Quilts for Queensland day this Sunday!

Just a friendly reminder that this Sunday is our Quilts for Queensland day! That’s this sunday, 21st August from 9am to 5pm at North Balgowlah Community Centre. I’ve booked the room and will have coffee, tea and lots of sweeties to keep us going. I’d love it if you bought a plate of something nice to share. You’ll also need your machine and sewing supplies as we’ll be making quilt tops, joining those quilt tops to polar fleece/flannelette/suitable backings, quilting small quilts, binding and getting as many quilts made as we can.
quilts for qld mosaic 1
I have 5 boxes, yes that’s right, 5 boxes of quilt tops and blocks to work on! I have about 10 helpers so far but desperately we need more hands. Even if you can only spare a few hours we’d love to have you with us.
There is plenty of parking and if you have any questions just ask in the comments and I’ll get back to you here! We’d love to see you and hope you can help us finish off this project and get these blocks turned into quilts.
Thank you and spread the word!


  1. I’m coming have a couple metres of white on white could be used as backing, will bring brownies

  2. Would a non-sewer be of any use, Corrie? I’d love to be of help if I can for an hour or so, but won’t come if I’ll only be in the way… x

  3. Can make it…not a sewer ..but if you’d like the happening photographed I am your girl…then I can pop over to DY to see Dad. Know the area well remember…

  4. There are 3 of us coming Corrie, with a some backing fabrics too.

  5. Unfortunately I can’t come and sew (which I would love to do), but I have quite a few big pieces of fleece that might come in handy for backings. I will bring them over to you on Sunday, and will try and get there as early as possible so they are there for you to use ASAP.

  6. I’ll be there in the afternoon – I have a big party the night before plus have to do a 22km training run in the morning, but count me in for some piecing/sandwiching/quilting or whatever once that’s all out of the way!
    I’ll see what I can dig up in the way of backing / binding fabric too.

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