home day

Home day, cleaning day, pyjama day, we’re not going anywhere day. Whatever you call it – we’re having one. The roll of garbage bags is out and I am determined to work through every room and get rid of stuff. We don’t need any groceries today and we certainly don’t need anymore ‘stuff’ in this house. These are photos of my craft room in happier days.
a sunny spot to sew

tell me you have days where it just gets to you. I’ve decided enough is enough. Every room is practically bursting with stuff and there are lots of things we don’t use, don’t need, toys that are missing things, clothes that don’t fit, cupboards where things fall out (one of my worst habits) and it’s time for a good cleanout.
storage solution
I don’t think I”ll get any help from the little ones so am going to devote an hour to each room today and just get stuck in. One of the biggest jobs is my craft room aka the junk room where bags get dumped, the ironing board lives, clothes waiting to be mended live and quilts for queensland boxes are stored (update tomorrow).
trying to be organised
And why am I telling you this? Because I’m really hoping to get out some things to put on ebay like my gocco, smocking machine and more. A well overdue clear out.


  1. It’s an early spring clean! I so relate to your post. I have had the same feelings anout my house. Today it starts and I like the premise of ‘an hour in each room’…will help banish thoughts of ..’we need to move’ and feel mnore positive about my space. God luck with your clean-up! or should I see clean-out. :)

  2. same same same. I am sick of the crap! Everywhere I look there is mess. I managed to start eldest daughters room, did the kitchen and now for the rest. Its amazing how much you get done with you are home, even with little ones running around. my mission is to get this house organised before school gets back!

  3. Goodluck! I have been doing the same here.

    Please let us know when you list the gocco! I would love one!

  4. i really should be doing the same. our spare room cannot be put into words. we have spent the last 12 months just jamming stuff in there. its a mess. its embarrassing really. i will get there soon too!! enjoy your pyjama day!

  5. Oh my good ness, my “are you freakin kidding me ive had enough day”, is today as well…i have had every niece and newphew (i have a lot) stay over plus my own 5 children. I have had 3 sickies and one being the baby who has forgotten what sleep is…the kids have cabin fever…i need to wash my hair, clean out wardrobes, OH and eat…i need a nanny…STAT!!!!

  6. Yup..definitely have days like these. It’s quite therapeutic when you start chucking out the old stuff and all looks neat and tidy. Good karma. You can sit back tonight with a cuppa and give yourself a big pat of the back. Have fun!

  7. I hear you. And there’s only one of me, but boy can I buy and generate stuff! Stuff, stuff everywhere! It’s not good to feel overwhelmed by one’s own house and STUFF. The cupboards thing is an issue, too – cupboards, like suitcases, should have room in them. If you can’t fit another thing in (like at my place) it’s time for a chuck-out. Only thing is, there’s so much I can’t even start.

    What I need is a good episode of Hoarders, or Extreme Hoarders. That always gets me moving!

    Just think – you can’t eat the elephant all in one bite. One bite at a time!

    Good luck!

    PS I want that Gocco!!!

  8. PS check out the kitchens in today’s post on http://www.desiretoinspire.net/

  9. Sounds like heaps of fun – not. Your floors will be so much happier when the loads of ‘stuff’ have left the house. That’s how I like to think about it anyway. And you will feel so free for a day or two as well. I will also have to get stuck into the same sort of thing here as soon as this murky chest cold leaves me as we intende to move and I don’t like the idea of my friends helping to move stuff we don’t want or need. I might just stick to one room per week though. Cherrie

  10. One of my favourite things to do is have a clear out – it’s good for the soul. Pace yourself and it’ll be done in no time :-)

  11. Yep it’s one of those days here too! Except I’ve got my parents to look after my daughter so I can clean! I have to as we are ,oving from our apartment and they need to take photos of it to put on the net! Then it’s packing everything up and into storage while I live with my parents and the hubby’s has to go to wagga for three months – boo!!!

    Hope your cleaning goes well! Xoxo

  12. Ooooh! I LURVE those days, so good for your soul! I am having a week of getting stuck in too, however mine involves clearing the Uni assessment clutter, I am writing and researching like a crazy person to get as much done as possible this week, so that for the next 6 weeks of full time (unpaid) prac I can come home after a long day and just be Mumma and not be a slave to the essays. Grrr! Lets go!

  13. Good luck with all the cleaning. I do love home days where you can stay in your pjs all day long xo

  14. Ditto for the Gocco, you will get a nice price on Ebay though.
    My house is overflowing with crap as well and since I have been sick it looks like a bomb went off. Need to get better so I can clean!

  15. Good luck with the declutter! I often find setting a timer for 15 minutes focuses my attention for tidying – the kids know they can interupt once the timer goes off and I can get on and organise!

    We’ll often do the same thing with them in their rooms – to get them to pack things away! Tidy for 15 minutes and then you can play (and create more mess – but at least we’ve had it tidy at some stage)!

  16. I’m hearing you! Have just finished reading Corinne Grant’s book “Letting Go – Confessions of a Hoarder” and have to admit that she was embarassingly close to the mark. We have already disposed of a mammoth garbage bag of junk and 2 bin bags to the op shop but there is still plenty of decluttering to go LOL!

  17. I need to have a good clean out… I’ll get to in eventually 😉

    I’m having a pyjama day today too though… just because I can.

    I love your vintage dresser in the back of the middle photo… I wish I had room for one of them in my house. I wonder if I can somehow turn it into an ideal storage unit for my sewing room….

  18. I’m not having so much a clean out – as that was sorted when we moved to Melbourne almost 3 months ago – I am however having an organising week, yesterday was old magazines I have been keeping for kitchen/garden renovation ideas (when we move back to Sydney) or for a special recipe… then filing the pages I do want to keep. Today is labelling all the CDs/DVDs that have moved in over the last 6 months – since the last time I labelled the CD filing system (which is categorised and alphabetised – my husband is a Virgo!!!!!) Hope you are having a productive day. PS Loved the photos from BWM – checked the dist from Melb only 150kms so maybe a day trip is in order once the organising is completed around here!

  19. Oh I know how you feel it’s likewaking up and suddenly noticing all this stuff has invaded your life. Nothing like a big clear out but I have to say your optomist and very brave if you think you’ll do it in a day. I’ve been doing it for the last week and still going. It’s a chore but you feel brill once it’s done. Let us know when your putting stuff on ebay as I’m sure we’ll all be bidding.
    Have a nice day lol
    Pene x

  20. I looooove days like this Corrie. I agree, I am guilty of holding onto ‘stuff’ in every room… cupboards and drawers bursting at the seams. I am getting better at cutting back and simply not accepting anymore junk into the house, but I need to do a regular ‘clean out’.
    From your pics, everything looks fairly in order anyway, but I guess you know what’s there to be thrown away, so you’ll feel alot better once that is done.
    We actually have had an entire day at home also, perfect weather in Sydney for it today.
    Hope you achieved your goal :o) xo

  21. I love homedays..I revel in them actually :)
    I thankfully had the opportunity to have a huge clean out when we moved recently but I can already tell you that we have already acquired more ‘stuff’ :)


  22. He he he for a second I thought it said smoking machine and pictured both fish being smoked and you on a hazy dance floor…. :o)

  23. oh gosh, I so need to do that. yesterday it took me almost an hour to tackle the desk of my youngest!!

  24. Definitely something I need to do but keep putting off! good luck with the clear out. Best wishes, Tammy

  25. I am sick of the crap too Corrie and am trying to give at least 1 bag a week to charity (e.g. vinnie’s) until the clutter is all but gone..

    Jodie :)

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