OK, so I’m starting to feel like maybe I’m not in the right demographic for an iPhone. I really should have been identified at the store as needing some extra support, like an iPhone support group for the clueless (or blonde and clueless). And when you’re going to leave the store they have a quiet word with you that perhaps you might need a bit of extra help. Honestly, I’m only 34 but sometimes while figuring things out I feel like I’m 84.
So here’s my burning question of today – I’m using the phone on wi-fi at home and if I am sending photos or emails am I using up my monthly data limit (1GB) on my phone or am I just using the home internet and I can download to my heart’s content. Don’t laugh, I really am blonde and clueless. And why can’t I access my hotmail when I’m out? I used to be able to do when I was on my old phone but not on the new one. And please don’t call me, I have absolutely no idea how to answer my phone if it starts ringing.
But it is making my life easier, Monday is my crazy day where I’m in and out of the house all day but I’ve been able to quickly check emails throughout the day at home without opening up the laptop, seen what’s happening on facebook and try to keep the twins entertained with a few games while watching keira at gymnastics. And favourite games so far are Talking Tom and Angry Birds…thanks ladies for the tips.
But now I’m going to go and do something I know how to do….and I’m good at it. Have a big cup of coffee and some mini muffins so kindly dropped off by this nice lady with some quilts generously made by her quilting group for Quilts for Queensland. I could smell the honey as soon as I opened the box and then she lets me know that the honey comes from her cousin’s country hives. Well that would explain that delicious smell.
You can totally use wifi at home on your phone – where you would normally have 3G in the top left hand corner, there will be a cone shape with three lines, this indicates you are using wifi. As for your email, if you have set up the mail account on your phone, there is no reason you wouldn’t be able to access it. I use gmail and have never had a problem. Trust me, once you get past the idiosyncrasies of the iPhone, you’ll never entertain the thought of another phone! Good luck with everything.
If you are on wifi- you are using your home internet connection and it’s download allowance.
You can go direct to hotmail.com in safari OR you can setup hotmail in the mail program (got to settings – mail accounts).
I’m not sure, my iphone gobbled up my phone credit even though I thought I had set it for my home wi-fi, I just use my ipad for my surfing and emails now as I know it can only use our home wi-fi. I can’t set up my hotmail to work on my iphone, although my gmail does, but you can get your hotmail forwarded on to gmail. Hopefully someone that knows all about iphones will be reading this and be able to tell us the answers.
Try two kids, two i-phones both set on Talking Tom, lots of giggles. Uncle Joe might be able to assist with your questions. He’s a bit of a Guru.
Talking Tom??? I am off to the app store
Oh you’ll get the hang of it soon! Those mini muffins look divine and love your Country Road mugs…my favourite mugs, and I have a few!! xx
I’m a luddite and probably the only person over 10 in the southern hemisphere who doesn’t own an iPhone but enjoyed reading your query and its responses because one day…well I just might own one!
What I do know is that those mini-muffins look delish!
Felicity x
I am delivering my first few quilts to siblings and hope they will like them, my few helpers and I are getting names and ages so we can give quilts matching their needs.
Good luck with your phone
What Bec said. x
Just a suggestion but if you are using the phone for all that I think I would really think about going with an unlimited data package. I think in the end you would be saving money. Just something to think about .
Apparently Hotmail isn’t compatible with the I Phone. At least, that’s what my kids tell me (and usually they are right when it comes to things like that). I’ve switched to gmail which works. I’m not sure what kind of plan you have with your network, but with mine I never use my allowance up (and I have the cheapest plan). Good luck
With the latest software, hotmail can be set up (ive got it on the 3GS), but you can also access it through safari as you would on a computer.
