six months

Yesterday marked six months since my own beautiful mummy left us. I thought I’d be too upset to write about it. I just don’t think you ever recover from the loss of a close loved one. It’s always there. The pain. The cruelty of  being taken too soon. It feels so sudden eventhough you knew that was the way it was going to happen. And the questions from the little ones about why she doesn’t come over anymore are always the hardest.

This photo is just so bittersweet. It was taken the day elodie was born. My sweet mum got to meet Elodie but she also started another round of chemo the very day elodie was born and in the same hospital. She knew she wouldn’t see Elodie or any of her grandchildren grow up. But I remind myself that at least she got to meet Elodie and I took her in to the hospital every day for the last few days of her life. Just sitting in the room together. Sometimes it gets easier but sometimes it just feels worse as it really starts to sink in.


  1. So lucky that your Mum got to hold and meet Elodie – that will always be extra special

  2. I don’t think I’ll ever truly understand why some things happen. Just one HUGE hug to you Corrie xoxo

  3. :,( thinking of you Corrie *hugs*

  4. Glad you had those last days with your Mum. It’s coming up 3 years for me. I haven’ been able to write about it. The 4 or 5 words I wrote were just so hard. It’s like standing on the edge of an avalanche, if I dare to peek over it may all come crashing down. I remember reading of the journey of your Mums illness. It’s where I first started following. I love reading your posts thanks for sharing. Happy days. Chrisb

  5. I have goosebumps looking at that photo. Thinking of you xxx

  6. It’s five years in 18 days time just before I turned 50, I lost my mum and yes it dose get easier most of the time bit other days it slams in your face. Like at the moment her next great grandchild if not born over the weekend will be induced on Tuesday.
    Hope it goes well for you and treasure those memories and know she is in a better place

  7. {{{hugs}}} gorgeous girl. I can’t believe it’s 6 months already. Ben kind to yourself today xoxo

  8. A truely treasured photo … time does help … it is almost 25 years since I lost my Dad and days like today are hard … his birthday …
    My thoughts are with you all, P

  9. Sending love xxx

  10. Comfort yourself with the beautiful memories you have.

  11. Corrie,
    I cried when I saw your post. I read your posts every day and look forward to them. This one hit home – twenty years ago I lost my mother on Dec 24th. I was 32 with only one of my three daughters born by then. She loved being a grandmother and had a picture of my daughter in her hospital room. At the same time I met a lady who was 80 and just lost her mother at age 100 – she was as sad as I was. It made me realize that no one is ready for such a great loss. Time does help – but the first two years are the hardest especially as each anniversary arrives. Don’t fight the sadness – it is part of the healing. The first while you are numb – but then you start to feel the pain. Take care of yourself.
    Nancy (Canada)

  12. What a beautiful picture, your Mum looks proud as punch

  13. It’s been 13 years for me. My little one is 2.5years old. He never met my mum but looks at her photo and talks about her all the time. It doesn’t get easier. You’re right, sometimes harder when the reality of it all sinks in. x

  14. oh gosh now you are getting me teary…

    I am so grateful for my mothers good health. My father passed away when I was 17 so my mothers life is beyond precious to me…

  15. Oh Corrie I’m giving you BIG HUG and praying it’ll become much easier some day. T
    That’s the way all of us will loose someone loved… Your story and others people prepares us for that terrible moment…

  16. May your memories keep your heart happy.

  17. hugs to you

  18. I cant believe that it has already been 6 months since she passed away. Hopefully the memories will stay forever and help ease the pain. How is your dad doing?

  19. Hugs to you Corrie. What a precious photo of your mum holding Elodie. Jacinta x

  20. Thinking of you, Corrie dear. x

  21. Oh Corrie, I’m not sure what to say that could ever make you feel better. I will say that looking at your gorgeous photo, you can really see the love and adoration your mother has for that precious little bubba. So glad she got to meet her.

    Hugs to you xxx

  22. hope today is filled with only happy memories…x

  23. I just read ‘Heaven’ a little boys visit and WOW one day we can meet our loved ones again…for now she’s watching over you… I so feel for you Corrie..keep strong…your an amazing mum…you had a great mum to show you how!…she would be so proud…Crying some tears for you today… God Bless
    Hugs Dawn x x

  24. Gee. Is it 6 months since I was crying for you? Every day must be like razor blades for you…. until you look in those darling eyes of your children and “see” snippets of your dear Mother coming through. Your girls will astound you as they get older and you see flashes of your Mother in them. Hugs.

  25. Hugs – thinking of you – the pain doesn’t go away. Take care of yourself. The kids will understnad one day.

  26. BLESS YOU! both my parents have recently been diagnosed with cancer and its so hard,thinking of you..x

  27. It’s very hard..I have lost my mum 3 weeks ago..And I also very glad that she was able to see the smile of my daughter.
    Sorry for my English.

  28. You have been so strong through these last 6 months. Sending lots of love your way..xx

  29. Still thinking of you often… that photo will mean so much to Elodie as she gets older. Her grandmother looking at her with so much love. Love from me!

  30. Oh, Darling Girl. What a precious, precious photo. What a blessing to have it. Off to email you now. J x

  31. OMG ! I’m so sad and crying reading your words. I just send you un énorme bisou, the biggest kiss possible ♥

  32. I am crying now as I read your message. My mum lost her mum to Cancer a few short weeks after my brother baby brother was born. We lived far away and mum brought us to see grandma before she passed so she could meet her new grandson. Tonight I had dinner with my mum and she played with my daughter and we ate and talked and everyday I pray I do not loose her any time soon. My husbands mother died when he was 14 and I know how fragile life is. Just makes me so grateful for my mum and so sorry for all the people who have lost theirs – It is always too soon.

  33. Hey Beautiful. I know this comment is very late, but I wanted to comment anyway. My heart goes out to you, especially at this time of year. It is so hard when it comes to times of celebration when a loved one is no longer there. I have lost 2 very significant people in my life and it is always hard. But I will say id does get easier. The pain does lessen over time. Big hugs to you!!

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