Over the weekend I had to go through my photos for a magazine story I’m participating in. It was fun, embarrassing and a trip back in time to go right back to school photos of myself. I also wish everything was digital so I could do it from the comfort of the couch. But my favourite photos just have to be when I’m sporting a huge belly. I love a rock hard pregnant belly! I could skip the jelly belly I get in the early months but the big full on belly – I just love.
This is the day I went to hospital to have keira – I have no idea what is in that plastic bag that I’m holding. I love this photo because I had absolutely no idea of the journey ahead of me or the family we’d grow to have! Love it. I was so clueless.
And isn’t it funny how when you are pregnant you think you are the biggest pregnant lady ever (ok, well I do) and then you look at the photos and realise that you weren’t that big. Well…..actually……I was only 5 months pregnant with twins in this shot. I was matron of honour at my sister’s wedding and thankfully had seen these dresses on the Martha show and ordered them from the states. Pretty handy since bridesmaid dresses for lady pregnant with twins in Australia aren’t easy to come by.
And whoa! This is the day before the twins were born. Sorry bad quality photo but you have to just see that belly. It measured almost as tall as I was!
And here is pregnant with elodie
And in labour with Elodie – that short little but oh so painful spell of labour that I did!
And of course those of you who know me or have read this blog long enough will also know that I look at these photos longing for just one more pregnancy. Retro daddy is still standing by his no but the heart wants one more. Just one more. So do you love a pregnant belly as much as I do?????
Being 38 weeks pregnant and wanting my baby out of me, I don’t feel like I love my big belly right now because it’s making me so uncomfortable, but both times I have been pregnant I have really looked forward to growing a belly and ‘looking’ pregnant. I can’t believe you look that calm and well dressed in the first photo!
Oh, I love your pregnant belly photos and dreamed of taking big belly shots like that. But all mine were born premature ( 27, 29, 30 weeks) so only got little pregnant belly photos.
I’ve got a 5 month baby belly at the moment and it feels huge! Though it is baby number 5…I’m scared to see how big it ends up. I posted my favourite bump pic last week – http://whoa-mumma.blogspot.com/2011/08/immortalising-your-baby-bump.html
I think you looked stunning at the wedding!
I have to admit I never really enjoy being pregnant – I am too anxious, and always just want it to be over so I know my little one is here safe and sound. And I get sick of maternity wear. But I do like looking back of photos with a bump, and it’s fun to show the children when they are bigger – “That was you, in my tummy!”
The second time I remembered to take more pictures, because the first time I hardly had any.
Yes I LOVE pregnant bellies! I’d love ‘just one more’ as well. *sigh* I dream about it! I hope your ‘just one more’ comes sooner rather than later ♥
I hated being pregnant…but loved having my babies. I would have that number five, or you are going to crave it forever, I do! I have to wait for grand-babies now, what’s one more?? lol.
I love every single thing about being pregnant and keep begging my husband for ‘just one more baby’… so far he says four is enough but I feel as you do, the heart wants one more.
I can’t say I love being pregnant, although, I do love the end result!
I am begging my husband for just one more. We have three and I truly feel there is someone missing in our family. He has been adamant that we are done, no more … until last week when I told him it was no longer up for discussion, we are having another baby and will be ttc from December… He just shrugged and said ok. Who knows if he was serious, I haven’t been game to ask.
Your photos are so sweet. I loved being pregnant. It is the only time I truly felt worth while! My babies are 34 and 36 and have babies of their own. I wanted 6 but at the age of 27 I had a pregnancy in the tubes and lost the baby and the tubes. I was so upset but I knew that was God’s plan for me.
Ohh, I ADORE baby bumps! Hanging out for the day when I can admire my own bump. Beautiful photos xxx
yes…BEST feeling ever!
I know that feeling of longing for just one more. I only have 2 but desperately want a third. Hubby says no but that longing is growing by the day!
Yes I loved my pregnant belly + the 9 extra days I got to have it! Can’t wait to have another one!
yes Corrie i completely understand, having 5 cherubs here myself, i just cant shake the feeling that one more is waiting for us..but will i feel like this after i have 6 children?? probably….the feeling may not leave me with 10 children here.. :-)..p.s stick to your guns i longed for number 5 for two years before my sweet hubby caved. “You’ll never ever regret having one more baby but you may regret not having one more baby when its too late” that was my argument and im sticking to it..
I just never did pregnancy well, sick the whole time & so uncomfortable, much rather the new baby thing. I admire those who can look so great & enjoy it. Love Posie
I think your pregnant belly is beautiful. I would have done anything for just one more time to be pregnant but it was not to be. I got one live birth and one baby through adoption and they are wonderful. But I would love to have just one more baby. And my hubby is saying “no” as well. sigh.
