still here

Thank you for your sweet comments and messages. They are just like getting a little hug from each of you everytime I read them. And I do read them. I’m still here but just finding it hard to be my normally happy cheery self. I don’t normally have sad days or days where there is something wrong with me so these past few days have been really tough.

pretty flowers

It’s just like I have this permanent sad feeling dotted with moments of smiling and being happy for the little ones. When I run into someone who doesn’t know and they ask how I am it really hurts to have to tell them about my Mum. I wear my emotions on my sleeve and kind of wish everyone knew so I didn’t have to explain what has happened and why I’m not my smiley self.

love flowers
But I’m still here. A bit of baking, a bit of knitting, a bit of TV, a bit of housework (ok, I actually caught up on folding a weeks worth of laundry AND put it away) and giving lots and lots of cuddles and kisses to my little ones reminding me of my job here.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I’m ok.  


  1. Treat yourself gently Corrie – and know we’re thinking of you.

  2. Your mum will always be proud of you, and will continue to watch over you. I still miss my dad, 12 months on.

  3. From experience, it does take time. Take good care of yourself and don’t feel that you have to rush back to blogging. We’ll all be here when you feel ready x

  4. We Feel Your Pain…in time you will be Feeling Better…One Day at a Time.
    Don’t Forget to Take Care of YOU Too.
    lots of xxoo

  5. Prayers of strength and comfort for you and your family. It must be such a hard time. Your mum was still so young and such a big part of your life.

  6. Thank you corrie! You are an incredible strong woman with such a big heart! I pray for you and your wonderful family, you’re in my thoughts. Nicole

  7. I don’t normally have sad days
    That in itself is something to cherish. It’s the sad times like this that make the other times so happy. It’s all part of the balance of life.

  8. Time lessens the sadness and pain. Men in blue dress shirts and the smell of pipe smoke remind me of my beloved grandfather. Once the memory brought tears. Today the memory makes me smile.

  9. Corrie each day will get a little bit easier, you will never forget but time makes it easier to bear,big hugs

  10. Your mum is still with you in the things she has taught you and she always will be. God bless you!


  11. Those flowers are beautiful. Thinking of you all. Jacinta

  12. You have taken some gorgeous photos of your flowers. They are lovely.

    Donna’s comment is put so well and very true – ‘once the memory brought tears. Today the memory makes me smile’

    Praying for God’s comfort as you grieve… Psalm 34:18 and 147:3

    Enjoy those precious cuddles from your little ones.

  13. its so tough of you as a mum yourself, you also need to grieve..remember that. On a positive note I just love your photography. We have purchased a new camera and I’m trying to work things out, with help from you of course in little photographic comments in some previous posts. Thinking of you at this sad time.

  14. Virtual hugs and real prayers your way xoxo

  15. The best thing is to take lots of time for you ,time to think on memories and your mum and time for your family. Your dad probably needs you too so that is a lot of things for you to do. Be kind to yourself.

  16. So sorry about your mom. I lost my mom when I was 31 that was 28 years ago. The pain never really goes away but it gets a little better every day. Remember the wonderful times you had together. She is in a better place and we all hope to be there with our loved ones some day.My prayers are with you and your family.
    Hugs from America

  17. Oh Corrie, I have been thinking of you a lot. Please take care of yourself xx

  18. I think the hardest thing is when something happens and you pick up the phone to call your mum and realise she’s not here. I’m praying strength for your and the family. may the kids be especially well behaved during this time. I think having faith makes the burden feel lighter. xx

  19. Be kind to yourself right now, you’re experiencing a major trauma. Let the tears flow, one day you’ll find they get less and less and you’ll start to smile more. I still have a tear for Dad every now and then but in the early days I was in a lot of pain and sadness. Talking to my boys about it was the hardest thing, at 3 & 2 they knew something was up but it was hard to explain death to them. I let my husband explain it because it was too hard for me. I have a lovely prayer for the kids to say which I’ll email to you separately.


  20. my thoughts are with you and your family Corrie, during this difficult time.

    God bless


  21. My thoughts are with you and your famiy at the moment … take it one day at a time .. yes, time does help … I still miss my Dad almost 25years later.
    Cherish your lovely memories and take care.
    Happy stitching, P

  22. Hang in there – one day at a time things will slowly get to a point where the pain is not so raw. Thinking of you and dont apologise.

  23. Aren’t we blessed to have little ones for a distraction from the overwhelming sadness that we feel? These days are so difficult, but don’t be too hard on yourself. It does get easier, but you never stop missing them.

  24. Much love and many many hugs Corrie. Thinking of you xox

  25. Thinking of you all the way in Arizona, USA. So sorry for your loss. Mothers are special people.

  26. Oh waaaaaaaaaaah! WAAAAAAAH! I’ve been absent from blogland for a bit and now I’ve read back over your posts and I’m gutted, Corrie. Bloody hell, even I’m missing your mum!

