Denyse Schmidt Winding Roads

Well I can sleep tonight. I have almost the entire collection of Denyse Schmidt’s latest collection for Spotlight at my house. It was a nice excuse to head across town to Birkenhead Point to pick up the fabric and do a spot of shopping as well. Retro daddy who nevers buy anything for himself even came home with new shoes so it really was a good day for everyone.  Win Win.
Denyse Schmidt Winding Roads
Until we got to the carpark and a very stupid lady decided to reverse at high speed out of a carspot without looking and without warning heading straight to retro daddy and my darling finn. Retro daddy screamed, I screamed, she kept going and then stopped as she passed me to roll down her window and calmly tell me ‘sorry, the parking sensors didn’t detect you! 
I was speechless and gave her the filthiest look I could muster while still in a state of shock that her car was about to hit my family. I couldn’t even move I was just so shocked. She then decided to apologise to grandma betty next to me who wasn’t having any of it either! My goodness me – I have parking sensors which I use so I don’t hit a kerb when I reverse in. I don’t use them to detect pedestrians walking in a carpark so I don’t have to look, go slow or use my commonsense.  We actually split up the kids with us so we can walk carefully in carparks and near roads so it’s definitely left us a bit shocked and grateful no one was hurt. I think I’ll stick to my local Spotlight from now on………


  1. That’s nasty but so glad it’s not worse. Birkenhead Point parking has always been bad right from the early days. Parking sensors didn’t work? Ridiculous. No sense of personal responsibility more like it. Or the need to take care either.

  2. people rely on technology too much. bet she didnt even look.

  3. what a horrible experience! gosh it takes the gloss off a lovely family outing and fabric find!! just wondering when the help ticket giveaway ends? (no pressure, just enquiring!) hope you all have a much more eventful afternoon.

  4. Whereabouts in Birkenhead Point did you get the fabric? My sister lives in Five Dock and I am thinking she could get me some. Thanks!
    And sorry about the parking sensor incident…I reversed into our house because the angle I reversed at the sensors didn’t work so I know not to rely on them any more 😉

  5. Outrageous – and it’s not as if your child was walking on his own and not easily seen out of the back of the car he was with your hubby! Shame on that lady! Shame – she should be reported cos if she doesn’t change her habits she could hurt someone!

  6. Oh that Birkenhead car park is a death trap, i used to go on weekdays straight after breakfast/ school drop off/ with the children. The underground one had so many blind spots & the outdoorish multi level was filled with zooming cars, i loathed them both.
    Pathetic excuse, what a moron!!
    On a brighter note, how gorgeous is the new range from Denyse, worth a trip to Queanbeyan for me. Love Posie

  7. oooh so glad your boys are ok… stupid of the driver not to look properly, especially in a busy car park, some people just think of themselves.

    mmmm aren’t you suppose to be destashing not restashing hahahaha – love that fabric and cannot wait to see what amazingness u make.

  8. Love the beautiful fabrics! I am imagining they would look gorgeous as little girls dresses. What are you planning on doing with them?

  9. Oh my goodness! I was right next to you in Spotlight today!! I was wondering around like a headless chook! I was so tempted to ask you “what are you planning on sewing with all that gorgeous fabric?” I’m sorry now I didn’t recognise you. Your daughter is gorgeous!

    I’m so glad you survived the car park incident to tell us about your fabric purchase.

  10. So glad that story had a happy ending!

  11. Corrie, thank you for sharing this. It is a good reminder to us all to be extra vigilant in car parks. Especially with young kids. Glad to hear you are all safe :)

  12. I couldn’t help myself at Spotlight the other day and bought some lovely DS fabric. There seems to be quite a lot of her fabric at the Spotlight I frequent. As for that woman, I hope she will use her eyes from now on! I’m sorry to hear you all got such a big scare. Jacinta

  13. Oh my goodness Corrie, that is just the scariest story, I am so glad it ended up with no one being injured or worse. Because that is exactly what can happen in these careless incidents. What a ridiculous excuse for poor driving/parking skills. Since when did car sensors become a reason to stop someone from looking behind them or in their mirrors or even driving slowly!?
    I must say I have seen some appalling examples of driving in car parks of late. People speeding in them gets me the most. I always tell Mr3 to hang onto me even if my hands are full… it’s a jungle and no one seems to look out for anyone else anymore xo

  14. Glad you are all ok, some people just think car parks are racing tracks.

    My friend lost her little boy by a speeding driver, he was 4 1/2.

  15. Some drivers just have no common sense. Glad that everyone is ok. An elderly lady actually drove into my open car door while I was loading the kids into the car this week. So lucky no one was injured. do you think she could have gone around us or stopped for a second? I was doing up my second seatbelt on that side so it was not like I had just flung the door open in her path. Not happy that I am considered to be at fault according to insurers either.

  16. that is such lazy driving! So pleased noone was hurt!!

    I know that the reviews have been mixed about this latest collection but I actually really like it. Probably even better than picnics and fairgrounds. Can’t wait to take a look at my spotlight this week! :)

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