Quilts for Queensland day!

OK well hasn’t this post been long overdue! Righto! So a few weeks month ago I opened all parcels and sorted them. It was quite a job. We now have a grand total of 8 boxes. Woohoo. How can I say thank you! 3 boxes are of completed quilts and 5 are of blocks and quilt tops. Uh oh. That is one big job. And did I mention that quilts and blocks came from as far as Portugal, Spokane (thank you to a lovely group of quilters there who sent me a big box), Singapore, Europe, England, New Zealand and every state of Australia. Talk about coming from far and wide.  
quilts for qld
So shortly I will be sending completed quilts up to two lovely ladies in Queensland who have contacts to distribute the quilts in flood affected areas. The remaining 5 boxes will come with me to a quilting day I am going to run in Sydney on Sunday 21st August. The first priority of the day will be to assemble quilt tops. It will be all hands on deck and this is a job suitable for beginner sewers too so don’t be scared of coming because you don’t quilt. If you can sew a straight line then we need you. Did I mention it’s 5 boxes!
So we’ll devote the morning to laying out the blocks and making quilt tops. I have decided to make the kids quilts and a few of the bright and colourful quilts backed with polar fleece or flannelette backs and tie them so we can get as many finished as possible.That will be our afternoon job as well as quilting smaller quilts on machines using batting. If you have polar fleece, minky, flannelette, quilt batting, backing fabrics lying around please bring them with you. We need them.
quilts for qld mosaic 1
all images from our flickr group here
I have loads of extension cords and power boards so if you have a machine bring it. Don’t sew? We still need some people to sort the blocks to make quilt tops, pin together and tie with cotton thread. It’s going to be a fun day and think of how many lovely ladies you are going to meet! If you’re interested in the quilting day email me for full address and details. If you are in Sydney or nearby and can help with quilting but can’t make it drop me a line as I have quite a lot of quilt tops we won’t get through on the day.
When: 9am – 5pm Sunday 21st August
Where: North Balgowlah (plenty of free parking)
What to bring: plate of food to share, sewing machine, sewing supplies, suitable backing fabrics

If you’ve wondered what happened to Quilts for Queensland I hope this answered your questions but if you have a question just ask! It’s been one big job but I hope the end of our quilting day will see most of our work done. 


  1. I have a market on the 21st Corrie, but let me know if there is a follow up day

  2. Hi Corrie, I will be there. Probably can’t get there til 11.30/12 though. Please let me know the address etc and I will put it in my diary.

  3. I am still hanging onto my finished quilt (as I am in Qld) – can I post it directly to the lovely ladies who will be distributing? Email me an address to sewfi.handmade@gmail.com

  4. Wow what a great turnout! I’d love to know your Singapore quilters if you can share so I can catch up with them for some quilting :)

  5. Oh, Corrie. Well done, my friend. You have such a huge heart. Just sensational. J x

  6. Just hours ago I finished quiltng a quilt for Queensland brought to me by Nell. She’ll pick it up and bind it shortly, and I’ll blog some photos and share on Flickr later.

  7. Oops I still have two quilt tops to send off, can I still do that?

  8. Oh i might be able to come, it might tie in with meeting up with my husband in Sydney?? I’ll have to bring my children but i’ll bring an extra machine for them, i have an award winning year 7 seamstress with me!! Yay. Stay tuned & i have like 15 squares for you too, plus i bought cotton for you too, colour number 1, just as you like it!! Love Posie

  9. Hi Corrie I have blocks that can be made into a quilt but I just cant get time to do it.would you like another donation for your qld flood quilts.where would I send it to?

  10. Wow! Absolutely fabulous! You are such a lovely, generous person. Congratulations!

  11. Count me in, Corrie!

  12. Corrie I sent you an email last week but have had no reply about details for Q4Q!

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