy took the twins and Elodie and I went shopping. But the purpose of my little trip out to Eastgardens was actually to catch up with Donny, talk about trends for this Spring/Summer and give one of my lucky readers a little style session.
Donny really focuses on building the basics of your wardrobe so your black pants, a white shirt, a little black dress, a daytime dress, black skirt, trench coat and black leggings. Then twice a year or each season you add a few new items into your wardrobe that incorporate the latest trends. And what I love about shopping with Donny is that he takes a dress or an outfit from the rack and totally accessorises it with belts, handbags, jewellery and takes it to a whole new level.
And before I met up with Donny I put the call out on Facebook for your burning fashion questions this season so here we go!
Colour blocking? Can I do it if I’m plus size or over 30? The answer is YES! Anyone can colour block and the best way to start if you’re a little unsure is with a statement piece. Maybe it’s a bright coral bag or red shoes or a bright blue dress. Pick another colour say a fuschia necklace or a big red belt and you are colour blocking. Walk into any store at the moment and you’ll find big bold colours so you won’t have to search them out too hard.
I hear lace is a big trend this season. What if I’m a larger lady? Lace is a big trend and a great way to incorporate some lace into your outfit is by making sure it highlights your best bits. Perhaps a lace trimmed camisole or a lace scarf. Remember the goal with fashion and making an outfit look fabulous is to highlight your best bits and what you love about your body so that if you need to you can hide your problem areas. I don’t think Julie has problem areas but you know what I’m talking about………
If a trend comes around again can I wear it if I’ve already worn it the first time? Donny says yes since fashion is meant to be fun. But the second time around you might want to wear it more subtly. Best not to bring out your hugest flares from the 70’s but opt for a more subtle/less flared version.
I don’t have a big budget so how can I incorporate the latest trends this spring/summer. Donny says if you have $200 you should buy a little floral dress at say Portmans, Jeanswest or Target. Team it up with a wedge or espadrille (Payless Shoes had some great ones that I’m heading back for – just $59.95). Go a bright coloured handbag with the rest of your money. You can mix these pieces with basics in your wardrobe.
I really need a Mummy make over! I am a little over 30 (giggle) & finding it hard to find clothes for my age & my pear shape body! Please help me! My 12 & 10 year old daughters are going to be too embarassed to be seen with me soon! This prize would be AMAZING!!!
ooooo!! What an AWESOME Prize!!
I so need to go shopping. We just moved back to Australia and due to luggage restrictions I had to leave most of my clothes behind, I have about four things to mix and match at the moment and two pairs of shoes..and I lost 15kg over the winter and turned 40 so I need to buy new clothes anyway!!
Thanks for all the tips, I need some styling ideas!!
I would love to have a makeover, I just tend to buy, black & grey pieces for work and that is it. Feel so much more comfortable in Spotlight or Kitchen Warehouse, than I do in Myer or David Jones.
I want to win because I need to remember how to be a shoppaholic!! Seriously!! I think I’ve forgotten how to dress myself. It’s all pink, little and cute in my shopping bags these day. Can’t even begin to imagine what I’d do with a $1000 to spend on myself – but I’d sure like to find out
I’d love to give this prize to one of my daughters, who lives interstate from me, and who could use a boost of confidence right now.
Oh my, I need a serious wardrobe overhall. As a stay at home mama, I don’t do much for myself, but I am sure I could send papa off with the kids while I shop myself silly! Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway. I’m sure the winner will be thrilled. Jacinta
I would love to win this prize to help me re-boot my career and give me a bit more confidence in the process. I’ve gone from stay at home mum with a long term partner, to a single mum of a beautiful three and a half year old boy after my partner left. I’m in the process of re-establishing my career whilst being the primary carer of my little boy (a bit of a juggling act!). A wardrobe makeover would mean so much as I rebuild my personal and professional life. Thanks for the opportunity Corrie.
I seriously need this. This past year my husband had pretty much no work, meaning virtually no income. The only clothes I have without holes are what I wore to blogopolis as my sister helped me get them.
I would love to win this and look fashionable again instead of a holey clothed mum.
It’s so nice you are giving this away!
Thank you.
Oh wow! Pick me!! Lol. Seriously, I would love a makeover I have need had any assistance with hair makeup and clothes. Would be amazing to learn what works best fir me, and perhaps the black theme might be a thing of the past!
Thanks for the chance to win xox
Oh it would be so great to win. After having our first baby a year ago and therefore going down to one wage things have been a little um shall we say tight, and there is only so much happiness one can get from shopping at Target and I have reached my limit!!!
i need a make over so my class dont always say, day in day out “Why do you always wear black?”
colour scares me!
I have some items in my wardrobe that are over 30 years old Need I say more???
As a full time working mumma with lovely preschoolers at home and classrooms full of teenagers at work, I would love to win this giveaway! It goes without saying that at this time of my life shopping for me does not happen very much! By winning this, my wardrobe for this season would get a much needed professional update and could be closer to current trends! Thanks for the possibility!
I would love to win because I haven’t bought new clothes for soooo long! I am feeling frumpy and OLD! My daughter started university this year, and as a single mum, I just can’t afford anything for myself at the moment! Thanks for your report today, it’s really interesting!
I would love to take my 70+ year old Mum shopping and treat her to a new outfit! She is always busy helping out everyone in the extended family and it would be so nice to treat her to a new look for summer as she always puts herself last!
Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize!
