This is my engagement ring. It’s a Georg Jensen fusion ring. I love it and wear it everyday. It really is perfect and I often receive comments on it from strangers. I feel the luckiest girl in the world. Or so I thought.
Recently, retro daddy came home and said ‘heh, I was on the plane today and saw in the magazine that there is a new georg jensen fusion ring’………..I don’t know why on earth he told me.
because at a smidge under $20k I can pretty much tell you I won’t be getting this anytime soon. Ever. When I joked that perhaps the ring would be cheaper than another baby (please know that I am joking – my love of babies is much more than my love of girly stuff) well he said that maybe for my 40th birthday? Woohoo I got so excited for a few days until I realised that this will coincide with keira moving to a new school and the start of big school fees x 4. So I’ll keep admiring it from afar. But do tell me something frivolous that you would love…………….
I have loved Georg Jensen since I was first working..his style is inimitable!
Love George Jensen. So classic. I was lusting after an iPad but just filled that desire. And last year darling other half bought me a bench top mixer for my birthday so I really feel as though don’t have any lust items at the moment – though of course show me a yummy handbag and I’ll always have second thoughts!
Ooooh, a girl’s gotta dream! The one thing I’m lusting after at the moment is a ….thermomix! All your posts have got me feeling a litle jealous!
Love Georg Jensen. My brother-in- law lives in Copenhagen and my husband and father-in-law buy me a little present if they go and visit him.(They had some beautiful silver and enamel daisy jewellery which has come my way bit by bit!) The one time I went myself I spent way too much time in their Copenhagen shop which is 3 stories high and just amazing. I also adore their silver bangles and have one which I wear most days.
I think that ring is stunning, but like you, at that price tag don’t think it will be coming my way anytime soon!
Well you know I love Georg Jensen too. But I am actually not that attracted to the new version of the ring. I prefer the original. And like you, people often comment on it, lol.
I guess my lust item would be a KitchenAid. I had plans to buy one after giving birth to Layla (little present to me). But Alex went and bought me a watch (Georg Jensen) for a ridiculous amount of money, and as a result I never felt that I could justify spending the money on the KitchenAid
What a beauty! You never know, it may arrive on the big day, wouldnt’ that be fabulous?! Have a great week. Emma.
Oh – George Jensen – I remember the day I first saw his stuff in the Qantas magazine I was reading…it was lust at first sight!
I am currently lusting after my eternity ring…I want it noooooooooow! LOL
Your ring is gorgeous! I love any diamonds – yes, traditional girly girl. All the diamonds I own came from my lovely husband until he said I didn’t need any more because I had all the possible types of jewellery. I suggested that I didn’t have a tennis bracelet yet… ;o) He wasn’t keen – once he found out that meant LOTS of diamonds! I continue to dream…
Both of those rings are absolutely gorgeous. I might have to print that post and leave it around the house so my partner gets a subtle hint.
There is an overlocker I’ve been drooling over that’s in the $3,000-$6,000 mark (depending which model). I don’t think I really need it that badly, but it’s nice to dream
I love your fusion ring the best, in fact, I tried to get one for our engagement but in the end we didn’t get me a ring…just the wedding band, but hey, we’ve been together for 15yrs so it’s not like I actually needed a ring!! (mind you, still wouldn’t have minded one tho!)
Ahhhh well I don’t think there’s a person I know that doesn’t know all I want is baby number three!!! That’s my only desire in life and then it’s all complete! Sadly I am told I wont be getting my wish any time soon, or in fact ever
I also have loved Georg Jensen and my other favourite is Roger Dubuis. I have my fingers crossed for you.
I have always said when I was finished having babies I would get a boob job. Not that I had anything to rave about before babies, but after having babies, they are like two socks. I dont think I would ever have the guts to do it. So that is my totally selfish purchase apart from fabric, shoes, bags……
Like the others, I adore Georg Jensen designs and wear at least 4 pieces every day (watch, ring, earrings and bangle) thanks to my generous DH :-))
At the moment Im lusting after a piece of jewellery from Tiffanys on 5th Ave…not long to go! But the thing I want more than anything is babies
Love a bit of Georg Jensen; your ring is stunning without being over the top.
A house remodel is what I would love to have.
Something frivelous??? Hmmm… A cleaner!
gee let me think yep a thermomix but I would really love a gold fob chain to be home to my late dad’s cycling shield/medal that is safely tucked away.
Oh maybe dreams do come true x
I wouldn’t mind a house. Saving a $70k deposit is happening far too slowly for my likings. I estimate another 10 years of saving, but of course by then I’ll need a $100k deposit.
Absolutely anything with diamonds!
I like your ring better! The other is a bit too sparkly but yours is perfect! I would like an extension!
Oh I definitely like to drool over diamond rings. They are so far down on our list of purchases, it’s not even worth it, but it’s daydream kind of stuff.
One day, I would LOVE an eternity ring, just to complete my engagement and wedding band set. But like yourself, I can wait… and would rather another bambino anyway ;o)
It’s still lovely, even if it’s $20K.
Come on over to my blog today, Corrie. It’s not often that I flog it in the comments of others (bit tackaramo, I know), but I just know that you will love the photo shoot we had done with the family. Adore. x
A fabulous ring for my “other hand” (maybe that beautiful GJ one), botox & a black Range Rover … zoom!
It is so good to have a frivolous dream, even if it could only arrive with a Lotto Win. All your thermomix posts have got me wishing and hoping, and wishing……
To be honest, I like your ring much better than the new one! My frivolous splurge at the moment would definitely be an iPad. Fun little toy, but I can’t really justify the monthly costs.
*sigh* that is gorgeous.
I also adore diamonds. Only have the one in my engagement ring though I just continue to admire from afar. I think that if I am ever earning enough I would very happily treat myself to a pair of diamond stud earrings. And I LOVE your fusion ring, a few friends have them and I just adore them. Mr Duyvken has noticed how much I love them and said years ago that it was such a pity my fingers were too small for such a big ring. I was like “um, you know what? I think it would be fiiiiine”
It’s a lovely ring, but I think I prefer yours. But then I’m not that into diamonds.
*Sigh* I adore Georg Jensen and was lucky enough to be given some of my great grandmothers early 70’s silver pieces when I turned 25. It’s just such amazing, intriguing, classic stuff! I save it for special occasions though as I don’t want it to get damaged. Now as for frivolous, I really would love the Tiffany necklace to match my bracelet, but $500 for something I don’t actually need? Maybe one day when I go back to work…although by then there will be school fees to pay as well and I’ll be due for my eternity ring as well…
Always great to know who loves Georg Jensen design…I should have known you would, with that exquisite gingerbread masterpiece you created from our Kits last Christmas…I worked at Jensen whilst I was a student, lived in Denmark as part of my degree and I did receive a piece as a surprise from my hubby for my 40th (yes I am over the hill!)…Zephyr Love it! Have a wonderful road trip away with your family! x Karen
Im looking to get a 3 piece fusion ring for my wife and wanted to know, if anyone knows, Can I put the ring on a necklace, like pendant. Do pieces interlock or would they move around if put on necklace. Basically would like it to stay together on necklace but if use little force they come apart. Thanks anyone