Firstly, thank you for your sweet words and emails. I’ve cried reading them all. Everytime I sit to read them, I cry. They were just so sweet and heartfelt. They would make my mum cry too. I’m itching to get to the hospital and see my mum tonight and as soon as retro daddy is in the door I’m out of here! She had her mri early this morning and the dr’s are just deciding the course of action. I wish this wasn’t happening to us. My dad has been at her side since very early this morning and I know he won’t have left her to even grab something to eat or drink. I know him well so am taking a few things in tonight.
and since we could all do with a laugh, I thought you might like to know the sort of garbage that makes it’s way into my inbox every now and then. I’ve now decided there is a new rule for my giveaways…..if you email me something like the following then I won’t include you in my giveaways. OK? But I know you lovely people wouldn’t. I mean I’m not running the national lottery around here, just a mum and very small business owner sharing the love. She’s obviously not a regular as I never (ever) draw my giveaways on time but I do draw them and I do always post out the prizes!!! Thankfully, THANKFULLY, I can laugh this off………as in what kind of a person writes this stuff. I sent a polite email back (yes, surprisingly I was polite) explaining my weekend and she wrote back to tell me she had removed her entry in the giveaway. Phew, one less thing for me to do. There was no dear/hi/how are you Corrie just this charmer……..
“… and I’ll draw a winner on the 20th January!”
It’s a lie! Corrie, you’re kidding again? Did God allow Catholics (Catholic and proud of it!) lie? 700 people are waiting, and you – hairdresser, hairstyle. And so every time.
Luke 15:10 “… and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much”
Respect …
So, moving on (yes please, can we move on from this!!) the winner of January’s giveaway is…………….drumroll……………….
True Random Number Generator
Min: 1
Min: 1
Max: 706
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And 127 is Leah-in-the-Kia said… I would lOVE that! my girls would LOVE it too! January 6, 2011 4:32 PM Well done Leah and thank you everyone for entering! Next giveaway coming in a week or so…………….
Oh my goodness how pathetic!! I am glad you laughed it off. Rude Woman. Hugs to you and your family xx
pfffft WOW I cant believe the ridiculous things people say. Good on you for laughing it off, you’ve got enough on your plate so don’t lose sleep over it. So sorry to read about your Mum, my prayers are with your mum and your family.
i cant get over how impatient and inconsiderate some people can be.
and Congrats to the lucky winner!!!!
YEah, rude and unpolite woman. THere are always be such people unfortunatelly, she should be thankfull that you have desided to make such a giveaway!
Ahh, you did the right thing that was polite, was higher then THAT woman.
my congrats to the winner!
And i wish you all the best!!
Oh my goodness what a nut job! I cannot believe someone actually typed that! I’m also glad you were able to just laugh it off…can you block people???
I hope you get some good news from the MRI and that you find your mum a little better tonight. Thinking of you.
Unrighteous? UNRIGHTEOUS??? See I’m shouting I’m so cross!!! I do so LOVE it when people unkindly quote scripture… nutter indeed.
Just what you need, I am so sorry for all the pain your mother is going through and all the pain you are all feeling in supporting her. My thoughts are with you…. A x
OMG What a people…You are so busy mum and you decide when you have time
Congrats to the winner and thanks for chance to win!!!
And I Love your new Header
Honestly that is the most ridiculous thing ever for a little giveaway. And what is it with people who know you’re Catholic and throw it in your face when you don’t do what THEY want? Yeah, lets grab a whole page of random quotes from the Bible… that works both ways love.
Laugh it off. Not worth your time. I love the new header. Go and give your mum a big hug and know that she is more important than any giveaway.
xo MODELmumma
I stand by my opinion stated on your facebook page.
The woman is an idiot and rude.
The end.
I hope you enjoy your visit with your mum tonight. Thinking of you all xo
What a shocking attitude, I just can’t understand it. I hope I never come across someone like that.
