i have iPhone

Well I’m probably a little late to the party but I finally got an iphone 4……an early present for my birthday next week and don’t even go there when I first told retro daddy what i wanted for my birthday. Just don’t do there. So I’m loving it but feel like an 80 year old learning how to use a computer for the first time

I’m just a bit clueless! Or a lot. But boy waiting for school pick up just got a whole lot more exciting….so many apps, so little time. Unfortunately Keira has quickly found her favourite games and wants to take the phone out of my hot little hands at any opportunity. But she won’t be doing that until I visit the mobile phone store tomorrow for a case and screen protector! Love to know your favourite apps too………


  1. I good, I see you figured out how to post photos… and what a photo;

    Look. At. That. HAIR!

  2. oh she is delicious!
    yeah I would be totally clueless too. Am so lusting over all those photo apps though..

  3. This made me smile. I just got my own iPhone 4 and posted a photo from Hipstamatic today!!

  4. Look how gorgeous little Elodie is!

    I don’t use too many apps other than the essentials – Facebook, Twitter and ANZ banking – not very exciting at all :)

    iPhones are definitely the best. They do almost everything xxx

  5. I have the iPhone 4 which I upgraded from the old iPhone. My 3 year old got my old one and it was the best thing we did giving it to her and she stays away (mostly from ours) It was embarrassing though in the shopping centre – a man was on his phone and she said “look mum that man has an iPhone just like mine” Not the most impressed look from the man when he saw that it came from a small child.

  6. don’t get addicted to angry birds……

  7. I’ve had Nokias since the 90s but my last ne wasn’t much good and fell apart just as DIL upgraded to iPhone4. So I have her old one.

    I have more apps than I expected. Had none fr a long time. You go by car, but for anyone using public transport in Sydney the $2.50 Tripview is essential. Covers bus, train and ferry timetables and you can customise the stops and save the trips. I have a breviary and lectionary as well and Westpac. There’s one from the PO to check postage etc which may help you. Play around with iTunes. If you choose free apps and don’t like them, they are easy to delete and you haven’t wasted money.

  8. I am still waiting for my iphone! I have to wait until May when my contract is up. Sigh, until then I stare lustfully at everyone else’s!

  9. I love the pics hipstamatic takes! That vintage effect without even doing anything. That’s the only reason I want an iphone… x

  10. Hi Corrie.
    Welcome to iLand!! The best app by far is Instagram…it’s a photosharing app (so be sure to share your username with us all) and it gives you so many different looks for your photos! It’s awesome!
    xx Stacey

  11. Oh GOD, a new phone, every time i get a new upgrade as the typical “end of 24 month contract phone dies” i ask for the same thing – just dials, i don’t need a camera, games, internet, oh i can’t stand them!! I like big laptops, everything can wait in my world. My husband has an iPhone, i have to ask one of the children how to answer it if i’m left alone with it, then again, i can barely work an iPod. Can you tell i kind of like silence?? Yep, ’tis the life of a mother of 4 whose raised them to high school. Love Posie

  12. I’m clueless. My husband just got one for work and he’s enjoying it but I still just have a good old cellphone! Enjoy getting to know your IPhone and LOVE the photo of Elodie…..too cute :)

  13. I forgot to say that my hubbie has downloaded the Bible so this morning while at church he whipped out his IPhone instead of taking his Bible. Pretty cool!!

  14. I love iphoneography xo

  15. I have recently changed to the iPhone 4 from a Nokia and love it so far but haven’t gone onto iTunes or gotten any apps.

    I am wondering if I have songs through iTunes for my iPod can I log into the same account and add the songs to my iPhone??? Any help appreciated!!

  16. You make beautiful babies!!!!! Thanks for the quick post last week – loved it. I’m not at the party yet.

  17. Meredith – yes, if you have itunes on your computer already then just set your iPhone up with the same account name as your ipod and you will be able to share songs across the two.

    I think you can share apps and songs across 5 devices.

    DH and I both have iPhones and I have to admit I was sad that I lost my IP3 as I was planning on giving it to 3 year old!

  18. Check out Reeder – the best app for keeping up to date with your blog reads. Worth the few dollars, integrates with google reader. it’s brilliant.

  19. I do long for the time where my phone was all mine and I was not expected to share with my children!!!
    Greta photo of your precious babe.

  20. Oh Corrie, I’m so envious! I have an iPad with lots of apps (including the infamous Angry Birds!) and love it. My phone contract is up in a couple of months and I’m firmly resolved to get an iPhone this time. I’d recommend apps I like on iPad, but not sure how they’s go on the smaller screen of the iPhone. I love “toys” like these :-))

  21. Elodie is beautiful!

  22. Oh yeah I am jealous!!! Love the photo and edit!!

  23. Did you know that there are some quilting apps???

  24. Aha e rav saved to the screen. So handy when I found Debbie Stoller for $3 a ball and wondered what I could make with it. I like notelite and gave a shopping list one that is great. Enjoy, I am still learning how to use mine. The kids are yet to work out that it has games but I do have ABCkids on it and they enjoy dancing to it.

  25. So cute! I like twitter, facebook, the ozweather one. Ali loves Monkey Lunchbox, My Little Suitcase and Cookie Doodle… very handy for keeping him entertained in queues. I put the games on the iPod touch too, so now he says that is his phone and it keeps the little paws off mine ๐Ÿ˜‰

  26. Corrie,

    I forgot to mention a program which is free, easy to use and can be installed on practically any phone and computer. Google Evernote. Lists, notes, reminders, much more. I think it would be a perfect assistant in your little business. A really good feature is that you can speak into it and it will convert it to text and send it by email to you. Very easy if you have hands full of baby and toddlers.
    You can use it either on your phone or computer and sync the two together. Did I mention it’s free?

  27. Angry birds is oh so fun, and addictive! They also have angry birds seasons, which is just as fun, as well…. I do like the word game “words with friends”, and textropolis. Did I mention angry birds? LOL

  28. Doodle Jump, Angry Birds, 123 Colour for the kids & I love Hipstamatic, Twitter, Frog Jump & my own self-developed iPhone app MM4MP … it’s FREE in the app store (gratuitous plug there ๐Ÿ˜‰ You’ll wonder what you did before an iPhone, Corrie.
    p.s. I love Reeder for a quick blog read whilst at swimming but I use it on the iPad. It would annoy me on the iPhone I think.

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