we are home

Well, if you were on facebook Tuesday night you would know I was having EWS – you know, Elodie Withdrawal Symptoms. I was missing her so much. Oh my goodness me I’ve never been separated from one of my little bubbas when they’re tiny and it was breaking my heart – 2am and I was wide awake missing her. But I had decided it was better if I was home that night to get keira ready for school.  I don’t know how mummies of little ones who are in and out of hospital do it. I’m exhausted!
day 2 of big school
I got keira off to school, the twins had major meltdowns when they realised I wasn’t letting them on the play equipment and that keira was NOT coming home with us. Tillie decided to have one of her monumental screaming outbursts all the way back to the car…what a lovely first impression I was making! But I kept holding her hand and walked her back to the car with a smile on my face…you’ll get much more understanding if you do that rather than react and freak out.
finnie and keira
I raced back to the hospital and smothered Elodie in cuddles and kisses. I had joked that I might do a chariots of fire run through the corridors but the twins were just as excited to see their daddy so we took it at a brisk pace and I was back with my little baby. It was a long day and I kept falling asleep in the big red chair until finally we were released at dinner time to go home. 
sick bub
Little elodie is on antibiotics until she is 6 months old to ensure this doesn’t happen again and she is still a bit cranky and tired. And I don’t know how she manages it but she always has a smile for everyone. She always had to get the dr or nurse’s attention so that she could smile at them. I’m glad she can keep smiling. It has been a very exhausting past few days and I’ve had to get updates on my mum through text messages. I hope to get over and see her tomorrow.  Thank you for your lovely words of encouragement, I’m ready for life to slow down just a little for us now………….
she manages a smile


  1. so glad that your little one is feeling better. That must have been really hard – I think you’re quite amazing!

  2. Glad you are home and hope things settle down now. How cute is Keira in her uniform!

    Can you palm off some of the work you have on at the moment?

  3. What a releif that all is good and that you are able to take your precious baby home. Stay strong.

  4. Welcome home for Elodie. It must have been so hard missing her like crazy! She has the most beautiful smile and I am glad she is better!

  5. So happy your baby is home! Take a deep breath, have a cup if tea and relax!

  6. Bless your heart. You have been through so much … your mom’s illness, your baby in the hospital. I’m glad your little one is getting better. So much stress. Please take care of yourself, little mother.

  7. A blessing Elodie this at home …..
    Affection for the whole family.

  8. Glad to hear your little girl is back home. Take care!

  9. Oh boy, i can just picture slow motion running with the twins holding on & music playing as you run through the hospital back to your baby. I don’t know how mummies do it even when their little new borns are on oxygen or tubes, to be apart?? All of mine were delivered onto my chest & that was it, forever!! Kisses to Elodie & Keira’s first week of school is almost over, flash & it’s gone. Love Posie

  10. Oh my middle girl wanted to say that she thinks Tillie & Finn have grown so much (since we saw you 3 weeks ago) please say hello to all your babies from the 4 McClellands, love Posie

  11. What a big, big week. I’m so glad that you are home

  12. So glad to hear she is home.
    Yes having a baby in hospital is just exhausting.

  13. Awww..Keira is a big girl now! She looks so sweet and happy about school. I am so glad to hear that Elodie is home. Poor thing. Hugs for everyone!

  14. Glad to hear your little one is home safe. I could just imagine what the twins are going through, so much change in a few days. Take some time for yourself. Blessings to your family.

  15. I’ll bet that the doctors & nurses are missing Elodie’s smile already! Glad that you’re all home now.
    It’s too bad the Keira doesn’t like to have her picture taken, isn’t it? She is so cute!

    Don’t forget to breathe…

  16. What a cutie! Glad you’ve got her home.

  17. I am so glad Elodie is back at home. Having a baby in hospital is exhausting both mentally and physcially – but they seem to cope with it better than we do. Kiera looks gorgeous in her uniform, they look so grown up! My littlest one started school yesterday too! I am all alone at home now.

  18. So glad she is home. Cherrie

  19. Praying for some calm in your life for a while! :)

  20. You must be exhausted. I’m glad to hear Elodie is getting better – poor little trout.

  21. I have missed you on the blog.
    I am pleased your little girl is ok.What I read on your blog, you are a fantastic mum. Keira looked sooo beautiful in her uniform.
    I know you are still doing it hard with your mum sick, my thoughts are with every day I do so much love reading your blog.

  22. So she’s a flirt then is she?

  23. Poor Baby! Glad everything has worked out and she is back with you. Love the school pictures! Hope you can relax a bit for now….

  24. Give her a couple of extra kisses from all of us in blogland.

    Now, Corrie, big breath in. Aaaand out. Now relax, ok?

    Oh, word verification = bless. Niiice!

