elodie update

Long time, no elodie update! And what perfect timing since my parents gave me my birthday present today – a 35mm macro lens for my camera.

elodie update

This little one just keeps getting cuter and cuter. There are moments where I think I’m looking at keira as a baby. She also has the same happy and easy disposition. Nothing really bothers her unless one of the twins comes up and screams in her face – she lets out this very loud scream to match theirs and starts crying but that’s it. And sometimes I feel like doing that when the twins scream at me too. But miss elodie is happy, happy, happy 24/7.

blue eyes
You can’t ask for more than that in a baby! She falls asleep in a flash, loves to hold her feet, reach out for toys on her playmat, loves cuddles and kisses and is just about the sweetest little girl you could ask for. Oh and she’s chubby, I’ve always loved chubby bubbies and this little miss is already in the 6-12 months clothes and I must admit has a better wardrobe than I do.
happy girl

And you know what else, you know what I’m going to say don’t you. I look at these pictures and think that maybe in a few years time I want just one more little cutie pie. I mean it would be wrong not to have another baby this cute and adorable…………………………


  1. Haha — I love your plan — I hope RetroDaddy does too! I want to be a baby in your house though — what could be better than a Darla bib???

  2. super cute pictures Corrie. almost makes me want another one….almost! good luck with the plan. N x

  3. Oh, Corrie. I can’t believe how much she’s grown lately! She’s growing up right in front of us. Adorable. Wait until she’s 1 and then ponder your question again is my thought ☺. J x

  4. Nothing happens without a good plan, and look what lovely babies you make!

  5. I think the same when I look at my chubby, happy boy!
    (now hes 16 months and still cute)

  6. Elodie has grown up so much and is such an adorable little girl.

    Our little fella doesn’t have her sweet disposition, he is rather difficult at times but he hasn’t put us off wanting a sixth :)

  7. I’m with you – cutie pie squishy babies just make you want more more more!!! Oh, and their smell…mmmmm (whoa clucky much…calm down!!)

  8. OMG, the Italian in me* says I GOTTA SQUEEZE THOSE CHEEKS!!!!!

    * I have none. But my husband is Italian, so that counts, right!


  9. I agee… So cute!!


  10. OMG she is soooooo cute xx

  11. She sounds PERFECT! x

  12. Haha, you’re awesome! Considering another bub! So brave, but I completely get it. I am in the ‘danger zone’ now, where I’m seriously contemplating adding a 3rd child to the brood. Hubby is happy with whatever I would like… great help!
    My little one is 8 months and sounds so so similar to your Elodie. He is also VERY chubby and has been wearing size 1 since he was 6 months old. Elodie is just gorgeous and your photos taken with the fancy lens just capture her beautifully :o)

  13. Too cute is little Miss Elodie!!! Love her chubby cheeks and beautiful smile :) Her contentedness comes from lovely parenting from the Retroparents!! Well done :)

  14. She is scrumptious! Those cheeks, that hair, those eyes: beautiful!

    Yes…you should definitely have another sweet baby, you make ’em so cute!

  15. 35mm wow – you are going to get up and personal:) I got a 50mm for Christmas and LOVING it.

    Great photos and she is so super sweet – good luck talking Retro Daddy into ‘just one more’ in a few years:)

  16. She’s so wonderful! so sweet :)

  17. ADORABLE!!! I love chubby babies as well, mine weren’t as chubby, but they were still cute and adorable!!

    Pam in Brussels, Belgium

  18. Que preciosidad de bebe,felicidades.besos

  19. Oh my……she is just adorable!

  20. Elodie is just adorable.

  21. I guess if you have a good recipe – she is like a little doll. Lucky you, wish I could cuddle her too

  22. Gosh…she looks so much like Kiera. I wouldnt have said so a few months ago, but i guess as she’s getting older she’s looking more like big sis….looooooovin your plan…X

  23. Oh your Miss Elodie is so not helping my husband with his 3-is-enough campaign. She is so cute I could just squeeze those cheeks and totally smush her!!!
    Cute bib too!

  24. Corrie she is making me what another!!!

  25. A couple more years and you’ll be itching to do it all just one more time!! 5 feels VERY VERY good :-)

  26. She is so cute!! What a sweety!

  27. What a doll!!!! I had to chuckle about you thinking a scream at the twins would feel good. That would be hysterical! I wonder what they would do.

    I can see having lots more little ones around. They grow up way too fast.

  28. Elodie is just precious! I could just cuddle up to those chubby cheeks and be so content.

  29. ¡Qué preciosa es Elodie!

  30. so cute! i love chubby bubbas too!

    wanting another? you are much braver than i!


  31. Corrie, she is adorable and what beautiful hair! Lottie is a chubby baby too, in 0-1 at 4 months. Have a lovely weekend. Emma.

  32. Hi Corrie, Sweet Elodie. No wonder you see another in your future but having been the Mum of three teenagers you scare me. Love that bib too. Chrisb xx

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