So much to tell you – Part 2

So one of the biggest events in a mummy’s parent’s life is when one of their children starts school for the first time. And nothing could be more special than when the first one heads off to school. I have been waiting for this day to come for so long. I had it all planned out, the nanny was coming at 8 to mind the twins, retro daddy had the day off work, there was morning tea afterwards and I had a pick of 2 nice dresses to wear. But all of those plans went out the window with Elodie in the hospital. Retro Daddy came to swap with me in the morning but he was running late. It meant my worst nightmare –  not having lots of time to get ready in the morning. I raced home in peak hour traffic to get keira ready for school and worked hard not rushing her so that she wouldn’t feel pressured.
know it all
she knows it all!
I had 45 minutes to get breakfast done, lunch made, keira dressed, hair done, photos taken and take her to school. That gave me a total of 2 minutes to get ready but I was starting from the back of the pack since I’d been in the hospital since 12.30 the previous day. So I had time for fresh underwear, deodorant, blush, change of earrings and a new top. No nice dress. I didn’t even have time to try anything on. Now anyone who knows me knows that I like to look nice when I leave the house for things like this. I like wearing a nice dress. Getting to school and seeing most of the other mummies looking nice in their dresses and skirts just about broke my heart. I was still wearing jeans from the day before. Thankfully a few mums were casual too, I could just about go up and kiss them as it made me feel better (I’m wearing a nice dress each day for the rest of the week btw)
tired mummy
one tired mummy on 2 hours sleep and a 2 minute freshen up
I was getting choked up before we’d even left home. I was telling keira how proud I was of her, that she was going to learn how to read and write and that mummy and daddy had been waiting for this day for so long. My heart was breaking that her daddy couldn’t be walking in with her, but I was so grateful he sacrificed it to let me go. I love that husband of mine, honest. We had a bit of time for photographs and her big ballet friends in year 6 came up and made a big fuss over my little keira. They looked after her at morning tea too. So sweet but now she wants her ears pierced, a pink watch and a bracelet!!
big girl
they did a short assembly outside, said the hail mary where keira did the cutest sign of the cross (so proud of her) and then they called up each new kindy child and family and introduced us to the rest of the school (great, wish I was wearing something nicer and had retro daddy with me). Then it was time to go into her classroom. Hold it together Corrie, I kept telling myself. She got the teacher we wanted and her place was right up the front next to some really cute little boys. Does she talk to boys, apparently not. Then we were told it was time to say our goodbyes and go to morning tea. With a heart full of pride and joy and absolute amazement that my little 4 1/2 year old was taking all of this in her stride, I covered her in kisses and walked out. Trying very hard not to cry.

I grabbed a few essentials and headed back to the hospital to swap with retro daddy. He collected keira and was so excited too. Thankfully he is already such a school dad that he popped into the front office to say hi (I know, what a great dad!) and they reminded him that keira’s maths assessment was at 1.30pm! Thank goodness as I had totally forgotten. So Keira and her daddy enjoyed a sushi lunch for 2 and went back to school for her assessment and apparently more chit chat with her older buddies.
And that was the first day of school. Did it go to plan. No way. Was it special. Absolutely. People cared more about Elodie than what I was wearing, the nanny arrived at 8am and saved my bacon by making keira’s lunch, dressing everyone, entertaining them and taking photos before we left and one of us stayed by our precious Elodie the whole time. Phew, now to do it all over again tomorrow. And I don’t know why I was so worried about ‘school mums’, everyone was lovely and friendly and one mum even called our house last night to check that everything was fine with Elodie. Lovely. And I have a great new diet secret…..lock yourself up in a hospital room and worry about your baby for 36 hours and the first day of school and you’ll drop almost a kilo! It’s been a huge reality check that my number one job is to focus on my little ones and everything else will require more time or more help from others or just more understanding from others. 