Hotmail can be set up through your mail accounts as an “other” account just pop in your details and it should work
as for using wifi at home, it should work fine depending on which phone company you are on. I was with Optus and was continually being charged a connection fee to connect to net even tho i was using the home wifi where as now being with 3 im not charged anything. if you need any iphone help corie feel free to email me shelz_6@hotmail.com or im on facebook too. Me and my partner both have them, hes quite a nerd and can usually fix any problems if needed
enjoy it tho, I LOVE MINE, great for middle of the night feeds with bubs, keeps me entertained
Hi. You can setup hotmail under Microsoft Exchange on the iphone. Instructions here: http://www.iphonedownloadblog.com/2010/08/30/hotmail-iphone/
I peeked at my going-to-be 3yo niece how to ‘activate’ the iPhone. She and another two nieces (roughly same age) taught me to do other things like taking photos and playing games.
i did however configured myself to read my Gmail using the iPhone.
And I am working in a mobile company.
I access Hotmail through the messenger app. It seems to work ok.
Also for the kids, my almost 3 year old loves anything by duck duck moose and also monkey preschool lunchbox.
I’m with Quilter in the Gap … up your data package otherwise you’ll get a nasty bill. Download apps & songs via your computer & whenever you’re at the Appke Store, stand outside & use their free wifi to update your apps or do some downloading. It will come together with the iPhone. You’ll love it!
I’m glad I’m not the only one struggling with my phone!
I’ve been given a new one … and have had to come to terms with having a SIM card too – yes my old phone was … ahem, old!
I’ll be reading the comments with interest
Data usage on the iPhone is the devil. It costs an ABSOLUTE fortune. I have actually gone instore and had Internet usage/access to Data TURNED OFF!!! It means I can never access the internet in public, unless I’m at Maccas, but you know what, it’s never ever been a problem. You don’t need to be checking your emails whilst in Coles, seriously. I think I’ve had to go to a Maccas twice to check the balance in my bank account? That’s over a 2 year period.
And using internet through home wifi is free. That’s all I ever do!!!
But like I said, data is like gold. Totally not worth it. Have it turned off!!!
When @ home make sure to see the 3 signal lines instead of the word 3G. Thus means your phone is using wifi and you can download upload everything without using your data plan. When outside your home and you need to surf the net or play games and watch videos make sure to connect to a hotspur(wifi). They are usually free at malls, coffee shops, restaurants, libraries and schools. This will help you save data use from your plan. If there’s no hotspot use with caution when you browse the net, play games or watch videos. Simple fb or email or googling does not consume much your data plan but videos do.
As with your mail you can open your account through safari app or set it up through the Microsoft exchange app which is the green envelope icon. But i you use the Microsoft exchange it can use up your plan without you knowing it as it automatically alerts you of every mail you receive when you are using your 3G. But when at home and you have wifi it’s ok.
I only have 200 mb data plan since I am always at home. But my son watches Barney and other cartoons when we dine out and that’s the time my data plan is consumed. Just check your data plan usage every time your kids use it for 30 minutes or so so that you’ll know if you are still within it. If you think you will be using more data plan better switch to unlimited to save from over usage cost and not worry much about it. Also watch out the for apps which has small cost as it can add up and cost a lot at the end of the month.
you can also blog through an app which cost a minimal amount. Jus google it. 
All you people who have ended up with massive bills I have no idea what you are doing! I’m with Telstra and until recently had a data limit of 150meg. In over a year I have gone over the limit once – and it wasn’t e en me that used it. Hubby tethered it to the laptop when we were away one time and went crazy on you tube. I run an accounting business and use it every day when out and about to check email, ATO website, Facebook, Twitter, Bom etc. I don’t go crazy and download apps, or watch videos – I leave that for at home on wifi. Telstra just upped me to a 600meg a month limit and I seriously struggle to use more then 25% of that.
here’s what vodafone told me – go to settings, general, network, turn cellular data on, then data roaming on to use your data download when out and about. I turn data roaming off when I’m at home to use the wi-fi
3G has nothing to do with using internet download, it’s just a way for the phone to receive the data. it uses your battery up, but makes using applications quicker.
to receive picture messages you need cellular data on. if you haven’t received a picture message since you got the phone, send one to yourself to turn it on.
hope that helps