I would love to win this as I need a wardrobe makeover. I had hyperemersis with both of my pregnancies, which meant that I had sudden weightloss (20kg in 10 weeks with number 2) and couldn’t eat / keep anything down for 9 months. After having each of my beautiful children, my weight has been up and down – struggling to find a balance with my metabolism.
Because of the cost of the pregnancies to get me through, I needed to go back to full time work (when my daughter was 1 and my son was almost 3) but as we are trying to get rid of the debt, I don’t have spare money to buy much nice clothes for myself (especially work clothes)!
$1000 to buy clothes for myself would make so much difference for me! What an awesome prize for whomever wins!
Oh Corrie, I need to win this because…
I am a Mum to 4 and have just started the Michelle Bridges 12 week body transformation. I have already lost a couple of kilos and am only at the start of the 2nd week. I will need some new clothes when I have lost these extra kilos! (Which I plan to do before I hit 30 in January!
(thanks for the chance to win)
I’m suffering from over-weight post-baby body, which is a different shape to what it was before so I don’t really know what suits me any more. I used to have an hourglass shape (although a slightly large one) and now I think I’m a pear but I could be an apple…
I have spent the last 12 months wearing stretchy pants and long t-shirts with runners.
I’ve just finished up work so I can be a full-time SAHM with my darling 19 month old girl – but all my ‘home’ clothes are so daggy, pilled, and even have holes in them! (i don’t know where the holes are coming from… seriously…. ) . Now my income is gonski… there is no disposable left for ME (especially when mummy has an Obaibi clothing addiction for small person). A Westfield voucher would really help me out – I need a new SAHM uniform I can be proud to wear, as I venture out into making some other SAHM friends on the Northern Beaches.
OMG Corrie – you need to tell me in which shop I can find those snakeskin heels in your piccie above????? I have absolutely no idea where I’d wear them or what I’d wear them with… which is precisely why I need a wardrobe makeover!
I would love to win, I need some new clothes and some confidence. I am 45 and feel drab and old. This could up date me. Thanks.
Thanks Corrie for an amazing opportunity again. Why should I be so lucky to win….well I shop mainly at op shops and would really love to shop just a little more luxurious for a change!!
What an awesome prize. I would die if I was lucky enough to win. why do I need to win?
I have recently lost some weight and now nothing in my wardrobe fits, the problem is that we are struggling financially at the moment and i can’t afford to replace my wardrobe. The clothing that I have are hideous and I’m tired of looking hideous.
This would be a dream come true! I have been on maternity leave for the last 2 years and of course it’s all been about the kids and not me!
I am due back to work in the next few months, I’d love a new wardrobe and of course one that will fit me now that my body shape has changed after having my second child.
What an awesome opportunity to be spoilt just for ME!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
This is such an awesome giveaway! I need to get something to wear to a wedding early next year, and of course accessories too. $1000 would come in very handy indeed.
I’ve recently finished breastfeeding my little boy, after 16 months. So I have a closet full of tops that gape and no boobs to fill them with. The situation is dire. It’s gape-central here. No one wants to see my wind socks, seriously!
I think a $1000 voucher would buy a plethora of non-gapey tops. Oh, ok and maybe some cute shoes too, and oh OK if you twist my arm, a new brown leather satchel too. And OK that new Seafolly cossie I’ve been coveting but can’t justify. xx
I need a grandma makeover, I’m now the grandma of 3 beautiful granddaughters with Charlotte born yesterday to our son Josh and dil Jaclyn, their first.
Today when I went to meet her I struggled to work out what to wear, my current wardrobe is rivers jeans and katies tshirts, while there is nothing wrong with these I wear the same thing everyday. When summer gets here I will still be wearing katies tshirts and three quarter pants.
OOOh I would love a new wardrobe, thanks to the link to the body shape calculator I worked out that I am a rectangle and now I need to toss out half my wardrobe!!
ok, it may have been 8 years since I last gave birth, i had my 4 beautiful kids within 6 years, and I seem to still be carry my “baby” weight! I feel yuck and I look yuck…………..i need help so hello $1000 to spend on clothes for me!
I’ve fallen into the Mummy uniform rut – jeans or cargos and a t-shirt! And I’ve been there for nearly three years… I need help!
There are items in my wardrobe that have been there for 15 years! I was wearing them when I was dating my man – yes, that long ago! I need a makeover!
Plus I’m not getting any younger, so some “age appropriate” tips wouldn’t go astray ;o)
We have hit a bit of a financial problem recently (not a debt problem). I hate to even admit it, but it really has me down. Not because I can’t spend money on myself, but just the stress of it. I feel like we can’t catch a break.
This would be such a wonderful birthday present for me because it’s my birthday this month and I won’t be getting anything due to the financial problems. I didn’t get anything last year due to a similar situation, and the year before that Mr Black completely forgot my birthday (so again nothing).
To say i’m feeling bleak about not even being able to get a small gift is an understatement.
To win this would be a fabulous pick me up, both inside and out.
Oh Corrie, what an amazing prize!!This is exactly what I need right now. Since starting my family 7 years ago I seem to have completely lost the old me. I was just finding me again whe nmy daughter was diagnosed with leukaemia…and when you have spent the last two years pretty much living in hospital….pj’s, yoga pants and thongs pretty much sum up my wardrobe! I haven’t stopped loving to shop or loving clothes….I have just stopped shopping for me! And I have forgotten HOW to. I wander around so lost, I don’t even know what suits me anymore. I don’t know which shops I like. Everytime I go shopping I end up with the cutest little outfit…for my 2 year old! I know this is nothing special or different to any other mummy out there…but my goodness, $1000 to spend on me? Pretty sure I’d figure out real quick where the changerooms are!
