a nice day out

Today started with swimming lessons at our new time of 7.30am. Honestly, I am going to remind retro daddy every single saturday morning when I have to get up in pitch black that it was his brilliant idea to make lessons that early in the morning. I now see the benefits of being out of the house in the morning but getting up at 6am every Saturday is going to kill me. 

But I must admit it did mean that we were dressed and ready to do anything we wanted to by 9am so I can’t complain too much. And after a spot of shopping and morning tea and with such lovely weather we decided at the last minute to head down to Thirroul for the afternoon. 

One of the benefits of getting out of Sydney – our portion of fish and chips was twice the size and less than we pay in jolly old Manly. My twinnies were enjoying the little impromptu picnic. Although Finn is normally our chippie monster, Tillie was right in there today. Leftovers went to the seagulls which was very entertaining.


And Thirroul was lovely. It reminded me of the northern beaches just with less people, less cars, less development and more space. We had planned to go further on to Berry but it was already 4pm and Tillie was having one of her monumental tantrums while Finn was having an asthma attack and Elodie needed a bottle. And you wonder why we are such homebodies.

And even if we never buy a house outside of Sydney, we are enjoying our daytrips. Unfortunately, there are no house fairies who do my housework and washing normally done on a Saturday so I’m having an amazingly fun night of washing, drying, folding and cleaning. But I figure tomorrow is mother’s day so do it today and rest tomorrow. Hope you get spoiled tomorrow and have a little sleep in. I know you all deserve it!


  1. They are beautiful photos – I don’t envy uou being up that early for swimming though! Ouch!

  2. I have to work tomorrow so no mothers day then but I know the kids will do somehting lovely for me at some point.

    I sympathize with the early hour. At my job it was decided by the other two charge nurses I shared a job with that we should come in an hour earlier than the rest of the floor. They assured me that I’d come to love the earlier hour. They’ve both moved on to other jobs but I’m still there. 5am and I will NEVER be friends I don’t care how often we meet.

  3. I do like early mornings but I also crave a good lie in x Lovely pics – you look like you all enjoyed a smashing day out.

    Leah x

  4. Corrie, I’m here on the other side of the globe looking at all of that land and happiness and wishing I could come visit for a while. Maybe some day we could have a play date (maybe at your new country home)! Of course, by the time I save up enough to come visit you, our children might have kids of their own! Blessings to you (from Ohio, USA)

  5. 6am is such a sleep-in in our house… my little one is up ridiculously early (regardless of what time he goes to bed)!!!
    happy mother’s day to you!

  6. It is always hard getting out of bed early, specially on a weekend but I love that feeling when it gets to about 10am and you feel like you’ve done so much but then you realise that you’ve still got the whole rest of the day ahead of you!

    Reading into your post I suddenly had the urge to get the Boo and the hubby and jump in the car for a day trip to ‘the country’ somewhere, but then realised that we’d need to pack baby bottles, and food, and I’d need to express milk, and…and… the list goes on. I’d love the freedom to just say “let’s go” but I guess I’ll get that back eventually, when the kid(s) are a little easier to cater for.

    Oh, and should have left all that housework as it was, woken up this morning and told everyone that it was mother’s day so THEY should do it for you 😉

  7. It looks as though you all had a wonderful day. Happy Mother’s Day to you Corrie!

  8. Happy Mother’s Day. Oh yes, when i had 4 under 5 etc, we had a lovely old time at home, it was so easy. When we did go out, it was first thing in the morning before naps & while everyone had full bellies of breakfast. I miss those days, enjoy them, love Posie

  9. What lovely photos, I live 10 minutes from Berry and love checking out the shops there. You must check out Sew and Tell! Have a great week!

  10. Whoops the above post is from me ( Keith’s wife!!!!! ) I used his gmail account but he does come to Berry with me for a visit as long as we have coffee and lunch there too!!!!

  11. Oh, Sweetheart. You’re as inspiring as ever. Hats off to you. Lovely. J x

  12. Corrie, I have to say I love hearing about your little family adventures. It sounds like you have so much fun together (apart from the 6am Saturday wake ups…) xxx

  13. Thirroul is lovely. If you do it again, make sure you do the scenic drive through the Royal National Park to get there – you just tell them you are driving though. It is beautiful.

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