my saturday

I think saturday could quite possibly be my favourite day of the week. It’s the first day I get an extra pair of hands helping me out all day, the fridge gets topped up, we go out for dinner or grab some takeaway, I get my hair done (well, not every saturday). Don’t you love the girl’s expression! I love that time to myself to catch up on magazines, chat to my lovely hairdresser and leave with lovely blonde, straight hair.
saturday morning
there is also plenty of time to spend with elodie and soak up her cuteness. Honestly, I lose count of how many times I kiss that little forehead of hers. She just keeps getting cuter, her hair keeps growing upwards, her thighs are growing exponentially and she has the cutest giggle in the world!
and saturday nights are a great time to go into my sewing room and stay in there until my eyes are practically closing on me. Last night I called it a night at 1.50am and finished a quilt top that I am just in love with it. I can’t wait to write it up as it was a really fun thing to do with a honey bun and will make a beautiful quilt to throw over my couch…….
my quilt top
and now it’s sunday morning, retro daddy is about to leave for the office for the day to catch up on work (don’t even go there, I’m cranky about it too) and I have everyone at home on my own, laundry to catch up on, toys to put away, a house to tidy and mass on my own tonight because as much as I love my children (and I do!) I just can’t do church with them on my own.  It’s my worst nightmare while they’re at this age.
Hope you had a great saturday too………….


  1. I agree saturdays are the best, because from the start of the day there is another set of hands.

    Laughed at your comment about husbands working on weekends – I don’t mind too much when DH goes field during the week but when exercises cover weekends, and often times multiple ones, I get crosser and crosser! Its not so much that he ever takes Ginger completely off my hands but that he can mind her for small increments so I can get things done with out either her climbing my legs and yelling, or having her sit on my hip:)

  2. Looks like you had a great Saturday – and even managed to squeeze in a bottle of diet coke while you were at the hairdressers hehe!!!

  3. Well we went farmgating which is always fun and we know our suppliers now they always throw in something extra for us. This week it was stewing tomatoes and peaches (and they’ve been stewed already). I cleaned out my fridge that has been begging for it for weeks and sadly I opened just to gaze at it’s cleanliness…. I know I’m sad!

    Hubby mowed our lawns (a 2 hour job) and took the frills bike riding for 1.5 hours which allowed me to finish the fridge and clean the pantry and tupperware cupboard in peace! I made chocolate mousse as our reward last night and a funny night watching tv tucked up in bed together! Bliss.

    Today it’s more off the the to-do list – weeding, sewing, a bit of cleaning and then it’s off to visit my Nan and a spot of grocery shopping.

    I’m waiting til all my frills are in school before I take myself off to the hairdressers – a few weeks!

    OK, that’s my war-and-peace. xxx

  4. I love Saturdays too, especially when we are both at home! As I’m a nurse and work shifts we rarely get a full weekend off together. I’m working tomorrow while the hubby does swimming lessons and sunday lunch with our two :(

  5. Sounds like a good Saurday – LOL at the girls face – she so doesnt look like she is enjoying it there!
    I had a good day – Tim worked:( The kids went to a lovely friend and had a play while I went to a photography course – came home and all were in bed and Mum and Dad arrived.

  6. Oh the tears at our house when Hubby has to go into the office on the weekend. The frustration & anger of the kids all gets taken out on me & then poor Hubby cops it when he gets home. Unfair, I know, but we all crave him home on the weekend. We do all know that he’d rather be home with us. Those photos of Elodie are making me all clucky again. So beautiful.

  7. Yep, a great Saturday. Clearly 4 children on my own with a husband living interstate aren’t enough for me, i borrow extras!! We had a party, went swimming, jumped in puddles then a sleepover. So much fun, except the part where i was out for 5 hours & my husband was trying to call my dead phone, wondering where on earth i was. Now it’s time to feed everyong, love Posie

  8. What a fantastic Saturday you had. Mine is slowly coming to an end. For dinner I will be cooking breakfast – bacon, pancakes, orange juice. :o) I have literally sewn all day long. Rather than mailing blocks to you, I will be sending a quilt top and hopefully more than one. :o) I just need an address. :o)
    Have a lovely day.
    Sincerely, Trish

  9. Some people just don’t get bloggers lol. I whipped my camera phone out at the Gyno and got a few looks lol.

    I’m dreaming of nice hair and Harpers Bazzar, so jealous right now. Steves working all day today too so no sleep in for me this week and I was up until 1:50am too!

    Glad your saturday was lovely x

  10. I adore the weekends!! Yesterday I did nothing, just relaxed and hung out with my gorgeous family. It’s not often that I put everything aside as there is always housework, crafting, shopping etc to be done, but every once in a while it doesn’t hurt to not do it. Today is a day of catching up :)

  11. Classic shot ! Im nearly due back for a trim too , i love saturdays too, my hubby usually is home so i get a bit of ‘me’ time as Im going to add some foils. Must take my camera too next time.

    Enjoy mass tonight x

  12. I agree – Mass is too hard on my own. Thankfully Sunday is one of my husband’s days off so I don’t have to worry.

  13. That little girl of yours is the cutess things I’ve seen since my own 3 were that age. Yummy :)

  14. elodie is soo cute she looks like keira – dont you think? love the quilt, beautiful fresh colours. we spent sat at palm beach with some girlfriends which was lovely, shame mike works saturdays tho. x

  15. I Agree with the NO Mass on your Own Thing..I can Just Imagine the Chaos!
    Love your Quilt & Those Fabrics look Gorgeous as that little One of Yours is too…wish my Grandie had some of that Hair…
    have a Great Day….regardless.

  16. Oh my, Elodie is sooooooo cute! Love those chubby little cheeks :)

  17. That work/life balance is difficult sometimes especially with little ones to feed and dress. I am sure retrodaddy would prefer to spend his Sundays at home with his precious family.

  18. I absolutely L.O.V.E. that quilt you made. . . . it’s perfect!!!!

  19. just found your blog and LOVE it!

  20. I look forward to Saturdays too.

    Don’t you just love those squishy baby thighs and the little dimple elbows? I just love looking at and squeezing my bub’s.

  21. Oh, Corrie! What a gamut of emotions you’ve run through in only one day. You sound tired. Sending you a Hobart ♥ tonight. J x

  22. Looks like a fantastic way to spend a day!! My Saturdays are spent much like the girls in your pic, at the hairdressers, but I AM the hairdresser!! haha
    Hope you enjoyed and boy oh boy, I LOVE your quilts, love the choice in fabric and everything!!

  23. Saturdays to get things done with RetroDaddy cares for the little ones is awesome! Sundays when RetroDaddy has to work and leave you home with the litte ones again is less awesome for sure! I remember the emotions and exhaustion and ‘overwhelmed’ hitting me when my fourth was about Elodie’s age. Sending love and hugs your way.

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