I would love this opportunity! Turning 48 this week and having recently lost some much needed weight, things in the wardrobe are looking a bit loose (and tired!) My daughter says I need to dress less like a ‘nanna’ so might have to try getting to the big smoke and have a styling session too.
Retromummy- your blog is such a find! After giving birth to a 5.3kg baby last December (no gestational diabetes either) this 188cm tall mummy has lost her 19kg of baby weight and now a few Kg more. I’d love the opportunity to refresh my wardrobe as it’s been a long time since I’ve hit the shops for clothes and I need a pick-me-up as you’ve made me depressed that I don’t own a thermomix! Ps love those quinoa burgers!
Six and a half years ago I was crying myself to sleep each night I’d never have a child. Tonight as I type I’m breastfeeding our 4th child (we have 5yo twins, a 3yo and now 4 week old). The last 5 years have been an enormous struggle living on one wage. My clothes come last! I’ve gone from 16-18 with the twins to most recently a 12-14. In this pregnancy I was in bedrest for 2.5months and lost 12kg. I need to start my wardrobe again. I don’t even know where to start or what look to have as a sahm.
The first thing I’d buy would be a maternity bra. How the heck can they be so expensive when they dont even have an underwire? Mine are 6 years old and have lost the elasticity. So really you can clip them and they still sit close to my waist as they do unclipped (nice visual image there?!).
Anyway, this mum would love a pick me up and the chance to do something for myself. I’m finally clearing the virus that made me so unwell and can’t wait to feel like myself again in new clothes that suit me!
Thank you for the lovely words Corrie. It was a wonderful afternoon and such a generous treat I was lucky enough to experience all thanks your sweet self… and I learnt plenty too ;o) xoxo
Im almost 19 and in desperate need of a makeover because I am sick of being the ugliest teen and hating on myself. I would love buy the prettiest dress, shoes and bag and wear them all day !!!
Hi corrie…
Why I would love the $1000, is because I have 5 children, my youngest just turned one…and I need to get my groove back…some new clothes would be wonderful, but best of all spending $1000 guilt free dollars on myself sounds like heaven :-)))))
Kelly xx
I would love a new wardrobe for me as I’ve just had my second baby and instead of gaining weight during the pregnancy I lost 10kg!!! Thank you to gestational diabetes… I have changed my diet and outlook on life which will benefit my babies and me. Mind you, my diet wasn’t really that bad but it has improved. I can now look forward to a better mummy experience now I’m that little bit lighter and have more energy!! I don’t need to win the Westfield voucher to get a new wardrobe as I’ve won a new me…
I’m going to be a Hot Manma. yes indeed I’m going to be getting up 5am twice a week for 10 weeks so I’m a fitter, faster and more focused Mama. For that, I deserve this prize!
Corrie, I seriously need to buy some new clothes that are not pink! I am in a real rut because I know the colour suits me, but surely there’s more to life than pink?!? Money is a little tight right now too (as a Mummy you never stop helping out your children – even when they grow up. Just sayin’) so $1000 would be fabulous :-))
Hi, I would love to win this prize, I am a “young” 64 and would love help to update my style.
God, who wouldnt want this??? i cant remember the last time i went shopping for something that wasnt on clearance or and op shop! and it might give me the kick up the bum i need to take advantage of the westfield stylists!!!
Even as a single childless person that is between sizes struggles to buy nice new fashionable clothes that make them feel sexy and like they can meet the future husband, especially when money is tight as said single person has a mortgage.
Love this post and love the shape calculator and wardrobe ideas on the Westfield site – I’m a rectangle! I sooooo need to win this because I’m always reading that you should spend money on good quality basics pieces and then just add to it but I can never bring myself to spend the money and always just end up with cheap, sometimes ill-fitting clothes that just don’t last! Christine xo
I stayed at a girlfriends house this weekend just passed (she was not home). I was very jealous of her large walk in robe. She is single but on a pension and staring at all her beautifully organised shirts and trousers, I realised that I had nothing to match this. Simply not a priority I guess when you have a family and its not even something i consciously think of. It is just automatic to put yourself last and when the money doesn’t stretch far enough it is just something that ever happens – buying clothes for yourself. When I do get an opportunity i usually come home quite depressed about not finding a style that suits, or worse, a price that suits. I did however participate recently in a clothes swap and that was very fulfilling and quite exciting. No doubt I will participate in more not just for the social side, but also for the financial side :).
Well, I’m sure all these mummies are very deserving… but I have just weaned baby number three after almost 7 years of being either pregnant or breastfeeding with no break!! I finally have my body back and can wear dresses without worrying that I will need to breastfeed somewhere. My wardrobe consists of outdated clothes that don’t fit anymore or have stretched beyond all recognition due to forcing them to endure three pregnancies!! Pick me!!
I need major help in the fashion department. I have terrible trouble dressing my “insulated” body. Alot of the tips you share are great, but don’t work for me. I have the biggest, widest, most awful feet in the world to try and fit into shoes, so I can’t use them to accessorise, and I have really large hands and wrists so I can’t use bangles and rings to accessorise. It’s just sob city. SO I need help on other ways I can accessorise and accentuate what I have. And I guess the hardest part for me is that I have a really strict budget and only can spend about $200 a year on clothes and shoes
So this giveaway would be a life saver, and I would be booking a style session at my local Westfield!! Pretty please pick me random.org!!!