  1. Lovely pics. She looks so grown up. You don’t look bad considering the night you had either!

  2. So happy to hear that Keira loved her first day of school. She looks so very grown up and wise in the pictures. . . like it’s all just another day in the life of a 4 1/2 year old! She has THE most beautiful eyes : )) I am so nervous as I go through the first day of school next Monday with my 4 1/2 year old. . . I hope his first day goes as smoothly as yours did! And you Super Mum looked just perfect x

  3. Hope the rest of your week is a little less dramatic…and good for you being a brave mumma.

  4. Keira looks perfect, certainly no evidence of the behind-the-scenes drama. Of course – you are Retromummy!

  5. what a trauma, you must be reeling from all the extremes of emotion you have been through over the last few days. I love seeing my littlies make the sign of the cross, so precious xx

  6. I hope your little one is better soon.What cute first day pictures,of you too.

    Hugs Pat

  7. OMG Corrie! What a nightmare you’re having!! Keitra looks great on her 1st day at school and she will have loved it!

    wishing elodie and your mum all the best, hugs – Justine xxx

  8. Ohmygosh Corrie — what a big few days you’ve had! I’m so sorry that it didn’t all go according to plan, but it will certainly be memorable. Keira looks adorable in her little uniform. And, as always, Tillie just cracks me up — she’s such a little cutie! I hope Elodie is doing well by now and safely home — whew! What a scare!

  9. Isn’t Keira just the cutest and most composed little gal! I remember how exciting it was to send mine off on their first day. It sounds like you have a wonderful school community. Hope Elodie is feeling better.

  10. Keira is adorable. The pictures are great.

    So sorry Elodie was ill. Hopefully she will recover fast.

  11. Congatulations Keira! First day’s are exciting and scary all at once.

    Sometimes it takes a scare to remind us of what is really important. Emails can wait, cuddles can not. Take care xox

  12. WOW – what a few days! Yet you look lovely as usual! Your little girl Keira is beautiful – so glad she had a good first day! Hope the little one is feeling better – and I think retro mum needs a nap!

  13. Sounds like your plate is full.

    Do know… in 23 years, when your baby is having her first baby, these things won’t matter on whit. She will never say “remember my first day of school?”

    So try to take the “perfect pack” off just a tiny bit. It’ll be easier that way.

  14. Congradulations to Keira on her first day of school. So sorry to hear about Elodie, hope she is doing better. Take care and May God Bless you and your family.

  15. That sounds like a lovely introduction to school! I just registered my oldest yesterday so that he’s able to start in September, and the process isn’t nearly so inviting.

  16. Oh my goodness.. you had me in tears! I remember my DD’s first days, and it was oh so long ago. She is all grown up now (22) and goodness time flies by. Just one day at a time is all we can do. Just cherish that one day. It slips by so quickly and the little things like what you wore seem so meaningless.

  17. You are having a really tough time. I feel for you very much.Keira looks totally gorgeous, hers eyes are stunning as are you even without the special dress. I know this isn’t part of this post but will you have help to finish the blocks for Qld. I don’t think you should be taking on such a huge burden right now. It is SO important for you to just look after yourself and your family as it will do nobody any good if you collapse from stress and exhaustion. If you are not up to it please let us know in a post as there are alternatives such as Oz Comfort Quilts which would take the pressure off you. Please don’t be offended. I care very much as I allowed my health to be ruined by too much stress. Cherrie

  18. Corrie take care, you’ve had SO much stress to cope with lately, don’t get sick yourself. Keira looked totally unphased by school or the drama at home so well done to you & Retro Daddy.

  19. Tears – why do your posts always render me to tears. If I cry over Keira’s first day, can you imagine what I will be like when my own kids start school.

  20. Oh my goodness on top of everything else and just when you think things are full on. Well done for getting through it!!! Hope precious Elodie makes a speedy recovery!!!!
    My son was sick on the first day of school this week (he was is going into year 1) and I felt terrible about that….but nothing compared to the beginning of your week!!!

  21. Wpw sending prayers up for you guys….

    Keira look so cute in her uniform…


  22. Keira looks so beautiful. My prayers for you and your family, especially little Elodie.

  23. I do hope the rest of the week goes more smoothly! You had a rough few days (and considering your mother, I should say months)and really deserve it. Your kids look so cute in the pictures, not at all stressed and Keira looks so proud! And you look just as pretty as you always do!

