where have my nights gone?

My nights used to be the perfect time for my craft and a great way to pass time until retro daddy got home. But now that school has started I think I’ve said goodbye to it for a while. We get in the door from school at 3.30, have some playtime, do laundry, cook dinner, clean up after dinner, baths, brush teeth, put Elodie to bed (thankfully she’s out like a light after 5 minutes), read books and hopefully have everyone asleep before 8.30. I say hopefully because there are always some bedtime shenanigans going on but we’ve come a long way from last year when we had no set bedtime. 
my latest hexagon flower

Then when all I want to do is collapse on the couch with some craft it’s actually time for me to  catch up on laundry, tidy up after the day, lay out everyone’s clothes for the next day, make up orders, pack keira’s bag and write my to do list for the next day all while sneaking in a bit of tv for myself. And that is why it’s taken me 2 weeks to get one hexagon flower done…………..but it’s better than nothing! And hopefully as the year rolls on I’ll become speedy gonzalez with my night time routine so that I can sit down, relax and get some crafting done.


  1. My oldest is in pre-school two mornings a week and it’s a struggle to have ourselves organized enough to get him there on time those mornings. I can only imagine how much more evening time will be lost to prepping once he starts kindergarten every day in September. Kudos to you on getting that flower done!

  2. I don’t blame you for just collapsing on the couch! So many littlies to look after would wear me out too! Such beautiful children though!

  3. It’s a pretty freaking amazing hexagon flower too, if you ask me {which you probably shouldn’t, because I know nothing about sewing/quilting}.

    I wish I had more time for the good stuff too. So if you find the secret to it, whisper it my way. x

  4. Kids seem to create chaos! My nights are pretty much the same ;).
    Gorgeous flower though!

  5. aaah the joys and “to-do” lists that come with having wee ones around. i’m an empty nester, 5 grown children. but, i still feel like collapsing on the couch sometimes and am too tired to sew/quilt. Having young ones around with hugz ready and loving faces to shine on you…..it’s one of the best seasons in life.


    stop by my blog for a visit? =)

  6. I hear you!!!! My eldest two settle fairly easily now (5 & 4) but the baby of the family – who is 2 next week requires me to sit beside him until he falls asleep (if I don’t he gets up and runs a muck!!!) It has been around 9pm lately ….much too late…sometimes I leave the dishes/organisation for the next day and flake hoping I will have more time/energy in the morning. Running a family with four kids and a business – you are doing an amazing job!!!

  7. Goodluck!!
    Our night-times have been a problem since daylight savings started.
    I am hanging out for the cooler weather and non daylight savings. But till then I guess I will struggle on.

    Oh and lets us in on any secrets you may discover in the process.

  8. Yes it’s a slog…yay for the couch- it’s good you do all those jobs in the evening, makes the mornings so much less stressful. Good luck in the speedy gonzalez territiory…as time goes on it will get a bit more streamlined hopefully. Well done on the flower- it’s beautiful.

  9. i love the shade of blue in that hexagon flower!

  10. Phew – I’m worn out just reading that! I’m amazed you get any craft done at all. I always have plans to do some sewing in the evenings but by the time my 3 boys are in bed I’m ready for bed myself. Well done you for getting some done – that flower is beautiful.

  11. Corrie, it takes a while to adjust to life with one at school but I know you will find a way.

    I have been looking after the twin babes (5 months old) next door while their mummy takes miss 5 to school & picking her up. It is fun when they both need a bottle!

    By the way Corrie, thanks for mentioning the nuffnang comp. I was lucky enough to win some goggles. How good is that.

  12. I experiences a TINY bit of this when I was a nanny in the USA. I had to get up at an unearthly hour of morning and of course my brain DID NOT work at that hour of the morning so did all my planning and prepping the night before. It’s all very good to be organised but it takes time to be organised and that sucks!! Responsibility is so annoying sometimes :)

  13. yes, it sounds like our house..esp. the bedtime shenanigans. By the time they are all asleep Im ready for bed!!!

  14. I hear you! And I don’t even have any kids at school etc. The night just vanishes before I get anything done!

  15. You do so well to get all that done especially when Retrodaddy is away so much! Settling into a new routine is big but soon you’ll be just like you said….speedy gonzalez!

  16. But it’s a HEXAGON flower. Better than the rest of us who just drink wine and go to bed. Speaking from *ahem* experience…

  17. Oh I hear you loud and clear, Corrie!! Same, same, same. x

  18. To do lists… where would we be without them! I get the whole “5 seconds” to do anything creative at night, after you have done all the things that you have to do.

  19. love your hexies

  20. I love your hexies. I know what you mean about night time routines. It can be tough. You will get it worked out though and then it will change.

  21. You will get used to it and settle in a routine, don’t worry! With kids this age it is pretty normal to crash after bedtime!

  22. yes but what a beautiful hexagon flower it is – i love the fabric combination.

  23. I totally understand where you are coming from and I only have 1 little girl!! I get ‘depressed’ when I don’t have the energy to craft so it’s comforting to know that all us mums are in the same boat… take it easy, love your blog :)

  24. Oh dear, I am so like this in the evening. I have all these sewing plans and then I find it is 8:30 before Ginger is in bed and the dishes done, washing folded….it always seems too late to start anything then. I must get more disciplined.

  25. Hmmm sounds familiar, luckily our twins are good at going to bed, hmmm Miss nearly 3 , not so much. Its a toss up whether to do a day sleep and late and arguementative bed time or no sleep and early bed!!
    I am determined to make a hex flower, must do!!LOVE YOURS though!!

  26. I love these flowers. I should try one one day but they scare me a bit…don’t know why!

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