Being a young, plus size woman limits my style to being creative. Being a student limits my wardrobe to sale items. This voucher would give me the confidence boost I’m in need of, without nagging my mother for her credit card.
The first thing I would buy would be a new pair of sneakers, because mine are falling apart!!
I need a makeover as I haven’t been able to go shopping for ME in a very long time. I am now 30 and a full time mum I am sick of wearing the same things week in and week out (think jeans and the same long sleeve tops from my 20’s) I want to look sophisticated and not like a poor uni student no more please help!!!
OMG I would love this prize since having Harrison I have put on (some weight) and I’m at a loss as to how to dress for my body type? I really don’t know what colours I should be wearing and what looks best for my figure? I have lost me a little and I’m looking to get this back…I’m also thinking of getting back into singing so finding out how to make the right statement would really help to boost my confidence.
Yes, please count me in. I’ve just managed to part with all the clothes that I have figured I will never wear again, so have next to nothing left. And I honestly can’t remember when I last went clothes shopping – it’s impossible with a 2 and 4 year old! I wear my ‘painting clothes’ at every opportunity so that I don’t have to try any harder. But it’s time. Please help me out!
Oh, what a fabulous prize! I am heading towards the big 40 (ahem – sooner that I would like!) But I would love to get some new thingsfor summer! ALL of my stuff comes from cheap & cheerful shops,due to budget restraints, but I would love to get a few items that fit me beautifully and last me for a few years! I am still wearing a pair of tracksuit pants, I wore when I was preganant with my now 13 year old son! (They are quite the odd shape now!) Anyway, thanks for always providing such a beautiful blog – yours is always top of my blogs to visit!
I need to win because I am FINALLY back to my pre-baby body!! (Well… almost!!)It has only taken just over 7 years and 3 babies to get back to “the new normal.” My clothes from previous seasons are now too big, so I need to update my basics so that I can enjoy the me I am now! Email reesgirl (at) hotmail (dot) com
After a year of redoing the garden and being surrounded by mud, dirt and manure, I need to get in touch with my
Girly side again. Please help!
Mummy makeover badly needed in aisle 1 (over here)…. The mummy in this house loves spoiling everyone else so much and forgets about herself all the time… to focus only on me would be bliss!!!
3 kids in 3.5yrs, 35kgs over my ideal weight… After spending 5 yrs in trackies I have had enough of looking frumpy and in denial of my weight. I would love to be a FFPSM (Fashionable Funky Plus Size Mumma) but I’m limited by my Kmart budget! C’mon Corrie & Westfield show me it’s possible.
Oh pick me pick me!
A SAHM of 4 beautiful children. I am in the midst of losing 12 kilos…half way there!!! There has been a whole lot of 5am starts just to fit in excersise before its time to look after eveyone else, (5am starts all. through. winter! brrrrrrrrr) Its been worth it and I cant wait to lose these last 6 and start being to yummy mummy my inner heart desires!
What an awesome prize for a very lucky lady.
Please pick me. I truly need to go shopping for new clothes. I still wear clothes that I wore when I was pregnant with my youngest, who is now 14. Although I am still a plus size I have recently lost 12 kilos after being diagnosed with diabetes & most of my clothes were originally bought to ‘hide’ my body. I feel like I am ready to start looking smart instead of frumpy.
Thanks for the tips too btw.
I would benefit so much from this offer I have recently just had my second baby and as a result none of my clothes fit me any more. Because of this I rarely go out and this is one of the main reasons, the clothes that do fit me are old and most are falling apart.
Oh Corrie, I soooo need a wardrobe makeover! I’ve been living in my jeans since my twins were born 10 months ago & even my 3 year old daughter has noticed….oh dear.All my clothes predate my children, so it’s time for a new look. I’m in Hobart (which is somewhat lacking in shopping options; not that I have time anyway!) but we are making a trip to Sydney soon to show off the twins to our family, so a day of Westfield therapy would be indescribable!
I think the last piece of clothing I bought myself was about 3 years ago for about $10. It would be amazing to have such a great prize to spend guilt free!
There once was a stay at home mum
who had a rather large.. um.. bottom
she needed some clothes,
but we know they cost doe
of which she really had none!
I so need this!! For far to long I have always put everyone 1st ( kids, hubby,family , friends) and myself last. I have been unhappy with how I look for yrs ( since having kids I have put on so much weight ) but 3 months ago I just woke up one morning and decided it’s MY TIME and I’m going to get mulls self back !! so I did something about it and have – ( so far) lost 18 kg and feel great !!!
Thanks for the opportunity Retromummy!! I need a makeover desperately. Still wearing maternity clothes as they are the ones that fit and the only things I know how to shop for after 7 years! Susie
I have a chronic illness & spend a lot of time in bed. As a consequence, my wardrobe is rather limited at the moment!! I’d love $1000 to spend on myself & have a bit of a re-vamp.
Oh I could so use a makeover and a shopping spree. I could so do with the lift it would give me.
I would love to win, as I would love some new clothes. Tired of buying cheap things from Kmart after my little one was born. It would be nice to go shopping without guilt.
Hi Corrie
Thanks for the opportunity to enter this great comp.
