40 bags for 40 days

I love Easter and Lent. And I don’t just love easter because of the chocolate (although I am a huge chocoholic) but because of the traditions that I grew up with that we are now teaching to our little ones. Growing up we’d have pancakes on Shrove Tuesday, school mass for Ash Wednesday, give up something like chocolate or lollies for Lent and go to mass on Easter Sunday. Now that I’m raising my own little family we’ve been incorporating Good Friday mass into our easter weekend which is what retro daddy grew up with.  Last year I went to stations of the cross in the morning and loved it. It just made the whole easter weekend that bit more special and meaningful.

project compassion 2011

This year as a family we have given up buying sushi from the sushi shop and sushi train and will put the money we would normally spend there (too much if you ask retro daddy) into our project compassion box for the season of Lent. I still remember having project compassion boxes in our house when I was a little girl. And if there is one tradition I am embracing it’s called 40 bags for 40 days. The idea being you rid your home of a bag a day for the 40 days of Lent.

40 bags for 40 days

Retro daddy will surely be embracing this one too as let me tell you………..6 people no matter how big or small we are has stuff, and each person’s stuff comes together to make a whole lotta stuff. My front entrance, the bookshelves, my sewing room, the wardrobes, kitchen cupboards, bedrooms, pantry and then there are the toys. And over the weekend I did 3 bags! It’s up to you what you do with your bags – charity, friends, family, ebay or rubbish. You choose just get it out of your house. 

And a big prayer goes out to Japan. I haven’t been able to put into words how sad I am to see what has happened to such a beautiful country and it’s beautiful people. It’s no secret that I love Japan and it’s people. I just can’t believe the footage I see on tv or imagine the people affected and I just fear for the bad news that is still to come.


  1. 40 bags for 40 days. Brilliant idea! Great way to motivate uncluttering the house and benefitting a few charities and friends in need at the same time. I’m going to mark the 40 days on my big calendar and see how we go : )

  2. I love that idea of 40 bags for 40 days! Easter and the time leading up to it is one of my favorite times of year, full of tradition like your family.

  3. We had those Project Compassion boxes too! Your childhood sounds very like mine…

  4. And Mine…I haven’t seen one of those Boxes for so long..Thanks for bringing back some Old School Memories….
    Wow 40 Bags for 40 days..that’s a lot of getting rid of…will be Interesting to see how you go…
    I’ve given up Lollies for Lent already…see how I go Huh!

  5. what a great idea – we do clutter our lives with stuff and then you see with all these disasters that the stuff is not that important.
    Of course this does not relate to the sewing/craft room!

  6. Love the 40 bags idea.

    And Japan – my sister in law is Japanese and although her family is safe, she and my brother have many friends who are still unable to contact their family in the impacted areas. I just cry when I think about it. It’s too hard to comprehend the level of human suffering.

  7. Your post brings back so many memories for me. Project compassion, Ash Wednesday mass. I am also going to embrace 40 bags in 40 days.

  8. My heart goes out to the people of Japan too.

    I think we need to do the 40 days and 40 bag thing… but we won’t be here for most of the time. I might do a delayed one.

    We’re not religious… well Hubby and Lacey are baptised, but my parents aren’t religious.

    My sister has just started going to Church with her boyfriend and I love when she comes over and tells me everything she knows. I’ve always loved God and wanted to be part of a Church {even made my Mum sign me up to a Church group that gathered after school.

    Anywho I’m rambling. I hope that we can have the same sort of traditions in our life. x

  9. A bag a day for FORTY DAYS? I don’t think I even have that much stuff and that would include the contents of the fridge. Maybe if I chose really, really small bags.

    I guess I’m not a hoarder. Or that I don’t often buy stuff I don’t need? Or that I’m kidding myself and there are 80 bags of stuff lurking on my shelves that I’ve forgotten about… Not sure! x

  10. Such a nice idea….and a lovely tradition to hand down.

  11. We had those boxes too..in those days I went to an Anglican church. My little boxes always went to the Congo or somewhere in Africa! I feel the same way as you re Japan..can’t put it into words.

  12. 40 bolsas por 40 días, que bonita idea y lo que relatas no lo habia escuchado….un gran abrazo..

  13. Love the 40 bags for 40 days idea. There is only me and G at home now so I’m not sure we could fill 40 bin bags but maybe smaller ones.
    It’s a good excuse for a de clutter.
    I agree about Japan it’s truely shocking and seems to be getting worse everytime it’s on the news.

  14. What a fantastic idea. We had a garage sale on Saturday and I cleaned out many things- my girls would tell you too many, a few tears when they saw some toys in the 10c basket! Giving away bags each day sounds even better. Have a lovely week. Emma.

  15. Good luck with your 40 bags in 40 days. What a great idea, I might have to follow your lead. We have our lent box on the bench. We are giving up take away coffee and milkshakes at the shops. It mat just kill me. We took the kids to a sushi train for the first time on Saturday. Oh my. That is so much fun

  16. I am well under way with my 40 bags…3 large trips to Vinnies in the last week! Amazing what a move to Melbourne with only 8 weeks to get sorted does for the uncluttering process. Looking fwd to seeing you at SIT dinner in 2 weeks. Cath x

  17. What a great idea. We spent allot of money on sushi. Why not have it go to somebody else x

  18. This is a fantastic idea. I have been slowly getting rid of our clutter, but I know I have a long way to go.

    40 bags for 40 days is a great way to do it. Thanks.

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