  24. Oh Keira you look so gorgeous in your new school uniform. Hope you love school!!
    corrie, my heart breaks for you. You are going through such a testing time.
    And here I was worrying about the fact I almost took my kids to school a day too early.
    Take care, lots of hugs and prayers going your way.

  25. Wow Corrie, take a deep breath, you are having such a busy time at the moment, I hope Elodie will get better soon and Keira just looks so cute in her school uniform, she looks so ready for school, I hope she had a good day. Take Care.x

  26. Keira looked wonderful, and you looked like you were holding it together pretty well too. My eldest had her first day at High School this week. Unfortunately there was no dropping off at the gate or long kisses or hugs good bye…she walked off up the street to catch the bus like she had been doing it for years. LOL. Enjoy this year because it will go so very fast.

  27. Corrie, Keira looks confident and happy and that’s a great statement on her family life. Probably every Mum has had a frightening day with one of their children and we all know ‘looks ain’t everything’ so just keep doing the great parenting job you do and don’t bother about what you look like when these things happen.
    Hoping Elodie is well and back home soon.

  28. What a beautiful and grown up school girl, you should feel very proud

  29. just lovely. A special day. Hope Elodie is home safe and sound soon.

  30. Glad Kiera had a great day. Pleased you survived the drop-off. Impressed retroDaddy went and said hello at teh office and Oh! My! Stars! Elodie is in hospital? I only didn’t read here for a coule of days.

    Hope she is home with you soon.

  31. I am so glad that you were still able to make it to the first day even though it wasn’t quite the way you had planned it. Keira looks like she settled in beautifully!

  32. Oh wow, that is not how first days are meant to go. My husband missed our daughters (times 3) first days of school but finally caught the last one. He’s the popular Daddy too, i reckon our principal hides in the bushes to leap out & chat to my husband, he always gets a huge kiss from her (i know, i love small friendly schools). Get well soon Elodie & Keira will be talking to boys soon enough, my son prefers girls only, still, he’s in year 2!! Love Posie

  33. PS i love that Country Road singlet, i have the same in blue, ah, love you my twin, love Posie

  34. Congrats on her first day of school! It may not have gone exactly as you planned, but you made it :-)

  35. Corrie, you are an AMAZING woman, I’ve just read thru your blog post from the past day. You have made me rethink things!
    Sending you warm wishes and thoughts!

  36. Corrie – what a bombshell of a week you’re having. They say it doesn’t rain but it pours. Here’s hoping the weather clears for you guys soon.

    My 4.5 year old starts school in a couple of weeks and I’m not sure how I’ll go because I’m a bit teary reading your story!!

  37. Keira looks so cute in her school uniform. Great that everything worked out well for you all. I am happy to hear that Elodie is getting much better and you can bring her home! By the way I thought you looked great with just 2 hours sleep!

  38. Yep, I just going to add to all the other comments of admiration! What a great job mum. You and hubby worked as such a great team and made sure that all bases were covered. Keira will never know that her special day didn’t go according to your plans – because she was able to enjoy her first day without pressure.
    Such a fantastic job!! Well done. And I do hope Elodie is doing well too. Poor little thing (it’s so hard when they are so small)

  39. Hi Corrie,
    The beautiful Keira seems to have inherited your strength – she looks as if she is having a great time. I hope that Elodie is recovering. Stay strong and brave, and take care.

  40. My baby girl has a bad temp too! think it is an ear infection though. And it is sooo hot in Sydney now. Love Tilly’s dress – where did you get that fabric?

  41. Couldn’t read and not post.

    Chin up, deep breath…..

    You all made it through the first day and that is the main thing!

    Congrats Keira on the first day.

    Hope all is now alright with Elodie.

  42. Oh she looks so gorgeous and so proud of herself! (as she should be!). They’re such grown up little girls now. By the time the end of first term rolls around it will feel like they’ve *always* been at school.