I would love to win – what a treat! As a single Mum (who works full time) I never seem to have any $$$ at the end of the month left over for me. My wardrobe is very sadly lacking and having something like this would be so wonderful. It would not only help me but the three of us!
Anyway, thanks again Corrie – love reading your blog!
Boy do I need a new wardrobe! I look frumpy in my current clothes.
I had my baby boy in January and had cut out sugar dugar my pregnancy and now my pre pregnancy clothes fall off me! I’ve been holding up my pants with belts (picture gathered waistbands on fitted pants) which makes for a very unflattering look.
Every time I go to look for something I end up finding things for Josh and not me!
Fabulous prize – thank you for the chance of winning. My wardrobe needs serious updating – no new clothes for me in a long time!
What a super giveaway!
If I was fortunate to win, I would take my Mum on a shopping spree… She has been unwell for over 12 months with Thyriod problems and this week was told she now has Thyriod cancer, that has spread. $1000 at Westfield would be a great way to celebrate when she kicks cancer’s butt! Positive thinking!!!
Wow what an amazing prize! I really want to win because I have just gone through my wardrobe and for summer I have exactly 1-yes ONE pair of 3/4 pants for summer and to top that off they have a broken zip! I also only have one nice top! I have lost weight too so everything is too big, and I am a plus size so can not afford to have even bigger clothes on me than I actually need!
Oh yeah! I NEED to win because I have been a busy mum of three whilst studying at Uni for the last 4 and a half years! I have finished my bachelor degree last week, and I am set to be a new woman! A registered nurse at that! I haven’t had the time, energy or money to dress myself lovely, and ooooohhhh I would LOVE to do that gift card proud!
I really need a mummy makeover as I have no idea how to dress. I go shopping to find something, walk into a shop, freak out & then come home with nothing. I went looking for some shoes on the weekend & could not get over how high the heals are now. What has happened to fashion over the 9.5 years I have been a mum! HELP!
Retro Mummy – How wonderful you and Westfield are for offering this voucher to one of your readers. My current shopping day goes like this….the day starts – Wake at 5am, get 4 kids organised, leave home at 8.30am travel 200km to my closest shopping centre – go straight to Big W to buy boys & girls nappies, formula, wipes, – then go and buy the list of needed clothing for the bambinos, pick up Tractor parts, drop off wool samples, buy copious amounts of food all in bulk….8 boxes of cereal (u get the picture). Drive home into the sun for 2 hours along a dead straight road and realise that I didn’t buy one single thing for me. SO the thought of staying with my best mate in Sydney AND having a shopping spree at Westfield would be totally unreal. I would be forever grateful
I would like to win this for my daughter, she has having baby number three in 4 weeks time and is a wonderful mother.
Last year when baby number two was two weeks old her husband went to Timor for 8 1/2 month and this time ones baby number three is about 2 1/2 month her husband is of to Afghanistan for 5 month.
So she is complete devoted to their children and it would be just wonderful to give her this as a surprise.
Thank you for the chance.
I have no sense of style, my body shape is weird, and if I had to dress up one more time my head is going to explode because my wardrobe is only for when I was still 10kg lighter. I hate myself sometimes.
I would love this fantastic chance of a makeover and to buy some new fashion clothes for summer, I have recently turned just over 50 and have managed to lose 7kgs and will be losing another 15 kgs. I would love a couple of lovely dresses for summer since all I’ve worn for the past couple of years is pants, pants, pants, uggg, so over them.
I’m still wearing a maternity bra but I stopped feeding my baby months ago. enough said!
I so need to go shopping and 1. buy a bra that actually fits me and 2. buy some clothes that are not pre baby #4 and fit my new womanly shape
Thanks for all the great style tips and the fantastic giveaway!!!
Corrie, if you have read my Blog recently, you will know that I am completely cleaning out my wardrobe, and not only doing a wardrobe makeover, but a bit of a life makeover. This prize would allow me to toss out a lot of my ‘old’ life and start fresh. I have calculated my body shape (I’m a column BTW) and booked a style session. I don’t want to waste any more money on stuff that doesn’t suit me and/or my life.
Starting new baby!!!!
K xx
Having just returned to work after maternity leave for baby number three I really need a new wardrobe to cope with my changed body shape. Fingers crossed.
What a great prize! I’d love to win, as I desperately need some decent clothes! I’m a recently separated mother of two little boys, so of course I spend all of my money on their upkeep. Anything I buy for myself is always either super cheap or secondhand. I’d love to buy a few nice pieces that flatter my figure and make me feel confident again!
Thanks for all the tips. I’m off to figure out what the heck body shape I am!
Corrie, I need to find my inner colour blocking goddess so I dont spend this spring /summer doing an awesome impression of the Michelin man!
I would love this opportunity for my daughters. One has a 5 month old bub and would love to have the chance of some new outfits. My other daughter works full time(as a pre school teacher) and is renovating a house with her hubby. She really needs a little something just for her. Me – I just want to see their faces, Priceless!! Sandra
Awesome giveaway corrie, have to enter, new clothes, shopping – so my favourite thing to do. I would love a new wardrobe as my daughter is wearing all my summer clothes because of this blogger butt I have developed! haha! N x
Great giveaway.
I am getting close to 40 and it would seem my mummy tummy has taken all my confidence. i don’t know if my style is making me look bigger than I am actually am in attempt to cover up said mummy tummy.
