You can purchase the baby sized pattern here, the kids size here and the ladies is available here. The free doll pattern is available here.
Why finish the 3 other projects in your knitting basket when you can start a new project! The story of my knitting life. I couldn’t resist trying out the millamia yarn that I bought from Suzy Hausfrau – thanks Suzy for my voucher. I think I’ll be back for more millamia. It has a real spring to it and knits up perfectly. No splitting and it reminds me so much of Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino. I know I bang on about how good Bendigo is but it’s also nice to use something a little more luxurious for baby projects.
I’m knitting the Kina on 3.5mm’s and it’s knitting up beautifully. I’m very proud of my neat edge and cast on with a 3mm. I’m actually making this for Elodie rather than the baby Kina – why? Because I couldn’t find my baby kina pattern but I’m going to tell you that I wanted to make the larger size because then it doesn’t sound like my craft room is totally disorganised and I can’t find anything. Thankfully Elodie is growing fast so it’s a good excuse.
And that reminds me! I don’t think I ever showed you the finished Baby Kina which is super cute! I knit this in Bendigo Luxury 4ply and it’s so soft and sweet. Unfortunately I didn’t have it ready for Elodie….and it’s still not finished or had it’s buttons sewn on yet. But thankfully it’s always nice to have a few baby projects stashed away to give as presents.
And just a little tip, I know it can be sometimes daunting substituting wool when you’re a beginner knitter so I thought I’d share what I do on ravelry. So you’re going to need to join Ravelry if you’re not already on there. There are tabs along the top of the page for patterns, yarn, forums etc. So if I know the pattern I’m after – let’s say Kina then I search Kina within patterns and then click on the specific pattern. Now you have a pattern page and over on the right there is a box that says ‘About this pattern’ and it will have the number of projects that have been knitted for the pattern. Click on the number and it will bring up pages and pages of Kina projects and what yarn and needle size has been used. To narrow it down you can search for yarns you like to use like Bendigo, patons etc by using the search button at the top of the screen. I hope that makes sense and just ask! It’s a great time saver and way to find inspiration! If you ever have a question about my knitting or a project just ask…always happy to help!
Ooooh, Corrie the red yarn looks really yummy and squishy. If you bought your baby Kina pattern through Ravelry, it will be in your library and you can just download another copy. I know through experience
ah knitting for some reason I just can’t get my head around it sometimes. I love crocheting but have decided to teach myself to knit properly. I too am terrible at finishing a project before I start another. I have crochet headbands on the go, owl softies and you just reminded me that I have crocheted a cardy for my little man and the pieces need to be put together. Better hurry up as it’s spring lol
I took up knitting earlier this year, now I’m addicted and spend way too much time on ravelry..
I just finished a baby kina too.. (ravelry link: )
Thanks for the knitterly inspiration!
Corrie, I just wanted to say thank you for popping over to my blog and sharing your experience. I am so, sorry for your loss also. I hope you have more good days than not so good days.
I love your blog, you are so clever. My Mum was an awesome knitter and crocheter, she never did get around to showing me how to crochet.
Sending you huge hugs.
Oh dear, now i must go and cast on a kina. It is simply too cute for words. Thanks for the crafting inspiration Corrie!
Oh Corrie, I love that you always have projects on the hop! I can just imagine your beautiful sewing room brimming with home made loveliness :o)
This really is the sweetest little jacket. You’ve chosen beautiful colours for both projects here too! Lucky recipients who receive these as pressies xo
If you bought your Kina pattern from Ravelry, it will always be on there in your library, so you can print it out again. I have already found this to be helpful myself.
I love the red colour – so nice that you aren’t stuck on typical baby colours. Don’t worry about your craft room. You will have time to reorganize once your kitchen is finished. Remember that chaos is a natural state found in the environment. That’s why it develops so quickly!!
Gorgeous red! I would love to knit but I weirdly sensitive hands and they itch, even if I use cotton, so all knitting gets passed onto grandma!
Looks like such a lovely yarn – I am a new knitter and just joined Ravelry! its wonderful! thanks (love that little apples material as the background also!)
Knew I had to comment as soon as I read your first sentence Hear, hear
Better go back and read the rest now
I’ve only just dusted down the sewing machine after a ridiculously long hiatus – and now you have me all knitty inspired again!
My mom just finished knitting her first scarf and she is super proud. She’s turned into a knitting addict.