  43. DUDE – I’m so pleased you learned those lessons – I was going to beat you around the head about wearing special dresses and all that shite – NO ONE CARES!!! Yes we need to feel good about ourselves but at the end of the day you hit the nail on the head – it was about Elodie being a sick little moppet and the Mighty Keira having an awesome first day.

    I tell you #4 is the one that teaches you the most!

    So pleased she’s on the mend.
    So pleased Keira had a great day (what a lovely idea introducing the families to the school – love it)

    And you, let’s see how we can get you some sleep.

  44. Corrie you look beautiful. As does Keira. So glad she had a lovely first day and hoping Elodie is feeling much better.

  45. Oh what an emotional rollercoaster you have been on the last few days. Even though I am an internet stranger, I am so happy to hear that its all working out ok! I hope Elodie is home soon and you can settle into the new school routine!

  46. So pleased Keira is settling into school so well! She looks adorable in her uniform and you look great too! What a week its been and pleased little Elodie is better now. Hope each day gets only better for you!

  47. So pleased Keira is settling into school so well! She looks adorable in her uniform and you look great too! What a week its been and pleased little Elodie is better now. Hope each day gets only better for you!

  48. I’m so glad you’ve had a bit of sunshine in your life after the trauma of the past couple of days.
    I hope miss K had a great day!!
    Andi x

  49. Corrie, you are AMAZING! I don’t know how you do it but you are an inspiration! What a woman! Thanks for keeping us up to date with everything. Thinking of you and your family!

  50. Oh, Corrie. You are absolutely astounding. Words fail me. The enormity of love you have for your children is truly wondrous to behold. J x

  51. Wow! Just read both parts in one go and so glad Keira had a great first day and that Elodie is safe and sound. I know it’s really tough right now with everything else going on in your life but wow! you’re still blogging and taking pics and you are truly a super mum. 😀 xo

  52. I bet she had a great day – kids just love going to school! I am sorry about all this stress with Elodie, just be reassured that she is in the right place getting everything she needs – sounds like she is much better already, it’s going to be lovely when she is home.

  53. So happy that despite it not all going to plan you, Retrodaddy and Keira were able to enjoy such an exciting time like the 1st day of school.She looks so cute in her uniform. Hoping by the time you read this Elodie is home where she belongs again and on the mend xx

  54. Just read both of these posts – what a big couple of days for you – I’m so so pleased Elodie is doing ok so far, and that you were able to share Keira’s exciting school debut. Hope the rest of the week goes by without any more drama.

  55. WOW CorrIe WHAT A WOMAN! Hang in there you are doing great! Keira looks perfect and very happy! and you have done a fantastic job!……. a special little pray tonight for you all….

  56. Oh Corrie. I am reasonably new to your blog, maybe a month or so… But I have fallen for you and your family! My eldest started kindy last year, and arriving for drop off on day one this year bought back all those feelings of the very 1st day of last year (for me and my Ruby!). Very special, and Keira looks so relaxed in the photos, which is a credit to you with all thats going on in at the moment! You are an inspiration xxx

  57. Keira looks adorable and happy first day of school to her!

  58. Oh Keira looks so much like RetroDaddy in those pics!!

    She is utterly busting out of her skin you can tell and loving the pics – you look fab given 2 hours sleep – love to you all xxxxxx

  59. Corrie, I always enjoy reading your blog: life can throw us into situations we don’t choose for ourselves. It is a way of reminding us that our children and husbands are a priority. You did good to keep it all together.

  60. well done Corrie for coping with all of this and helping Keira to have a happy day. Please dont hesitate to call if you need help with the quilts – there are lots of others out there, myself included, who are happy to share the quilting load!!!

  61. I didn’t read yesterday’s blog…I’m so sorry for you and little Elodie…sending lots of love and a big get well soon wish! Keira on the other hand has had a marvellous first day and a great mum who went out of her way to make it that way…congratulations!

  62. So Glad you got through the day OK..Lovely piccies..
    Hope Little Elodie is doing much better…
    take care

  63. Keira looks so content and happy with her school day. She’s a beautiful little girl.

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