I would love a session with a stylist. I also can not for the life of me find my measuring tape to work out my body shape.
I’m back to my pre-baby weight! and I love some new dresses to suit my different-bumps-after-baby body!
There once was a lady called Julie,
Her clothes were dowdy. Her hair unruly.
With a thousand to spend,
On new styles and new trends,
She transformed into a princess. Truely!
Thanks Corrie for having such a great blog. I need a new wardrobe as I have lost 10kgs (still trying to lose more) but since I have dropped a couple of dress sizes I now have nothing to wear
I need a wardrobe boost to keep my weightloss efforts going!
After reading all the above comments, I almost didn’t enter, there seem to be so many deserving people, and sadly, just one Westfield card! Like everyone, there are many uses I could put this to, treating myself, my wonderful pertness, and my sister, who has helped me through a rough 4 years following separation and divorce. It Cretan toy wouldn’t be wasted!
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Dear Corrie,
My name is Belinda, I am a married 44 year old full time stay at home mum with four sons. It would be a real blessing to have this Westfield prize as life is now totally devoted to my family now and this does not leave very much after mortgage, bills, groceries, school fees. I totally love my family but it would be a massive change in my life to be a able to spend money on myself. Many thanks Retromummy and Westfield.
Thanks for the opportunity at winning a make over. After 5 years of being a solo mumma, I am dating again and finding that my wardrobe is bare. All my going out clothes were prebaby (10 years ago) and the only ‘good’ clothes I own I wear to work. My mother took pity on me and brought me some new bra and nickers recently. Help me Ronda!
I can’t remember the last time i had a guilt free spending spree that was purely for me!
What a fabulous prize!
The last few months I’ve been determined to chuck any clothes I don’t love, look worn or tired, or just don’t suit my body shape anymore (3 kids anyone?)- even if I can’t afford to replace them.
Unfortunately it’s left my wardrobe very very thin indeed and I’m even missing some of the basics. It would be so fantastic to actually afford to put a whole outfit or two or three together all at once so I can step out of my black track pants and into something a bit more snazzy.
I’ve got a major fashion rut happening and always make the same fashion choices because it’s quick and easy.
It’s so bad I feel like mutton dressed like mutton!!
Please retromummy and Westfield, help this mutton to be at least dressed as lamb. Baaaa!
I would love to win this!!!! I have lost 25kg and still counting and I have no clothes that fit me anymore and am slightly clueless about what I should be wearing now anyway! And considering I never put myself first and actually buy nice things for anyone but my kids it would be a real treat!
Wow $1000 to spend at Westfields – where to start!
I have a 12 day old son and have again realised that even though I may get back to pre-baby weight I’ll never be my pre-baby shape. Being back to a single income means that I’ll be trying to squeeze back into my old clothes and feeling a bit crap how they look. It would be lovely to be able to overhaul my wardrobe!
Fab prize! Why do I want to win? I got a wedding invitation in the mail today and I have nothing to wear! The last time I went to a wedding I was pregnant and last year I was pregnant for all the Christmas parties too. I’d love to buy a gorgeous cocktail dress to wear so that I can feel fabulous even though I am a mum of 5! And heels of course, every good outfit need heels! Xx
ok…well after 4 babies…im now pre baby weight after joining the gym just 8 weeks ago. Im feeling toned, feeling tight…feeling good. Ahhh but my wardrobe doesnt look as good as me. Im not wearing clothes that suit my new body type. And….after seeing Donny today in Pitt Street mall, its made me realised that i just got my whole dress sense wrong…and i need some cash to change it. It would be nice to show off my change. Dragging 2…sometimes 4 children (in school hols) to the gym isnt much fun…the results are though…let me show off…puuuuulease….
in all honesty I’m fat I’m frumpy, just over 40, mum of 3, work full-time and I’ve given up trying – I dont like shopping cause clothes dont fit and I dont know what suits and what doesnt – winning something like this would actually make me do something about it and then maybe I would care some more…
I need to win the giftcard so I can buy some new clothes in some new summer colours. I always tend to buy dark colours that hide me from standing out too much. A bit of a habit from my fat days I think. Plus I loove to shop, so that would be a bonus!
Oh! So exciting! Guilt free shopping! I need to win to overhaul my dismal wardrobe and buy something spectacular to dazzle my husband with !
Black is not back but it is what my wardrobe is full of. A Westfield gift card would be the answer to the season’s call for colour blocking and a bright shiney Summer!
Bring on Beautiful things to wear for Christmas parties!!! Yes please!!
This prize would give me an excuse to update my wardrobe which is desperately needed but something I don’t have time for. With the voucher in my hands I would MAKE time to get myself on trend this season!
Alright, you twisted my arm, I’ll enter this giveaway!
I really need a new wardrobe because the last time I did any shopping for myself was so long ago I can’t even remember when it was!
I am a stay at home mummy with very little extra money to spend on clothes. None of my bras fit. Do you know what this means? I HAVE FOUR BOOBS! {.}{.} FOUR! So if I won $1000 to spend at Westfield I would get the four-boob-thing sorted with some new bras that actually fit. And then maybe some clothes to go over the top. A nice pair of shoes. Maybe if there is anything left, I might get a new lippy.
I am in the middle of an extensive job search as I’ve moved states to be with the man I love.
Thanks for all the tips and the chance to win this great giveaway!`
Since having Max almost two years ago I have barely spent a cent on myself. I would so love the chance to buy some nice new clothes and shoes. Thank you for the AWESOME giveaway!!