C’mon retro daddy…. just 1 more ! I want to see what baby no 5 looks like ! Plus how stunning does your wife look preggers !!!Lol X Just gorgeous pictures !
Loooooove a belly!! I’m 39 wks now and measured 43cm at the OB today so it is a ‘BIG’ beautiful belly. Although it’s big and really hard to do things now I wouldn’t mind going over just so I can keep my belly longer.
I do! I loved mine and would do it again in a heartbeat but only if it didn’t come with all the pains and aches in the back, knees, feet… well, just pain in general. AND the swollen ankles! My legs looked like two big logs 😀
But the belly part ♥ ♥ ♥
I love pregnant belly. Honestly. I had it two times, but idea about “just one more” is not bad
will see
I love a pregnant belly too…I just wish mine came without the pain! I would love another but DH is not so keen here either.
Oh Corrie, you gorgeous thing! I love these photos, aren’t the pregnant pics magic!?
I LOVE a pregnant belly too! Though PREGNANCY itself I’m not so fond of. I was HUGE with both my boys, they were such big bubs. I totally know where you’re coming from yearning for another. I know I’ll regret it once I’m suffering the pregnancy, but the bump and the end result is SO worth it ;o) xo
Lovely pics
I think I will always be envious of preggy bellies, I loved being pregnant, and being huge, and feeling the kicks, even with my second who never stopped wriggling and often kept me awake all night. I am often surprised to hear people talk about how they didn’t enjoy their pregnancies, I was very lucky I guess.
Oh Corrie I LOVED being pregnant! I was a very lucky pregnant lady with no ill health, no swollen ankles and a belly that looked like it was stuck on! I just absolutely adored the feeling of being pregnant. I totally appreciate the term “baby glow”. I think that clueless anticipation of your first one just makes you beam! I love your big belly, all three of them! I must say the five months with the twins one shocked me a bit! I looked thinking oh Lord and you still had 4 months more growing to do! Good luck convincing Retro Daddy to do it all again – I’m on your side! Bellies and babies, there’s nothing more lovely!! : )
Awwww, you look so adorable in all the shots Corrie! I love your commentary on Keira’s photo — isn’t it so true that we didn’t know what grand adventure lie ahead with those first babies!
As long as it’s not mine!
What lovely photos Carrie. Thanks for sharing them. You looked great at the wedding, very glamorous. Tracee xx
very emotionals photos!!
You look so nice in all those preggie pictures! I loved being pregnant (well, after the first five months–all day sickness)…maybe you can talk your husband into just one more. Hehe.
You look gorgeous in all of those photos
I loved how I looked when I was pregnant too. It was one of the few times in the last 8 years that I haven’t disliked my body.
I too loved being pregnant and all that goes with it esp the belly!! I have 5 wonderful children one boy and 4 girls. I still feel another would have been my perfect family, but now my son has four lovely children and with my daughters yet to have any I hope I still have more to come!
There is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant belly! I too was ” I want one more” but no 3 had a disorder like her big brother so I wasn’t game to try. Felt like I wasn’t done and I wasn’t. God had other plans and no 4 is hale and hearty. After that I knew I was done. You may yet convince your other half about that one more. Good luck
do I ever love a preganant belly
going through all my photos yesterday I was surprised to see that I was biggest with #4 even though #2 was the whopper! i’m happy with my 4 but there is a deep down longing for another…hubby says no but you can see that longing on his face too! Tatum xx
Gorgeous belly shots. Dont give up asking…took 8 years between my 3rd and 4th, but I got the one I wanted!
Love it too! But don’t actually enjoy being pregnant very much, funny how that works isn’t it? xx
Wow – you look amazing in all your pics, you certainly wear pregnancy well! I’d love another one but I’m certain that after that I’d still love another one so I’m sticking with 3!
The belly with the twins in it is my fav! Thanks for sharing x
I really enjoyed being pregnant, had no problems and loved my belly. Both times.
But I am so glad that everything went well with the second and third pregnancy and that we have two healthy children now. I would not take the risk of another pregnancy just for the joy of another 30 weeks of baby belly. No. Never ever.
I love that you want another baby! Esp. w/ having a bigger family than the norm (I mean that with all due respect). It’s so refreshing to not hear someone view children as a “burden.” Sure, children are a ton of work, but I’ve never been happier since I had my son. I just have him and am trying to have a second, so yes, pregnant bellies seem wonderful to me. Loved your pictures! They brought back great memories of my own pregnancy for me when I felt like I had the biggest belly around! I used to say that I was “large and in charge!” I can’t wait to get another big belly soon.
I’m right there with you Corrie,I too LOVE a pregnant belly,especially a twin pregnant belly!!!!! What a beautiful mom-to-be you were,and I’m not just talking about your pregnant belly!!!