Congratulations! the winner …
wishing the best for your mom, now are in my prayers … a big hug ..
Congrats to the winner and really all you can do is laugh because it’s so pathetic, sad life if you can’t accept that life happens and wait a couple of days…
Oh I am so glad you posted her nasty little comment – hopefully it deters her from doing it again. I have to say I love your header Corrie, just beautiful. Big hugs to your parents when you go in tonight to see them. It is very hard to go through what you are dealing with right now.
Oh not good…let’s hope that they never visit you again and that all you receive is encouraging and thankful mail.
Maybe the woman is practising fussy cutting and has she moved on from fabric to person.
Move on and keep up the good work.
What an idiot she is. Im so glad you laughed it off because, to be honest, thats all its worthy of. I pity anyone that could be so ignorant (although pity is probably a nicer emotion that she deserves.) Congrats to the winner and thanks again for such a lovely giveaway. Hope you and your family are doing ok. x
You have got to be kidding me!! What an sad case of a person to write that!! Pfftt
Enjoy your visit with your mother dearest, and thinking of you and your family xo
Hooley Dooley! Shake it off lovely…You have more faithful followers than not who understand your hardships and your lifestyle. Congrats to leah in the kia. I’m sure the prize will be put to good use
Take care now xxx
You are kidding me!? I can’t believe someone wrote that. Well done for laughing it off, especially amongst all the other difficulties you are currently dealing with. I only just read your last post and am so sorry to hear about your Mum – sending you lots of strength during such a tough time for your family xx
That is absolute grounds for disqualification. Some people are so rude!
Huge hugs Corie! Thinking positive thoughts for your mum.
Congratulations to Leah! And best thoughts to you and yours.. Your picture is adorable..
Oh my! Well, sending an extra hug your way to ward of the negative vibes of “Mean Girl”! We don’t need her ruining the RetroMummy fun!!! 😉
Congrats to the lucky winner!!!
congratulations to the winner!! yay!! I also find it hard to imagine that people have the energy and the time to muster up those unkind words and then actually put them in writing. hugs to you Corrie. thinking of you and your family.
What a fruitbat! Nevermind…big hugs. Congrats to the winner, happy sewing 😀 xx
Hello Corrie,
How outrageously rude those comments are! Fancy being so rude over a lovely, FREE give away.
People like that really do need something to complain about, so make sure you draw the next give away late too! : )
Wishing your mum all the best.
Take care x
I could read about your mom only today – I can understand how you must be feeling, nobody would want anything like that to happen to their parents.
May God give you strength & patience.
Please Take Care.
I Still can’t believe that e-mail you got @-@!
Congrats to Leah!
Felicidades a la ganadora y espero que tu mama se recupere muy pronto.besos
I can’t believe that some people are like that – it takes so much energy and generates more negative energy. I can’t believe you were polite back – I think I would have just ignored the email.
Keep strong and positive!!!!!!
Corrie, I’ve just caught up on your posts, thoughts are with you and your mum and family xx
PS -Love your new header by the way
Oh Carrie please forget all about that dreadful woman – she obviously has no idea of what it is like to be “you” – just think how dreadfully boring her own life must be, to be able to spend the time sending you an email like that!!!!
Love your new blog header by the way – it looks fab!!
Sending you love and hugs from the UK
What a sad excuse for an email and selfish too! Glad you couldlaugh it off. Hang in there. these times are tough and having watched my own Mum battle cancer I know that it is a horrible thing to live thru. All the best and look after your Dad.
Congratulations to Leah on winning the giveaway.
I agree with everyone’s comments so far. The email you received comes from a very rude individual who would do well to think more about others sometimes. The reference to you being Catholic and not doing the right thing, is totally irrelevant anyway. There are good and bad people in the world just as there are religious and non-relgious people and the word’s “good” & “christian” are not mutually exclusive. I myself am a Christian FYI.
