eggs and baskets

Now I’m not talking about easter eggs or eggs from chickens, you know that old saying don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Well it looks like I was a little hasty thinking about selling this house. Thanks to retro daddy earning his mega bucks (just joking – you need mega bucks just to live in Sydney these days) we can afford to keep this house, rent it out and purchase something else if we want to. Just a little bit more modest than we initially planned. 
And  actually it’s a huge relief as it is a lot less work for me as I don’t have to get a home ready to sell! Phew! And so it leaves us with a few options – either buy a weekender now (but I better win the lottery for that option and raising a family of 6), buy a modest country home and live in it or the most sensible option is to rent first and then buy something to live in while the kids are in primary school.
The other big issue stressing me out was high school. I was getting a little bit ‘tiger mom’ comparing private high schools down there with the Sydney schools we have all planned out up here. So by keeping our house here it is our safety net that if we need to come back for high school then we can. And by that time our Sydney house will be worth – oh I don’t know –  $10m. Or something like that with the way house prices are rising AND we have a cute weekender to spend weekends and school holidays.
And so now I’m thinking to maybe just take a year in the country! Keira is in kindergarten which  isn’t rocket science. We can see if we love it and how we go. An adventure without losing school places and life in Sydney in case I don’t like it. I’m now thinking since we are renting to look a little further out of bowral in cute villages  It might also reveal a few more cuter cottages on large blocks which could equal potential,
these are all more modest homes in our new budget and let me tell you they still represent amazing value and a good lifestyle compared to Sydney right now.
All images from domain my newest timewaster


  1. Excellent idea, Corrie – better for the family and a nice tax break too. It’s nice to have a safety net. Good luck! Looking forward to the next instalment!

  2. Corrie the homes look beautiful. I think its a great idea renting first. You will definitely get a feel for the area etc and then you are not tied down which comes with more pressure to actually like the place. All the best – sounds very exciting. I have heard that part of the world is truly beautiful. Perhaps I will get there one day. Susie.

  3. Best of luck on your planning and plotting for that year in the country…

  4. Beautiful houses. I think my favourite is the second one.

  5. Great idea Corrie, that way it gives you something to fall back on if things don’t go as planned.,
    Good luck.

  6. Ah, but looking at homes online is such a lovely way to waste time! Sounds like you have been doing your homework on the real estate side of things. Property prices in and around Melbourne are a bit crazy too (though not as crazy as Sydney). I’m glad we bought when we did, as we wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford our current house in today’s market. Enjoying all the lovely pictures. I love the kitchen photo. We are renovating our kitchen this year and I love a lot of the styles that are popular at the moment. Jacinta

  7. Great idea, Give youself time to settle into a area and see what you think. Will retro daddy have to travel further for work????

    Happy house hunting.

  8. A very sound and wise idea Corrie. I’m sure a year in the country will determine whether you can live permanently or not and buy not selling your house you have that safety net to return. Big plus’s all round :)

  9. That is such a good idea. A friend of mine who recently moved from the Inner West to Moss Vale has done the same thing you’re talking about… rent out their house here, and rent in the highlands for a year to see if they like it before committing, and then they’ll probably keep the Sydney house. Real estate out of Sydney doesn’t appreciate at the same rate as here, so if you sell up entirely you’re kind of stuck if you ever want to move back. (They had the same thoughts about high schools, and the people they’re renting from in MV have actually moved back to Sydney because their children are older and they weren’t happy with the local schools).
    Such an exciting time though – and it’s nice to have options :)

  10. Fabulous idea and yep there a safety net which is wise with a young family… like an adventure and if you stay in the country great…if not, great too…
    Hugs Dawn x x x

  11. great idea Corrie as I dont like saying it but you may hate country living.we have to do without lots of conviences at times.and at least you will still have your lovely house to go back to if it dosent work out.I have a few friends that sold up left sydney hated there new life but couldnt go back as it was then too expensive.its a great lifestyle being in the country.great for kids.happy house hunting!

  12. sorry Corrie seems my google account was still in my sons name woops lol! I was the last entry

  13. Great idea Corrie. My sister and her young kids were very happy in Exeter, have you had a look around there?

  14. It all sounds terribly sensible!!!
    Good luck finding a delicious rental!
    Andi x

  15. oh corrie…once you are there i’ll bet you NEVER want to return to city life…we LOVE the quiet lifstyle that country life offers :)

  16. Oh, this is an intriguing turn of events, Corrie. Try before you buy. Hmm, sounds eminently sensible to me! J x

  17. Love the look of the house in the 2nd photo – so English. But it really needs a verandah for you to sit and watch the kids play while you craft and daydream :-)

  18. Have a look at Crookwell. Hospital, Catholic schools, Wednesday patchwork group!

  19. Corrie, it sounds like you are making sense of the idea of moving. It is never easy and having moved quite a lot I have learnt that it takes 2 years to feel at home in a new area. I do think it is a great idea to rent out your current home: it is always hard to buy back into a market like Sydney. Good Luck.

  20. Love the house that was perhaps a converted church(?)

    It sounds like a brilliant plan. I hope it works for you.

  21. Hi, I have just found your blog! We moved to the country three months ago and just love it. My children are a little older – but the secondary school looming factor was a big factor. They are all settled in their new school and it is a gorgeous private school in the Victorian Hills. Nice to ‘meet’ you!

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