    Best wishes during this tough time, love. We are all here for you and sharing in your memories of your mum. Grateful to your blog for introducing me to her. x

  27. Since I’m not a touchy-feely person, I’m sending you a virtual rub of the shoulder and sympathetic tilt of the head. It’s not much, but I hope it helps.

  28. glad to hear from you! such a difficult and slow time.
    thinking of you and your family

  29. Hello Corrie,

    I just recently found your blog and I am so sorry to hear about your mom. The picture of her and your little one is just precious!Grief is so very different for all of us. Take your time! Praying for you and your family.


  30. Corrie I am thinking of you every day. I can’t begin to know what you are going though and the immense sadness that you must be feeling. Take care of yourself and know that everyone is sending you a hug.

  31. One day at a time really is the best advice, not that I’ve lost my Mum, but I did lose my sister some years ago. I remember feeling quite shocked that the world could go on normally after such a terrible thing had happened.
    I was just at a funeral this morning for a dear friend of ours who lost a very short battle with cancer. You were on my mind a lot. Take care of yourself Corrie.
    Georgia xx

  32. Give yourself time to grieve Corrie. There will be better times around the corner, I promise. And although you’ll miss your dear mum for the rest of your life, it will get easier. All best wishes.

  33. Corrie, I am sure you must be feeling so sad: losing your beloved mother so quickly must be really hard to adjust to.
    By the way, how is your dad holding up?
    Take care of yourself.

  34. Hi Corrie..everything is so fresh a bit easy on yourself and give yourself time to grieve and remember and rest. Your kids are great and will always bring your attention to the present. We understand and don’t expect you to just be bright and cheery yet. Many hugz flying your way right now!

  35. So sorry to hear about the loss of your mum Corrie. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you can get some quiet moments to ponder, reflect and treasure your time together. What a blessing it is that we know life does not end here on Earth and that she is being loved and cared for still. Hugs to you and your cherubs. N x

  36. Hang in there Corrie!

    Bizarrely the word verification that just came up for me was ‘happe’!

  37. All I can say is take it one day at a time, and be kind to yourself.

    It is a hard journey ahead, so just remember to breath along the way and also to stop to small the flowers and remember the memories

  38. Be kind to yourself and don’t feel guilty when you catch yourself laughing or smiling it’s hard but time will lessen the pain.
    Big hug
    Pene x

  39. Oh, Sweetheart, one day at a time. It sounds trite but it’s the best we can do in such moments. Do what you have to do, feel what you have to do. There’s no right or wrong. Know we’re here for you. J x

  40. You are so brave Corrie. It sounds like you’re surrounding yourself with warm, positive people and things. Take your time to do exactly what it is that helps you through this painful time. Kindest regards to you and your family.

  41. Mucho ánimo.besos

  42. Loosing your mum, is loosing part of your childhood.
    She always be around you, you can see her in yourself, but also in your children.

    Love Ines

  43. Thinking of your Corrie, take care of you and your family. Sending lots of love, hugs and strength your way,
    Leanne xo

  44. Small happy moments are good. Be gentle with yourself.

  45. I’ve been thinking of you all week. Lots of love, those grey days will show a little sun, little cracks of sunlight. Take all the time you need, x

  46. Love you Corrie, big hugs for real coming your way in a fortnight. You’re very deep in my thoughts, love Posie

  47. Corrie – so sorry to hear about your mum – take care and honour your grief

  48. I know how hard it is to lose your mother, but with each day it will get easier. My mom died after a 13 month battle with breast cancer, 16 years ago(doesn’t seem that long. I sometimes still catch myself reaching for the phone to tell her about something I know she would find funny. In the beginning this action brought tears, now it brings a laugh or a smile. It’s as if she is still here laughing over some silly little thing with me. It will get better. Take care and blessing to you and yours. And a big hug.

  49. Hi. Thanks for your blog posts in this difficult time. Condolances to you all. I remember my mum passed away at 54 years old. I think it was hard for me but I think how hard it was for my kids. Please make sure the kids say their proper goodbye, mine were way too young to understand.
    Feeling for you at the moment.

  50. Oh Coralie I am so sorry. {Your RSS feed isn’t updating (you may want to check) and so I had no idea. } I just thought I’ll go and check your blog as I haven’t seen a new post in the feed for ages. To lose your mum is really hard and I can feel tears in my eyes as I write this. My mum died when I was 17 many, many years ago now. She never saw her granddaughter or great daughter – as my father did. Keep her alive in your heart and pray for her every day.

  51. Thinking of you. Stay well, eat well and hug those munchkins. Take time for you too. Love K

  52. Corrie – I feel so bad for you. My mom has been gone 25 years but there are still times I think I should call her! That is a good thing – cherish the memories. HUGS to all.

  53. Thinking of you and your family.
    I find it still very fresh myself after losing my Dad and it brings tears to my eyes as I read your post.
    They are still with us we just can’t see them. Thinking of the good times helps.
    Your Mum looks like such a beautiful lady, so gentle.
    I am sending a big hug to you and your family xxxx

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