Well, because at Christmas time I am going to be at that stage of pregnancy (no. 2) where your normal clothes don’t fit – who am I kidding, I am already having trouble buttoning my top button – but your maternity clothes are all too big.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Hi Corrie,
Thanks for such an awesome prize. I would love to win as I need a new wardrobe. I happily buy new clothes for the kids and hubby but rarely allow the luxury for myself. On the weekend, my twins were christened and I went and bought myself a new dress. Couldn’t tell you how good I felt. Everyone commented it was nice to see me dressing up and doing something for ME! It would be AWESOME if I could go shopping and know it was all for ME!
I’m in dire need of a new wardrobe – one that is teacher hip! I work with Year 1&2 kids, and I’m becoming stuck in a rut with my ‘black pants & safe t-shirt’ routine. Help!
I am stuck in a rut of black, black and more black with a side of t-shirts and jeans. To top it off I am wracked by guilt about spending money on myself when the kids seem to need new clothes every other month! Gosh it would be nice to have someone colour in the empty space.
I’m 2 weeks in to Michelle Bridges 12wbt program and 5kgs are gone forever… by Christmas the loss will be at least 15kg… with another 5kg to go. After being overweight for 20 years the new me is fast emerging and a with it will be the requirement for a gorgeous new wardrobe! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for being the lucky one! Thanks Corrie x
My son has just broken my laptop. I seriously have nothing nice of mine any more, I am too busy paying bills. Breathe. If I won this prize I may just spend it on myself. And my word verification is ‘uncle’.
I sooo need this. I spend all my money on craft and hobbies but never money on clothing. And the result is a pretty daggy wardrobe. Save me!! I mean…pick me ;o)
What a spectacular prize! I’m a new reader, and I need to win because I have NO summer clothes! My work has eaten my last two summers, and I’m in serious need of an update. I’m hopeful that this year I’ll get to enjoy my summer!
To be able to go and buy myself a dress, new pair of shoes and a bag at the same time would be a dream come true. Maybe then I could have a wardrobe of clothes, shoes and bags that actually matched. Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize.
AMAZING prize! I would love to win because I’m a 30 year old woman who has forgotten how to dress, lol. I’m stuck in the middle somewhere – dressing too young or dressing too old, so confusing! I’m proud to have lost some weight after having the babies, but am stuck wearing black pants, baggy tops and thongs. Ugh. HELP. My twitter handle is traceyh
ah! who doesn’t love an excuse to go shopping. Gee’s $1000…that’s amazing! Well, like you, i just LOVE to shop, but mummying and life can get in the way. Remind me again, about the joys of shopping Corrie ! xx
Oh isn’t Julie gorgeous!
OK, so after going to see Gok tonight, I have used the Body Shape calculator on the website. FINALLY I know for sure which body shape I am….. PEAR. I had thought for the last few years that due to my thick waist (post baby) I might have been an apple, but was never quite sure.
So, now I need to start shopping for my body type… and not randomly picking items that look good on the hanger, but have no hope of looking good on me.
P.S. considering most of my ‘new’ items in my wardrobe are things I have made for myself, they are probably even more ill-fitting than anything I could have gotten off the rack. I am just sad, lol
Gracious – why do I need a makeover? If you saw me, you’d know. I’d love to KNOW myself again: with 2 delicious children, and busily breastfeeding, I feel like I just don’t know my body anymore. I used to feel like I could just pick up bits and pieces and be confident I’d look put together. But now? I have no clues and it gets me down sometimes
Thank you – what an amazing prize!!! Why do I need a stylist, a makeover and some funds to pay for it? Because we’ve just moved to Australia, and it’s our 5th international move in 5 years – and with 5 year old twins and all the attendant resettling and getting used to knowing nobody at all in the area (again!) and all that comes with moving, I’m a bit pooped…and I’m afraid I probably look it! And our financial position is a bit tight and awkward at the moment – selling our house in this market in NZ, currency exchange and the crazy costs of moving has all but wiped us out, so we are on a very tight budget for the foreseeable future, and certainly any dlothing etc that is going to be purchased will be things we need for our growing munchkins, and getting ready for school next year etc etc. All that and I am plus size, and self-conscious of it, and I like (and try!) to look nice and put together but I really have no idea how to do it properly – I would love to be able learn what works for my body, and start to put together a wardrobe that works for me. I think that will help me feel a little more confident and a little less shy about accosting other mummies in the playground to start meeting people!
(my email is tropicalsoupATgmailDOTcom) Thanks!
Westfield, I need your help, that is true,
Everything I own is worse than ‘ewww’
So old and past its best,
To win a Westfield giftcard, I would be truely blessed.
Frocks and shoes, I need them all,
I‘d shop all day. The Westfield stylists I would call,
Edgy and stylish, thats what I would be,
Lipstick and a harcut would complete the new me,
Down on one knee, pretty pretty please, Westfield pick ME!!!