Wishing your mum & dad much peace, love & prayers at this time. xo
shame you can`t block people from reading your blog, like that person who emailed. Unbelieveable. I am sorry to hear about your mum and thinking of you. You and your lovely children must be such a blessing to her. Elodie is just so scrumptious! Like my baby girl who is 13 months
keep strong.
omg! I’m in shock!…you do need to feel for this self obsessed person though…….good for you for recognising the need for a good laugh! We love you Corrie! dont forget that…..
You’re kidding???? Some people…….
Enjoy your visit with your mum tonight.
Hugs – Fee X
Oh, my Corrie. You’ve got just the right attitude. I cannot believe such rudeness.
And I have to wonder. Exactly what difference does it make which day in January the winner is drawn, anyway? Unbelievable.
Wishing you a blessed time with your family. x
Hi Corrie!
I want to say that I feel guilty that i reminded you about drawing the giveaway’s winner in some my comment when i just asked what happened… I’m really sorry if it was rude and now i realise that it was!
but i want to convince you , that i didn’t want to offend you no way! And I’m really sorry that I did!
If you can forgive me, please, do!
And I wanted to express one more time that I’m sorry about your mom, and you and your family are in my prayers in this heavy for you time!
Hope and hugs,
Julia S-ka
Oh my gosh, I cannot believe someone would send you an email like that. How incredibly rude and inconsiderate. Just echoing thoughts from everyone else…ignore it.
Thoughts to you and your family. You are going through such a tough time right now.
PSYCHO!!!!! What business is it of hers if you draw YOUR giveaway late – some people need to get a life.
Please, don’t let people like her make you miserable. It’s the last thing you need, especially right now. Thinking of you and your dear mum. All best wishes. Vreni x
I always feel hurt when people say such nasty things and it’s so reassuringto know that the great majority of people are NOT as rude and badly educated as this woman!
Hats off to you Corrie!You are a generous and endearing soul and you did so well to laugh this off. Afterall you don’t owe anyone anything!
So sorry to hear about your mum. You’re a trooper. So courageous and honest in your writings.
Crying is such good medecine even if it hurts and tastes so bitter. Thinking of you and your family. Your dad sounds so sweet too. xx Iris.
Retro Mummy, you rock and some people just need a life, Hope your mummy is as positive and happy as you. god bless you all.
I cannot believe that anyone would post something so rude and impolite. High five’s to you for laughing it off, not sure if I could have done the same.
I am so sorry to hear about your mum, being a Christian myself, my prayers are with you, your mum, your dad and the rest of your family. God bless!
I’m really sorry to read about your Mum. It must be a terribly hard time for you and your family. And that slack comment you received is obviously from someone “not all there”. Sending you best wishes. xx
I can NOT believe someone calling themselves “Catholic” would have the gall to say something like that!?!?!
I tell you, people never fail to amaze me. I really hope you are laughing it off Corrie, you do not need this right now, no one does.
LOVE the tag you gave this post ‘nutters in blogland’. Ha!!! I use the word ‘nutbag’ quite a lot to describe people who are similar to your ‘nutter’. What a nerve is all I can say. I don’t think I could have been so polite like you.
Hairdresser’s very important to be nice … for you and your family!
Congratulations to the winner, that her health improves soon and
May God protect them.
Oh Corrie what a load of hogwash is ‘THAT Commenter’ she obviously doesn’t read her Bible…and has no relationship with Jesus….she is a jealous and unforgiving self righteous person who has nothing else better to do than be nasty to others..Jesus hated those who were self righteous… the Pharisees….she has total disregard for what the Bible says… and makes me cross thinking that she would use the Word of God for her own satisfaction… she should read….Matthew 7:3-5….and take a good look at herself…
Good on you Corrie for laughing at her… your the wiser person and to think she wanted a blessing(giveaway) from you too…
And yes you can block people from commenting and following…
Many Hugs Dawn x x x
PS. congrats to the winner
Nutty as a fruitcake! She must have a very sad and boring life to write stuff like that, for goodness sake is she that desperate for a jelly roll!! How people can be like that is beyond me. Hope you find your Mum has improved when you go to see her today. Congratulations Leah. Hugs Linda
I’ve had rude comments before (which I always delete) but what the woman wrote is personal! She attacked you where she thought would hurt. I would not bother to explain anything to such people. I’ll bet she never comes back here.