  25. So nice that she is back home with you now. It will be good for you to get your life back to normal. :)

  26. poor little possum. glad she is back home finally. xx

  27. Yeah prayers were answered. Go hug that baby and the rest of the children for that matter!

  28. Oh Miss Elodie looks beautiful and happy babies make happy mummies dont they! Miss Kiera must have enjoyed her first day so much and soon your twinnes will be off to school too one day. I do hope your mum is doing well with her health.

  29. Wow life can sure get scary can’t it? Glad bub is better and day one at school was in the end a happy milestone. Make yourself a few minutes of time have some tea light a candle or take a little walk and breathe. xxx chrisb.

  30. How traumatic for all of you! Glad your little button is OK now. Hospital life is very difficult for all. So glad you are all back home now.

    These things always happen at the worst time imaginable don’t they? Glad Kiera had a good first day, it’s such a special time and not one to be missed.

  31. So glad Elodie is home with you. Look at the beautiful plump arm wrapped up

  32. So glad to hear you are home and Elodie is on the mend. If she’s on antibiotics, don’t forget to give probiotics to help keep her internal flora in balance :) You can get ones suitable for an infant from a good naturopath.
    I hope your mum is doing ok and that life calms down for you a little now!

  33. Glad to hear that sweet Elodie is on the mend. That must have been quite a scare.
    Keira has the most beautiful blue eyes.
    Take care!

  34. Oh Corrie you poor love! So much on right now. I am just catching up so off to read more posts as i don’t know what is wrong. I hope Your Baby girl is home soon!! Sound like our first day at school we had a little one that didn’t want to leave either – wants to be like the rest. **hugs**

  35. Elodie looks so georgeous wearing that big smile of hers and that cute ‘baby doll’ onesie! She is such a treasure smiling at everyone like that. Hopefully now you can have a few quiet days at home to get over the past week or two.

  36. Look at her gorgeous smile. I’m so glad your family is all home and back together safe and sound.

  37. Oh my goodness, I would hate to be seperated from my baby. That is really hard. Well done. I hope you get to enjoy some quality family time now x

  38. Oh, Corrie. I can’t believe all the stress you’ve been under lately. Can Retrodaddy take some time off to give you a break? I suppose it’s hard, being a new job. J x

  39. best of luck with everything! I’m a teacher and we had a bub at daycare with a UTI with similar symptoms: slight fever and doctors assuming that mum should know exactly what was wrong. You do an amazing job, I love following your blog – anyone can tell that you are a wonderful person who loves her children very much. Take care.

  40. Hi Corrie, I’ve been following your blog for ages now and I simply love it but have never commented. It’s always the last thing I do before I go to bed. Anyway, you have got just the most beautiful and adorable children. I’m so pleased to hear that Elodie is well and she can go home. Keira is absolutely gorgeous in her school uniform. Hope your mum is better too. And lastly, you’re such a great mum. I take inspiration from you!

  41. Hooray, I am so glad Elodie is home! I am sure she missed you while she was at the hospital too.

  42. Pictures of Elodie make me smile EVERY time! She really is a baby doll.

  43. Espero que Elody se recupere pronto.
    Abrazos y mucho ánimo

  44. HUGS lots of the! just read the post and my you have had a bit to deal with! You never know what will be round the corner hey!! Don’t beat yourself up too much about Little Elodie – you were doing the best you thought at the time ( I would have done the same!) and I am thankful as i know you are that you had a great team at the hospitals too :-) xoxoxoxo Glad you are all home together again safe and well. Thanks be to God.

  45. God Bless Little Miss E and you too!

  46. My heart has been breaking as I’ve been reading your recent posts and what you’re going through– I hope your follower’s thoughts and prayers are comforting– and I hope that things settle down for you a bit now– you’ve had your share!!
    So glad Elodie is home with you all (Elodie is a sweet name– very appropriate for a sweet-natured, smiley baby).
    Now, hopefully, you can concentrate on prayers and support for your mom.
    You’re lucky that you can bring Elodie to the hospital when you go to visit your mom (will that change now that she’s on antibiotics??) I brought my newborn son to visit his grandfather when he had a heart attack and the nurses/staff read me the riot act. I thought it would make Grandpa Jim happy to just see and admire the newest addition to his family.
    Wishing you well and sending prayers for your Mom’s comfort.

  47. Corrie so Glad to hear Elodie is home and on the mend…
    Hope you get some Time Out over the next couple of days…even for 10mins…
    Keira looks so Grown up in her Uniform…

  48. So glad Elodie is on the mend, it’s so hard having little ones in hospital.

  49. I am so relieved for you that her hospital visit wasn’t too long. It’s very hard, that tag team parenting, one at home one at the hospital, everyone’s hearts breaking because we miss the ones we are not with! I am sure she will recover very quickly now she’s back where she should be.

  50. Yay to be home – glad to hear that you have your little family under the same roof. Fingers crossed that she stays well for you know.

    Love Miss K in her Uniform – such a big girl – hard to believe that all of the little EB bubba’s are now big school boys and girls

  51. So glad to hear Elodie is home.
    Take care yourself.
    Hugs from Spain

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