I feel like the biggest UNfashionista since becoming a mama nearly two years ago. I have NO IDEA what suits me, I look like a frump in baggy clothes and I desperately want to feel confident in what I wear instead of throwing on whatever’s clean because it all seems too hard! Please please please pick me!!
xx Fi
I’ve just stopped work as a primary school teacher for child number four. He’s now 5 months old and life is getting back into routine BUT with number four arriving and the first three in all sorts of after-school activities I’ve found that I’m the last on the list for clothes. I feel like any style I had has gone out the window and the few clothes that I have in my wardrobe even when I do mix and match make me feel daggy and not stylish at all. I’d like to feel sexy and stylish so that when I have had no sleep for the 6th or 7th month in a row I can at least look good from the neck down. It doesn’t do much for ones self image when you’re wearing clothes that were in a decade ago. So I’d LOVE $1000 to spend on me for a new wardrobe and a little on them too for putting up with such a daggy mum!!
I’m mum to 4 wonderful children however i have no sense of style anymore. Seems when i left the world of independant fun loving teenager to enter the world of mum i left a part of me behind. If its not jeans and a top i probably don’t own it, as for accessories, i own 2 belts, one to hold up said jeans and one because it came with the tunic.
I have no idea honestly i’m sure i make myself look bigger than the 16-18 size i dress/wear the wrong things.
HELP me relearn how to dress for me and make myself a woman, a wife and a mum that the family would be proud to leave the house with
I would love a spending spree as my baby boy is now one week old and I’ve found that I am going to need many more nursing tops to cope with the milk overflow that my gorgeous boy returns to my sleeve!!! loving every minute of new mummyhood!
The past 12 months of my life have been the most stressful… new house, my wedding, renovations and new role. I was so stressed that I put on 10kg and now I am struggling to fit into my clothes!
I joined the gym a fortnight ago around my new life as a wife, a cook, a breadwinner, etc and now I want to just treat myself and feel good about all of the hard work I have put in. Thanks for reading!
Oh Julie you gorgeous thang!! Stop hiding that body behind your blog haha!!
What an awesome giveaway!!
I’m desperate for some help in the wardrobe department. I’m looking at going back to work shortly and would love a new wardrobe to give me the confidence I need to tackle the corporate world again. It has been almost 6 years :O
What a generous giveaway! As with most of us, I have a couple of kids and a mortgage, so shopping for myself doesn’t happen very often at all….we have recently moved to QLD and the climate and my wardrobe don’t really get on …! Thank you for the chance – even to dream of guilt free shopping …
I’d really love to do some shopping,
A Gift Card would really see me hopping.
A new pretty dress would make me smile,
To win this I need to go the extra mile!
I need to buy some new clothes,
But I don’t want to pay through the nose.
Westfield is my one stop shop,
The shops they have are enough to make me bop!
One thousand dollars would make me so happy,
I’d buy lots of things that aren’t at all crappy!
I look at my clothes and throw them in a pile,
Oh my, I really need to find some style!
Westfield could help me with that I’m sure,
Without them it would just feel like a chore.
To win this prize would mean so much,
Oh thankyou Westfield, thanks a bunch!!
Well this is a little embarrassing, but we have a moth problem in our house. Consequently, most of my clothes have holes in them. I would dearly love to buy some hole-free (and fashionable) new cloths
Nothing really clever or witty to say but I would dearly love some new clothes, as in, not having been worn by someone else. I always make sure my kids have some ‘brand new’ gear (although they have a lot of op shop bargains too) but my wardrobe is 90% preloved :-). I have a dress hanging in my wardrobe that I bought brand new (at a Westfield) 14 years ago that was my last splurge purchase. A chance to update would be a dream!!!!!!
Thanks for the chance Corrie
I so need a new wardrobe. Over 10 rounds of IVF and having 2 kids as a result I put on an incredible amount of weight. But, in the past 6 months I have worked hard and shed 18kg … and I have no clothes that fit me!! It’s time for a new wardrobe.
I desperately need a new wardrobe, I have recently given away everything that didn’t fit and have binned all the things that were splattered with kid’s paint and now I have hardly anything left to wear!
I have spent it already! I could do with a new handbag – one that is not filled with sultanas and a peculiar odour. A dress or two for the festive season, some shoes and I desperately need some accessories that do not look like I am from 1990! In fact if they would like to add another “0” I will not be offended!
A new wardrobe – excellent! To help celebrate weaning my last baby!
I havent bought any new clothes for myself since before I had Leila late last year. I hardly fit into anything, but am also struggling to find the spare $ to go out and buy anything for me.
I cannot write poems,
but you don’t want my prose,
I’m closing in on Forty –
I’m no Summer Rose.
Twelve years a Mummy –
(It’s starting to show)
Six babies later…
As Corrie will know
It’s not easy sailing
And sometimes not fair –
But I’m heading for the Workforce
Hi There – I’m loving this prize as I think all us Mummies are – it’s a chance to put us first and I yee hah that.
I’d love to win as I’d love the chance to find my inner Yummy Mummy and spend a $1000 on me me me, and on clothes that fit me and suit my body shape now, as I’d book Donny and really spend the $1000 well so I’d have a neat, fashionable, well tailored, hide the bits I don’t like and flaunt the bits I do like wardrobe for Summer with clothes that fit together and mix and match like Gok advises and I’d become that yummy mummy that is bursting to get free again.
Thanks for the giveaway Retromummy
I could really do with this makeover myself but would like to win it on behalf of my sister who is 35, 5’1″ and is constantly struggling with her body shape. She wants to feel comfortable with her shape but doesn’t because she doesn’t know how to dress it and has struggled with it since her teenage years. She feels like she is in my spotlight and I think she is beautiful and would really love her to shine and see herself as I see her. Thanks
whoever won this wonderful giveaway, congratulations…