Here’s how to block a follower:
Hugs Dawn x
Really? Oh Corrie how vile. I suggest she add something else to her list next time she goes to confession. Many congratulations to your winner.
What a joker. Your grace is inspirational, Corrie, especially given all you are going through now. I absolutely adore your new header, especially now you’ve told us its context. I am still to have a half decent photo with the three pixies and Sam’s now 18 months old! You’re such a legend, Sweetheart. J x
I’m reading this at work(shhhh!) & I serioulsy laughed out loud when I read what that person wrote. What are people thinking! Hope your Mum is a little better tonight xxx
I love your new header pic
I’ve not been following long, but yours has quickly become one of my favourite blogs.
I think I cried too much to comment on your last post! Hoping you find all the strength you need to be there for your family.
It’s coming up 8 years since I lost my lovely mum and sometimes it feels just like yesterday. It’s one of my biggest sadnesses that my 3year old daughter doesn’t have any grandparents.
Keep smiling x
As always, most gracious even in the line of fire! Well done Corrie for responding politely! As I’ve said before….you are inspirational
What a strange email to receive Corrie! Well done for responding politely and moving right along. What more could you do?
Best wishes to your mum, and you and your family at this difficult time.
Hope your Visit with your Mum went well & your Dad enjoyed your Goodies…
I think everyone has already said their bit on that awful comment…erase it from your brain you are too busy to worry about that Crap!!
Take Care & I Love your New Header & the look on Tillie’s Face..she’s Not Impressed..LOL.
That is the problem with blogging sometimes you atract the nutjobs. Well done you making a stand, if people can’t be nice they don’t deserve to win. I am so sorry about your mum you are all in my thoughts even if you are so far away.
Oh Corrie how sad. I thought she was joking when I first read it. It’s hard to believe it was for real.
Congrats to Leah!
That’s terrible!!
You just go be with your mum and know lots of us here love you! Phooey on her!!!!!!
holy cow, i couldn’t sleep at night knowing i left someone a message so rude….i’ve only been following your blog a month or so and i think it’s great you giveaway so much…i’m thinking about you and your family, oh and i love the new header picture. and congrats to the winner
I am so glad you have decided to just move on. I am stunned that anyone could be so insensitive and rude (especially a christian). I find it hard to believe she has never been late for anything or had family emergencies that change her plans.
Thanks for being so giving and I hope and pray that your mother is doing better soon.
Congrats to the winner and a major thumbs down to rude comments!
Keep laughing… people are rude, no doubt about it! Good luck to the winner, and you and your family!
and are you freaking kidding me?
she obviously doesn’t follow your blod Corrie or have a conscience.
it’s people like that taht give religion a bad name.
Good on you for laughing it off and being polite. I don’t think I could hae been polite, laugh it off no probs. Some people don’t have better thing to do with their time.
Hope it’s good news for you mum {{{hugs}}}
What rude people are in the world. Where’s her grace? I suppose it’s to be expected when we open ourselves to the blogosphere. Nonetheless, I’m sad for you as I know, firsthand, what you are experiencing with your mother. As much as you don’t want it to be happening, and wish it wasn’t you going through it, you have no choice. Leaning on God is the only way through it. This scripture helped me: My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 1 Cor 12:8-12 During these challenging days, may God give you strength as you’re feeing weak. Bless you, Corrie.
I’m so sorry that happened. Hopefully she realized how inconsiderate and selfish she came across. Good for you in replying kindly. That is so hard sometimes. Still praying for you and your family.
I will pray for you mum today, Corrie..
Congratulations to the winner! I’m thinking of and praying for you, your mum and the rest of your family.
And the response you got regarding the drawing of the winner…..oh please……there are (much) worse things in the world……so don’t lose any sleep over it! I love every one of your give-aways and I feel lucky to be able to enter them. Thanks!
Congrats to the winner. Wishing the best for your mom (I pray for her)
I love your new header.
Hugs from Spain
Congratulations to the winner!
For you, passing thought. Be for your mum and your family and leave by side bad comments. The giveaway is your choice and everybody has to accept it is just a game, nothing so important as judge anyone.
Have a good day.
Congratulations to the winner!
For you, passing thought. Be for your mum and your family and leave by side bad comments. The giveaway is your choice and everybody has to accept it is just a game, nothing so important as judge anyone.
Have a good day.
Hello, I’ve just found your blog and absolutely love it! I’m so sad to hear that you had that horrible comment. I find that people who write such nasty things usually have something missing in their lives and feel that behaving like that is way to get attention. Very sad but glad to hear that you were able to laugh it off. I’ve been reading your blog right from the first post so I’m off to read some more. Rachael Xx
umm she’s obviously more than a screw loose that one… i would think those comments have nothing to do with you and are completely about her own issues…
next time you get one of those , send them to me…I have special magical powers that make them go away…truly !
I’m thinking of you and your family, if there was anything I could do – I would be there.
Gee, people are have lost house lives everything in floods, you are looking after four children including a very young babe, your mother is very ill and you get that little chestnut?
How unchristian can you get?
My thoughts are with you and your family at this time.
She is soooo not worth worrying about!
Woohoo to Leah…brilliant winner
Hugs to you Corrie…you are in my thoughts daily.
I mean the person who wrote this, not you!! Just looking at how my one word comment displayed I thought it may convey sentiment in the wrong direction. Hate to have you think I’d joined the ranks of total nutcakes. Thinking of you and your family. God knows what he’s up to. There are reasons behind what you are going through. We just have to trust.
Take care,
How rude is that?!?
Congratulations on managing to send a polite reply, I’m not sure I could have done that.
So sorry to hear about your mum, it must be an absolutely terrible time.
Um, do people not realise some posts are done in advance & pop up automatically while you’re you know, at the hospital??!! Wow wee, love Posie
Congratulations to the winner and a warm hug to your mum from Poland.Greetings, Joanna
i think it’s amazing that you even give things away. it’s exciting to follow the blog and get inspired as l am a first time mother and first time sewer. anyway who cares about some religious nutcase. I’m a christian and would never make a comment like that.
congrats to the lucky winner we are stoked for you and thank you for even doing the giveaways.
Sending you big hugs. I’m only a recent follower of your blog but you are in my prayers.
I never understand why people feel the need to be rude and nasty to others. So many better things to do with our time. Good on you for laughing it off.
no words can describe and throwing in religion to top it off, hello what planet is that person from? Sorry about your dear mum, and thinking of you all at this time! “News Flash” Its not a perfect world so why do people try to be? Maybe she just does not have a life like you and all of these other lovely people and all our day to day dramas etc….
Wow, people never cease to amaze me and not always in a warm and fuzzy way. I thinky ou dealt with it really well, very much a trooper under the circumstances. I really wish you and your family heartfeld best wishes with your mother’s illness, remember to take time out for yourself too
It is so appalling that someone would write those kinds of things.
I wish you peace.
Hi Corrie
I am so excited to win! I never win anything!! I have been away for 2 weeks on holidays and my friend rang me to let me know I had won. So sorry to hear about your mum and little elodie and the silly piece leaving such stupid comments. My address is Leah McClelland P O Box 197 Nyngan NSW 2825. Thanks again!!
from Leah- fellow mum to 4 and a kia carnival driver!